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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   12.08.21 18:02l 245 Lines 15368 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1579
Subj: 425 DX News #1579
Sent: 210807/1849Z 8149@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.21

7 August 2021                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1579

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5V     - Andy, KB9IJI  is a  long-term resident in  Mango, Togo.  Previously
         granted a special permission to be QRV as  5V/KB9IJI [425DXN 1490],
         now he has been issued  the callsign  5VJA (correct).  Plans are to
         upload his log to both LoTW and eQSL.
5X     - Paolo, IZ3QFD  has been active again  as  5X4E from  Moroto, Uganda
         since  late July,  and plans  to remain there  for a long time.  He
         works for a non-governmental organization, and in his spare time he
         operates SSB on the HF bands. Apparently he does not QSL.
A3     - Masa, JA0RQV announced ( that finally he
         was able to reach Tonga on 28 July. After completing a 21-day quar-
         antine, he will move to a seaside small cottage and be QRV as A35JP
         from Nuku'alofa on Tongatapu Island (OC-049) from late August/early
         September until late October/early November.  He will also try  and
         be active from  Niuatoputapu (OC-191),  Niuafo'ou (OC-123),  Vava'u
         (OC-064) and/or Ha'apai (OC-169). QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or
         via the bureau to JA0RQV.
A9     - Look for members of the  Bahrain Amateur Radio Society  to partici-
         pate in the International Youth Day and be active as A91IYD on 6-12
         August. QSL via EC6DX and LoTW.
CT8    - Giovanni, IZ2DPX will be active as  CT8/IZ2DPX  from the Azores be-
         tween 14 and 29 August.  He will operate SSB and  digital modes  on
         the HF bands from three islands:  Terceira  (EU-175, 14-19 August),
         Faial (EU-175, 19-23 August) and Sao Miguel (EU-003, 23-29 August).
         QSL via IK2DUW.
DL     - Special callsign DK80ZUSE will be active from  1 August to 31 Octo-
         ber  to memorialize the  80th anniversary  of the  Z3 machine,  the
         world's first working programmable, fully automatic computer  built
         by  German pioneering  computer scientist  Konrad Zuse (1910-1995).
         QSL via th bureau or direct to DL5DSM;  the log will be uploaded to
         LoTW, Club Log and eQSL.
DL     - Markus, DJ4EL will be active as DJ4EL/p from Mellum Island (EU-047)
         on 14-15 August. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW or via home call.
ES     - Ed, ES2TT will be active as ES2TT/1 from  Aegna Island (EU-149)  on
         14 August.  He will operate CW and SSB starting around 9 UTC  until
         around 16 UTC.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or  via home call  (direct
         and bureau).
F      - Jean-Louis, F4FSY will be active as F4FSY/p from ile d'Oleron  (EU-
         032) on  7-20 August.  QSL via F4FSY  (direct or bureau),  LoTW and
HL     - Celebrating the 76th anniversary  of  the liberation  of  Korea (15
         August 1945), members  of  the  Korean Amateur Radio League  (KARL)
         will be active as HL76V on 1-31 August. QSL via 6K0MF.
I      - A group of operators from ARI Genova (IQ1GE) will be  active  again
         as II1L from La Lanterna during the International Lighthouse Light-
         ship Weekend (21-22 August).  QSL via LoTW, Club Logis OQRS, direct
         or bureau. [TNX IZ1BZS]
I      - A team of six (I1NVU, I1WXY, IK1CJO,  IK1NEG,  IK1QBT  and  IU1LCZ)
         will be active as IP1X from Gallinara Island (EU-083) on 11 Septem-
         ber.  They will operate  CW and SSB on  40 and 20 metres during the
         daylight hours with two stations. QSL via IU1JCZ, direct or bureau.
         [TNX IK1QBT]
I      - Alessandro IU3EDK, Andrea IU1LCU and  Alvaro IU1DUB  will be active
         holiday style as IA5D from Elba Island (EU-028) on 10-17 September.
         They  will operate SSB, CW  and digital modes on the HF bands.  QSL
         via IU3EDK.
IS0    - Gianpaolo, IM0/IK1TTD will be QRV from Isola Cana (EU-024, N012 for
         the Italian Islands Award) and  Isola Ruia di Porto Brandinchi (EU-
         165, N005 for the IIA) on 9 and 10 August.  He will operate SSB  on
         40 and 20 metres. [TNX IK2RLS]
SV     - Francesco, IK6QON will be active holiday style as  SV8/IK6QON  from
         the islands of Lefkada (not IOTA)  and  Meganisi (EU-052)  on  7-17
         August. He will operate CW and SSB on the HF bands. [TNX DX World]
UA     - RM2P, RM5P, RQ3P will be active as RC3P/1 from  Kiy Island (EU-153)
         on 9-14 August. Main activity will be on 2m during the  Perseid me-
         teor shower, but they will be QRV also on 40 and 20 metres. QSL via
         RM2P and LoTW. Note that Vasily, R7AL was active as R7AL/1 (QSL via
         Club Log's OQRS) from the same island on 1-2 August.
VK     - Look for  VK2FM  (operated by VK2LL, VK2TEZ, VK4NGN and VK2FM  him-
         self) to be active from South Solitary Island (OC-194) on 20-22 Au-
         gust. Main activity will take place during the International Light-
         house Lightship Weekend on 80, 40 and 20m. QSL direct to VK2FM.
VP9    - Henning, OZ2I (  will be active as  VP9EE  from
         the Bermuda Islands (NA-005)  on  11-16 August.  He will operate CW
         only, and will participate in the Work All Europe DX Contest (14-15
         August).  QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred),  LoTW,  or via OZ2I.
         [TNX NG3K]
W      - Miguel, KC1LKO will be active holiday style  as K1M  from  Monhegan
         Island (NA-137) on 9-21 August.  He will operate SSB and maybe some
         FT8 primarily on 40 and 20 metres. [TNX WC6DX]
W      - Commemorating the 20th anniversary of 9/11, members of the  Alabama
         Contest Group  (  will be active
         on all bands and  modes as  K4A  on  5-12 September.  QSL direct to
         WA1FCN. [TNX WA1FCN]
XE     - Special callsign 6E0D will be active on 1-31 August  to commemorate
         the 500th anniversary of the Fall of Tenochtitlan (13 August 1521),
         the capital of the Aztec Empire.  Three centuries later (27 Septem-
         ber 1821), Mexico consummated the independence from Spain  and spe-
         cial callsign 6E0CC will be active on  1-30 September  to celebrate
         that bicentenary.  QSL  for  both callsigns via LoTW,  or direct to
Z6     - Rene, DL2JRM will be active as Z68XX  from Kosovo on  10-13 Septem-
         ber. He will operate mainly CW,  but will also be active during the
         WAE DX SSB Contest (11-12 September). QSL via DL2JRM.
ZF     - Pete, K8PGJ will be active again as  ZF2PG from the  Cayman Islands
         (NA-016)  on  15-21 August.  QSL via LoTW,  or direct to home call.
         [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

BOUVET 2023 ---> On 4 August N6PSE posted the following announcement  to the
3Y0J's Facebook group (
"On June 18th, we announced that we were continuing to seek  new transporta-
tion to Bouvet in support of our  Bouvet 2023 project.  At the same time, we
have refunded all donations as  there was a high degree of uncertainty  that
we could move forward.
We are pleased to announce that  we have found a  suitable/affordable vessel
willing to take us to Bouvet.  We are negotiating the terms of  that charter
contract now.  We have submitted  a new application  to the  Norwegian Polar
Institute. We have revised the Leadership of our team as follows:
David Jorgensen (WD5COV) Co-Leader, Operations, Antennas;
Kevin Rowett (K6TD) Co-Leader, Systems/Networks, Procurement, Logistics;
Paul Ewing (N6PSE) Co-Leader, Planning, Public Relations, Tents, Logistics.
Together, this leadership team  will assemble twelve operators  to make this
vision a reality.
We are revising our website, and soon we will begin fundraising for this re-
newed effort. We are extremely grateful for all our past Sponsors and Donors
and we hope that you can support this renewed effort".

CQ WW CONTEST RULES UPDATES ---> "Some exciting updates"  to the  CQ WW Con-
test, effective beginning in 2021, were announced on 1 August:
1) We have created a new  YOUTH  overlay that will be available  to all com-
   petitors who are 25 years old  or under,  effective  on the dates  of the
   contest. The Cabrillo overlay format will be CATEGORY-OVERLAY: YOUTH.  In
   support of this change, Youth overlay entries  will be highlighted in the
   results  (as is currently done  for Classic  and  Rookies).  In addition,
   plaques will be available for the winners.
2) A new EXPLORER category has been established to allow amateurs to partic-
   ipate in the CQ WW Contest while experimenting creatively with  Internet-
   linked stations and other new technologies.  The goal of this category is
   to encourage  innovation  in  operating strategies,  station design,  and
   technology adaptation.  This new category is only for the 2021 SSB and CW
   events.  It does  not  apply to CQ WW DIGI  or RTTY.  Please  review  the
   detailed rules at for more information.
3) As a reminder, audio recordings  may be requested for your entry  as part
   of the log checking process.  Any single operator entrant competing for a
   top-five  finish  at  the  (a) World,  (b) Continent, or  (c) USA levels,
   including Classic Overlay, must record the transmitted and received audio
   as heard by the operator for the duration of the contest operation. Fail-
   ure to respond to this request  may result in your log being reclassified
   or disqualified. [Source:]

KH6VV/KH4 ---> The DXpedition to Midway Island, tentatively planned for Sep-
tember [425DXN 1547], has been postponed sine die.  "The new management team
is on island and  trying to catch up  with things the last team  didn't do",
Ron, KH6DV posted to KH6VV's page  2 August . "The trick is to be on
island when the albatross are gone. This year they are going  to do a rodent
extermination project while the albatross are off island,  so the expedition
can't be there while that is underway".

SECOND DREAM RIG YOUTH ESSAY CONTEST ---> "The  Intrepid-DX Group recognizes
the importance of including  Youth  in our great hobby  because they are our
future. We are establishing an annual Dream Rig Youth Essay Contest to gath-
er the views and suggestions of young people involved in Amateur Radio". The
contest is for  USA  amateur radio license holders  aged 19 or younger,  see  for complete

UA1FA MEMORIAL ---> Several Russian special callsigns will be active on 9-16
August to celebrate  the life and achievements of  Yakov Semenovich Lapovok,
UA1FA (1931-2014),  a prominent  figure  in the history  of  Russian amateur
radio who would have turned 90 on 16 August: RA90FA, RC90FA, RD90FA, RK90FA,
RL90FA, RM90FA, RN90FA, RO90FA, RQ90FA,  RT90FA, RU90FA, RW90FA, RY90FA  and
RZ90FA.  Special callsigns  that will be joining the celebration  from other
countries include  4X90FA (Israel),  EM90AFA, EM90BFA, EM90IFA  and  EM90QFA
(Ukraine),  ER90FA (Moldova),  ES90FA (Estonia),  EV90FA (Belarus),   UN90FA
(Kazakstan) and W0L (USA).  All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the
bureau;  direct cards should be sent to RN3RQ  (except RA90FA,  which is via
RV1CC). A certificate will be available on

+ SILENT KEYS + Ray Burlingame-Goff, G4FON  passed away  on  29 July.  First
licensed as G8HMH in 1973 and then as G4FON in 1976, he was the President of
the First Class CW Operators' Club.  He wrote the  Koch method  "CW Trainer"
and "CW Contest Trainer" (,  which have been used  by
many to improve their Morse skills. Given at the 2018 RSGB convention, Ray's
presentation "Improving your  Morse Code skills from  5NN TU  to  effortless
casual rag-chewing" is still available on the FOC website:
Wolf Harranth, OE1WHC  passed away  on  3 August  after a short illness.  He
would have celebrated his 80th birthday on 19 August. An acclaimed author of
children's book,  an  award-winning literary translator  and  a  journalist,
Harranth became known also for his work at  Radio Oesterreich International,
where  he was in charge  of popular programmes  for shortwave amateurs  from
1969 until the station was discontinued in 2000.
Harranth was the founder  and CEO of  DokuFunk  (,
the non-profit "Documentation Archive for Research into the History of Radio
Communications and Electronic Media"  based in Vienna: started as a QSL card
collection, today the archive contains about six million objects,  including
1,500 bequests, making it the world's largest institution with archives  and
collections of all kinds on the history of radio, with a focus on broadcast-
ing and amateur radio.  In recognition of his commitment and dedication,  in
2017 IARU Region 1 awarded the "Roy Stevens, G2BVN, Memorial Trophy" to him.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 4L6QL, 5W1SA, 6O1OO, 7Q7RU, 7X2AC,
9Q1C, 9X2AW, A25RU, AF2F/W4 (NA-067), B4CRA,  BG2AUE, BY2CRA, C92RU, D44TWO,
DT8A,  E51WL (OC-082),  FR8TG,  FY4PU, FY5FY, GB13COL,  GR2HQ, OD5ET, OD5EU,
OH0Z,  PJ2MAN, PJ4KY,  RI0Q (AS-152),  T6AA, T77C,  TI4VAA, TM13COL,  TZ1CE,


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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