UT1HZM > DXNEWS 24.07.21 12:44l 279 Lines 15327 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1577
Subj: 425 DX News #1577
Sent: 210724/1058Z 7925@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.21
24 July 2021 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1577
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
BY - BA4MY, BI4KKZ and others will be active as BG4OP from Lingshan
Island (AS-150) on 23-25 July. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on
80-6 metres, and will participate in the IOTA Contest. QSL via
EA - AM1CCB is the special callsign for URE Burgos to mark the 800th
anniversary of Burgos Cathedral between 20 July and 18 August. QSL
via the bureau, LoTW, eQSL, or direct. The cathedral has been in-
scribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1984.
ES - Look for ES6JP/0 (QSL via YL2GM) and ES6TZ/0 (QSL via YL2GN) to be
active from Hiiumaa Island (EU-034) on 23-25 July, IOTA Contest
included. [TNX DX World]
FO - Yann, F1SMB will be active as FO/F1SMB from several French Polyne-
sia islands in August. His itinerary is as follows:
02-06 August Moorea OC-046
06-10 August Tahaa OC-067
10-12 August Bora Bora OC-067
12-15 August Tikehau OC-066
15-17 August Rangiroa OC-066
17-20 August Fakarava OC-066
20-23 August Tahiti OC-046
He will operate QRP SSB and FT8 mainly on 40m (7090, 7055, 7074
kHz) and 20m (14285, 14260, 14074 kHz). QSL via F1SMB (SSB QSOs
only) and eQSL (SSB & FT8).
FS - Hal, W8HC will be active holiday style as FS/W8HC from St. Martin
(NA-105) from 29 July to 6 August. He will operate CW and FT8 on
40-6 metres. QSL via LoTW. [TNX DX World]
HI - Massimo, HB9TUZ will be active as HI9/HB9TUZ from Las Terrenas (NA-
096), Dominican Republic on 1-30 August. He will operate SSB on 40-
10 metres. QSL via eQSL only.
HS - The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand is active as HS18IARU until
30 September to mark the 18th IARU Region 3 Conference 2021 (20-23
September, https://www.iarur3conf2021.org/). QSL via E21EIC, but
all QSOs will be confirmed via LoTW and the bureau.
I - A large team will be active from the island of Santa Maria di Bar-
bana (EU-130) on 23-25 July. They will be signing II3Y during the
IOTA Contest (QSL via M0OXO) and IQ3JT (QSL via IV3OSC).
I - Weather permitting, Roberto, IK8PGM will be active as ID8A from
Cirella Island (EU-144) on 29 July. QSL via home call.
OA - Alex, DD5ZZ will be active as OA7/DD5ZZ from the Peruvian region of
Cuzco between 30 July and 17 September. He will operate SSB, FT8,
FT4 and some CW on 40-6 metres, and might use OA7/5P6G during the
WAE DX CW (14-15 August), WAE DX SSB (11-12 September) and World
Wide Digi DX (28-29 August) contests. QSL via home call, LoTW and
Club Log's OQRS. [TNX NG3K]
OH - Ric, DL2VFR will be active as OH1/DL2VFR from Reposaari Island (EU-
173) on 23-25 July, IOTA Contest included. Afterwards he will be
active as OH73ELK (26-30 July) and OH9/DL2VFR (2-3 August) from
mainland Finland, as OH6/DL2VFR (4-5 August) from IOTA group EU-
101, and as OH2/DL2VFR (6-8 August) from IOTA group EU-097. [TNX
The Daily DX]
OX - Bo, OZ1DJJ will be active again as OX3LX from Tasiilaq Island (NA-
151) between 28 July and 14 August. His main focus will be on 6 and
4 metres, with some activity on the HF bands. He will be QRV in his
spare time, typically around lunch time and after dinner (local
time is UTC-2), also at night and in the morning hours during the
weekends. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS or direct to OZ0J.
SV - A large team will be active as SX8T from Amoliani Island (EU-174)
on 23-26 July, including an entry in the IOTA Contest. QSL direct
SV/A - Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG/A has been active from Mount Athos since 22
July, and reportedly will be QRV for the next few days. He will
operate SSB and CW mostly on 40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL direct to
UA0 - Look for R3RRC/0 (QSL via RZ3EC), as well as R0MR/p, R3BY/0 and
RU5D/0, to be active from Furugel'ma Island (AS-066) from 31 July
to 4 August. They will operate CW, SSB, FT8 and FT4 on 40-10m.
XE - Once again special callsign 4A2MAX will be activated on 1-31 August
in remembrance of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe. Activity will be on
80-6 metres SSB, CW and digital modes. Born in 1894, Father Kolbe
(SP3RN) was killed on 14 August 1941 at Auschwitz. QSL via LoTW,
eQSL, Club Log's OQRS, or direct to N5MEX. More information can be
found on https://www.qrz.com/db/4a2max.
ZC4 - Phil, M7CBK is currently operating as ZC4CBK from the UK Sovereign
Base Area of Akrotiri on Cyprus (AS-004) and plans to be QRV "on a
regular basis until October". He operates mainly FT4 and FT8 on 20
metres. QSL via EB7DX.
IOTA CONTEST ---> The IOTA Contest will be held on 24-25 July (12.00-12.00
UTC) on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m CW and/or SSB. Complete details can be found
on the RSGB Contest Committee's website:
The following stations are expected to be active during the contest weekend
from qualifying islands. For lastest additions please give a look at the an-
nounced operations list maintained by Bill, NG3K:
Ref.No. Call/Ops Island QSL VIA
AF-014 CR3DX Madeira OM2VL
AF-014 CT9/DL5CW Madeira DL5CW
AF-018 IH9YMC Pantelleria LoTW
AF-050 5T5PA/p Arguin PA5X
AS-014 A44M Masirah LoTW
AS-018 RA0FF Sakhalin LoTW
AS-025 RI0FWA Kunashir RZ3FW
AS-043 JE1GDY Hachijo JE1GDY
AS-066 R0LS/p Reyneke
AS-066 R0MZ/p Reyneke
AS-066 RC5A/0 Reyneke
AS-066 RU0LL/p Reyneke
AS-066 RW0LZ/p Reyneke
AS-080 D70EXPO Pukkyongnyolbi LoTW/DS3BBC
AS-100 4X100AI Akhziv LoTW/4X6ZM
AS-135 B4T Kaishan BA4TB
AS-136 BH4TQX Chongming BH4TQX
AS-150 BG4OP Lingshan BI4IIZ
AS-200 JI3DST/5 Shodo Club Log
EU-002 OH0X Aland OH2TA
EU-005 MM1E Great Britain LoTW
EU-008 GM7A Skye LoTW
EU-010 GM7V Benbecula N3SL
EU-011 M0PWL Scilly LoTW
EU-013 GJ8A Jersey G3XSV
EU-015 SV9FBG Crete LoTW
EU-015 SV9RNG Crete LZ1YE
EU-016 9A0CI Vis bureau
EU-016 9A8DV Drvenik Veli IK6VXO
EU-018 OY1CT Faroe OY1CT
EU-025 IR9K Sicily IT9DSZ
EU-025 IT9RZU Sicily LoTW
EU-034 ES0IA Kassaar LoTW
EU-034 ES6JP/0 Hiiumaa YL2GM
EU-034 ES6TZ/0 Hiiumaa YL2GN
EU-039 F/ON1BN/p Chausey ON1BN
EU-039 F/ON6EF/p Chausey ON6EF
EU-042 DG5LAC/p Hooge DG5LAC
EU-052 SV8CS Zakynthos LoTW
EU-054 IF9A Favignana IT9ATF
EU-055 LA4C Feoy LoTW/LA4C
EU-057 DA2W Ruegen bureau
EU-057 DD2CW Ruegen bureau
EU-057 DL5KUD Ruegen Club Log
EU-063 JW0W Prins Karls Forland LoTW/M0OXO
EU-064 TM1N Noirmoutier F4GYM
EU-075 SV8GGI Salamina SV8GGI
EU-080 ED1BP Arosa EA1BP
EU-088 5P6G Laeso DD5ZZ
EU-088 5Q5M Laeso ON6QR
EU-090 9A21A Vela Palagruza S58MU
EU-092 GM5DX Summer Isles EB7DX
EU-107 TM7P Petite F4FET
EU-111 MM8C Ceann Ear Club Log
EU-114 MP5A Alderney G3TXF
EU-120 G4ALE/p Wight G4ALE
EU-121 EJ1E Bere EI5KF
EU-123 GM7M Arran G4ZVB
EU-125 OV5N Romo DM5JBN
EU-129 DK1A Usedom DK1A
EU-130 II3Y S. M. di Barbana M0OXO
EU-131 IQ3ME/p Pellestrina IQ3ME
EU-132 SN0RX Wolin SP8BXL
EU-132 SQ6NEJ Wolin SQ6NEJ
EU-133 RA1ZZ/p Kotlin RA1ZZ
EU-133 RA3AV/p Kotlin RA1ZZ
EU-136 9A/DL3NCI Ilovik DL3NCI
EU-146 PA/DL1KVN/p Tiengemeten Club Log
EU-146 PA/OQ4T Schouwen Duiveland ON4TO
EU-146 PI4AMF/p Schouwen-Duiveland PA3EYC
EU-147 R1BET/p Yakostrov R1BET
EU-147 R1MJ/p Yakostrov R1MJ
EU-171 OZ9V/p Fur
EU-172 5Q5CW Hjarno DL5CW
EU-172 OV7X Hjarno DL2JRM
EU-172 OZ/DJ4MF Hjarno DJ4MF
EU-173 OH1/DL2VFR Reposaari DL2VFR
EU-173 OH9A Lampaluoto OH1NOA
EU-174 SV8/LZ2K Amoliani LZ1QN
EU-174 SW8YA Thassos HA1YA
EU-174 SX8T Amoliani SV2CLJ
EU-179 UR1G Kalanchatskyi UR8GX
EU-185 RU6DX/p Sudzhuk RU6DX
NA-036 VE7JH Vancouver VE7JH
NA-040 NL0H St Lawrence M0OXO
NA-067 W4MY Harkers W4MY
NA-110 K4QQG Hilton Head LoTW
NA-137 K1IMI Bailey N4CW
NA-168 KS4YT/p Grand Isle KS4YT
NA-168 KV4T/p Grand Isle KV4T
OC-021 YB0ECT Java W2FB
SA-012 YV7MAY Margarita EA8MU
The IOTA SWL Contest was picked up by the Radioascolto SWL Club and used to
run in parallel with the IOTA Contest. It has been discontinued owing to the
death of the Contest Manager Dan Rolla (I1-12387/IW1QLA), who passed away in
November 2020.
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!
NL0H ---> Henry, NL0H "is preparing to be active for the next few days in-
cluding during the RSGB IOTA Contest from St. Lawrence Island (NA-040)",
M0OXO reports. "He has been trying to set up a 10-80 end fed at the top of
the mountain, his main obstacle on the island. Although low to the ground to
the south, on the north side it is 500ft above the water. He is not sure how
good it will work but he is hopeful it will make a significant improvement.
He has been hearing good sigs from VK on 80m, EU on 15m and also VU and Asia
on 17m". During the IOTA Contest Henry will be QRV on 80, 40, 20 and 15 me-
tres, with a focus on 40 and 20m. "His only anticipated problem is how long
his batteries will work for".
QSL BX3AX/2 ---> Those who still need a QSL card for this operation, carried
out in early October 2014 from Juhua Island (AS-151), can send their request
to EA5GL, either direct or via the bureau. [TNX VE3LYC]
QSL IG9OSC & ID9OSC ---> Dario, IT9ZZO has processed and mailed all direct
requests for IG9OSC (AF-019, May 2021), as well as for ID9OSC (EU-017, Sep-
tember 2020). The remaining QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the
bureau; neither your bureau card nor the use of Club Log's OQRS are needed.
RI0FM: POSTPONED ---> "Due to the illness of some of the members", the 15-31
July RI0FM operation from Moneron Island (AS-149) [425DXN 1574] has been
postponed tentatively until sometime in August. Bookmark https://ri0fm.ru
for updates.
SU1SK PIRATED ---> Said Kamel, SU1SK, President of the Egyptian Radio Ama-
teurs Society (ERASD), reports that his callsign has been repeatedly pirated
on FT8 over the past few days: 10 July (17m), 17 July (30m), 18 July (10m),
19 July (20m). The new QSL route for the genuine SU1SK is via JH1AT (di-
rect). aid has no PayPal account; he uploads his log to eQSL, but does not
use LoTW.
VK9HR: CANCELLED ---> "After months of negotiations with the new Management
Authority", the 3-13 November VK9HR operation from the Willis Islands
[425DXN 1555] has been cancelled. "A combination of new rules banning the
installation of any structures on the islands by the new authority along
with the fact that COVID has now spread to four Australian states meant that
going ahead was not going to be possible".
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3W1T, 7Q7RU, A25RU, C31CT, C6AGU,
C92RU, E51WL (OC-082), EP2HAM, HC2AO, HI1IDT (NA-122), HK7AAG, JD1BMH,
JX2US, KH0/KC0W, NL0H, R207RRC, RI0Q (AS-152), SV2RSG/A, SV5AZP, TO1K,
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj...@gmail.com)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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