UT1HZM > DXNEWS 15.08.14 18:48l 245 Lines 15710 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1215
Subj: 425 DX News #1215
Sent: 140815/1707Z @:UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU #:30216 BPQ1.4.60
16 August 2014 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1215
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
4S - This year the Radio Society of Sri Lanka's annual activity during
the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (16-17 August) will
take place from Point Pedro Lighthouse, on the extreme northern
tip of the main island (AS-003). Look for 4S7LGT to be QRV on the
HF bands CW and SSB. QSL via bureau. [TNX 4S7JL]
9A - Look for Marco, 9A/IZ3GNG e Joris, 9A/IZ3QHA will be active from
Krk Island (EU-136) on 19-25 August. They will operate SSB and
digital modes. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via
the bureau. [TNX IZ3GNG]
9M2 - Mirek, 9M8DX/2 (VK6DXI) will be active from Tioman Island (AS-046)
on 22-24 August. QSL via SP5UAF. [TNX The Daily DX]
A5 - Three Japanese operators expect to be active from Bhutan in early
September as follows:
Kunio, JH3LSS as A52LSS on 4-10 September. He will operate CW, SSB
and digital modes on the HF bands. QSL via JH3LSS, direct or
bureau, and LoTW.
Jusei, JA3IVU as A52IVU on 4-11 September. He will operate SSB,
RTTY and PSK31 on the HF bands. QSL via JA3IVU, direct or bureau.
Ryo, JH7EQW as A52EQW on 5-7 September. Look for him on or around
18150, 21250 and 24500 kHz SSB. Planned QRV times are 13-17 UTC on
5 September, 01-17 UTC on the 6th and 01-04 UTC on the 7th. QSL via
JH7EQW, direct or bureau.
A5 - Pekka, OH2YY will be active again as A52YY from Bhutan between 26
September and 1 October. "This time I have nothing else to do", he
says, "and I can focus 100% on operating amateur radio! The QTH
will be up on a hill facing to north giving a good take off to
North America, most of South America, northern Asia, Middle-East
and whole Europe should be good". He will operate SSB on 20, 15
and 10 metres with a tribander, and on 40, 17, and 12 metres with
dipoles. QSL via OH2YY, direct or bureau, and LoTW. Logsearch on
Club Log. [TNX NG3K]
CN - EA5HPX, EA7FTR, EB7DX and others will be active as 5E7R from the
Association Royale des Radio Amateurs de Maroc (ARRAM) in Rabat on
21-24 August. QSL via EB7DX.
CO - CO7DG, CO7EH, CO7FR, CO7RR, CO7WT and CO7YM will be active as
T47LH from the Colon Lighthouse on Cayo Sabinal (NA-015, not
NA-086) during the ILLW. They will operate SSB, CW and digital
modes with two stations, from about 1 UTC on 16 August until about
16 UTC on the 17th. QSL route TBA.
DL - Once again a team from DARC OV Delmenhorst will be active as
DK0FC/LGT from the old lighthouse on Wangerooge Island (EU-047)
during the ILLW. They will be QRV on 80-10 metres mainly SSB and
digital modes. QSL via DB1BAC, direct or bureau. [TNX DX
EA8 - Grupo DX Gran Canaria and URE Las Palmas will participate in the
International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (ILLW) as AO8LH from
the lighthouse at Punta de Arinaga on the island of Gran Canaria
(AF-004). Look for activity on the HF bands CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL
via EA8AKN and LoTW. [TNX EA8URL]
G - Dave EI9FBB, Nobby G0VJG, Richard G7GLW and Charles M0OXO will be
active as M0UKI/p (requested callsign) from Longstone, Farne
Islands (EU-109) on 6-7 September. The operation will depend on
weather, and may also include participation in the SSB Field Day.
QSL direct to M0OXO: bureau cards will be honoured, but they must
be requested via the OQRS at www.m0oxo.com/oqrs/ (which is the
preferred method also for direct requests). [TNX M0OXO]
I - Alessio, IZ0CKJ is active as IB0/IZ0CKJ from Palmarola Island
(EU-045) until 31 August. Side trips to nearby satellite islets
for the Italian Islands Award are also being planned. QSl via home
call, direct or bureau. [TNX DX Coffee]
I - A group of operators from ARI Genova (IQ1GE) will be active on the
HF bands as II1L from La Lanterna and as II1PV from the lighthouse
at Punta Vagno during the ILLW on 16-17 August. QSL via bureau or
direct to A.R.I. Sezione di Genova, Ufficio Postale Centro,
Casella Postale 1117, 16121 Genova GE, Italy. QSL direct or
bureau. [TNX IZ1BZS]
JA - Look for JA4GXS/4 to be active from Kasado (AS-117) on 23-24
August. He will operate CW and SSB on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15
metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
JW - Pete, SQ9DIE will be active holiday style as JW/SQ9DIE from the
the JW5E club station in Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard on 22-25
August. He will operate SSB and RTTY on 40-6 metres. QSL via home
call. [TNX DX World]
PA - Forty years ago, on 31 August 1974, Dutch offshore stations Radio
Veronica and Radio Northsea International had to stop their
transmissions. Arie, PD0ARI will operate SSB on 40, 20 and 10
metres as PD538RNI from 28 August to 19 September. The special
callsign's number 538 stands for the last frequency used by Radio
Veronica, while the suffix stands for Radio Northsea
International. QSL via PD0ARI, direct or bureau. [TNX PD3EM]
SM - Special event station SE100SAF will be active on 23 August from
Vaxholm Island (EU-084) to commemorate the 100th anniversary of
Vaxholm Radio (callsign SAF), the coast radio station located at
Vaxholms Kastell. Look for activity on 3755, 7055, 14255, 18130,
21255, 24950 and 28460 kHz SSB; 3530, 7030, 10115, 14035, 18090,
21035, 24915 and 28035 kHx CW. QSL via SM0MPV (bureau), LoTW and
TA - The TC Special Wireless Activity Team will participate in the ILLW
as TC1LHW from Istanbul Terkos Karaburun Lighthouse and as TC6LHW
from Samsun Bafra Lighthouse. As usual with TCSWAT operations, all
of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. If
needed, direct cards should be sent to TCSWAT, PK 73, 34421
Karakoy/Istanbul, Turkey. [TNX TA1HZ]
UA - Vasily R6AL, Vasily R7AA, Vasily R7AL and Anatoly R7CQ will be
active as RI1O from Morzhovets Island (EU-119) on 15-17 August.
QSL via R7AA, direct or bureau (OQRS on Club Log).
UA - Pavel R2DX, Eugene RW3FB, Misha RW3FS, Dmitry RZ3DJ and Yan RZ3FW
will be active as RK3DZJ/1 from Kildin Island (EU-082) on 21-27
August. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes from three
stations with amplifiers on 40-10 metres and verticals antennas.
V4 - Once again John, W5JON will be active as V47JA from St. Kitts
(NA-104) from 29 September to 12 November. He will operate SSB on
160-6 metres, and will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest.
His wife Cathy (W5HAM) will also operate occasionally as V47HAM.
All QSLs via W5JON (direct only) and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
VE - Mike, VY0BRR (www.vy0brr.jimdo.com) had to cancel his 8-10 August
trip to Coats Island (NA-007) [425DXN 1214] due to bad weather. He
now plans to be active from Qikiqtarjuaq/Broughton Island (NA-130)
on 2-5 September. QSL via VE2XB. [TNX K0AP]
VK - Craig, VK5CE will be active as VK5CE/8 from Bathurst Island
(OC-173) on 26-29 August [425DXN 1187]. Look for him around
14240-14265, 18140-18160, 21240-21270, 24940-24970 and 28450-28480
kHz. His detailed operating plan can be found at
http://oc173.blogspot.com.au/. This IOTA group has not been
activated since 1999, so Craig will focus on 20 and 15 metres "to
give out as many unique call sign QSOs as possible". QSL via home
call, with logsearch and OQRS on Club Log (he anticipates
uploading his log on 30 August, because there will be no Internet
access during the expedition).
VU4 - A DXpedition to either the Andaman and the Nicobar Islands is
being organized to take place in November. It is one single DXCC
Entity, but IOTA wise they count for two separate groups: AS-001
for the Andamans, and AS-033 for the "most wanted" Nicobars. The
callsign will be VU4KV for both operations, and exact dates will
be published once the logistics are in place. The operating team
includes Krish W4VKU (VU2VKU), Prasad VU2PTT, Pai VU2PAI, Nandu
VU2NKS, Kumar VU2BGS, Chetan VU3DMP, Deepak VU2CDP, Sangeeth A45WH
(VU2WH), Kiran VU3KPL and Aravind VU2ABS.
Initially, a short duration activity will be carried out from
Campbell Bay,Great Nicobar by three operators (VU2VKU, VU2PAI and
VU3DMP) with two stations on limited bands SSB and CW. The
operation will be sometime between 3 and 13 November.
The team requests DXers to avoid working band-fills. Those who need
VU4 for DXCC purposes will have an opportunity to work the larger
Andaman activation (five stations operated by the full team), which
will take place from Neil Island for at least 10 days sometime
between 15 and 30 November.
QSL via W4VKU (OQRS available in December). Separate QSL cards will
be issued for the Nicobars and the Andamans. Further information,
updates and logsearch at www.vu4kv.info. [TNX VU2CDP]
W - AB1QK, KA1CVV, N1OLO, N1ZZ and WB2JVB will use the Greater Norwalk
ARC's callsign, N1EV, during the ILLW from the lighthouse on
Sheffield Island (NA-136). They will operate CW and SSB with two
stations. QSL direct to GNARC Contest Club, 324 Main Ave Box 115,
Norwalk CT 06851, USA. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
YB - YB69RI is a special callsign celebrating the 69th Indonesia
Indipendence Day. It will be in use from 12 UTC on 16 August until
12 UTC on the 17th on all bands and modes. All of the QSOs will be
confirmed automatically via the bureau. Logsearch on Club Log.
YB - Imam, YB4IR and Din, YB8RW will be active as YB4IR/8 and YB8RW/p
from Obi Island (OC-222) on 7-13 September. QSL YB4IR/8 via home
call (OQRS on Club Log) and LoTW; QSL YB8RW/p via YB9BU. [TNX DX
YB - Gabor, HA3JB will be active as YB9/HA3JB from the islands of
Lombok (OC-150) and Bali (OC-022) between 25 September and 7
October. He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on the HF bands, and
will participate in the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest. QSL direct to via
home call; OQRS on www.ha3jb.com. [TNX NG3K]
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The July 2014 issue is now available for download
at www.425dxn.org/monthly/index.html. [TNX IZ3EBA]
DXAC RECOMMENDATIONS ---> At the July 2013 ARRL Board of Directors Meeting
a resolution was passed that tasked the Program and Services Committee to
request the DX Advisory Committee (DXAC) to perform a comprehensive review
of the DXCC Rules and recommend changes that may be warranted. The DX
Advisory Committee's recommendation (July 2014) as for the DXCC List Entity
criteria (Section II.1), is "that NO Change be made to the entity criteria
at this time and any efforts presently in process for any entity to gain
membership in the UN or the ITU be allowed to take its due course". The
complete report, which addresses also remote operating, can be found at
INDEXA NEWSLETTER ---> The Summer edition of the International DX
Association's (INDEXA) Newsletter (Issue No. 106) is available for
download: www.indexa.org/newsletters.html. "Since the various DX weekly
newsletters are reporting more and more DXers receiving their QSL cards for
FT5ZM, we thought you might like to read a little more about what it takes
to put such a DXpedition on the air. One of our INDEXA members on the
DXpedition, Jay Sough (K4ZLE), does the reporting". [TNX K8YC]
W1AW WAS ---> Look for ARRL Centennial stations W1AW/8 from Ohio and W1AW/0
from North Dakota to be on the air starting at 00.00 UTC on 20 August until
23.59 UTC on the 26th. Complete information on the ARRL Centennial QSO
Party can be found at www.arrl.org/centennial-qso-party.
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3D2RH, 3W1D (AS-132), 4K6FO,
5B4/R3CC, 5W1SA, 6Y5WJ, 7X4RJ, 7Z1HL, 9V1SV, A35JP/p (OC-191), A65CA,
VP9/WA1Z, VU2MUD, XV2E, XZ1J, XZ1Z, YB4IR/5 (OC-106), YB4IR/5 (OC-109),
YB4IR/8 (OC-145), YB4IR/p (OC-204), YF1AR/5 (OC-215), YL2014S, YL3CW,
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (425...@alice.it)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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