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UT1HZM > DX       27.11.15 21:35l 419 Lines 25786 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1282
Subj: 425 DX News #1282
Sent: 151127/1715Z 36543@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ1.4.64

28 November 2015                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1282
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

8P     - Marty, W8AKS will be active as  8P9EZ  from  Barbados  (NA-021)  on
         5-12 December. He will be QRV on 40-10 metres. [TNX NG3K]
C6     - Bob N4BP (C6AKQ), Tim N4UM (C6ARU) and Mike K4RUM (C6AUM)  will  be
         active from  from  Marsh  Harbor,  Great  Abaco  (NA-080)  from  24
         November through 8 December. Plans are to participate in the CQ  WW
         DX CW Contest as individual single-band entries (20, 40  and  80m).
         QSL C6AKQ via N4BP (direct) and LoTW; QSL C6ARU via  N4UM  (direct,
         no LoTW); QSL C6AUM via K4RUM (direct) and LoTW.
HH     - Joel, N5JR will be active again as  HH2/N5JR  from  Haiti  on  2-14
         December. He will be QRV on 160-6 metres (60m  included),  with  an
         emphasis on RTTY, 30, 17 and 12m. QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau, and LoTW. Logsearch on Club Log, hopefully  to  be  updated
         on a daily basis. [TNX N5JR]
I      - ARI Roma (IQ0RM) will be active as II0IEM during the  Extraordinary
         Jubilee of Mercy  (Iubilaeum  Extraordinarium  Misericordiae  )that
         will commence on 8 December and conclude on 20 November  2016.  QSL
         via IQ0RM. An award  will  be  available,  see  for
         detailed information.
OH     - OH9SCL,  the  traditional  Santa  Claus  Land  radio  station  from
         Rovaniemi (Lapland), will be active also during December 2015,  for
         the 30th year in a row. Activity will be mostly on the HF bands  on
         all modes. QSL via OH9AB, direct or bureau.
PY     - To be activated during December, ZY70FEB is the last  of  a  series
         of  twelve  special  callsigns  in  remembrance  of    the    Forca
         Expedicionaria Brasileira, the Brazilian Expeditionary  Force  that
         fought alongside the Allied powers in Italy during  World  War  II.
         QSL via PS7AB (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL.
PY0F   - Marenga, PU0FDN now expects to remain on Atol  Das  Rocas  (SA-038)
         [425DXN 1281] until early December. In his spare time he is QRV  as
         PU0R/PU0FDN and operates SSB on 10 and 12 metres only.  QSL  direct
         to home call. [TNX PT7WA]
S9     - WW2DX, W2RE and  N2IEN  will  be  active  as  S9TM  from  Sao  Tome
         (AF-023) from 28 November to  1  December,  CQ  WW  DX  CW  Contest
         included. They will have one station for 20, 15 and 10  metres  and
         the lower bands; a second station will be used on  30,  17  and  12
         metres, and a third station will be set up for LEO  satellites  and
         some 2m EME. Updates will be posted to Twitter  (@ww2dx).  QSL  via
         NR6M and LoTW.
SV     - Cliff, SV1JG will be active as  SX8V  from  Milos  Island  (EU-067)
         during the CQ WW DX CW Contest. Before and  after  the  contest  he
         will use SV8/SV1JG. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX  OPDX
T8     - Kiichi, JF1LUT will be active as T88IK from Koror Island  (OC-009),
         Palau from 30 November to 6 December. He will operate SSB  only  on
         40-6 metres. QSL via bureau to JF1LUT, or  direct  to  the  address
         published at
VU     - Datta, VU2DSI will be active as  AU2JCB  from  27  November  to  13
         December to celebrate the birthdate of Indian physicist  and  radio
         pioneer Jagadish Chandra Bose. Look for  activity  on  7040,  7150,
         14210, 14310, 21350, 28510 and 28545 kHz. QSL via VU2DSI  (direct).
         [TNX VU2DSI]
VU_ant - 8T2BH is a special callsign issued  for  Bhagwati,  VU3BPZ  to  use
         during his stay in Antarctica at the Bharati research  station.  He
         will remain there until mid-December 2016, with  plans  to  operate
         SSB  on  20,  17,  15  and  10  metres.  QSL  via    I1HYW.    [TNX]
W      - Four operators from the Mid Florida DX Association (AK4RV,  KG4JSZ,
         KM4FXG and N2MFT) will be active as  W4FDX  from  Honeymoon  Island
         (NA-034)  on  28  November  (13-22  UTC).  This  activity  is    in
         preparation for  their  future  operation  from  the  Dry  Tortugas
         (NA-079)  at  the  end  of  January  2016.  QSL  via  N2MFT.   [TNX]
W      - Once again Joe, K5KUA will be  active  as  K5KUA/5  from  Galveston
         Island (NA-143) from 29 November to 3 December. He will operate  CW
         only on 40-12 metres as time permits. QSL via home call, direct  or
         bureau, and LoTW. Logsearch on Club Log. [TNX]

CQ WW DX CW  CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (28-29 November):

ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     COUNTRY              QSL VIA
03     VC7O          M/?          Canada               VE7JH
07     HP1XT         SO           Panama               LoTW
07     HR2J          SO           Honduras             G4IRN
07     TI5W          SOAB HP      Costa Rica           N3YIM
07     V31WI                      Belize               WI9WI/LotW
07     YN2CC         SOAB LP      Nicaragua            AJ9C/LoTW
08     C6AKQ         SOSB         Bahamas              N4BP/LoTW
08     C6ARU         SOSB         Bahamas              N4UM
08     C6AUM         SOSB         Bahamas              K4RUM/LoTW
08     CO8TW         SOSB 20m LP  Cuba                 CO8TW
08     HI3/ND3F      SOAB LP      Dominican Republic   ND3F
08     HI3K          SOAB LP      Dominican Republic   KB2MS/LoTW
08     J6/K9AW       SO           St. Lucia            K9AW
08     NP2P          SOAB         Virgin Isls          LoTW
08     NP4A          SOSB 40m     Puerto Rico          W3HNK
08     NP4Z          SOAB LP      Puerto Rico          N4AO
08     PJ6/OH1VR     SOAB LP      Saba                 OH1VR
08     PJ6/OH3JR     SOAB HP      Saba                 OH3JR
08     PJ7/G4JEC     SO           Sint Maarten         N0UK/LoTW
08     TO4GU         SO           Martinique           DL7VOG
08     TO8M          SOAB         Martinique           LA8OM
08     V26K          SOAB LP      Antigua              AA3B
08     V47T          SOAB HP      St. Kitts            W2RQ
08     VP2EAQ                     Anguilla             KE1B/LoTW
08     VP2VVV        SOAB         British Virgin Isls  K5WW/Lotw
08     ZF2ET         SOAB LP/QRP  Cayman Isls          K5GO
08     ZF2MJ         SOAB         Cayman Isls          N6MJ
09     5J1E          SOSB 10m     Colombia   
09     9Y4/WJ2O      SOAB         Trinidad & Tobago    N2ZN
09     FY5FY         SOSB 15m QRP French Guiana        FY5FY
09     FY5KE         SOSB         French Guiana        LoTW
09     HK1R          SOSB 20m     Colombia             K6IPM
09     P40C          SO           Aruba                LoTW
09     P40L          M/2          Aruba                WA3FRP/LoTW
09     P40W          SOAB LP      Aruba                N2MM/LoTW
09     PJ2T          M/M          Curacao              W3HNK/LoTW
09     PJ4A          M/S          Bonaire              K4BAI
09     PJ4Q          M/S          Bonaire              W4PA
09     PZ5W          M/2          Suriname             N0AT/LotW
09     YW4D          SOAB HP      Venezuela            LoTW
10     OA85O         SOAB         Peru                 OA4O/LoTW
12     CB1H          M/?          Chile                CE1DY
12     XR2K          SOSB 10m     Chile                W4/CX1EK
13     LU8YE         M/S          Argentina            IK2DUW
14     CR2X          SO           Azores               OH2BH
14     CU8FN/p       SOSB 15m     Azores               HB9CRV
14     ED1R          M/2          Spain                EC1KR/LotW
14     G2F           M/S          England              G2F
14     G4R           SOAB HP      England              G4POF
14     GD6IA         SOAB HP      Isle of Man          GD6IA
14     GJ2A          SOAB         Jersey               LoTW
14     GU4CHY        SOSB 20m     Guernsey             GU4CHY
14     GU4YOX        SOSB 15m LP  Guernsey             GU4YOX
14     LA4C          M/S          Norway               LA4C
14     LX7I          M/2          Luxembourg           LX2A
14     MZ5A          SOSB 40m     Shetland Isls        G3TXF/LoTW
14     MZ5B          SOSB 20m     Shetland Isls        G3TXF/LoTW
14     ZB2X          SOSB 40m     Gibraltar            OH2KI
15     4O3A          SOAB         Montenegro           4O3A/LoTW
15     9H3EE         SOAB LP      Malta                OZ1BII/LoTW
15     9H6A          M/2          Malta                9H1XT
15     ES9C          M/S          Estonia              ES5RY/LoTW
15     II9W          SOSB 20m     Sicily               LotW
15     LY4A          M/?          Lithuania            LY4A
15     LY7A          M/M          Lithuania            LoTW
15     OH0V          SO           Aland Isls           LoTW
15     OH0X          SOAB         Aland Isls           OH2TA
15     OH0Z          SOAB HP      Aland Isls           W0MM
15     OH5Z          M/S          Finland              LotW
15     SN6O          SO           Poland               SP6PAZ/LoTW
15     TK0C          M/S HP       Corsica              S56ZZZ/LoTW
15     UA2F          M/S          Kaliningrad          UA2F
15     YT5A          M/M          Serbia               YT1AD
15     Z39A          SOSB         Macedonia            Z39A
15     Z60A          SOAB         Kosovo               OH2BH
15     Z60WW         SOSB 40m     Kosovo               OH2BH
15     ZA/YT5Z       SOSB 10m     Albania              YU1FW
15     ZA/YT7DQ      SOSB 40m     Albania              YT7DQ
15     ZA/YU7CM      SOSB 160m    Albania              YU7CM
15     ZA1WW         SOSB         Albania              OH2BH
19     UI0L          M/S          Russia (AS)          RW0MM
20     4X7R          SOAB         Israel               4X6OM
20     LZ7E          SOAB         Bulgaria             LotW
20     SW9AA         SOAB HP      Crete                LZ1PM
20     SX8V          SO           Greece               SV1JG
20     SZ1A          M/2          Greece               LoTW
20     TC0A          M/S          Turkey (AS)          LZ1NK/LoTW
21     4K6FO         SOAB         Azerbaijan           DC9RI/LoTW
21     4L8A          SOSB         Georgia              K1BV/LoTW
21     9K2HN         SOAB LP      Kuwait               9K2HN/LoTW
22     4S7SAE        SO           Sri Lanka            DK9PY
22     8Q7DV                      Maldives             UA8DX
22     VU2PAI        SOAB         India                VU2PAI
22     VU2PTT        SOSB 40m     India                VU2PTT/LoTW
24     B4T           M/2          China                BA4TB
24     BV60CRA       M/?          Taiwan     
24     BY5CD         M/M          China                BD4HF
24     VR2XAN        SO           Hong Kong            VR2XAN
26     E2X           M/S          Thailand             E20GMY/LoTW
26     HS0ZAR        M/2          Thailand             K3ZO
26     HS0ZIA        M/S LP       Thailand             LoTW
26     XV2D          SO           Vietnam              LoTW
27     AH0K          M/2          Mariana Isls         OH6GDX
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 JH7QXJ/LotW
27     DU1/R7KW      SOAB         Philippines          K2PF
27     DU1/YL3JM     SOSB         Philippines          K2PF
27     JD1BON        SOAB LP      Ogasawara            JA1UII
27     V6A           SOAB         Micronesia           JA7HMZ
28     9M2M          M/S          West Malaysia        9M2M
28     9M6NA         SOAB         East Malysia         JE1JKL/LoTW
28     YE1K          M/S          Indonesia  
28     YE1ZAT        M/S          Indonesi   
28     YE2A          M/S          Indonesia            LoTW
29     VK8NSB        SOAB LP      Australia            M0URX
31     KH7M          SOAB         Hawaii     
32     5W0IF         SOAB HP      Samoa                ZL1IF/LoTW
32     TX8D          M/S          New Caledonia        NI5DX
33     3V8SS         SOAB LP      Tunisia              LX1NO/LotW
33     CN2AA         M/?          Morocco              UA2FM/LoTW
33     CR3L          M/2          Madeira              DJ6QT
33     CR3OO         SOAB HP      Madeira              W3HNK
33     EA8/HA5PP     SO           Canary Isls          HA5PP
33     EA8CUU        SOSB         Canary Isls          OH6CS
33     ED8X          M/S          Canary Isls          RN3RQ/LoTW
33     EF8U          M/2          Canary Isls          LoTW
33     IH9R          SOSB 80m     African Italy        IZ1GAR
33     IH9YMC        SOSB         African Italy        eQSL
36     9X0NH         SO           Rwanda               G3RWF/LoTW
36     S9TM                       Sao Tome             NR6M/LoTW
36     ZD8W                       Ascension Isl        W6NV/LoTW
37     C92ZO         SOAB HP      Mozambique           OH0XX/LoTW
38     ZS4TX         SOSB 10m     South Africa         LoTW
39     3B9HA         SOAB         Rodrigues            LoTW
39     FR/OH2YL      SO           Reunion Island       OH2YL
40     TF2CW         SOAB         Iceland              LX1NO
40     TF3W          M/S          Iceland              TF3MHN/LoTW

Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, at -  good  contest to you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ALBANIA AND KOSOVO ---> Combining the interests of two  countries  with  the
same origin, language, religion and culture,  an  international  group  will
activate Kosovo and Albania toward the end of this week. The group  (DL3DXX,
OH2BE, OH2BH, Z61DX, Z62FB, Z63HBF, ZA1G and  ZA1U)  will  activate  several
stations, including Z60A (QSL via OH2BH), Z60WW (QSL via OH2BH), ZA1WW  (QSL
via OH2BH) and ZA90IARU (QSL via ZA1G).  The  project  includes  in  meeting
telecom administrators of both countries. [TNX N7NG]

DXCC NEWS ---> Sharon  Taratula,  Awards  Manager  at  the  ARRL  Radiosport
Department, reports that 5V7BJ (2014  operation),  5V7MP  (2014  operation),
A52CVX  (2015  operation),  JD1BOX  (2014   operation),    TY2AC    (2015-18
operation), TY4AB (2015 operation)  and  V73D  (2015  operation)  have  been
approved for DXCC credit.

INTREPID SPIRIT AWARD ---> The Intrepid-DX Group is seeking nominations  for
the individual or group that  most  displayed  their  "Intrepid  Spirit"  in
2015, by expressing  an  unshakable  commitment  to  the  Amateur  Radio  DX
Community. The  award  (  is  made  in
memory of James McLaughlin, WA2EWE/T6AF (killed in Kabul Afghanistan, on  27
April 2011). Intrepid Spirits for purposes of  this  award  are  defined  as
being  "bold,  courageous,  dedicated,  innovative,   fearless,    generous,
resolute and visionary in their approach to Amateur Radio". Nominations  may
be submitted via email to intrepiddxgroup[@] and must  be  received
by 15 December 2015. The Board of Directors of the  Intrepid-DX  Group  will
evaluate  the  nominations  and  the  award  will   be    presented  at  the
International DX Convention in Visalia on 16 April 2016. [TNX N6PSE]

IT TAKES TWO TO  TANGO  --->  The  Northern  California  DX  Foundation  has
published a Special Edition of the its Newsletter consisting of  an  article
by  legendary  DXer  and  DXpeditioner  Martti  Laine,  OH2BH    on  working
DXpedition pileups.  Martti's article, entitled "It  Takes  Two  to  Tango",
reflects  Martti's  lifetime  of  DXpedition   experience,    including  the
activation of 12 all-time  new  entities,  and  sets  forth  his  thoughtful
advice and reflections on how best to handle the pileups  of  DXers  calling
from Europe as well as other parts of the world.  In today's environment  of
stations calling out of turn and deliberate QRM, Martti's advice  could  not
be more timely and is destined to improve and enhance the DX experience  for
all. The article is available at

S79C ---> The S79C team (EA3NT, EI9FBB, MM0NDX, PA3EWP,  SP5APW  and  VK5CE)
logged 21,541 QSOs with 9,808 uniques during their 17-22  November  activity
from Coetivy Island (AF-119). "We had a  clear  vision  of  what  our  goals
were, we always intended to maximise the number of uniques to give this  new
IOTA to as many as possible", Dave, EI9FBB reports. "We also  realised  that
regular S7 was most wanted on the US West  Coast,  where  we  maximised  our
antenna farm to emphasise into this area during limited openings. In  total,
we worked 6,660 North American stations netting 31% of all QSOs".  The  logs
have been uploaded to Club Log and the  OQRS  has  been  enabled.  Hopefully
"the initial QSL mailing" will begin in early/mid January, just in time  for
the IOTA Annual Update. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW in  the  coming  days.
Read the latest press release on

VK0ER ---> "After more three years of planning  and  more  than  a  year  of
development, the core  operating  equipment  has  left  California  for  the
collection point on the East Coast. The equipment includes all  eight  radio
stations, all the coax, living  items,  scientific  lab  and  supplies,  and
landing and emergency gear.  The  31  cases  and  other  items  filled  five
pallets, which are now traveling by truck to Palmyra,  VA,  to  be  combined
with the tents, antennas, generators, bunk beds and other equipment  already
collected there. On 7 December the entire collection will  be  loaded  in  a
container that will sail for Cape Town, South Africa,  awaiting  the  team's
arrival around 1 March 2016".

VK9WA ---> The DXpedition to the Willis Islands went QRT  around  19.00  UTC
on 23 November with almost 62,000 QSOs  in  their  logs,  and  a  noteworthy
balance for the three main target  areas  (AS,  EU  and  NA).  "It  will  be
several days before log fix and check  requests  are  addressed",  the  team
reported on the 24th, and added that "LoTW upload will be made in a week  or

YOTA MONTH ---> The Youngsters On The Air group will be active again  during
the entire month of December. The idea for  this  is  to  show  the  amateur
radio hobby to youth and to encourage youngsters to be  active  on  the  ham
radio waves. Mentioned callsigns are  3V8YOTA,  9A0YOTA,  9A15YOTA,  A2YOTA,
YT15YOTA, ZS9YOTA. QSLs via OM2FY (OQRS on Club  Log).  Information  on  the
event and the award at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8HB       SM6GOR      CP4BT       DJ2BW       PU0R/PU0FDN PU0FDN
3B8JB       SM6JBC      CP6CL       W3HNK       PY7ZBK      HB9BEI
3B9HA       G0CKV       CU8FN       HB9CRV      PZ5W        N0AT
3W3B        E21EIC      CX90IARU    W3HNK       R50WWW      RW3WWW
3W7W        W3HNK       DJ90IARU    DL2VFR      S79C        M0OXO
3Z90GNZ     SP5ZRW      DK0WRTC     DJ9MH       S79CD       DK4CD
4A90IARU    XE1LM       DP1POL      DL1ZBO      SN130MR     SP3PWL
4L5P        UT7QF       DQ40AIX     DJ9KR       SN90SZ      SP3PGR
4O8A        S50A        DU1/R7KW    K2PF        T2TT        K8NA
4S7DLG      DK8ZZ       DU1/YL3JM   K2PF        T88DF       JH2DFJ
4S7SAE      DK9PY       EG7IFD      EA7IZJ      TA0/LZ5X    LZ1DCW
5B4AGN      M0URX       EN90IARU    UT5UIA      TC0A        LZ1NK
5B4AJC      UA3DX       ER90IARU    ER1FF       TC90IARU    TA2OTT
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      FH/DL3RKS   DL1RPL      TL8PRV      IN3EYY
5W0IF       ZL1IF       FR/OH2YL    OH2YL       TY2AC       IZ1BZV
5X1S        OZ2HC       HF1918MJP   SP9PGE      TY2BP       IK2IQD
6W1RW       F6BEE       HI3/KL7JR   K7ICE       UE25R       RN3RQ
7Q7VW       DK2WV       HI8V        EA5GL       UN0OA       RW6HS
7T150LH     IK2DUW      HS0ZBS      HS0ZBS [b]  UW9I        EA5HPX
8J7XMAS     JH7YES      HS0ZBS      OE2REL [d]  V26K        AA3B
8Q7DV       R9DX        HV0A        IK0FVC      V31WI       WI9WI
9A88AA      9A2AA       HV5PUL      IW0DJB      V47NT       W2RQ
9A90IARU    9A3JB       II2IARU     IK2AQZ      V63YY       JA1VND
9G5GH       EA5ZD       J52HF       I3LDP       VK2DX       W3HNK
9G5SP       SP3UQE      J62YOTA     OM2FY       VK9WA       N7SMI
9H3AK       NI5DX       J79XBI      SM5DJZ      VP2EAQ      KE1B
9H3EE       OZ1BII      JD1BON      JA1UII      VP2EAR      KE1B
9H3UA       UT6UA       K8HX/KH2    JE1HXZ      VP2VVV      K5WW
9H3YY       DL2JRM      KC4AAA      K1IED       VQ9RA       WW6RG
9J2JOCV     JL1IHE      KH0TF/KH2   JK2NWW      YB9IPY/8    DL3KZA
9M6/NR1J    JF1SJT      KH0XZ/KH2   JQ2IQW      YN2CC       AJ9C
9N1AA       N4AA        KP2Q        K3TEJ       YQ0U        YO5BFJ
9X0NH       G3RWF       LU7YS       EA7HBC      YQ40KNE     YO6KNE
9Y4/WJ2O    N2ZN        LZ90IARU    LZ1BJ       YS90IARU    W3HNK
A61HA       A61BK       MZ5A        G3TXF       YT100SG     YU5CW
A61SM       A61BK       MZ5B        G3TXF       YU90IARU    YU1SRS
AH0J        JA1NVF      NP2X        K5WW        Z21GC       K3IRV
AH0K        OH6GDX      OM41TATRY   OM2FY       ZA/YT5Z     YU1FW
AU90IARU    VU2CDP      P40W        N2MM        ZD8AA       N6AA
BM0DX       BM2JCC      PJ2/W9NJY   WD9DZV      ZF2MJ       N6MJ
C91IW       ZS1WY       PJ2DX       W0CG        ZL2IO       DK7AO
C92JR       GI4FUM      PJ4/KU8E    K4BAI       ZP6VLA      EA5KB
C92ZO       OH0XX       PJ7AN       DF8AN       ZP90IARU    ZP5AA
CE2LML      W4/CX1EK    PJ7ELY      JA1ELY      ZT6T        N7RO
CN2VR       HB9CQL      PJ7K        JA1ELY      ZX7DX       PT7ZT

DK2WV     Karl-Heinz Ilg, Max-Loew-Str. 15, 85579 Neubiberg, Germany
EA5ZD     Miguel Rabadan, Apartado 31, 30120 El Palmar (Murcia), Spain
IK0FVC    Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma RM, Italy
IW0DJB    Luca Della Giovampaola, Via Cremera 11, 00198 Roma RM, Italy
JA1ELY    Toshikazu Kusano, P.O. Box 8, Kamata, Tokyo, 144-8691, Japan
JL1IHE    Yoshitaka  Kawaku, 2-10 Yamate-cho, Hanno-shi, Saitama-ken,
          357-0031, Japan
K2PF      Ralph G. Fariello, 23 Old Village Rd, Hillsborough NJ 08844-4008,
K3IRV     Irving L. Mc Wherter, 121 Sonora Dr, Lillington NC 27546, USA
K8NA      Theodore Pauck, 2820 Lenox Dr, Troy MI 48098, USA
M0OXO     Charles Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, S71 4NG,
          United Kingdom
N0AT      Ronald A Dohmen, 125 Magnolia Ln, Plymouth MN 55441, USA
N7SMI     Jared Smith, 120 E 520 N, Smithfield UT 84335, USA
OH0XX     Olli Rissanen, Salmelankuja 14, FI-90940 Jaali, Finland
PJ6/OH1VR Seppo Sisatto, Ojakatu 3A18, FI-33100 Tampere, Finland
PJ6/OH3JR Henri Olander, Helavalkeantie 15, FI-13270 Hameenlinna, Finland
PU0FDN    Jose Carlos Marenga, Caixa Postal 52, Fernando de Noronha - PE,
          53990-000, Brazil
SP3UQE    Piotr Wozniak, Pogodna 148, 62-800 Kalisz, Poland
SV2ASP/A  Monk Apollo, Docheiariou Monastery, 63087 Mount Athos, Greece
W3HNK     Joseph Arcure Jr., Post Office 68, Dallastown PA 17313, USA
XV2D      Mats Strandberg, ul. Matveevskaya 7-35, Moscow, 119517, Russia


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               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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