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26 September 2015                                         A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                    No 1273
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B8    - Willi, DJ7RJ will be active  as  3B8/DJ7RJ  from  Mauritius  Island
          (AF-049) on 5-30 October. He will operate  CW  and  SSB  on  160-10
          metres, with a focus on 160m. QSL  via  home  call  (direct).  [TNX
6Y     - Masa, JA0RQV will be active as  6Y5/JA0RQV  from  Jamaica  (NA-097)
          between 24 October and 9 December. This will be  a  business  trip,
          and he will be QRV on 40-6 metres CW and SSB in his spare time  and
          during the weekends. He has plans to operate in the CQ  WW  DX  SSB
          Contest from the QTH of 6Y5WJ. QSL via  JA0RQV,  direct  or  bureau
          (OQRS  on  Club  Log),  and  LoTW.  Updates  will  be  posted    to
CO     - Celebrating the 35th  anniversary  of  the  Grupo  de  DX  de  Cuba
          (GDXC), thirteen special stations are active until 30 September  on
          all bands and modes from various Cuban  provinces:  T41GDXC  (Pinar
          del Rio), T42GDXC (La Habana), T43GDXC (Mayabeque),  T44GDXC  (Isla
          de la Juventud, NA-056),  T45GDXC  (Matanzas),  T46D  (Cienfuegos),
          T46G (Villa Clara), T46X  (Sancti  Spiritus),  T47GDXC  (Camaguey),
          T48C (Guantanamo), T48D (Santiago de Cuba), T48G  (Las  Tunas)  and
          T48X (Holguin). QSL  via  operator's  instructions.  An  electronic
          certificate  is  available  to  those  who  work  at  least   seven
          stations;  requests  with  QSO   data    should    be    sent    to
          gdxc[@] [TNX CO8ZZ]
DU     - A team of seven operators (DU1AV,  DU1DG,  DU1FIL,  DU1JC,  DU1SDT,
          DV1SVZ and DW1SVY) will be active as DX1HAM from the  Taal  Volcano
          on Luzon Island (OC-042) on 26-27 September. The  operation  is  in
          memory of those who lost their lives fifty years  ago,  during  the
          major eruption of  28  September  1965.  See  for  further
EA8    - The Grupo DX Teide will be active as EH8FPC from the lighthouse  at
          Puerto de la Cruz on Tenerife, Canary  Islands  (AF-004)  on  25-27
          September. Six operators will be active on 80, 40, 20,  17,  15,  6
          and 2 metres SSB and  digital  modes.  All  of  the  QSOs  will  be
          confirmed automatically via eQSL and LoTW; paper  cards  should  be
          sent direct to EA8NQ. See
FK0    - The TX3X team is gathering in Noumea  (New  Caledonia),  where  the
          Evohe arrived around  6  UTC  on  24  September.  Six  members  are
          already there, the other six will  arrive  on  26  September.  They
          plan  to  depart  for  the  Chesterfield  Islands  (OC-176)  on  28
          September,  after  customs  and   immigration    formalities    are
          processed. Follow the  ship's course on The announced
          operating frequencies for the 2-10 October DXpedition are:
          CW   1826.5, 3523, 7010, 10110, 14023, 18069, 21023, 24891, 28023
          SSB  7090, 14185, 18130, 21285, 24955, 28485
          RTTY 7045, 10142, 14080, 18100, 21080, 24910, 28080
          The  frequency  for 6m is 50101 (CW). Please direct your questions,
          concerns  or  comments  to  the pilot for  your area  listed on the
          expedition's website. An OQRS will be available on the DXpedition's
          website  for direct  and bureau  cards.  Traditional  direct  cards
          should  be   sent  to  Chesterfield  Expedition,   P.O.  Box  1100,
          Kenilworth,  Warwickshire,  CV8 2YT,  England.  The  logs  will  be
          uploaded to LoTW "a  minimum of 6 months after OQRS and direct QSLs
          are  mailed", but there will  be also an "Express LoTW" option upon
          payment. The QSLling policy is described in details on the website.
FT4X   - Nicolas, F4EGX ( will be working  at  Cap
          Ratmanoff on La  Grande  Terre,  Kerguelen  Islands  (AF-048)  from
          early December until around mid-January 2016. He has  plans  to  be
          QRV as FT4XU in his limited spare time,  primarily  "to  give  some
          news  for  ham  radio  friends  around  the  world"  and  not   for
          "contest-style" QSOs. He will be battery powered and  will  run  50
          watts into a dipole. QSL via F1ULQ, direct only. [TNX DX World]
I      - Fred, F1REI will be  active  as  ID9/F1REI/p  from  the  island  of
          Stromboli (EU-017) from 23 September to 4 October. He will  be  QRV
          during his evening hours. QSL  via  F1REI  (bureau  preferred)  and
          eQSL. [TNX]
I      - Commemorating the 120th anniversary of  Guglielmo  Marconi's  first
          wireless experiments, ARI Lecce (  will  be  active
          as IY7LE and IY7LE/p between 1 October and  31  December.  QSL  via
          bureau, direct and LoTW. [TNX IK7JWX]
JA     - Look for JA4GXS/6 to be  active  from  Shimoji  (AS-079)  on  29-30
          October (20 and 17 metres CW and SSB) and Kita  Daito  (AS-047)  on
          31 October-1 November (40-15 metres CW and SSB).  QSL  via  JA4GXS,
          direct or bureau. [TNX]
JW     - JW9DL (QSL via LA9DL), JW6VM (QSL via LA6VM)  and  JW7XK  (QSL  via
          LA7XK) will be active from Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard on  7-12
          October. They will participate in the SSB leg of  the  Scandinavian
          Activity Contest as JW5X (QSL via LA5X); outside the  contest  they
          will focus on 160 metres. [TNX The Daily DX]
KH8    - Stan, WS5K is active as WS5K/KH8 from Pago Pago (OC-045),  American
          Samoa until 4 October. QSL  via  M0URX  (please  use  the  OQRS  on
 for direct and bureau cards) and LoTW. [TNX M0URX]
OX     - Bo, OX3LX  will  be  active  from  Tasiilaq  on  Ammassalik  Island
          (NA-151) from 26 September to 9 October. This will  be  a  business
          trip, and he will  be  QRV  "around  lunchtime  and  after  dinner"
          (local time is UTC +2). QSL via OZ1PIF. [TNX]
OZ     - Tom, DL4VM will be active as OZ/DL4VM  from  Romo  Island  (EU-125)
          from 26 September to 17 October.  QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
          bureau. Mike, DG5LAC will be active from the same  island  from  26
          September to 2 October; look for OZ/DG5LAC  on  80-10  metres  SSB.
          QSL via home call, direct or bureau (OQRS on Club  Log),  LoTW  and
          eQSL. [TNX]
PA     - Roland, DL1EAL will be  active  holiday  style  as  PA/DL1EAL  from
          Texel Island (EU-038) from 26 September to 8 October.  He  will  be
          QRV on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL  via
          DL1EAL, direct or bureau (email requests for bureau  cards  can  be
          sent to dl1eal[@], eQSL and LoTW. [TNX DX Newsletter]
PY     - Look for PY70FEB to be active on SSB, CW and digital modes on  1-30
          October.  This  is  the  tenth  of  a  series  of  twelve   special
          callsigns; the suffix stands for Forca  Expedicionaria  Brasileira,
          the Brazilian Expeditionary Force that fought alongside the  Allied
          powers in Italy during World War  II.  QSL  via  PS7AB  (direct  or
          bureau), LoTW and eQSL.
PY     - The operation from Ilha do Araujo (SA-029) [425DXN 1265]  has  been
          postponed to 31  October-2  November.  PY2SEI  and  PY2ZA  will  be
          active as PS1AI ( on  80,  40,  20,  17,
          15, 12 and 10 metres SSB and digital modes.
SV     - SX8HOMER will be active on SSB and digital modes  from  the  island
          of Chios (EU-049) between 1 and 31  October.  Chios  is  associated
          with ancient  Greek  poet  Homer,  author  of  the  Iliad  and  the
          Odyssey. QSL via SZ8XIO (bureau) or SV8GXQ (direct), and LoTW.
SV9    - Seppo, OH1VR will  be  active  as  SV9/OH1VR  from  Crete  on  4-10
          October. He will operate mainly CW on the HF bands while testing  a
          new lightweight DXpedition "handbag  setup".  QSL  via  home  call,
          direct only. [TNX NG3K]
VE     - Reg, VE7IG will  be  active  as  VE1DXA  from  Cape  Breton  Island
          (NA-010) on between 1  and  18  October.  He  will  be  QRV  "after
          repairing antennas", so "start-up date depends  on  antenna  work".
          QSL via VE7IG, direct or bureau. [TNX]
VK     - Chris, VK6BP was active as VK6BP/p on 20  metres  SSB  from  Koolan
          Island (OC-071) for a few hours on 21 September. He will return  to
          the island on a regular basis for  the  next  several  months,  and
          will have a multi-band antenna. Chris says he works on  the  island
          for two days a week including overnight. Typically  the  first  day
          he can be QRV from around 11 local time (3 UTC) "until  late",  and
          the second day from around 5 UTC "for a couple of hours".
VK     - Andy,  VK5MAV  will  be  active  as  VK5MAV/8  from  Croker  Island
          (OC-229) on 1-6 November. He will operate mainly CW on 40,  20,  15
          and 10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau.  Logsearch  on
          Club Log, hopefully updated on a regular basis.
VP2M   - AC8W (VP2MAC), KB8TXZ (VP2MXT) and N8LJ  (VP2MLJ)  will  be  active
          from Montserrat (NA-103) on 1-8 October. They will operate CW,  SSB
          and RTTY on 160-6 metres. [TNX DX world]
W      - Larry, K4KGG will be active from Assateague  Island  (NA-139)  from
          28 September to 1 October. He will operate SSB, RTTY  and  "limited
          CW" on 40-10 metres on a daily basis between 19 and 1 UTC. QSL  via
          K4KGG,  direct  or  burea  (OQRS  on  Club  Log)  and  LoTW.   [TNX
W      - Jason, N3YUG and Todd, W3EME  will  be  active  from  Smith  Island
          (NA-140) on 8-11 October. Operations will  be  "more  than  casual,
          but not full time", with activity on 80-10 metres SSB and  possibly
          digital modes. QSL via N3YUG. [TNX N3YUG]
W      - A group of operators from the Red  Stick  DX  Association  will  be
          active as W5GIX from Grand Isle (NA-168)  on  23-25  October.  They
          will operate CW, SSB and  possibly  some  digital  modes  on  80-10
          metres. QSL to W5GIX. [TNX AA5O]
YB     - Budi, YF1AR ( will be active again  as  YF1AR/0  from
          the Seribu Islands (OC-177) on  24-27  September.  He  will  be  on
          Panggang Island until the 26th,  and  will  then  move  to  Pramuka
          Island. Plans are to operate mainly SSB on 80-10  metres.  QSL  via
          the OQRS on Club Log (preferred, direct link on  or  N2OO.
          [TNX YF1AR]
YJ     - Rob, DL7VOA will be  active  holiday  style  as  YJ4AO  from  Efate
          (OC-035), Vanuatu from 27 December to 13 January. He  will  be  QRV
          on 40-10 metres mainly during his evenings and nights.  CW  is  his
          preferred mode. QSL  via  DL7VOA,  direct  or  bureau.  This  is  a
          special  trip  to  celebrate  Rob's  40th  birthday,  10th  wedding
          anniversary and 25th year on the air (he started  as  Y24AO,  hence
          his Vanuatu callsign). [TNX DL7VOA]
Z3     - Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the  accession  of  The  Former
          Yugoslav  Republic  of  Macedonia  to  the  Council  of  Europe  (9
          November 1995), special callsign Z38CE  will  be  in  use  on  7-13
          November. QSL via F5LGF. [TNX F6FQK]

CQ WW RTTY DX CONTEST ---> This year's event will run from 00.00 UTC  on  26
September  through 24.00 UTC on the 27th (rules at Please
Visit for the  Announced Operations  listing
maintained by Bill NG3K. The following stations are expected to participate:
ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     COUNTRY              QSL VIA
05     VP9I          M/S          Bermuda              WW3S/LoTW
08     CO8CML        SOSB 20m LP  Cuba                 EA6SK
08     KP2/WE5DX     M/2          Virgin Islands       LotW
08     PJ6A          M/S          Saba                 Club Log
08     V4/W6HGF                   St.Kitts & Nevis     W6HGF
09     P40BC         M/?          Aruba                DL2MLU/LoTW
12     3G1H          M/?          Chile                CE1DY
14     EA6/EA5IDQ                 Balearic Islands     EA5IDQ
14     HB0/DL5YM     SO           Liechtenstein        DL5YM
14     MJ5Z          SOAB LP      Jersey               M0CFW/LoTW
15     IS0/S50P      M/S          Sardinia             bureau
15     OJ0DX         M/?          Market Reef          DL3DXX
15     Z36N          SOSB 15m     Macedonia            Z36N
20     SV5/HA3JB     SO           Dodecanese           HA3JB
21     4K6FO         SO LP        Azerbaijan           DC9RI/LoTW
26     E21YDP        SOAB LP      Thailand             E21YDP
27     DX3R          M/?          Philippines          LoTW
28     YB0NDT        SO           Indonesia            YB0NDT/LoTW
28     YB8ROP        SOAB         Indonesia            LotW
31     KH6/NW7D                   Hawaii               NW7D
32     E51AAR        SOAB         South Cook Islands   K7AR/LoTW
33     3V8SS         SOAB LP      Tunisia              LX1NO/LotW
33     CR3L          M/M          Madeira              DJ6QT
38     Z21MG         M/?          Zimbabwe             OK6DJ/LoTW

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

AS-203 ---> The  team  on  Dobrzhanskogo  Island  (AS-203)  went  QRT  on  8
September As promised, on their way back  to  Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky  they
tried and operate from IOTA group AS-142, but strong winds  and  rough  seas
prevented them from landing on 17 September; the forecast was not  promising
for the next couple of days and so they decided  to  cancel  the  operation.
The logs for either RT9K/0 (6969 QSOs) and UA0ZC/p  (2254  QSOs)  have  been
uploaded to Club Log, and the OQRSs have been activated.

POSTAL RATES (ITALY) ---> Italian postal rates  for  standard  letter  items
(up to 20g) mailed abroad will change on 1 October:
EUR 1.00  Europe and countries in the Mediterranean basin (3V, 4X, 5A, 5B,
           7X, CN, JY, OD, SU, YK)
EUR 2.20  rest of Africa and Asia, Americas
EUR 2.90  Oceania
International Priority Mail rates (for letter items up to 50g) will  be  EUR
3.50, EUR 4.50 and EUR 5.50 respectively.

RUSSIAN ARCTIC COAST EXPEDITION ---> Vlad, UA4WHX is continuing  his  voyage
on the MSV Mikhail Somov along the Arctic Northern Sea Route [425DXN  1272].
So far callsigns that were, are being and could be used include:
- R00BVB (from coastal areas in the Dolgano-Nenetsky District)
- R00KVB (from coastal areas in the Chukotka region)
- R00QVB (from coastal areas in the Republic of Sakha, Yakutia)
- R11PVB (from coastal areas in the the Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
- RI0BV (on 7 September from AS-005)
- RI0BV/0 (on 9 September from AS-121)
- RI0BV/p (on 10 September from AS-042)
- RI0KV (since 23 September from AS-027)
- RI0POL (while operating from the ship)
- RI0QV (on 16-17 September from AS-028)
- RI0QV/p (on 18 September from AS-029)
- RI1OV (from "various islands in the White and Barents Sea")
- RI1PV (on 31 August from EU-085)
The ship  is  due  to  return  to  Arkhangelsk  in  early  November.  Go  to and follow her course.  QSL  for  all
callsigns via UA4WHX, see  for  instructions.  Updates  will  appear
under each callsign on and on

YB8RW/5 ---> Din has had to cut  his  IOTA  tour  [425DXN  1272]  short  and
return home for medical treatment. He unfortunately suffered an accident  on
19 September, falling and spraining his right  foot,  when  disembarking  at
Bintan Island (OC-075) on his way back from Siantan Island (OC-108).  During
his IOTA tour of the YB5 area starting 3 September he has activated  OC-075,
OC-106, OC-109 and OC-108, and was due to go on  and  operate  from  OC-122,
OC-107 and OC-144. He will now put these on hold. [TNX G3KMA]


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3G0ZC (SA-005),  5B/UA3RF,  5R8SV,
5Z0L, 6V7S, 7Z1JA, 8P2K, 9J2T, A42A, A93JA,  BD7PUZ,  BD8SZ,  C35CT,  C35US,
C37NL,  EK6RL,  ER3MM,  ET3AA,  EX2F,  EX2V,  F/G6AY  (EU-157),   FO/JI1JKW,
(EU-009), MU/PA2A, OH0CC, OP147MN,  S01WS,  SV5DKL,  SV9/G4DJX,  T6MH,  T6T,
T88XX  (OC-296),  TG9ANF,  TI9/RA9USU,  TN2MS,   VA3DYD/HR3,VU2DCC,   XE2CQ,
YB0NDT, YB4IR/5  (OC-075),  YB8RW/p  (OC-145,  OC-209  and  OC-224),  YB8TK,
YF1AR/0 (OC-177), ZA20QA, ZD9A.


                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia


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