DJ5AV > DXNEWS 12.08.21 18:01l 109 Lines 4288 Bytes #999 (50) @ WW
Subj: ARLD029 DX news
Sent: 210723/0652z @:DB0ACH.#NRW.DEU.EU [BCM Aachen, JO30AS] obcm1.07b12 LT:050
From: DJ5AV @ DB0ACH.#NRW.DEU.EU (Mike)
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DX Bulletin 29 ARLD029
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT July 22, 2021
To all radio amateurs
ARLD029 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.
Thanks to all.
CROATIA, 9A. A group of operators will be QRV as 9A0CI from Vis
Island, IOTA EU-016, in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via bureau.
OMAN, A4. A group of operators are QRV as A44M from Masirah Island,
IOTA AS-014, until July 27. They will be active as A43MI in the
RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via LoTW.
CHINA, BY. A large group of operators are QRV as BI4SSB from
Kaishan Island, IOTA AS-135. Activity is on 40 to 6 meters using
CW, SSB, and FT8. They will be active as B4T in the RSGB IOTA
contest. QSL via BA4TB.
ESTONIA, ES. Yuris, YL2GM and Ziedonis, YL2GN are QRV as ES6JP/0
and ES6TZ/0, respectively, from Hiiumaa Island, IOTA EU-034, until
July 25. This includes being entries in the RSGB IOTA contest.
QSL to home calls.
GUERNSEY, GJ. Members of the Three A's Contest Group are QRV as
MP5A from Alderney Island, IOTA EU-114, and will be a Multi Op entry
in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via G3TXF.
SCOTLAND, GM. Col, MM0NDX and Jonathan, MM0OKG are QRV as MS0INT
from Horse Island, IOTA EU-092. They will be active as GM5DX in the
RSGB IOTA contest. QSL GM5DX via EB7DX and MS0INT via LoTW.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HI. Special event station HI95RCD is QRV until
the end of 2021 to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the Dominican
Radio Club. Activity is on 160 meters to 70 centimeters using CW,
SSB, FM, and FT8. QSL direct to RW6HS.
REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL. A group of operators are QRV as D70EXPO from
Pukkyongnyolbi Island, IOTA AS-080. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters.
This includes being an entry in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via
PANAMA, HP. Operators HP2AT and HP2NG are QRV as 3F200AT and
3F200NG, respectively, until November 30 to celebrate the
bicentennial of the independence of Panama from Spain. QSL via
ITALY, I. Station IF9A will be a 24 Hours/Assisted/CW/Low Power
entry from Favignana Island, IOTA EU-054, in the RSGB IOTA contest.
ST. VINCENT, J8. Brian, GW4DVB is QRV as J88PI from Palm Island,
IOTA NA-025, until August 1. Activity is on the HF bands using SSB,
FT8, and some CW. QSL direct to home call.
ALASKA, KL7. Henry, NL0H will be QRV from St. Lawrence Island, IOTA
NA-040, in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via M0OXO.
FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Carsten, OY1CT, will be QRV from Streymoy
Island, IOTA EU-018, as a Single Op/CW/High Power entry in the RSGB
IOTA contest. Activity will be on 20 to 10 meters. QSL to home call.
GREECE, SV. Spiros, SV8CS and Norbert, OM6NM will be QRV as SV8CS
from Zante Island, IOTA EU-052, in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via
CRETE, SV9. SV9RNG plans to be QRV from Crete, IOTA EU-015, in the
RSGB IOTA contest as an All Band entry. QSL via LZ1YE.
ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0. A group of operators are QRV as RI0FWA from
Kunashir Island, IOTA AS-025, until July 29. This includes being an
entry in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via LoTW.
VANUATU, YJ. Rod, YJ8RN is QRV from Emae Island, IOTA OC-111, until
July 27. Activity is on 40, 30, and 20 meters using mostly FT8.
This includes being an entry in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via NZ4DX.
VENEZUELA, YV. Mayra, YV7MAY plans to be QRV from Margarita Island,
IOTA SA-012, in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL to home call.
Fox Hunt, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test
and the ARS Flight of the Bumblebees are all on tap for this weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, QCX CW Challenge and RSGB FT4 Contest
Series are all scheduled for July 26.
The Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest and RTTYOPS Weeksprint are
scheduled for July 27.
The SKCC CW Sprint, Phone Fray, and CWops Mini-CWT Test are all
scheduled for July 28.
Please see July QST, page 73, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest
websites for details.
Relayed from the internet by dj5av @ db0ach.#nrw.deu.eu
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