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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   05.06.21 11:37l 280 Lines 16372 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1570
Subj: 425 DX News #1570
Sent: 210605/0948Z 6623@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.21

5 June 2021                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1570

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Owing to the ongoing and fluid nature  of the  COVID-19  situation globally,
announced  activities  might  be  cut short,  postponed,  cancelled  or even
extended at any time and without notice.

3W     - Jun, JH4RHF/OE1JUN (ex OE1ZKC) has bee active as XV9RH  from  Hanoi
         since 31 May and will remain in Vietnam until 26 June. In his spare
         time he operates CW and FT8 on 20-10 metres.  QSL via OE1JUN.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
A9     - The  Bahrain Amateur Radio Society  will operate  special  callsign
         A91BFA on 3-15 June. QSL via EC6DX.  The suffix stands for  Bahrain
         Football Association, and the activity is in support of the nation-
         al football (soccer) team  in its progress  in the  2022 FIFA World
         Cup Qualification process.
DL     - DARC Team SES  (Special Event Station)  will be active  as  DR60ANT
         between 1 June and 31 December.  QSL via the bureau,  or direct  to
         DL2VFR.  Also active during the same  time frame  will be  DQ60ANT,
         operated by DL1RUN.  The special callsigns memorialize the 60th an-
         versary since the  Antarctic Treaty  entered into force  on 23 June
         1961).  The Treaty covers the area south of  60 degrees South lati-
         tude; it sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establish-
         es freedom of scientific investigation, and bans military  activity
         on the continent.
F      - F1PHB,  F4HEI, F5BQU,  F5PPG, F5TLZ  and  F6BGH  will be active  as
         TM57COV on 15-29 June. QSL via F-11734, direct or bureau.  The spe-
         cial  callsign  honours the victims of the pandemic and the health-
         care professionals who are still working hard to fight it.
G      - GB95QB is the special callsign for Nigel, G0GDA to celebrate  Queen
         Elizabeth II's 95th birthday on 6-13 June.  The British sovereign's
         official  birthday celebration  is held on the  second Saturday  in
         June, regardless of his/her actual birth date. QSL only via eQSL.
HI     - HI95RCD is the special callsign for Radio Club Dominicano  (HI8RCD,
         officially founded on 12 June 1926) to celebrate its  95th anniver-
         sary on 12-23 June. QSL via LoTW.
HL     - D721LP is the  Korean Amateur Radio League's  special event station
         celebrating  IARU HF QRP Day  (17 June).  It will be active on 1-30
         June; QSL via LoTW.
I      - Look for IG9/IK5RUN and IG9/IK5MES to be active holiday style  from
         Lampedusa Island (AF-019)  on 12-25 June.  They will operate mainly
         SSB. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK2RLS]
JA     - On  22 June 1961  Isamu Ishibashi, KR8AB  became the first  amateur
         radio station from Okinawa.  Celebrating the 60th anniversary since
         then, JARL's Okinawa Branch (JR6RL) will be active as  8N60HAM  be-
         tween 1 June and 31 December. QSL via the bureau.
OA     - Celebrating the bicentennial of Peruvian independence,  the Asocia-
         cion de Radioaficionados del Peru (OA4P) will operate special call-
         signs OC4B, OC6B and OC7B  until 31 December.  Look for activity on
         40, 20, 17 and 15 metres SSB and FT8.  A digital QSL will be avail-
         able by email (
UA     - Celebrating Russia Day, the national holiday of the Russian Federa-
         tion (12 June),  special callsigns  R21RUS, RO21RU, RT21RU,  RU21RU
         and RW21RU  will be active on  7-13 June.  A number of certificates
         will be available on
UA9    - Gennady, R5QA and  Andrey, R9YU will be active  from all of the  19
         Tuva Republic's administrative districts indicatively between 4 and
         15 June.  They will operate  mobile under  the  Medvezh'ja  Poljana
         Radio Club's callsign (UB5O),  as well as their own callsigns.  The
         logs will be uploaded to LoTW and the  Russian Districts Award Auto
         Credit Server  (  The Tuvan republic lies  at  the
         geographical center of Asia, in southern Siberia.
XT     - Harald, DF2WO will again be active again as XT2AW from Ouagadougou,
         Burkina Faso starting on  13 June for three weeks.  He will operate
         CW, FT8 and SAT modes;  SSB will be used  "but only when conditions
         allow propagation". QSL via M0OXO ( and

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

BAHRAIN AND KYRGYZSTAN JOIN IARU ---> The  IARU member-societies  have voted
to admit  the  Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (BARS)  and  the  Amateur Radio
Union of the Kyrgyz Republic (ARUKR)  to membership.  BARS was founded on 23
July 2020;  as of September  there were  15 members  out of  a total  of  88
licensed  radio amateurs  in the Kingdom.  ARUKR was founded  on  25 October
2013, and as of October 2019  all 110 licensed amateurs in the country  were
members. [TNX IARU Region 1]

CQ DX MARATHON ---> The  CQ  DX  Marathon  is  a  year-long  DX  hunt,  with
participants competing to see who can work the greatest number of  countries
("entities") and CQ zones during the calendar year. Complete results of  the
2020 edition are on

QSL SV2RSG/A ---> SV1RP is the new  QSL manager for  Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG/A,
from  Mount  Athos.  QSL direct  to  George K. Vlachopoulos,  Panselinou 26,
11 141 Athens, Greece.

YASME FOUNDATION SUPPORTING GRANTS ---> The  Yasme Foundation  has announced
that the following grants were made at its 26 May board meeting:
* Oscar Pancorvo (OA4AMN)  and  Pablo Valentin Vazquez (OA4AI) in support of
  their youth training program in Peru.
* Maranyundo School (Rwanda) - amateur radio books and training material, to
  help establish a radio club.
* Seychelles Amateur Radio Club (SARA) - ongoing  support for  license exams
  and fees.  Yasme has already helped eight residents pass the  RSGB Founda-
  tion exam and get their S79 callsigns.
The Yasme Foundation ( is a not-for-profit corporation
organized to support scientific and educational projects related  to amateur
radio, including DXing and the  introduction and  promotion of amateur radio
in developing countries. [TNX K4ZW]

+ SILENT KEY + Nils-Goran Persson,  SM6CAS  passed away on 24 May.  Licensed
since 1959,  he was a DXer  with a total of  357 Entities in the  DXCC Mixed
standings,  and was a doyen of IOTA chasing,  as he gained his initial  cer-
tificate #7 in 1967.  He operated  from various island groups in Sweden  and
Iceland  (TF4/SM6CAS and TF4WW, EU-168),  and in the Nineties  he was active
from the  Pacific,  notably as  V63CS  (OC-012, OC-078 and OC-180 in  1993),
T33CS  (Banaba 1994),  3D2CT/3D2CU (Conway Reef 1995),  T31T and ZK3CW  (the
1999 "Double Trouble" DXpedition to Central Kiribati and Tokelau).  Nils was
also the driving force behind the 2010  T32 Southern Line Islands  operation
that activated four new IOTAs.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3W3B        E21EIC      ED8W        EA5GL       P40A        WD9DZV
3Z0X        SP5MXZ      EF8R        EB7DX       P44W        N2MM
3Z1K        SP1KRF      EG1RKB      EA5RKB      P49Y        AE6Y
3Z6M        SP6IEQ      EG2RKB      EA5RKB      PS4T        PY4RGS
3Z90DZC     SP5DZC      EG3RKB      EA5RKB      PT5T        K3IRV
4A7A        XE2T        EG4RKB      EA5RKB      PZ5JW       EA5GL
4D3X        W3HNK       EG5RKB      EA5RKB      R103PS      RK9DR
4J880N      4K4K        EG6RKB      EA5RKB      R103PW      R2AB
4L1FL       EA7FTR      EG7RKB      EA5RKB      R115MUSA    RA4R
4L2M        EA7FTR      EG8RKB      EA5RKB      R18JHM      UA9JLL
4L6QL       RW6HS       EG9RKB      EA5RKB      R18JIG      UA9JLL
4L8A        M0OXO       EH1MDC      EA1UVR      R18UGRA     UA9JLL
4U0WFP      S57DX       EN4U        EA5HPX      R800AN      RK3MXT
4U1A        UA3DX       EO50FF      UX0FF       R90WTA      RV3YR
4U29MAY     9A2AA       EU5C        EW1I        RK75FF      UF2F
4X0A        4X1VF       G6T         M0URX       SC7DX       SM7GIB
4X6FR       4X6OM       G8A         G3XSV       SD1A        SM1TDE
5B4AOW      RW3RN       G8X         G4FJK       SD400SU     SM3NXS
5T5PA       PA5X        G9W         M0DXR       SE5E        SM5AJV
5Z4PA       M0URX       HC2AO       RC5A        SJ0X        SM6JSM
6Y5HN       EA5GL       HC5ARC      HC5VF       SM2U        SM0CXU
7Z1AL       EC6DX       HF5PUZ      SP5KVW      SN3A        SP3GEM
8P6ET       KU9C        HG21TISZA   HA7VK       SP10POW     SP3POW
9A0BR       9A4W        HG7T        HA7TM       SP60VHSC    SP3LPR
9A10FF      9A2MF       HI8S        EA5GL       SP8R        SP8PCF
9A21Y       9A1TT       HK1MW       N2OO        SV9/SV0IG   IK0EFR
9G5FI       DL1RTL      HS0ZJF      ON4AFU      TG9ADV      EC6DX
9K2GT       EC6DX       HZ1WED      HZ1SAR      TG9AWS      W3HNK
9K2YM       EA5KB       II2CC       IZ2FED      TK4QL       EA5GL
9N1DX       M0OXO       II2S        IZ2FOS      TM0ISS      F4KLR
9V1YC       W5UE        II4SWE      IQ4FE       TM1FR       F8GGZ
A25SL       N4GNR       II8K        IZ8EPX      TM6KJS      F6KJS
A42K        EA5GL       JY5MM       IK2DUW      TM6X        F5VHY
A61Q        EA7FTR      KC4AAA      K7MT        TZ4AM       W0SA
A71BX       EA7FTR      KH6LC       WA6WPG      UE90WTA     RV3YR
A91BFA      EC6DX       KL4NE       EA5GL       UK8IF       RW6HS
A91GCC      EC6DX       KL7RA       N4GNR       UK8LC       RW6HS
AM1DMA      EA1CIU      KP2B        EB7DX       UN3M        M0OXO
AM5IP       EA5CP       KP4DZ       EB7DX       UP0L        DL8KAC
B1Z         EA7FTR      KP4ZZ       EB7DX       UP4L        UN7LZ
BV6CC       EA5GL       LN8W        LA6YEA      V31AE       EB7DX
BW2/JP1RIW  BM2JCC      LT6M        LU8MHL      V73NS       W3HNK
BX6ABV      EA5GL       LX7I        LX2A        VB3E        VE3AT
C31CT       EA3QS       LY73BB      LY2ZZ       VC3A        VE3JO
C4W         5B4WN       LZ125LAZ    LZ1ZF       VC3T        VE3DZ
C7A         UA3DX       LZ308WK     LZ1KCP      VI100AF     M0URX
CE3CT       EA5KB       LZ5R        LZ1YQ       VK100AF     M0URX
CL7YW       EA7FTR      LZ70HSC     LZ2JE       VK4KW       N3SL
CM2XN       EB7DX       LZ7G        LZ1NK       VK8NSB      M0URX
CN8KD       EC5R        LZ8E        LZ2BE       VK9XX       EB7DX
CN8LAH      EA7FTR      MU2K        GU8ITE      VP8ZMS      M0ZMS
CN8NIL      RW6HS       MX3W        G4FAL       VX31IGY     VE3NE
CO2RQ       EC6DX       NP2X        KU9C        VY2ZM       EA7HBC
CO6DS       EA7FTR      OA4SS       KB6J        WP3C        M0OXO
CO7MTL      IK2DUW      OA9DVK      IK6BFH      XR2K        CE2ML
CO7YMC      IK2DUW      OC200E      OA4O        XV9RH       OE1JUN
CP5HK       EC6DX       OG2B        OH2GEK      XW0LP       EA5GL
CR3DX       OM2VL       OG30YL      OH2YL       YB0ECT      W2FB
CR5O        CT7AJL      OG60BBM     OH0XX       YL7A        YL2GM
CT9/OM2KW   OM2FY       OG73X       OH8L        YR8D        YO8KRR
CX2CC       EA5KB       OH0W        OH2BH       YT0Z        YU1ZZ
D4Z         IK2NCJ      OH0Z        W0MM        YT5A        YT1AD
DP44WCA     DF6EX       OH10A       OH1HS       YU51ANO     YU1EA
DP50AGCW    DM4CW       OH8X        OH6KN       Z81D        OM3JW
DP70HSC     DK9HE       OK2D        OK2KJT      ZF1A        K7ZO
DP90JMT     DL2VFR      OK5Z        OK2ZI       ZF5T        K5GO
DR50AGCW    DL1DXL      OL3Z        OK1HMP      ZL25NZ      ZL3CW
DU3TW       EA5GL       OL4A        OK1DSX      ZM1M        ZL1BBW
E2A         E21EIC      OL57ZW      OK1YM       ZP5AA       ZP5DBC
E2E         E21EIC      OM7M        OM3PA       ZP9MCE      EA5ZD
E7AA        E77E        OP0HQ       ON4CAS      ZS6CCY      K3IRV
E7CW        E73ESP      OZ9ETOV     OZ1HHH      ZW8T        PS8HF
ED7R        EC7WR       P3X         UT5UDX      ZX2E        PY2ZEA

4L1PJ    Peter Jewitt, Fluckenstrasse 9, 5616 Meisterschwanden, Switzerland
5P8VW    Volker Wassermann, Kendelweg 9, 47608 Geldern, Germany
9H6A     Paul Galea, 66 Triq Guze Ellul Mercer, Had-Dingli, DGL 1118, Malta
CR6K     Filipe Monteiro Lopes, Rua Manuel Jose da Silva 184, Espinheira,
         3720-537 Sao Martinho da Gandara, Portugal
CS5YOTA  Associacao de Radioamadores da Regiao de Lisboa, Rua Actor Isidoro
         38 C/V A, 1900-019 Lisboa, Portugal
CT9ABO   Jozef Lang, Obrancov Mieru 344, 059 34 Spisska Teplica,
         Slovak Republic
ES9C     Toomas Soomets, Lootuse tn 22-2, 50108 Tartu, Estonia
FY5KE    Jacques Mazzoni, 678 route de l'Egalite, 74290 Talloires Montmin,
HG0HQ    Szabo Karoly, Fuzesgyarmat, Aradi u. 42, 5525, Hungary
HG6N     Salgotarjani Varosi Radioklub, Salgotarjan, Meredek ut 6 II/1,
         3100, Hungary
HG8A     Ilyes Gyorgy, Remeteszolos, Banka u. 44, 2090, Hungary
HV0A     Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma RM, Italy
OG66X    Jouni Mehtomaa,  Kylmalantie 1, FI-92140 Pattijoki, Finland
OH0V     Jukka Klemola, Aarontie 5, FI-31400 Somero, Finland
OV1CDX   Frank Fendahl, Svinoevej 2, 4750 Lundby, Denmark
T71CC    ARRSM Radio Club, Casella Postale 77, 47890 San Marino,
         Repubblica di San Marino
TM6M     Stephane Van Langhenhoven, 24 bis rue de Anter Hent,
         29830 Ploudalmezeau, France
VC2W     Victor Androsov, 1185 Rue de Blois, Boucherville, QC J4B 7Z5,
VP5M     James F. Jordan, 11013 Farmwood Dr, Raleigh NC 27613, USA
W9IMS    Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC, P.O. Box 30954, Indianapolis
         IN 46230, USA
Z81S     Antonello Scauso, Via Tenente Minniti 105, 98057 Milazzo ME, Italy
ZM2B     Frank Hunt, 8 Manu Crescent, Upper Vogeltown, New Plymouth 4310,
         New Zealand
ZM4T     Holger Hannemann, 262 Waimarama Heights, RD12, Havelock North 4294,
         New Zealand
ZV5M     Amelio Alves de Marins Filho, Rua Comandante Didio Costa 1013,
         Paranagua - PR, 83206-050, Brazil


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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