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UT1HZM > DX       21.09.15 09:27l 291 Lines 17967 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1272
Subj: 425 DX News #1272
Sent: 150920/1757Z 35534@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ1.4.63

19 September 2015                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1272
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2    - Kazu, JA8ECS will be active as 3D2YJ from Viti Levu (OC-016),  Fiji
         on 23-28 September. He plans to operate mainly SSB  with  some  CW.
         QSL via home call.
DU     - DU3JH and DU3LA will participate in the CQ WW DX  RTTY  Contest  as
         DX3R from Subic Bay (Luzon, OC-042).  QSL  via  LoTW  only,  as  no
         papaer cards will be printed for this operation. [TNX NG3K]
E5_sc  - Al, K7AR will be active as E51AAR from  Rarotonga  (OC-013),  South
         Cook Islands on 24-29 September. He will  operate  CW  and  SSB  on
         80-10 metres from the shack of E51AND, and will participate in  the
         CQ WW DX RTTY Contest. QSL via K7AR (OQRS on Club  Log)  and  LoTW.
         [TNX DX World]
FO     - After being active as TX6A from Tahiti, Moto, JA1GZV will move  and
         be QRV as TX7A from  Moorea  (OC-046),  French  Polynesia  from  19
         September to 31 October.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or  bureau
         (email  requests  for    bureau    cards    can    be    sent    to
         ja1gzv[@] [TNX DX World]
I      - ARI San Benedetto del Tronto will be active as  IQ6SB/p  from  Fano
         lighthouse on 20 September. They will operate SSB and  CW  starting
         around 7 UTC. [TNX IK6XEJ]
JA     - Take, JI3DST will be active as  JI3DST/5  from  Shodo  (AS-200)  on
         19-24 September. He plans to operate SSB and CW on 40, 30, 20,  17,
         15, 12, 10 metres. QSL  via  home  call  (bureau  preferred).  [TNX
PA     - Marcel, PD5MVH will  be  active  as  PD17WFF  from  Schiermonnikoog
         Island (EU-038) and  National  Park  between  19  September  and  3
         October. QSL via PD5MVH. [TNX DX Newsletter]
PJ2    - Gerben, PG5M has been active  as  PJ2/PG5M  from  Curacao  (SA-099)
         since 15 September, and will remain there until  the  26th.  CW  is
         his preferred mode. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau;  OQRS  at
PJ4    - Frank, PH2M will be active again  as  PJ4M  from  Bonaire  (SA-006)
         from 26 September to 11 October. He will operate SSB only on  80-10
         metres. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau,  and  LoTW.  [TNX  DX
PY     - Martin, LU9EFO will be  active  as  PP5/LU9EFO  from  the  city  of
         Florianopolis  on  Santa  Catarina  Island  (SA-026)    on    21-30
         September. He also has plans to be QRV from IOTA group SA-027.  QSL
         via F4BHW (direct) or LU9EFO (bureau). [TNX DX World]
SV5    - Ant, MW0JZE will be active holiday style  as  SV5/MW0JZE  from  the
         island of Kos (EU-001) starting on 19 September  for  a  couple  of
         weeks. He will operate mainly RTTY. QSL via M0OXO  (plese  use  the
         OQRS on for both direct and  bureau  requests).  [TNX
T2     - John, KK7L will join the T2GC expedition to Tuvalu  (
         [425DXN 1263]  on  29  September,  and  will  operate  CW  until  6
         October. The other two operators, LZ1GC  and  OM5ZW,  will  be  QRV
         from 24 September to 14 October. Suggested frequencies are:
         CW   1822.5, 3502, 7024, 10104, 14010, 18080, 21015, 24905, 28010
         SSB  7164, 14170, 18145, 21265, 24940, 28470
         RTTY 7040, 10138, 14088, 18095, 21088, 24922, 28088
         They will be QRV also on 5371.5 (CW)  and 5403.5 (SSB). John  plans
         to  take  a transceiver  with him, and to  donate it to  Talia Kofe
         (T2TK), the only local amateur radio operator. QSL T2GC via  LZ1GC,
         direct or bureau (OQRS on Club Log), and LoTW.
W      - Wey, K8EAB will be active as K4G from St.  George  Island  (NA-085)
         on 20-24 September. He will operate CW and SSB, most likely on  40,
         30 and 20 metres. QSL via K8EAB  (direct  only)  and  logsearch  on
XE     - Special event callsign XE719SEP will be active on  19-21  September
         in remembrance of the earthquake that hit Mexico City thirty  years
         ago. Activity will start at 12.19 UTC  on  the  19th  (07.19  local
         time, when the mainshock struck with a magnitude of 8.0)  and  will
         end at  00:40 UTC on the 21st (19.40 on 20  September  local  time,
         when a large aftershock occurred with  a  magnitude  of  7.5).  See for further information.
YB     - YB8RW/5's IOTA tour [425DXN 1271] continues. On 11-13 September  he
         was active from Sesaran (OC-109); logs have been  already  uploaded
         to Club Log (see for the direct links). Then  he  moved  to
         Siantan (OC-108)  and  will  remain  there  until  the  19th.  Next
         planned stops should be OC-122, OC-107  and  OC-144  (as  YB8RW/4),
         but weather and sea conditions may affect  his  itineary.  QSL  via
         YB8RW, preferably through Club Log's OQRS.
YB     - Budi, YF1AR ( will be active as  YF1AR/0  from  Pari,
         one of the Seribu Islands (OC-177), on 19-20 September.  Plans  are
         to operate mainly SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL via  the  OQRS  on  Club
         Log (preferred, direct link on or N2OO. [TNX YF1AR]
YB     - A team of nine operators will be active as YE3B from Bawean  Island
         (OC-197)  on  24-27  September,  with  side  trips  to  the  nearby
         satellite  islands  of  Selayar  (25  September)  and   Noko    (26
         September). QSL via YB3MM, direct or bureau (OQRS on Club Log).
ZA     - A team from the new  Kosovar  Amateur  Radio  Society  (SHRAK)  and
         their guests will  be  active  with  two  stations  as  ZA1KS  from
         Durres, Albania on 17-21 September. The operators  will  be  Z61AS,
         Z61DX, Z61VB, Z62FB, Z63HBF, OH2BH, OH2YY and S56A. QSL  via  Z62FB
         (direct). [TNX OH2BN]
ZS     - A team of South African operators  will  be  active  as  ZS9HEL  on
         24-27 September. They will be QRV on or around  1890,  3740,  5290,
         7150, 10125 and 14180 kHz from  Gamkaskloof,  also  known  as  "Die
         Hel", a hidden valley  in  the  heart  of  the  Swartberg  Mountain
         Range. QSL via the bureau or direct to  Boland  Amateurradio  Klub,
         Posbus 273, Strand, 7139, South Africa. [TNX ZS4BS]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ROUTE 66 ON THE AIR ---> Organized by the Citrus Belt ARC, the  16th  annual
Route 66 On The Air special event celebrates the  historic  US  Highway  66.
Twenty-one amateur radio stations using  1x1  callsigns  (from  W6A  through
W6U) will operate from cities along the "Mother Road"  until  20  September.
See for information about the  event  and  each  participating
station's QSL route.

RUSSIAN ARCTIC COAST EXPEDITION ---> Vlad, UA4WHX is continuing  his  voyage
on the MSV Mikhail Somov along the Arctic Northern Sea Route [425DXN  1271].
So far callsigns that were, are being and could be used include:
- R00BVB (from coastal areas in the Dolgano-Nenetsky District)
- R00QVB (from coastal areas in the Republic of Sakha, Yakutia)
- R11PVB (from coastal areas in the the Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
- RI0BV (on 7 September from AS-005)
- RI0BV/0 (on 9 September from AS-121)
- RI0BV/p (on 10 September from AS-042)
- RI0POL (while operating from the ship)
- RI0QV (on 16-17 September from AS-028)
- RI0QV/p (on 18 September from AS-029)
- RI1OV (from "various islands in the White and Barents Sea")
- RI1PV (on 31 August from EU-085)
Go to and follow the  ship's  course.
QSL for all callsigns via UA4WHX,  see  for  instructions.  Updates
will appear under each callsign on and on

TQSL 2.1.1 ---> A new release of TQSL (the  application  used  to  digitally
sign and upload QSOs to LoTW, and to manage the  Callsign  Certificates)  is
now available. TQSL 2.1.1 has corrections  for  several  defects  that  were
found in TQSL 2.0 as well as  enhancements  to  improve  usability.  On  all
three supported platforms (Windows, MacOS and Linux), installing TQSL  2.1.1
will replace older versions of Trusted QSL while  preserving  your  Callsign
Certificates, Station Locations, and  preferences.  Complete  release  notes
can be found at TQSL 2.1.1 will be  offered
upon startup of TQSL, or if you use the "Check for Updates" feature. It  can
also be downloaded from [TNX K1MU]

VP8SGI & VP8STI ---> When the voyage starts, it will be possible  to  follow
the  progress  in  real  time  on  a  map  on   the    DXpedition's  website
( The team will depart the Falkland  Islands  on  9
January; after undergoing a safety and biodiversity briefing at King  Edward
Point (South Georgia), they  expect  to  arrive  at  Southern  Thule  (South
Sandwich Islands) on 17 January, depending on weather  and  sea  conditions.
They plan to be active as VP8STI for ten days; then they  will  voyage  back
to South Georgia and be active as VP8SGI starting on or  around  1  February
again for ten days. "Our main priority is to make  a  great  impact  to  the
need for South Sandwich contacts", they say,  "and  we  will  sacrifice  our
time at South Georgia to ensure that we  make  that  impact".  Finally,  the
team will return to the Falklands on 14  February,  and  be  QRV  as  VP8IDX
until the 20th.
Donations are still gratefully accepted, and all donors of $25 or more  will
receive an early LoTW upload. The organizers are "seeking more support  from
the many DX Clubs of North America, Canada, Mexico,  South  America,  Europe
and Asia that have yet to make a donation. We encourage  you  to  visit  our
website and donate via the PayPal link". [TNX N6PSE]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B9FR       M0OXO       EH5SDC      EA1AUM      PD70AW      PD2RKG
3D2KM       W6ZL        EH6SDC      EA1AUM      PJ4NX       M0URX
3V8SS       LX1NO       EH7SDC      EA1AUM      PR1T        RN3RQ
3W9HRN      DL1HRN      EH8SDC      EA1AUM      PS5A        PY5VC
3Z0TECH     3Z6AEF      EH9SDC      EA1AUM      PW2D        M0OXO
3Z70ZK      SP5ZRW      EI150ITU    EI6AL       PX2A        PY2VM
4L2M        EA7FTR      EI7M        EI6HB       PX5E        AI4U
4W/JA7LU    JA7LU       EM44WFF     UT4WA       PX70FEB     PS7AB
4X0A        4X1VF       EM70A       UR3AHF      PX8Z        PY8WW
4X0T        4Z5FI       EN1000U     UR4UWY      R00BVB      UA4WHX
4X6TT       N4GNR       EN150ITU    UT5UIA      R00QVB      UA4WHX
4Z6T        N4GNR       FK8CE       NI5DX       R101TW      RA4DR
5B4AIF      EB7DX       FR4NT       F4DXW       R2015RY     UA3AGY
5E2E        EB7DX       FW5JJ       F5RXL       R90IARU     UA6YW
5H3DX       NK8O        GB75BB      GW4EZW      RI0BV       UA4WHX
5H3MB       IK2GZU      GW4EDG/p    G4EDG       RI0QV       UA4WHX
5R8SV       G3SWH       GW4ELZ/p    G4ELZ       SJ2W        SM2LIY
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      GW4GSA/p    G4GSA       SK3W        SM5DJZ
7U0ARU      SM4VPZ      HF0WFF      SP5ZIM      SN0A        SQ9OZA
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      HF13URSA    SP5PPK      SN0D        SO5MAX
7Z1TT       A61BK       HF150ZCF    SP9ZCF      SN0N        SP5XHJ
8P2K        KU9C        HF40OTPZKT  SP9PTA      SN0O        SQ1GPR
8P5A        NN1N        HF70OSTOJA  SQ8JCB      SN0S        SP5IOU
8P6ET       KU9C        HG21IAS     DL2JTE      SN0SONDA    SP5KVW
8Q7AM       IW0HBY      HG7T        HA7TM       SN0WFF      SP5X
9A8DX       9A3JB       HK1R        K6IPM       SN2SONDA    SP4PKM
9A8DXG      DL8AW       HT7C        TI4SU       SN76BHO     SP8ONU
9H5G        M0OXO       HZ1BL       IZ8CLM      SN9SONDA    SP9HTY
9K2OD       EA7FTR      HZ1FI       DL2RMC      SO1CC       DL1CC
9M2TO       JA0DMV      HZ1TT       IZ8CLM      SO1RE       DK8RE
9M4CST      9W2FLD      IB2A        I2PJA       SO9Q        SP9QMP
9M4DX       JA6IDJ      IB9O        IT9ATQ      SO9T        SQ9ORQ
9M6XRO      M0URX       II0IABH     IZ0EUX      SP0DXC      SP7DQR
9V1YC       W5UE        II0IADC     IZ0FVD      SP30OPZ     SP6OPZ
A61DA       IZ8CLM      II2IAOG     I2QIL       SP4SONDA    SP4GFG
A61ZX       IZ8CLM      II2IARU     IK2AQZ      SP9YFF/P    SP9WAN
A65BP       UA6MF       II5IHLP     I5NQK       SU9IG       OM3CGN
A65EE       IZ8CLM      II90IARU    IW3RUA      SV67FF      SV2GWY
A93JA       KE5JA       II9IAVE     IT9MRM      SW8WW       HA0HW
A96A        A92AA       IO1ENG      I1ANP       SW8YA       HA1YA
AH0J        JA1NVF      IO2ENG      I2MYF       SX2AG       SV2HXV
AH2R        JH7QXJ      IO4ENG      IQ4FE       SX2IMA      SV2JAO
AN7ONU      EA7NL       IQ1NM       IZ8DSS      T32AZ       KH6QJ
B4T         BA4TB       IR0ROMA     IK0LZR      T6MH        W2GR
BV0J        BM2JCC      IR4X        I4EAT       T88KH       BM2JCC
C44C        M0URX       IR9D        IW3RUA      TM100LGG    F4GRW
C6ANT       VE3EY       JW/OX5M     OZ0J        TM1BT       F4ELU
C6ASL       K5GS        JW2US       LA2US       TM1WPF      F8BON
C92JR       GI4FUM      JY9FC       E73Y        TM37CDXC    F5CWU
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       K1ZT/KH6    JE1SPY      TM50URA     F5ANZ
CP6CL       W3HNK       KL7SB       NI5DX       TM59ENFL    F5KDB
CQ3L        DJ6QT       KP3Z        N4AO        TM5CR       F6FMT
CR1IZ       KI1U        L77D        LU6DC       TM6NB       ON4ANN
D44TUK      DL2MDU      LS1F        LU7FTS      TM73IE      F9IE
D44TUQ      DL3HD       LT7F        EA5KB       TM850CS     F6FNA
D67GIA      LA7GIA      M7Q         G4PIQ       TR8CA       F6CDC
DF0HQ       DL5AXX      MJ5Z        M0CFW       UE69KTD     R5DV
DU1KA       NR6M        MS0OXE      M0URX       UE69TM      UA3DNK
E2X         E20GMY      NH2B/KH0    JA1BAN      UN3M        EA7FTR
E6GG        G3TXF       NP2X        K5WW        UP9L        RW6HS
E7DX        E77E        OH0KM       OH2KM       V26K        AA3B
EA8RM       EB7DX       OK7M        OK1DVM      V26OC       N3OC
EA9EU       EA5KB       OM760VRUTKY OM3KFV      V73NS       W3HNK
EA9KB       EA7FTR      ON44WAR     ON7RY       VO1AAM      VE3DZ
ED5N        EA5KA       ON4USA      ON4GDV      VY2ZM       EA7HBC
EF2A        EA2OT       OR5T        ON4ALY      XW1IC       E21EIC
EG7FFM      EA7DK       OZ/OX5T     OZ0J        YW4D        EA7JX
EG8BFS      EA8URV      OZ6SYL      OZ7AGR      Z36T        DJ0LZ
EH1SDC      EA1AUM      P29LL       EA7FTR      Z60A        OH2BH
EH2HJ       EA2IR       P3F         M0URX       ZS9Z        ZS1OIN
EH2SDC      EA1AUM      P3L         OE2GEN      ZW10RDX     PY1MK
EH3SDC      EA1AUM      P40ER       N5ET        ZW5B        K3IRV
EH4SDC      EA1AUM      P40ET       N5ET        ZX2B        PY2MNL

BV60CRA  C.R.A., P.O. Box 117-254, Taipei, Taiwan
G3TXF    Nigel Cawthorne, Falcons, St George's Avenue, Weybridge, KT13 0BS,
         United Kingdom
HS0ZBS   Rudolf  Riess, Att. Kurt HS0ZBS, Braunauerstr. 17, 5204
         Strasswalchen, Austria
J68HZ    William J Schmidt, 27427 Myrtle Lake Lane, Katy TX 77494, USA
JA7LU    Sei Suzuki, 2-5-9 Kaga, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba-ken, 277-0051, Japan
LA7GIA   Kenneth Opskar, Harrveien 15, 1481 Hagan, Norway
ON4ANN   Erik de Mey, Nelemolenstraat 7, 1700 Dilbeek, Belgium
PY8WW    Renato Araujo, Caixa Postal 280, Belem - PA, 66017-970, Brazil
VR2XAN   Alberto Annesi, 1/F 7A Nam Shan Road, Peng Chau, Hong Kong
WW1USA   National World War I Museum Amateur Radio Club, 100 W 26th St,
         Kansas City MO 64108, USA
Z63MED   David Meadows, CTS UNMIK, P.O. Box 4778, Grand Central Station,
         New York NY 10163-4778, USA


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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