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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   15.11.21 12:25l 205 Lines 12483 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1593
Subj: 425 DX News #1593
Sent: 211113/1219Z 10532@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.22

13 November 2021                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1593

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B8    - 3B8M will be QRV from  Mauritius (AF-049)  during  the  CQ WW DX CW
         Contest (M/M category) and a few days before and  after the contest
         (22 November-1 December).  The operating team includes G0CKV, KX7M,
         M0CFW, M0SDV  and  W6NV.  "We will bring  a microphone  this time",
         G0CKV says,  "and M0SDV  might try some  low-band SSB  to hone  his
         pile-up skills and good humour,  and we might possibly also do some
         FT8 on the low bands".  QSL  3B8M  and  3B8HA via LoTW and  M0OXO's
         OQRS;  QSL 3B8/KX7M via  F5CWU's OQRS  (
         and hopefully LoTW; QSL 3B8/M0SDV via LoTW and Club Log's OQRS; QSL
         3B8/M0CFW via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS or via home call;  QSL 3B8/W6NV
         via home call.
5H     - Vladimir, OK2WX will be active as 5H3WX from Zanzibar (AF-032) from
         10 November to 3 December.  He will operate  CW and SSB  on 80-10m.
         QSL direct to HA3JB.
E7     - Celebrating Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina  (25 November),
         special callsign  E7BOSNIA  will be active from  the ancient  royal
         cities of Bobovac, Visoko and Jajce on 14-28 November.  QSL via the
         bureau. See for more information.
FS     - John K9EL, Paul K9NU, Bob W9AP, Mike W9MK and Marco FS4WBS  will be
         active as TO9W from Saint Martin (NA-105) on 1-10 December, includ-
         ing an entry  in the  ARRL 160 Meter Contest  (3-5 December).  They
         will operate CW, SSB, FT8 and some RTTY  with three stations.  "The
         team's primary focus will be on 160, 80 and 40 metres  during hours
         of darkness", they say,  but  "we will also operate  30  through  6
         depending on openings".  QSL TO9W via LoTW,  Club Log's OQRS  (pre-
         ferred),  or via W9ILY.  See  for
         more information, including the link to the TO9W Facebook page that
         will be used for photos and real time updates during the operation.
FJ     - Dario, KP4DO will be active as  FJ/KP4DO from  St. Barthelemy  (NA-
         146) on  19-24 November.  He will be QRV  mainly on 20 metres,  but
         also 40, 17 and 10m "as propagation permits". QSL direct to KP4DO.
G      - Chris, G4LDS will be active as GB4LDM on  20-28 November.  The spe-
         cial callsign is for Lancashire Day, held on 27 November to commem-
         orate the day in 1295 when Lancashire first sent representatives to
         attend the Parliament of England. QSL via G4LDS, direct or bureau.
GM     - On 12 December 1921  the  very first  personal message  transmitted
         over the Atlantic from amateur to amateur was received  in Scotland
         by Paul Godley (2ZE), who had travelled to the UK  as the represen-
         tative of the ARRL. The successful transatlantic tests of 1921 were
         a milestone that heralded the dawn of two-way international amateur
         radio communication. In celebration of this historic centenary, the
         Crocodile Rock Amateur Group, based near Ardrossan (Scotland), will
         be active as GB1002ZE and GB2ZE on 1-26 December.  More information
         can be found on
HR     - Gerard, F2JD will be active again as HR5/F2JD from Copan,  Honduras
         from 8 December to 5 April 2022. He will operate CW, SSB and  digi-
         tal modes on the HF bands.  QSL via F6AJA (direct or bureau);  log-
         search on [TNX Les Nouvelles
I      - Special callsign II6MI will be in use between  20 November  and  20
         December  for  the  centenary  of  the  Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
         (Milite Ignoto), which  contains  the  remains  of an  unidentified
         soldier killed during World War I.  QSL via eQSL.  More information
         can be found on
JA     - Look for JA4DND/4  and JR4OZR/4  to be active from the  Oki Islands
         (AS-041) on  12-16 November.  They will operate FT8, CW and SSB  on
         80-10 metres.  QSLs via LoTW,  or direct only  to JA4DND.  [TNX The
         Daily DX]
JA     - Look for JI3DST/5, JR8YLY/5 and  JR8YLY/p (FT8)  to be active again
         from Shodo Island (AS-200) from 26 November to 2 December  (but the
         operation  might  be extended  to  9 December).  The  QSOs  will be
         uploaded to Club Log  and  made available for Club Log Matching  on
         the IOTA website. [TNX DX World]
P4     - John, W2GD will be active again as P40W from Aruba (SA-036) on  22-
         30 November. Main activity will be during the CQ WW DX CW  Contest;
         outside the contest he will be QRV on 30, 17 and 12 metres  as time
         permits. QSL via LoTW, or direct only to N2MM. [TNX NG3K]
PJ4    - Look for PJ4/K4BAI and PJ4/KU8E to be active from  Bonaire (SA-006)
         from 24 November to 1 December.  They will participate in the CQ WW
         DX CW Contest as PJ4A.  QSL PJ4/K4BAI, PJ4/KU8E and PJ4A via K4BAI.
         [TNX NG3K]
TG     - Dwight, VE7BV will be active again as TG9BBV from Guatemala on  14-
         28 November.  He will operate mainly CW, with some SSB and FT8,  on
         40-10 metres. QSL via LoTW, or via VE7BV (direct and bureau).  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
VE     - Also celebrating 100 Years of Transatlantic Amateur Communications,
         the York Region Amateur Radio Club  will be active as CF3BP between
         13 November and 12 December.  3BP was the callsign of Edward Rogers
         Sr., who was the first Canadian amateur  to successfully transmit a
         transatlantic  radio signal  from Newmarket (Ontario) to Androssan,
VP8_ant- Sebastian, SQ1SGB  expects  to be active again as  VP8/SQ1SGB  from
         Halley VI Research Station,  Antarctica (AN-016)  between early De-
         cember and 31 January 2022. He will be QRV  mainly on 40 metres SSB
         and FT8. QSL via EB7DX. [TNX The Daily DX]
VU     - Datta, VU2DSI will be active once again as AU2JCB from  19 November
         to 14 December to commemorate the birthdate  (30 November 1858)  of
         Indian physicist and radio pioneer Jagadish Chandra Bose.  Look for
         activity on 3710, 7040, 7150,  14210, 14250,  14310, 21235,  21310,
         21350, 28490, 28510, 28545, 29700, 50800 and 51500 kHz.  QSL direct
         to home call.

AFRICAN TOUR ---> Don, N6ZO (who has been active again as  7Q6M  from Malawi
since 27 October) will be QRV as  D60AB  from the Comoro Islands (AF-007) on
12-14 November and again on 22-29 November,  including participation  in the
CQ WW DX CW Contest. In between he will go to Mayotte (AF-027) and be active
as FH/K6ZO on  15-22 November.  He will operate  CW and SSB.  QSLs  via home
call. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The  October 2021 issue is available for  download

C5B ---> Operated by F4AHV, F5NVF and F5RAV,  C5B was active from the  Bijol
Islands (AF-060) for about  five hours  on  10 November  [425DXN 1592].  The
shortage of gasoline  in the country prevented them  from using a generator,
so they had to resort to car batteries.  QSL via eQSL and LoTW only,  appar-
ently paper cards will not be available for this brief operation.

NEW IRC ---> The Universal Postal Union's newest model of  the International
Reply Coupon (IRC) is the "Abidjan model", valid for exchange  until the end
of 2025.  Designed by a 15-year-old girl from Belarus,  it depicts two hands
forming the branches of a tree whose leaves are nestled with birds and whose
roots cradle the Earth. The current "Instanbul model" remains valid until 31
December 2021.  Old out of date IRCs can be donated  to M0OXO or M0URX,  who
will use them to fund their outgoing Bureau service.

OC-247 ---> The 12-15 November multi-operator IOTA DXpedition to the Sabala-
na and Tengah Islands (OC-247) [425DXN 1592] has been postponed until  March
2022  owing to  adverse weather conditions  as well as  high  transportation

RCA QSO PARTY ---> On 11 December 1921 members of the  Radio Club of America
(RCA) and  the American Radio Relay League (ARRL)  successfully  transmitted
signals that spanned  the Atlantic Ocean.  The Radio Club of America (W2RCA)
is celebrating the centenary of the  Transatlantic Test  by hosting a CW and
SSB QSO Party on  13-14 November  (from 12 UTC to 4 UTC).  The rules  can be
found on

RSGB 2021 ONLINE CONVENTION ---> This year's Convention was streamed live on
9 October. Now available on the RSGB's YouTube channel, the wide range of 15
presentations  includes  "Club Log for Absolute Beginners"  (Michael  Wells,
G7VJR),  "Solar Cycle 25: the Good, the Bad and  the Downright Ugly"  (Steve
Nichols, G0KYA),  "Arctic  IOTA DXpedition  to  Prins Karls Forland  Island"
(Allan Batievsky,  EA3HSO),  "VP8PJ 2020  DXpedition  to  the  South  Orkney
Islands" (Gene Spinelli, K5GS). See

TL7M & TL8AO ---> Ken, LA7GIA expected  to go QRT  from the  Central African
Republic at 8 UTC on  12 November,  earlier than planned.  While  all of the
TL7M QSOs were made on CW and FT8, during the last day of his stay he  oper-
ated SSB as TL8AO (his old callsign from 2016).  QSLs via M0OXO's OQRS,  and
logsearch on Club Log.

TQSL: NEW VERSION ---> A new version (v2.5.9) of LoTW's  Trusted QSL  (TQSL)
has been released:  This version  has new
features as well as  corrections  for defects  found  since  TQSL 2.5.8  was
released.  This release also includes an update to the most recent TQSL con-
figuration file.  TQSL 2.5.9 can be installed to upgrade  any older version.
On all three  supported  platforms  (Windows,  MacOS  and Linux), installing
TQSL 2.5.9  will replace older versions of Trusted QSL while preserving your
Callsign Certificates, Station Locations, and preferences.


QSLs received direct or  through managers:  4L/DL7ZM,  4U2U,  5I3B (AF-032),
5I3W (AF-032),  5T1GM (AF-050), 6O1OO,  6Y5HN, 7P8RU,  8R1AK, A25RU,  A61DD,
C37NL, CO8RCP, CX1VH,  D60AC, D60AD,  EL2DT,  HK3W,  J79WTA,  JW0W (EU-063),
P43A, RI1OZ (EU-153), SV2RSG/A, VE6FTP/VY0 (NA-009), XV1X, ZD7MY, ZS6MGM.


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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