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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   09.04.21 21:45l 315 Lines 19144 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1562
Subj: 425 DX News #1562
Sent: 210409/2001Z 5553@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.21

10 April 2021                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1562

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Owing to the ongoing and fluid nature  of the  COVID-19  situation globally,
announced  activities  might  be  cut short,  postponed,  cancelled  or even
extended at any time and without notice.

4X     - Jan, 4X1VF  and  Ruben, 4Z5FI  will be active as  4X73T  during the
         Holyland Contest  on  16-17 April. They will operate from  the rare
         Holyland square  L19BL on the the  Dead Sea area.  All QSOs will be
         confirmed automatically via the bureau.
A9     - The Bahrain Amateur Radio Society  will operate  A91WARD  on  14-18
         April to celebrate World Amateur Radio Day 2021. QSL via EC6DX.
F      - Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the first human flight in space
         by  Yuri Gagarin,  members of the  ISS Fan Club  will be active  as
         TM60YURI on 10-25 April. QSL via F1UJT, direct or bureau.
F      - Celebrating World Amateur Radio Day, John, F4GDO will be active  as
         TM96WARD  on  17-25 April.  QSL via eQSL;  paper QSLs will  not  be
GM     - Col MM0NDX,  Ross MM0OBT   and  Jonathan MM0OKG  will be active  as
         MS0INT from the Bass Rock (EU-123)  on 17 April,  and possibly also
         on the 18th. They are watching closely weather  and  sea forecasts,
         as even a small swell would prevent them from landing. Plans are to
         operate probably  CW and SSB only on 20, 30 and/or 40 metres;  they
         will also have a VHF station. QSL via EB7DX. [TNX DX World]
HC     - Celebrating World Amateur Radio Day 2021,  Ecuador DX Club  members
         will be active as HD1DX and HD2DX on 17-18 April. QSLs via LoTW.  A
         certificate will be available:
KC4    - Mark, W5MED is stationed at  McMurdo Station  on  Ross Island  (AN-
         011), Antarctica  until October.  He will be  QRV as  KC4USV  on 17
         April  at  23.30 UTC  until  2.30 UTC  on the  18th,  and again  on
         18 April at 6-8 UTC and from 21 UTC until midnight. Look for him on
         14243 kHz SSB and 14070 kHz FT8. QSL direct to K7MT and LoTW.
KL     - The Russian Robinson Club's IOTA DXpedition to Alaska [425DXN 1521]
         has been postponed  until July.  Their schedule is still subject to
         any travel restriction changes, but  now plans  are for  Yuri N3OO,
         Rob N7QT, Tim NL8F, Sandro VE7NY and possibly a fith operator to be
         active as KL7RRC/p from Kiska Island (NA-070) on 7-12 July,  and as
         KL7RRC from Adak Island (NA-039) on  14-16 July.  They will operate
         CW, SSB and FT8  (Fox & Hound) with three stations.  QSLs via N7RO.
         Bookmark for updates.
ON     - Belgian  individual operators  and  radio clubs  are authorized  to
         replace their ON prefix with  OS  between 18 April and 12 December.
         This is  to celebrate  World Amateur Radio Day (18 April)  and  the
         120th  anniversary  since  Guglielmo Marconi's  first reception  of
         transatlantic radio signals (12 December 1901).
S7     - Celebrating World Amateur Radio Day, S79KW, S79RP and S79VU will be
         active as S77SARA on  18 April  for a couple of hours  (11-13 UTC).
         S77SARA is the callsign  of the  Seychelles Amateur Radio Society's
         club station (,  located on  Mahe Island  (AF-
         024). [TNX The Daily DX]
UA     - In celebration  of the  60th anniversary  of  Yuri Gagarin's  first
         manned flight into outer space (12 April 1961),  the Miller DX Club
         ( will operate several special callsigns on  12-25
         April: R60CTC, R60MCC,  R60YAG,  RA60YG,  RC60YG,  RD60YG,  RG60YG,
         RJ60YG,  RK60YG, RL60YG,  RM60YG, RN61YG,  RO60YG, RQ60YG,  RT60YG,
         RU60YG,  RV60YG, RW60YG,  RX60YG,  RY60YG,  RZ60YG.  QSLs via RQ7L.
         Certificates will be available on
VE     - Radio Amateurs of Canada is once again holding a "Get on the Air on
         World Amateur Radio Day" special event  in which  it encourages  as
         many amateurs as possible to contact as many RAC stations as possi-
         ble.  Operating across Canada from  00.00 UTC  to 23.59 UTC  on  18
         April, the RAC  official stations will be  VA2RAC, VA3RAC,  VE1RAC,
         VY0RAC, VY1RAC and  VY2RAC.  QSL via LoTW or via the bureau.  Those
         contacting one  or more of  these stations,  on any band  and mode,
         will  be  eligible   for  a   special  commemorative   certificate:

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0I: BOUVET 2021 ---> "First  of all,  we would like  to wish  the recently
announced 3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition all the best  for a successful activity  in
2023",  the  Rebel DX Group  posted  to  their  Facebook  page  on  5  April
( "There is enough space for even  3
more activities  from 3Y0 land. We know how much detailed planning goes into
a project like this and cross fingers for them.
From a Rebel perspective,  the 3Y0J announcement  does not change our plans.
December 15, 2021  is when we plan  to leave Cape Town  and again head south
into the  Roaring Forties  and  Furious Fifties  before attempting a  Bouvet
landing.  We absolutely  know from experience  how volatile  the seas around
this most remote island are.
Our team of 8 operators aim to spend  up to 30 days on Bouvet.  Depending on
weather,  we will likely spend 7-10 days each way  on the high seas  getting
there and returning. Once on the island and our camp is set up,  we will run
8 stations covering 160-6m.  Modes include CW, SSB, FT4/FT8, RTTY and OQ100.
The total budget for our Bouvet DXpedition is considerably less than that of
3Y0J.  We also have had no backing from any of the DX foundations.  Nonethe-
less, we are now missing only  $32,000 from our  final cost of $267,000.  We
absolutely hope  between now and December we can accrue this missing amount,
and appeal  to all generous donors  to help us with our  final push  to meet
target". Bookmark as  "more info will
be posted soon".

3Y0J: BOUVET 2023 ---> The  Intrepid DX Group  has  announced  plans  to  be
active as 3Y0J from  Bouvet Island  (#2 Most Wanted DXCC Entity) in January-
February 2023.  The group has been planning this major DXpedition  since the
successful  2016 operations  from  the  South Sandwich Islands (VP8STI)  and
South Georgia (VP8SGI).
In January 2023, a team of fourteen skilled and seasoned operators (team co-
leaders N6PSE and LA7GIA;  AB5EB,  DL6KVA,  HA0NAR,  JH4RHF,  K6TD,  KO8SCA,
LA7THA, LB1QI, N2WB,  N7QT, W1SRD, WD5COV) will depart  Cape Town  on the RV
"Braveheart" and embark on a 42-day voyage to Bouvet Island and back.
Plans are to make a shore landing  and  an arduous climb up onto the edge of
the glacier, to stay at Bouvet for twenty days  (weather permitting)  and to
operate  CW, SSB and digital modes (FT8/FT4 and RTTY) on  160-10 metres  for
14-16 days.
"Each team member will contribute a minimum of  $20,000 each  and your dona-
tion will be spent on securing the budget of $ $764,000".  More information,
including QSLling policy, can be found on Updates will be
posted also to Facebook:

CQMM DX CONTEST ---> The CQ MM DX Contest, organized by the  Juiz de Fora CW
Group, will be held  on  17-18 April.  It will run from  9 UTC  on  Saturday
through  23.59 UTC on Sunday, on  80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW.  Complete
details can be found at

FT4 SPRINT CONTEST ---> The  Strange  Radio  Team  (
organizes the  second edition  of the  "FT4 Sprint Contest Italia 40m"  that
will run on 18 April  from 8 to 14 UTC.  Only contacts made by  Italian sta-
tions with Italian stations  can count for this  short duration event.  [TNX

JAPAN INTERNATIONAL DX CW CONTEST ---> Object of the contest is for amateurs
in Japan to work as many stations stations in as many  DXCC Entities and  CQ
Zones as possible on  160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 metres,  while DX stations
work as many  JA amateurs in as many  Prefectures and JD1 islands as  possi-
ble. This year's event  will be held on 10-11 April (07.00-13.00 UTC).  Com-
plete information can be found on

YOTA CONTEST 2021 ---> Organized by the IARU R1 Youth Working Group  in  co-
operation with the  Hungarian Amateur Radio Society (MRASZ),  the newly born
YOTA Contest's aim is to increase youngsters activity on the air, strengthen
the reputation of the YOTA programme and  demonstrate support for youngsters
across the world. This year's YOTA Contest will be held on 22 May (0800-1959
UTC), 17 July (1000-2159 UTC) and  30 December (1200-2359 UTC),  on the five
classic bands CW and SSB. Everyone can work everyone. The complete rules can
be found on [TNX IARU Region 1]

+ SILENT KEY + Waldemar "Waldi" Polit, SP7IDX passed away on 4 April. A well
known  Hexbeam antenna manufacturer  and IOTA activator,  he died of a heart
attack while recovering from contracting Covid-19. [TNX DX World]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2TS       M0OXO       E7DX        E77E        OL70DG      OK1DG
3DA0AQ      EA5GL       ED2C        EA2RCF      OM77PA      OM4MM
3E3E        AC2OV       ED3D        EA3RCB      OZ75BO      OZ1ACB
3V8SS       LX1NO       ED7N        EA7KHB      OZ75MAY     OZ1ACB
3Z0WARD     SP6IEQ      ED8B        EA8TR       PA96WARD    PA1AW
3Z0X        SP5MXZ      EE1MGY      EB1LO       PB00T       PA2TMS
3Z1K        SP1KRF      EF8I        EA8TK       PB96WARD    PA1AW
4A5E        EA5ZD       EF8K        EA8DET      PG96WARD    PG1R
4K6MAR      DC9RI       EG1PEA      EA1RKA      PI4COM      PA1AW
4L0G        EA7FTR      EG7MSP      EA7RCM      PJ2ND       K8ND
4M8E        YV8ER       EM2G        UR7GO       PJ2T        W3HNK
4U1GSC      9A2AA       EM60LKG     UT5LA       PJ4DX       M0URX
4X0A        4X1VF       EO50FF      UX0FF       PJ4G        K4BAI
4X7R        4X6OM       EP2HAM      M0OXO       PR4T        EA7FTR
5Z4VJ       M0URX       EP2LSH      EA5GL       PS2T        K3IRV
7A1A        EA7FTR      FG4NO       EA5GL       R41WCMB     R1II
7D5RI       EA5GL       FM5BH       W3HNK       R75RAA      RN3RQ
7X2HF       EA5GL       HC1HN       EA5GL       R800ANP     RA1WU
7X2GK       IK2DUW      HF1J        SP1NEN      SN2B        SP3CGK
7Z1AL       EC6DX       HF66KAO     SP9KAO      SN7Q        SP7GIQ
8P1W        KU9C        HG7T        HA7TM       SO4R        SP4PND
8Q7MS       EA5GL       HG8R        HA8JV       SO9I        SQ9ORQ
8S0C        SM0MPV      HH2AA       EB7DX       SX200AOK    SV2AOK
9A0BR       9A4W        HI6LT       W2CCW       SX200COL    SV9COL
9A10FF      9A2MF       HL1IWD/5    EA5GL       SX200DCY    SV8DCY
9A165T      9A1ZDR      HP8DPD      EA7FTR      TG9ANF      VE7BV
9A25RBM     9A4J        HS0ZOA      EB7DX       TI7W        M0URX
9A64AA      9A2AA       HZ1SK       IZ8CLM      TM0R        F5GGL
9A88A       9A1UN       HZ1TT       A61BK       TM100SHT    F6KOH
9G5FI       DL1RTL      II2S        IZ2FOS      TM3Z        F4DSK
9H6A        9H1BT       II4DNZ      IQ4FE       TM6BZF      F6KTM
9J2MM       N4GNR       II5LDV      IQ5LV       TM77SM      F4GYM
9K9C        EC6DX       II8K        IZ8EPX      TM8A        F8DVD
9V1YC       W5UE        IO7T        IZ7ECL      UK8ZC       RW6HS
A42K        EA5GL       IR2X        IK2WAD      UP0L        DL8KAC
A60A        EA7FTR      IR6T        IK6VXO      V73NS       W3HNK
A61DD       EA7FTR      IR8W        IK8YFU      V85AHV      EB7DX
A61QQ       A61BK       IR9Z        IT9VCE      VB3E        VE3AT
A71AE       EC6DX       J73ESL      EA5GL       VC3T        VE3DZ
A71AM       M0OXO       J79WTA      HB9MFM      VC3VACCINE  VE3ES
A71CT       EA7FTR      JG8NQJ/JD1  JA8CJY [d]  VK0PD       EB7DX
A71OK       EA5GL       JG8NQJ/JD1  JG8NQJ [b]  VK4KW       N3SL
AL1G        W2GR        KL7RA       N4GNR       VP2ETE      W3HNK
AP2AJM      IK2DUW      KP2B        EB7DX       VP5M        K4QPL
AP2TN       DJ9ZB       KP2M        NZ4DX       VR2CC       VR2XRW
AZ7H        EA5KB       L21RCA      LU4AA       WP2Z        KU9C
B4O         BA4MY       LC6C        LA6VQ       WP3C        M0OXO
B4T         BA4TB       LN8W        LA6YEA      XQ3WD       XQ4CW
B7M         BG7LHY      LO5D        LU8EOT      YB0AZ       W4JS
C37AC       EA3QS       LO7H        EA7FTR      YB0ECT      W2FB
C44C        M0URX       LQ5A        EA7FTR      YB1DNF      EB7DX
C92RU       R7AL        LR3D        EA7FTR      YB9GV       EA7FTR
CE1TT       N2OO        LS2D        EC6DX       YB9UA       IK2DUW
CN12FES     CN8ZG       LT5X        LU8XW       YI1WWA      IK2DUW
CN8YR       EA7FTR      LX5WARD     LX1JH       YJ8RN       NZ4DX
CP1XRM      EA5RM       LX7I        LX2A        YL6W        YL2GD
CQ750RSI    CT7AQD      LY7Z        LY9Y        YP0C        YO3CZW
CR5OIDH     EA4URE      LZ125LAZ    LZ1ZF       YQ6A        YO6BHN
CR6T        CT1ESV      LZ1612EN    LZ1KCP      YT5A        YT1AD
CV7S        CX7SS       LZ200GSR    LZ1XM       YU51ANO     YU1EA
CX2DK       EA5GL       LZ21DIG     LZ2VP       YV5NEA      EA7FTR
CX3AT       EA5GL       LZ5R        LZ1YQ       Z21ML       N4GNR
CX5UA       IK2DUW      LZ7G        LZ1NK       ZC4GR       EB7DX
D2EB        IZ3ETU      M5W         M0HMJ       ZF5T        K5GO
DB59FIRAC   DL8DWL      OA4SS       KB6J        ZP5FIA      EA5ZD
DC220GERKE  DJ6SI       OC200U      OA4O        ZP6RAI      IK2DUW
DP0POL/mm   DL5EBE      OD5ET       EB7DX       ZR6DX       EA7FTR
DR165TESLA  DK8ZZ       OD5YA       IZ8CLM      ZS1OPB      N4GNR
DT8A        DS5TOS      OD5ZZ       N4GNR       ZS4JAN      EA5GL
DY1T        DU1IVT      OE100LCR    OE3LCR      ZS6CCY      K3IRV
E2A         E21EIC      OE2S        OE2GEN      ZS6TVB      N4GNR
E2U         HS4WLA      OG30YL      OH2YL       ZW2W        PT2IC
E7CW        E73ESP      OG73X       OH8L        ZW61DF      PT2GTI

7S60BQ    Ewe Hakansson, Pilspetsvagen 4, SE-291 66 Kristianstad, Sweden
7X4AN     Mohamed Boukhiar, Apartado Postal 30133, 08080 Barcelona, Spain
CE7VPQ    Javier Capdebilla Alvarado, Casilla 42, Sucursal Quellon, 5799001
          Quellon, Region de Los Lagos, Chile
CR6K      Filipe Monteiro Lopes, Rua Manuel Jose da Silva 184, Espinheira,
          3720-537 Sao Martinho da Gandara, Portugal
DA21WARD  Andreas Christian Salder, Senner Hellweg 77a, 33659 Bielefeld,
ED1R      Jesus Maria Gimare Marquez, C/ Jacinto del Barrio 2,
          05358 Papatrigo (Avila), Spain
EE5T      Santiago de La Fuente, Miguel Hernandez 37 Pta. 6, 46970 Alacuas
          (Valencia), Spain
EH5SSC    Radio Club Carthago, Apartado Postal 176, 30200 Cartagena (Murcia)
GB1004FTS John Rowlands, Tanrallt, Rhosybol, Amlwch, LL68 9RD,
          United Kingdom
IO9R      Simone Puglisi, Via Catania 16, 95022 Aci Catena CT, Italy
J42L      Leo Fiskas, 1 Argyriou Gouzgou Str., 52 200 Argos Orestiko, Greece
JA8CJY    Susumu Sanada, 5-17 Shinei 5-Jo 4-Chome, Kiyota-ku, Sapporo-shi,
          Hokkaido, 004-0835, Japan
OG66X     Jouni Mehtomaa,  Kylmalantie 1, FI-92140 Pattijoki, Finland
OH0V      Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, FI-31400 Somero, Finland
PQ2M      Wanderley Ferreira Gomes, Avenida 23 de Maio 2966 Ap 1320,
          Sao Paulo - SP, 04008-000, Brazil
PR4A      Wellington Coimbra, Rua Cel. Marciano Goncalves Campos 172/202,
          Rio Pomba - MG, 36180-000, Brazil
PV7M      Carlos Alberto Pinto Moreira, Rua Pamela Loren 59, Mangabeira,
          Eusebio - CE, 61760-000, Brazil
T6A       Robert Kasca, Govejk 11C, 5281 Spodnja Idrija, Slovenia
T6AA      Robert Kasca, Govejk 11C, 5281 Spodnja Idrija, Slovenia
TR8CA     Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
V51MA     Harry de Jong, Broekdijk 59, 7695 TC Bruchterveld, The Netherlands
VC2W      Victor Androsov, 1185 Rue de Blois, Boucherville, QC J4B 7Z5,
ZM4T      Holger Hannemann, 262 Waimarama Heights, RD12,
          Havelock North 4294, New Zealand
ZT1T      Tom Morgan, 58 Piet Retief Street, Robertson, 6705, South Africa
ZV2C      Mauricio Pitorri, Rua Verona 174, Sao Paulo - SP, 02348-050,
ZV5M      Amelio Alves de Marins Filho, Rua Comandante Didio Costa 1013,
          Paranagua - PR, 83206-050, Brazil
ZW8T      Milton Lima Ribeiro, Rua Mazerine Cruz 2673, Teresina - PI,
          64076-040, Brazil


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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