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KB8NW  > DX       31.01.21 18:46l 561 Lines 31258 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1501
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1501
Sent: 210131/1739Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:48495 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1501
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1501
BID: $OPDX.1501
February 1, 2021
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Sent From Strongsville, Ohio

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K's AR Cluster
Networks, NJ1Q & W1AW, K3LR, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, AA6YQ,
K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, W9VA, DL1SBF, DL7UXG & The DX News Letter,
DS4DRE,, DX-World.Net, EA5GL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G3PLP,
I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, OH2BH, Pete Rayer & ISWL, Sixitalia Weekly
and VA3RJ & ICPO for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 24th/January, through Sunday, 31st/January there were 214
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4O, 4S, 4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 9A,
9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9V, 9Y, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6,
C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/n, E5/s, E7,
EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FH, FK, FM,
FP, FR, FS, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK,
HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JX, JY, K,
KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK,
OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PY, PY0F, PZ, S2, S5, S7, SM,
SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T5, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ,
UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP2M, VP6,
VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z3,
Z6, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

2019 CASS AWARDS (Press Release)[edited].....
  Janusz Wegrzyn, SP9FIH has won the 2019 Single-Operator Cass Award
         The 5K0K team has won the 2019 Unlimited Cass Award

    Sponsored by Club Log, DXLab, and the Northern California DX Club,
  the Cass Awards encourage DXpedition operating excellence by recognizing
  DXpeditions that work the most unique callsigns.

    Single-Operator Cass Award -- For the third year in a row, Janusz,
  SP9FIH, has won the Single-Operator Cass Award, this time by working
  7518 unique stations during his14-day, one-man DXpedition to Palestine
  as E44WE.

    Unlimited Cass Award -- During October 2019, the 5K0K team - Petr
  Bohacek/OK1BOA, Petr Spacil/OK1FCJ, Pavol Halek/OK1CRM, Pavel Novak/
  OK1GK, Ruda Sedlak/OK2ZA, Ludek Odehnal/OK2ZC, Karel Odehnal/OK2ZI,
  David Beran/OK6DJ, and Rob Rey/HK3CW  - worked 20,744 unique stations
  from San Andr=E9s Island, setting a new record for the Unlimited Cass

    Cass Awards -- Presented annually, the Cass Awards encourage DX-
  peditions to maximize the number of DXers worked with a plaque for the
  Single-Operator DXpedition that works the most unique callsigns during
  a two-week interval, and a plaque for the "unlimited" DXpedition that
  works the most unique callsigns; the rules for each award are defined
  in ( Running leaderboards for the 2020 Cass
  Awards are available here:

    These awards honor the wisdom and spirit of Cass, WA6AUD (SK), whose
  stories in the West Coast DX Bulletin taught a generation of DXers
  that DX IS!

8Q, MALDIVES (Reminder/Update). Michael, HB9WDF, is now active as 8Q7AO
from Vilamendhoo Island (AS-013) until February 7th. Activity will be
holiday style and only on OQ-100 satellite. He reported on January 25th,
that he has over 350 QSOs in the log. QSL via the Bureau, eQSL, ClubLog
or LoTW. For more details, see:=20
ADDED NOTE: The callsign 8Q7AO is a reissued callsign.

9K60, KUWAIT (Special Event). Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society
will activate the special event callsign 9K60NLD throughout the month of
February. Activity is to celebrate Kuwait's 60th National Day (February
25th) and Liberation Day (February 26th). QSL via 9K2RA. For more details,
see ADDED NOTE: Also, all Kuwaiti amateur radio operators are
allowed to use the special prefix "9K60" during this time. Example: Look
for 9K2GS to sign 9K60GS (QSL via EC6DX & LoTW), 9K2BS signing 9K60BS
(QSL via EC6DX) and 9K2OW signing 9K60OW (QSL via EC6DX & LoTW).

  3V8SF via LX1NO & (L)      KH7A via JA5DQH      SM2U via SM0CXU
  4L2M via EA7FTR (d)        LY5AX via (d)        SM3EVR via (C/d)
  7A1A via EA7FTR & (L)      LY7M via (d/L)       SM4HCM via (d)
  8P1W via KU9C              LZ5R via (d)         SN2B via SP3CGK
  8P6ET via KU9C             N0HJZ via (d/B/L)    SP8R via (B)
  9A2KD via (d)              NR0T via (L/d/B)     SV2BXA via (d/C/L/e)
  AC6ZM via (d/B/C/e/L)      OG7A via OH6MW (L)   UA1OMS via (d)
  D4Z via (d/C/B via IK2NCJ) OH0W via OH2BH       UA2FW via (B/d)
  DC3CC via (L)              OH1VR via (d)        UA3EDQ via (B/d/L)
  DJ3WE via (B)              OH5Z via (L)         UA3P via (B/d)
  DK5KK via (L/e)            OK1DOL via (d)       UA4CC via (d/C/L)
  DL1ET via (B/L)            OL1R via (B)         UA4M via RN4LP
  DL1WA via (B)              OZ2TF via (d/L)      UA9MA via (C/d/B)
  DL3UB via (d/B/L)          OZ7BQ via (B/L)      UA9QM via (d)
  DL8MKG via (d/B/L)         P3X via UT5UDX       UC9A via (B)
  DM7C via (L/B)         PA6X via PA7CW & (L/B/C) UI3A via (d/L/e)
  DQ4W via DK9TN & (L/B)     PA9M via (d/B)       UN9L via LZ1YE
  EI6KX via  G3NKC         PJ4A via K4BAI & (L/r) US1Q via (d)
  ES7A via ES7GM/ES7GN       R8TT via (e/L)       VE6BBP via (d/B/L)
  EU3AA via (d/C)            RD8D via (d/B)       W0AIH via (d/L)
  GM3X via (d)               RL3A via W3HNK ONLY  W7WR via (d)
  GM4AFF via GM4FDM          RQ3M via (B/d)       XE2S via (d/L/B)
  GU4YOX via GU4YOX & (L)    RT8U via (d)         YL2KO via (d)
  HA8BE via (d)              RX9WN via (d)        YU7KW via (d)
  HB9CVQ via (L/e)           RY6M via (d/L)       Z35F via (d)
  HG7T via HA7TM             RZ3MM via (d)        Z36W via Z33Z & (L/e)
  K0EA via (e/d/L)           S53XX via (B/d/L)    ZF5T via K5GO & (L)
  K1LT via (d)               S57DX via (B/d)      ZM4T via (d/L)
  K9XW via (d)               SK3W via SM5CCT
  (B) Bureau, (C) ClubLog, (d) direct, (e) eQSL, (L) LoTW only, (r) remotel=

C9, MOZAMBIQUE. Bruno, CS7AMN, will be active as C91BVA from Maputo
starting February 18th. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/10 meters using
SSB and the Digital modes with an IC-7400 into End-Fed antenna. QSL via
LoTW, by the Bureau (via CS7AMN), ClubLog or eQSL.

CORAL SEA DXPEDITIONS (VK9M & VK9/W, Mellish Reef and Willis Island).
Members of Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia (HARAOA) are
planning to activate Mellish Reef (VK9/M) [OC-072] and Willis Island
(VK9/W) [OC-007] possibly sometime in October. According to John, VK3YP,
Team Co-leader, a permit application with Parks Australia (Australian
Government department) is underway as a general use permit is required
to "camp" at these Australian coral sea marine parks. They plan to have
seven operators and will be active on 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/12/10 meters
using CW, SSB and FT8, with four transceivers with amps into verticals
and VDAs (Vertical Dipole Array). The following callsigns are expected
to be renewed: Willis Island (VK9HR) and Mellish Reef (VK9IR). No other
details have been released yet. For updates, possibly watch or
the HARAOA Web page at: 
ADDED NOTE: John, VK3YP, also mentioned, "We are also working on obtaining
a landing permit for a DXpedition to Macquarie Island (VK0M), but this
one is much harder/if not impossible to get permission from Tasmania Parks
and Wildlife Service that manage Macquarie Island as a protected nature

DC220, GERMANY (Special Event). Members of the Local Branch Kerpen (G29)
will activate the special event callsign DC220GERKE between February 1st
and April 31st. Activity is to celebrate the 220th birthday of Clemens
Gerke. Most radio amateurs have something to do with him without even
knowing it: Clemens Friedrich Gerke is the reformer of the Morse code
telegraphy system. For more details, see QSL via DJ6SI direct
or by the Bureau.

DXCC'S MOST WANTED (ClubLog). The "DXCC Most Wanted" entities list has
been updated on ClubLog as of January 28th. The list contains 340 entities.
The following are the top 26 entities:
   1. P5 DPRK (North Korea)     14. KH4 Midway Island
   2. 3Y/B Bouvet Island        15. ZS8 Prince Edward & Marion Islands
   3. FT5/W Crozet Island       16. PY0S Saint Peter and Paul Rocks
   4. BS7H Scarborough Reef     17. PY0T Trindade & Martim Vaz Islands
   5. CE0X San Felix Islands    18. KP5 Desecheo Island
   6. BV9P Pratas Island        19. SV/A Mount Athos
   7. KH7K Kure Island          20. VP8S South Sandwich Islands
   8. KH3 Johnston Island       21. KH5 Palmyra & Jarvis Islands
   9. 3Y/P Peter 1 Island       22. ZL9 New Zealand Subantarctic Islands
  10. FT5/X Kerguelen Island    23. JD/M Minami Torishima
  11. FT/G Glorioso Island      24. EZ Turkmenistan
  12. VK0M Macquarie Island     25. YK Syria
  13. YV0 Aves Island           26. FK/C Chesterfield Island

  There have been no changes in the "Top 26" since we last reported back
  on January 4th. The complete "DXCC Most Wanted"  entities list (340)
  is available at:

FG, GUADELOUPE. Herve, F5HRY, is once again active as FG/F5HRY from Marie
Galante Island (NA-102) until February 6th. Activity will be holiday style
on various HF bands (80-10m) using CW (SSB on request) with a focus on
30/17 meters CW. QSL via his home callsign or LoTW.

FG, GUADELOUPE (Rescheduled). Philippe, F1DUZ, will once again be active
as FG4KH from FG5FI's QTH at Sainte Anne on Guadeloupe (NA-102) between
March 16th and April 1st. Activity will be on 80/40/20/17/15/12/10 meters
using SSB, FT8 and EME. He will also be in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March
27-28th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via his home callsign, direct,
by the Bureau, eQSL or LoTW.

IF YOU MISSED IT (CTU's Propagation Summit). If you missed CTU's (Contest
University) "2021 Propagation Summit" on January 23rd, you can now watch
it on online at:
The video is a little over 4 hours long. CTU presentation has also provided
5 PDF files (called Text Books) for each program and can be found at:=20

IOTA NEWS. The following are IOTA operations that were active this past
week between January 25-30th (as per the DXCluster):

    IOTA     Callsign     Island/GROUP            Bands/Modes
   ------    ----------   -------------           ------------
   AF-003    ZD8HZ        Ascension               12m; FT8
   AF-004    7K4PTY       CANARY                  40m; SSB/FT8
   AF-004    EA8ACW       CANARY                  12m; FT8
   AF-018    IH9YMC       PANTELLERIA             20m; FT8
   AF-049    3B8CW        MAURITIUS               30m; FT8
   AF-053    J28PJ        GULF OF TADJOURA        20/17m; FT8/FT4
   AS-002    A92GE        Bahrain                 17m; FT8
   AS-003    4S7AB        Sri Lanka               30m; FT8
   AS-003    4S7JL        Sri Lanka               40m; FT8
   AS-004    5B4AIX       Cyprus                  17m; SSB
   AS-007    JH7QXL       HONSHU                  17m; FT8
   AS-007    JJ7SRA       HONSHU                  12m; FT8
   AS-007    JK1BQS       HONSHU                  40m; SSB
   EU-001    SX5A         DODECANESE              80/40/20/15m; CW/SSB
   EU-004    EA6ACA       BALEARIC                20/17/15m; CW
   EU-004    EA6NB        BALEARIC                160m;
   EU-009    GS8VL        Orkney                  20m; FT4
   EU-015    SV9MBH       Crete                   80m; CW
   EU-015    SV9RKU       Crete                   17m; SSB
   EU-018    OY1R         Faroe                   80m; FT8
   EU-022    JX2US        JAN MAYEN               60m;
   EU-023    9H5BZ        MALTA                   17m; SSB
   EU-024    IS0KNG       SARDINIA                80m; FT8
   EU-025    IT9BGE       SICILY                  20m; SSB
   EU-025    IT9JAV       SICILY                  40m; SSB
   EU-025    IT9OPJ       SICILY                  20m; SSB
   EU-025    IT9OPR       SICILY                  20m; SSB
   EU-029    OV1CDX       SJAELLAND               40m; SSB
   EU-067    SZ8ERS       KYKLADES                40/17m; CW
   EU-072    SV4LGX       THESSALIA REGION        15m; SSB
   EU-115    GI4LKG       IRELAND                 20m; FT4
   EU-115    MI5JYK       IRELAND                 40m; SSB
   EU-115    MI6XRC       IRELAND                 17m; SSB
   EU-131    IK3PQH/P     VENETO REGION           40m; SSB
   EU-143    EA7HPM       CADIZ/HUELVA PROVINCE   17m; FT8
   EU-172    OZ7PR/P      JYLLAND EAST AND FYN    20m; SSB
   NA-005    VP9KD        BERMUDA                 17m; SSB
   NA-022    VP2ETE       ANGUILLA                80/10m; FT8
   NA-024    J3/WA2DE     GRENADA                 15m; FT8
   NA-026    KJ2AM        NEW YORK STATE          12m; SSB
   NA-031    AA1AC        RHODE ISLAND STATE      40m; CW
   NA-032    FP5AC        ST PIERRE AND MIQUELON  17m; SSB
   NA-059    NL8F         FOX                     80m; CW
   NA-096    HI3CMQ       HISPANIOLA              10m; FT8
   NA-099    KP4EYT       PUERTO RICO             10m; SSB
   NA-099    NP3DM        PUERTO RICO             30m; FT8
   NA-102    FG/F5HRY     GUADELOUPE              80m; CW
   NA-106    KP2B         VIRGIN                  15m; FT8
   NA-108    J69DS        ST LUCIA                17m; FT8
   OC-006    AX7GN        Tasmania                30m; CW
   OC-019    WH6EY        HAWAIIAN                12m; FT8
   OC-021    YB0IBM       JAVA                    20m; SSB
   OC-021    YC1BEI       JAVA                    40m; FT8
   OC-021    YC4JCO       JAVA                    40m; SSB
   OC-032    FK8HM        NEW CALEDONIA           20m; FT8
   OC-036    ZL1A         NORTH                   40m; FT8
   OC-042    4I1AWM       LUZON                   40m; FT8
   OC-082    E51WL        PENRHYN ATOLL           40m; FT8
  ** Thanks to the individuals who put the island/group and mode
     on their QSNs on their PacketCluster reports. The format we
     suggest is "IOTA#/Mode/Island or Group" (ex. OC-146/FT8/Celebes).

  AS-060.  Kang, DS4DRE, will be active as DS4DRE/4 from Komun Island
           between February 1st and January 31st, 2022. Activity will
           be on 80-10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via his home call-
           sign, direct or by the Bureau.

  PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <> have
  decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
  operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
  and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

ISWL CALLSIGNS (For February 2021). The following ISWL club callsigns
will be used throughout the month of February 2021:

  GX4BJC/A - Operated from Walton on the Naze, in Essex, by Herbie, G6XOU
             (WAB Square - TM22 - England, IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841).

  MX1SWL/A - Operated from Clacton on Sea, in Essex, by George, G1IPU
             (WAB Square - TM11 - England, IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841).

  ALL QSLs will be handled by Dick, M5DIK - The QSL Manager and NOT the
individual operator. The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club.
All QSL info is on ( or ( or (
or via ( NO LoTW.

  ADDED NOTE: GB75ISWL -- The special event station GB75ISWL will be
operated throughout 2021 from Walton on the Naze, in Essex, by Herbie,
G6XOU. (WAB Square - TM22 - England, IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841). Other
operators will participate, when COVID-19 restrictions allow them to.
This station is commemorating the 75th anniversary of the formation of
the "International Short Wave League" in 1946. The QSL Manager is Herbie,
G6XOU (QTHR). Direct QSLs are welcome, via the Bureau, or via
Further details are available on the following Web pages:

JD1, OGASAWARA. Takio, JH3QFL, will be active as JD1BQA from Komagari,
Chichijima Island (AS-031), between May 1-7th. Activity will be on 160-6
meters with a focus on 160/80/40/6m using FT8/FT4 and some CW on the RS44
Satellite. QSL via JH3QFL direct to: Takio Hata, 921-25 Rokujio, Yasu-City
Shiga, JAPAN 520-2412.

K8, UNITED STATES (Special Event). OPDX Webmaster John, K8YSE, will be
active as K8YSE/60 from North Royalton, Ohio, starting February 27th,
to celebrate 60 years of continuous participation in the Ham Radio Hobby.
Activity will be on various HF bands, and various satellites and modes.
A LoTW Certificate for K8YSE/60 has been obtained so please log contacts
made with K8YSE/60 accordingly. A special QSL card may be created, but
please do not send for one. If a card is designed, it will likely be sent
to all stations worked, unsolicited.=20

KP2, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS. Brad, K0BZ, is now active remotely as KP2/K0BZ
as of January 26th. For details, see QSL via his home callsign
direct, LoTW, or eQSL. NO Bureau.

LX40, LUXEMBOURG (Special Event). Andy, LX1DA, will activate the special
event callsign LX40DA for 6 months during 2021 to celebrate his 40th
anniversary as a amateur radio operator. Activity will be broken down
into two 3 month periods (February 1st-March 31st and September 1st-
December 31st). QSL via LX1DA, ClubLog or LoTW.

OH0, ALAND ISLAND. Martti, OH2BH, reports [edited]: The SRAL, The Finnish
Amateur Radio League, will activate its honorable OH0W callsign for the
CQWW 160M Contest by Niko/OH2GEK and Martti/OH2BH, to follow for a minimum
of two days after the contest (February 3rd) will be Pertti/OH2PM. He will
specifically do some FT8 toward Japan and USA on 80m.

OH100, FINLAND (Special Event/Special Press Release From OH2BH). Members
of the Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL) will be celebrating their 100th
anniversary throughout the year 2021 using the callsign OH100SRAL. The
Finnish Amateur Radio League also offers a special "SRAL100" award by
working at least 100 Finnish (OH) stations during 2021. You can apply
for the award by seeing the rules at:
  PRESS RELEASE: Martti, OH2BH, reports [edited]: The year 2021 will mark
the 100th anniversary for the home of all OH's at some point - the SRAL
(Suomen Radioamat=F6=F6riliitto/Finnish Amateur Radio League) - also hostin=
a lineup of activities domestically and internationally. Obviously, many
live local activities will be highly dependent on the ongoing Covid-19
pandemic. A new SRAL President Jorma, OH2KI, is a full blast DXer and
Contester (ZB2X) so there is no doubt that he will sincerely support the
SRAL and its members, continuing on being one of the most active EU nations
on those segments of our great passion. Many SRAL activities and related
certificates will soon surface for contacting many of the SRAL promoted
activities. Such are OH100SRAL activity currently underway and more to

OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). Details on how to subscribe and
unsubscribe from the "OPDX Mailing List" are at the bottom of this
bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around.... Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW

OV0, DENMARK (Special Event/Interesting Callsign of the Week!). Members of
the Experimental Danish Radio Amateurs (EDR) are now active as OV0JUTLANDIA
until March 31st. Activity is to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the
Danish hospital ship "Jutlandia" (1951). Operations will be on all HF
bands including 30/17/12m using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. All two
way contacts and SWL reports will be valid for the special OV0JUTLANDIA
award. See for details. QSL card can be requested via Clublog's
OQRS to be sent via the Bureau or direct. All logs will be uploaded to
LoTW and eQSL.

PJ2, CURACAO. Andy, DK5ON, will once again be active as PJ2/DK5ON from
Curacao (SA-099, WLOTA 0942) between March 4-23rd. Activity will be on
80-6 meters including the 60/17/12 meter bands (possibly 160m) using CW,
SSB and the Digital modes (RTTY/FT8/FT4). QSL via his home callsign,
direct, by the Bureau, LoTW or ClubLog's OQRS. NO eQSL.

  Feb/01st LN      Feb/04th  AN     Feb/06th  HN
  Feb/02nd LN      Feb/05th  HN     Feb/07th  LN
  Feb/03rd LN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

    Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites for propagation:
     * VOACAP predication Web page at:
     * DX.QSL.NET Propagation page:
     * A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
     * SolarHam Web page:
     * Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at:
     * Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) & National Oceanic and
       Atmospheric Adminisration (NOAA):
     * News and Information About The Sun-Earth Environment:
     * Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
       overseas locations are at:
     * Information and tutorials on propagation are at:
     * Graphic propagation tool by DR2W:
     * Point to point propagation at:
     * Real-time propagation at:
     * Also on Twitter:

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
  QSL-INFO from from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF ( (January 31s=
  and various sources provided by OPDX
  3B8CW via N4GNR       AX3ZZX via VK3ZZX       HF7SIEMA via HF7SIEMA (e)
  3G3G via EA5GL        AX4WDM via VK4WDM       HG4I via HA5LN
  4L2M via EA7FTR       AX5GR via M0OXO         IQ5WT via 9A8MDC
  5Z4PA via M0URX       AX5IR via W3HNK         J3/WA2DE via WA2DE
  7X2HF via EA5GL       AX5NNN via VK5NNN       J73HA via W2GBX
  7X2TT via EA5GL       AX7GN via VK7GN         KE5I/SV8 via KE5I (L/e)
  8Q7AO via HB9WDF      C31CT via EA3QS         KP2B via EB7DX
  8S8S via SM5XSH & (L) CE2SV via N7RO          LZ5R via LZ1YQ & (L)
  9A5USA via EB7DX      CO6XE via EA7FTR        LZ9V via LZ1WG
  9G1SD via AB0GC       DV1IIW via IK2DUW       OD5PY via KU9C
  9G2DX via EA5GL       EA8/DL9XJ via DL9XJ     OD5YA via IZ8CLM
  9G5FI via DL1RTL      EN100LT via UT5LU       OP4W via ON4BWT
  9L1YXJ via KW4XJ      ER2OZ via EA5ZD         OR7R via ON4LG
  AP2FLY via EA7FTR     EX8ABA via EX8ABA (L/e) OT5ALIVE via ON7LR
  AU2PHC via VU2PHC     FK8HA via K3IRV         R900DM via RC1C
  AX2QN via VK2QN       FM4RU via F1LNS         SV9/SV2DSJ via SV2DSJ
  AX2VIN via VK2VIN     FM5DN via KU9C          TM2Y via F6BEE & (L)
  AX3AUQ via VK3AUQ     FM8QR via F5EAN         TM9CR via F1CEP (B)
  AX3BY via VK3BY       HC1HC via NE8Z          UP0L via DL8KAC & (L)
  AX3DBD via VK3DBD     HC1M via EC5R           V51DM via DK3ZL
  AX3DEK via VK3DEK     HC1Y via EC5R           YB5QZ via W3HNK
  AX3JL via VK3JL       HC5DX via W3HNK         ZF1EJ via K6AM
  AX3JPK via VK3JPK     HC5F via HC5VF          ZF2LC via W2SM
  AX3OM via VK3OM       HC7AE/1 via EA5GL       ZL1A via ZL3CW

  (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (*-B) DX's- Bureau
  (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only  (L) LoTW only    (N) No QSL needed
  (I) No IRC     (P) PayPal        (NB) No Bureau   (n) no printed QSLs
  (*) QSLs will be sent via the Bureau - No QSL needed

  LOGS ONLINE (New/Updated) AVAILABLE ON CLUBLOG.ORG THIS WEEK......      (Updated)  (Updated)      (Updated)

  5A0YL QSL STATUS. YL Elham, 5A0YL, posted the following on this
  past week: I apologize for the delay of sending QSL cards out lately.
  Because of the never ending conflict in Libya, restrictions because of
  COVID19, no flight and post between 5A and most countries. Additionally
  with more than 20 hours daily without electricity makes life here really
    Despite all these circumstances I will be on the air when there is
  electricity in my area. I am new into amateur radio, I am looking forward
  to learning more about the magic of our hobby. Thanks go to Abubaker,
  5A1AL, who introduced me into amateur radio, he spends a lot of time
  to teach me and help me get my license.
    Looking forward to meeting you on the amateur radio bands, my favorite
  mode is SSB. Please be patient with me on the bands.

  NEW QSL ROUTES. Pedro, EA5GL, from QSL Manager Services reports the
  following: "I want to inform you that I am the new manager of XW0LP
  and its previous XZ2A activation. Those who have predominantly requested
  the QSL from Simon it is not necessary to request it again. Simon will
  send all the material and I will send them from Spain. Those who have
  not requested it can still do it directly to me. I just ask for patience
  until I bring everything up-to-date."

  (EU-140), P5/3Z9DX, YI1SAL, ZL1AZ and ZL3CW

  VK4DX/p (OC-137)

    --- We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc)
        send in their info....

VI2021, AUSTRALIA (Special Event). Members of the Pride Radio Group
(VK3PRG) will be activating the special event callsign VI2021PRIDE during
the following expected scheduled events:
   * February 19th (Start of Sydney Mardi Gras) - March 7th (End of Sydney
    Mardi Gras)
   * April 19th (Midsumma Start) - May 5th (Midsumma End)
   * June 1st (Start of Pride Month) - June 30th (End of Pride Month)
  A unique QSL card will be issued for each event, and awards for operating
all three events will also be issued. QSL via VK3FUR or ClubLog's OQRS.
For more details and updates, check or the following Web pages:

W0, UNITED STATES (Special Event). Members of the Stillwater Amateur Radio
Association (SARA) will activate the callsign W0JH during their special
event called "Ice-olation Special Event" between February 13-15th. The
majority of the contacts are expected to be on SSB, where they intend to
be on 3860, 7260, 14260 and 21360 kHz +/- depending upon band conditions;
they do intend Digital operations on CW and FT8. Possible CW frequencies
are 3560, 7050, 14050 and 21060 kHz +/- depending on band conditions.
There will be no QSL cards or other postal requests. Confirmations will
be via E-mail only. To request a certificate, send and E-mail request
with the following info to ( Request must contain:
Your Callsign; Date of QSO (UTC date); Time of QSO (UTC time); Band or
Frequency and Mode. Any E-mail received without the above information
may be returned for clarification or discarded. For more info, see

XM2, CANADA. Members of the Contest Group Du Quebec (VE2XAA) will be
active as XM2X during the CQWW WPX RTTY Contest (February 13-14th) as
a Multi-Multi entry. QSL via LoTW only.

ZF, CAYMAN ISLANDS. Bruce, K0BJ, will once again be active as ZF2BJ from
Grand Cayman Island (NA-016) between February 20th and March 5th. Activity
will be on various HF bands with focus on 30/17/12m CW. QSL via his home
callsign, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.

ZS7, ANTARCTICA. Oleg, ZS1ANF (UA1PBA, RI1ANF, RI1ANX, etc.), an Antarctic
veteran, will once again be active as ZS7ANF from Wolf's Fang Runway (WAP
MNB-12), Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, starting sometime in February.
QSL via RK1PWA. ADDED NOTE: There is a possibility that Oleg may also be
operating from the Whichaway Camp (WAP MNB-11) too.=20

TO BE ADDED TO THE OPDX MAILING LIST -- Click or send requests to:
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 ** PLEASE NOTE FOR OUTLOOK USERS: PLEASE put your E-mail address
    also in the body of the message.

  Just a reminder, you can still obtain the OPDX Bulletins via the
OPDX Web page (provided by John, K8YSE) [], (under Forums; News; Special Events, Contests.. etc.), several
DX Mailing Lists, and two different UseNet Groups ( and The weekly bulletin (issue # from the OPDX Web
page URL) is also posted on the following Media pages:
 NODXA FaceBook --
 Twitter --

* All excerpts and distribution of "The OPDX Bulletin" are granted as
  long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.

** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
             ( or (

....... 73 de Tedd KB8NW

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