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Subj: 425 DX News #1266
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                               425 DX News #1266
                                 08 Aug 2015

                              A.R.I. Dx Bulletin
                            Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

            Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
                           (e-mail )
            Contributors are invited to send their DX information to

                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (

                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

C5     - Pedro, ON7WP will be active again in his spare time  as  C5WP  from
        The Gambia from 15 August to 1 September. During the first week  he
        will operate from the village of Buntu, with a focus  on  the  WARC
        bands, but he will also give 6m a try. He will  then  move  to  the
        coastal area, where he will focus on the low bands.  QSL  via  home
        call, direct only. [TNX The Daily DX]
CE     - CE4KCA,  CE7KF  and  CE7PGO  will  be  active  as  CB7FC  from  the
        lighthouse at Punta Corona on Isla Grande  de  Chiloe  (SA-018)  on
        15-17 August. They will operate SSB and digital  modes  on  the  HF
        bands. QSL via CE7PGO, direct or bureau. [TNX]
CO     - CO7DS, CO7FR, CO7RR, CO7SF and CO7WT will be active as  T47LH  from
        Colon Lighthouse  on  Cayo  Sabinal  on  14-16  August.  They  will
        operate SSB, CW and digital modes with three  stations  on  the  HF
        bands  (plus  60m,  if  they  get  the  authorization)  and   SO-50
        satellite. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX CO7WT]
CO     - A team of ten operators from Cuba and Italy (CO6CAC, CO6EC,  CO6HK,
        CO6HLP, CO6LC, CO6LP, CO6RLD, CO6YG, IZ1DSH  and  IZ1GDB)  will  be
        active as  T46BC  from  the  lighthouse  on  Cayo  Bahia  de  Cadiz
        (NA-204) on 14-17 August. Plans are for three stations  to  be  QRV
        on 80-6 metres. QSL direct to IZ1GDB (maildrop). [TNX IZ1GDB]
FO/M   - Hiro, JI1JKW Hiro will be  active  as  FO/JI1JKW  from  Nuku  Hiva,
        Marquesas Islands (OC-027) on 9-13 August. He will operate SSB  and
        CW on 40-6 metres. QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau.  [TNX
GM     - The Orkney Amateur Radio Club  (  will  be
        active as GB1OL from Cantick Head lighthouse on South Walls  Island
        (EU-009) on  14-17 August, including the  International Lighthouse/
        Lightship Weekend. QSL via operator's instructions.
HR     - John, AD8J will be active holiday style  as  HR9/AD8J  from  Roatan
        Island (NA-057) on 13-18 August.  He  will  operate  mainly  CW  on
        40-10 metres (usually only  on  two  bands  per  day  as  he  swaps
        antennas), mostly between 19 and 4 UTC. QSL  direct  to  home  call
        and LoTW. [TNX QRZ-DX]
PA    -  The   PA6FUN  team  will  be  active  from  Schiermonnikoog  Island
        (EU-038) on 14-16 August. They will operate SSB,  RTTY  and  CW  on
        40-10 metres. QSL for this operation via PA3HHT, direct or bureau.
S7     - Christian EA3NT, Dave EI9FBB,  Col  MM0NDX,  Ronald  PA3EWP,  Jacek
        SP5APW and Craig VK5CE will be active as S79C from  Coetivy  Island
        (AF119, new one for IOTA),  Seychelles  on  15-23  November.  They
        will  operate  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY  on  40-10  metres  (if  special
        permission can be granted, 6m too) with up to six  stations  during
        peak times. QSL via M0OXO and LoTW. Coetivy is home  to  an  active
        prison for low security prisoners and a rehabilitation  center  for
        drug abusers; visitation is strictly  controlled,  access  is  only
        possible by private airplane charter and the cost  of  staying  for
        just one night on the island is "extortionate". Donations  will  be
        gratefully accepted, see for further  information.
        [TNX EI9FBB]
SV5    - Volker, DL1ZB will be active  as  SV5/DL1ZB  from  Kos,  Dodecanese
        (EU-001) from 12 August to  29  September.  He  will  operate  SSB,
        RTTY, SSTV  and  PSK63  on  20-6  metres.  QSL  via  DL1ZB  (bureau
        preferred), LoTW and eQSL. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
UA     - Look for Pavel, RU5A/1 and Dmitry, RZ3DJ/1 to be  active  from  the
        Solovetskiye Islands (EU-066) on 10-13 August.  They  will  operate
        CW, SSB and digital modes on 40-10  metres.  QSL  via  home  calls,
        direct or bureau. [TNX RZ3DJ]
VE     - Mike, VE7ACN will be active holiday style as VE7ACN/7  from  Thetis
        Island (NA-075) on 11-14 August.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
        bureau. [TNX]
VK0_ant- Doug, VK0DMV is working  at  Casey  Station,  Antarctica  and  will
        activate the VI0ANZAC callsign as part of  the  Wireless  Institute
        of Australia's programme commemorating the centenary of the  Battle
        of Gallipoli and the formation of the Australian  and  New  Zealand
        Army Corps. Potential operating dates are the 8 and 9 August,  with
        proposed activity at 0000-0200 UTC (7095,  14250  and  21250  kHz),
        0400-0600 UTC (7095, 14250 and 21250 kHz) and 0900-1100 UTC  (14250
        and 3585 kHz). QSL is "strictly eQSL". [TNX Southgate ARC]
W      - Rick, N6IET will be active from Santa Cruz Island (NA-144)  on  7-9
        August. He will operate CW only  on  40-17  metres.  QSL  via  home
        call. [TNX]
W      - Ralf, N2FVB will be active on 20  and  40  metres  SSB  from  Smith
        Island (NA-140) on 10-11 August. QSL  direct  to  home  call.  [TNX]
W      - KF3N and his son KK4QQV will be active holiday  style  from  Sunset
        Beach Island (NA-112) on 9-15 August. They will operate SSB and  CW
        on 40-6 metres. QSL via home calls, direct  or  bureau,  and  LoTW.
YB     - Look for Budi, YF1AR/p to be active from the  Mount  Halimun  Salak
        National Park  on  8-9  August.  QSL  via  the  OQRS  on  Club  Log
        (preferred, direct link on or N2OO. [TNX YF1AR]
YB     - Imam, YB4IR will be active as YB4IR/p from  Tikus  Island  (OC-262)
        on 14-16 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau  (see
        for the link to Club Log's OQRS for direct cards). [TNX DX World]
ZS     - ZS1AB, ZS1ASH, ZS1GS, ZS1MW and ZS1XS  will  be  active  as  ZS1FUN
        From  Dassen Island  (AF-064)  on 15-16 August for the ILLW.  Email[@] for QSLling instructions. [TNX]

                        *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                         Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                       Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4U20B ---> Tom, 9A2AA (who is using special callsign 9A88AA  until  the  end
of the year) reports that the licence for 4U20B has been  renewed  until  31
December. This special callsign is being used  by  Ivo,  9A3A  from  the  UN
Global Service Center in Brindisi, Italy. QSL via 9A2AA, direct or bureau.

CHILTERN DX CLUB ---> At the Chiltern DX Club 2015 AGM  and  Summer  Social,
Neville Cheadle (G3NUG) stood down as President and  was  made  an  Honorary
Life Member for his outstanding contributions to the Club over the 22  years
he has served as a Committee member. Neville has been the President for  the
past 14 years, after joining the Committee in 1993 and becoming Chairman  in
1994. He was inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame in 2009 and  is  also  the
President of the Five Star DXers Association. The 2015-16 Committee  Members
are Don Field G3XTT  (President),  Chris  Duckling  G3SVL  (Chairman),  Tony
Bettley G4LDL (Secretary), Gordon Rolland G3USR  (Treasurer),  Mark  Marsden
G4AXX and Ian McCathy G3YBY. The Chiltern DX Club ( is  one  of
the largest and most respected DX groups in the world; now it has  over  960
members of whom around 20% are outside of the UK. [TNX G3SVL]

VP8SGI & VP8STI ---> While their plans continue "moving forward very  well",
the Intrepid DX Group announced on 31 July  that  Dmitri,  RA9USU  has  been
added to the team and that all of the equipment  has  been  shipped  to  New
Zeland: "our container contents will be loaded aboard the RV Braveheart  and
will meet us in the Falkland Islands in January".  When  the  team's  voyage
starts, it will be possible to follow their itinerary in real time on a  map
on their website. They will be QRV as VP8IDX/mm on the way to and  from  the
islands. The team's goal is to conduct two 8-10  day  DXpeditions  to  South
Georgia (VP8SGI) and the South Sandwich Islands (VP8STI). There is  still  a
"significant deficit of $97,000" and the  team  needs  the  support  of  the
worldwide DX Community to  help  them  make  this  project  a  success:  "we
encourage you to visit our website ( and donate  via
the PayPal link".

YASME EXCELLENCE AWARDS ---> In 2008 The  Yasme  Foundation  (
established the Yasme Excellence Awards,  to  be  presented  to  individuals
who, through their own service,  creativity,  effort  and  dedication,  have
made a significant contribution to amateur radio. The  contribution  may  be
in recognition of technical, operating  or  organizational  achievement,  as
all three  are necessary for amateur radio to grow  and  prosper. The latest
recipients, announced on 5 August, are:
- Mike Mertel, K7IR, for his  revolutionary  invention  of  a  tunable  Yagi
 antenna that was later made available to the amateur radio community under
 the brand name SteppIR.
- Koos  Fockens,   PA0KDF,  for  his    investigations,    measurements  and
 publications regarding noise in the amateur radio bands that  played a key
 role  in  the  global  fight  against  Broadband  Over  Power  Line  (BPL)
- James Ying, N2IW, for his creation of an  on-line  scheduling  application
 that was  used  by  many  W1AW/portable  operations  during  the 2014 ARRL
 Centennial and remains available without charge. [TNX W6SZN]

                        *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                        ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                         Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                       Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2KM       W6ZL        EN1000U     UR4UWY      R2015NN     RK2M
3Z0MK       SP7PZS      EN5RFF      UT1RT       R3RRC/0     RZ3EC
3Z70ZK      SP5ZRW      ES0U        ES2DJ       R70NIK      RV9CQ
5B4AIF      EB7DX       FG4NN       NI5DX       R85WDW      RZ5D
5E2E        EB7DX       FK8CE       NI5DX       RA1ALA/1    RA1ALA
5P2I/p      OZ1BII      FK8DD       NI5DX       RF3A/0      R3BY
5W1SA       JA1DXA      FM5FJ       KU9C        RK3SWB/1    RK3SWB
6M6M        HL2UVH      FM5WD       W3HNK       RZ38ZF      RV9CVA
7S5A        SM4DDS      FR4NT       F4DXW       S61KK       JH1ILX
7X2JV       SM4VPZ      FR4PV       F5OZK       SF2X/p      SM5EFX
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      SK0HS/0     SM0MPV
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      G50FRS      G0YYY       SM0S        SM5BAX
8N23WSJ     JA1YSS      G5XV        M0OXO       SM5CKV/p    G0CKV
8P6ET       KU9C        G6LD        G0BFJ       SN0ABK      SP9MZX
9A/OK4K     OK1BOA      G7O         GW3SQX      SN0MR       SQ2KLU
9A/OM5AW    OM2FY       GB0SNB      M1GEO       SN0RKG      SP6OPZ
9A/VE3ZIK   DK8ZZ       GB70VJ      G0TOC       SN0RX       SP8BXL
9A8DV       IK6VXO      GI5O        M5KJM       SN1944W     SP5PWA
9A8RR       OM2VL       GJ6YB       G3SWH       SN1D        SP1RKT
9A8TQF      HB9TQF      GM2AS       G3PHO       SP1V        SP1QXK
9H3AY       G3SDG       GM2T        GM4UYZ      SP9YFF      SP9WAN
9K2YM       EA5KB       GM4S        G3TXF       ST100S      ST2M
9M2TO       JA0DMV      GM5TO       G3PHO       SU9IG       OM3CGN
9M4KI       9W2ZHL      GM7A        GM7AAJ      SU9VB       UA4WHX
9X0AA       LA9IAA      GM7V        N3SL        SV0XAF/8    HB9EBC
A41KJ       NI5DX       GU9V        M0PCB       SV8/IW2NEF  IK2DUW
A61AQ       N1DG        H2X         IZ4AMS      TM100E      F8CFE
A61BM       A61BK       HA45KHW     HA0KHW      TM10FAJ     F5KHP
A65CB       DU1AZ       HC1PF       IV3PRK      TM15YEU     F4FVI
A65DC       IZ8CLM      HC2AO       RC5A        TM61FDC     F1DOI
A65DR       N4GNR       HF0MK       SP7PZS      TM80D       F4ELK
A65EE       IZ8CLM      HF2015BASI  SQ3BKH      TY2BP       IK2IQD
A71CT       EA7FTR      HF21BSC     SQ6DGB      UE73D       RD0B
AH0J        JA1NVF      HG50IPA     HA3JB       UE73DI      RD0B
AT150ITU    VU2CDP      HK1MW       N2OO        UE85NKN     RV3SBS
BA7CK       BA4TB       II3IOTA     IV3KVC      UE85WDW     RV3SBS
BV0TW       BU2BF       II8GFF      IK8HJC      UP60SPACE   RV3YR
BV9A        BV2KI       IJ7TA       IZ8EGM      UZ2I/p      UT2II
C31CA       EA1PO [d]   IJ7V        IK7IMO      V29SH       VE6SH
C31CA       EA1URB [b]  J49G        SV9GPV      V44KAI      W5TFW
CO4SM       EA7FTR      JT3USA      JA3USA      V73NS       W3HNK
CO6LC       IZ1GDB      JW2US       LA2US       VE3KTB/VY0  VE3KTB
CO6LE       RW6HS       K4P         N3JS        VK8NSB      M0URX
CO6RD       EA5GL       LX9YL       LX2A        VP2EAF      W5SQK
CO8LY       EA7ADH      LZ0I        LZ1BJ       VP2ERM      K3TRM
CP6XE       IK6GPZ      LZ112RF     LZ1YE       VY0BRR      VE2XB
CR2W        HB9CRV      LZ250MM     LZ1KCP      VY0M        VE3LYC
CR5CW       CT7ACG      MJ/OT9Z     ON8ZL       VY2TT       K6LA
CU4DX       CU2CE       MM8C        G4DFI       W3WFF       N3GJ
CU8FN/P     HB9CRV      OD5PY       KU9C        W7T         N7RO
CX2DK       EA5GL       OD5ZZ       NI5DX       XR1MIN      XQ4CW
CX3TQ       IK2DUW      OG5A        OH5AD       XR2MIN      XQ4CW
CX7CO       EA5GL       OH0JV       DL7RV       XR3MIN      XQ4CW
CX7OV       EA5KB       OH0TA       OH2TA       XR44MIN     XQ4CW
CY0/VA1AXC  JE1LET      OH10A       OH3WW       XR4MIN      XQ4CW
D2EB        IZ3ETU      OH8SSAB     OH8DR       XR5MIN      XQ4CW
DL0WRTC     DF1QR       OS22F       ON4RSX      XR6MIN      XQ4CW
DL1965WH    DL1WH       OU4ZZ       DJ4MG       XR7MIN      XQ4CW
DQ0YOTA     DK6SP       OX5T        OZ0J        XR8MIN      XQ4CW
DR0F        DM4DL       OZ7TM       DL1TM       XU7TZG      ON7PP
DU1IST      JA1HGY      P29LL       EA7FTR      XV4Y        OK1DOT
E51DWC      OK1DWC      PA12HJ      PA9LUC      XV5HS       EA5ZD
ED1EHW      EA8CZT      PC15SAIL    PA0RDY      XV9NPS      JA2NPS [b]
ED1K        EA1NK       PJ4DX       M0URX       XV9NPS      JA2ODB [d]
ED1M        EA1DR       PJ4V        M0URX       YE3IOTA     YB3MM
ED1W        EC1CSV      PW2G        PY2LCD      YJ8RN/p     YJ8RN
EF8U        EA8URL      PW70FEB     PS7AB       YO11IPA     YO3AS
EG1SMA      EA1RKA      PX8K        PY8WW       YP0H        VE7NY
EG8FVC      EA8URV      R100WWS     RV3YR       YP8WFF      YO8AZQ
EJ0PL       EI5JQ       R15CWC      RM4C        YQ0BIKE     YO6KNE
EJ1Y        EI5JQ       R164VW      RZ4AZ       YT90IARU    YU1SRS
EJ4GRC      EI8DD       R16FIN      RU4PG       YU178SB     YU1KN
EK4JJ       EK4GK       R1KRG/p     R1NU        YU45AF      YU7AF
EM1000UKW   US5UCC      R2015DG     R3RAO       Z81B        IZ0EGA
EM140Y      US2YW       R2015DM     RA9SK       ZF2EE       OZ1BII
EM300WLP    UT3WJ       R2015GV     RG3B        ZM2B        ZL2BR

4O7CW     Sergey Belikov, Filipa Kovacevica 31 ulaz 2 stan 22, 85 310
         Budva, Montenegro
9W2ZHL    Ismail Yuslefaizal, No 8 Jalan 6, Taman Pelangi, 02700 Simpang
         Empat, Perlis, Malaysia
BO0K      A.R.T. QSL Service, P.O.Box 73-326, Taipei, Taiwan
E50A      Andy Duncan, P.O. Box 518, Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, via
         New Zealand
E50B      Robert Walker, P.O. Box 166, Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, via
         New Zealand
HC8/G8OFQ Geoff Dobson, 9 Fitzpain Road, West Parley, Ferndown, BH22 8RZ,
         United Kingdom
IK7IMO    Vincenzo Carriero, Via Quinto Ennio 3, 73020 Cavallino LE, Italy
IZ0EGA    Alessandro Colasanti, Via Pia Nalli 30, 00134 Roma RM, Italy
IZ8EGM    Aurelio Bello, Via Giacomo Leopardi 6, 84010 San Valentino Torio
         SA, Italy
JE1LET    Masahiko Otokozawa, 985-7 Kuno, Odawara-shi, Kanagawa-ken,
         250-0055, Japan
KG6DX     Joel E. Chalmers, 279 Gardenia Ave, Mangilao GU 96913-5703, USA
N1LI      Doug Grant, P.O. Box 301, Long Island ME 04050, USA
OK1DWC    Milan Vobornik, P. O. Box 22, 547 01 Nachod, Czech Republic
PY2LCD    Billy Heinz Dorsch, Rua Willis Roberto Banks 1119, Sao Paulo -
         SP, 05128-000, Brazil
PY8WW     Renato Araujo, Caixa Postal 280, Belem - PA, 66017-970, Brazil
R1NU      Viktor V. Sinyavin, P.O. Box 209, Petrozavodsk, Resp. Kareliya,
         185026, Russia
R3BY      Gennady Arkhipov, pos. Kommunarka 102-4, Sosenskoe poselenie,
         Moskovskaya Oblast, 142770, Russia
RA1ALA    Mikhail B. Lipin, Novokolomyazhsky prospekt 11-630,
         Sankt-Peterburg, 197375, Russia
RD0B      Valery N. Savin, P.O. Box 45, Dikson, Krasnoyarsky kray, 647340,
RZ3EC     Eugene Shelkanovtsev, P.O. Box 70, Orel, 302028, Russia
UE44Y     P.O. Box 1, Tashtagol, Kemerovskaya oblast, 652990, Russia
VE2XB     Michael Shaer, 4665 Beaconsfiels Street, Montreal QC H4A 2H8,
VE3KTB    Pierre F. Fogal, 22 Birch St, Guelph ON N1G 2N3, Canada
VE3LYC    Cezar Trifu, 4986 Bath Rd., Bath, ON K0H 1G0, Canada
VE7NY     Sandro Nitoi, 2435 Mary Hill Road, Port Coquitlam BC V3C 3A9,
VK2SSI    HAROA Inc., P.O. Box 13, Sans Souci NSW 2219, Australia
W9IMS     Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 30954,
         Indianapolis IN 46230, USA
XQ4CW     Danilo Lara, Andacollo 122, 3341020 Curico, VII Region del Maule,
YE4IJ     Irfan Jalaferi, Jalan Hayati Mahim No. 1 RT 31/13, Tanjung
         Pandan, Belitung 33412, Indonesia
YJ8RN     Rodney S. Newell, Box 905, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Z21LV     Athol Masdoll, 3 Grafton Close, Greystone Park, Harare, Zimbabwe
ZV5O      Associacao dos Radioamadores do Parana, Caixa Postal 16515,
         Curitiba-PR, 81520-981, Brazil

                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:
               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia

©425DXN by I1JQJ since 1991

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