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19 December 2015 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1285
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
3V - Special callsign TS4NP is being used by the Association Tunisienne
des Radio Amateurs (3V8HQ) until 9 January to celebrate the Nobel
Peace Prize 2015, awarded to the National Dialoque Quartet "for
its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic
democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of
2011". QSL via the bureau.
3W - Bert, DK2BR will be active holiday style as 3W2BR from Con Son
Island (AS-130) between 5 and 21 March 2016. He will run 60 watts
into vertical antennas, and will operate SSB, RTTY and maybe PSK31
on 40-10 metres. QSL via DK2BR, direct only. [TNX DK2BR]
4X - The Holy Land DX Group (4X1VF, 4X4DZ, 4X6HP, 4Z4BS, 4Z4KX, 4Z5FI,
4Z5IW and 4Z5LA) will be active as 4X4WFF from around 7 UTC on 25
December until noon on the 26th. They will operate SSB and CW with
two stations from Israel National Park (4XFF-004) and UNESCO World
Heritage Site of Avdat. QSL via IK2DUW. [TNX IK2DUW]
5T - 5T2AI is the callsign issued to Ahmad, 9K2AI, who is working in
Mauritania for the next three years [425DXN 1269]. The licence
expires on 18 August 2018. Ahmad is a 99% SSB operator. QSL via
6W - Earl, WA3DX will be touring Senegal between 26 December and 12
January and will be active holiday style as 6W1/WA3DX from Dakar,
as 6W7/WA3DX from Mbao, as 6W6/WA3DX from Kaolack and the Saloum
Islands (not IOTA). He will operate mainly SSB on 40-10 metres.
QSL direct to WA3DX. [TNX DX World]
9M2 - A large group from the Kuala Lumpur DX Team will be active as
9M2SI from Indah Island (AS-074), West Malaysia on 25-27 December.
They will operate SSB and CW on 40-10 metres. QSL direct to 9M2OOO.
CE - Special callsign XR400AA will be in use until the end of January
to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of Cape Horn
(29 January 1616). QSL via XQ4CW. [TNX DX Newsletter]
DL - Stefan, DF8HS will be active from his second QTH on Fehmarn Island
(EU-128) from 19 December to 11 January. QSL via the bureau. [TNX
DL - Volker, DL1WH will be active holiday style as DL1WH/p from
Norderney Island (EU-047) from 23 December to 2 January. He will
operate CW and some SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL via home call, bureau
preferred. [TNX The Daily DX]
E5_sc - Henrik, OZ6TL will be active holiday style as E51TLA from
Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands from 19 December to 9
January. He will operate CW and RTTY. QSL via OZ6TL. [TNX The
Daily DX]
G - From 1 January to 31 December 2016 the prefixes GK, MK, and 2K
will indicate a station operating from Cornwall and the Isles of
Scilly. The Regional Secondary Locator "K" stands for Kernow, i.e.
Cornwall in Cornish language, and has been made available for a
period of up to one year on a temporary and optional basis.
Information on "The Kernow Award", offered by the Poldhu Amateur
Radio Club, at http://gb2gm.org/index.php/the-kernow-award.
HL - Han, DS2GOO will be active again as DS2GOO/2 from Taeijak Island
(AS-090) on 26-28 December. He will operate CW, SSB and digital
modes on 80-10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX HL1VAU]
I - Promoting the International Year of Light, special station II1IYL
will be active from the Astronomical Observatory of Torino for the
last time on 20 Dicember. All of the QSOs will be confirmed
automatically via the bureau. Updated information on the IYL2015
Award programme for working the four special stations (II0IYL,
II1IYL, II3IYL and II8IYL) can be found at www.qrz.com/db/II1IYL.
J6 - Bill, K9HZ will be active again as J68HZ from St. Lucia (NA-108)
from 19 December to 3 January. He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on
160-2 metres. QSL via home call (direct only), LoTW and eQSL;
logsearch on Club Log. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
J7 - Walter, HB9MFM has been active again as J79WTA from Dominica
(NA-101) since 28 November, and will remain there until 30 January
2016. He operates SSB and digital modes on all bands, 60 metres
included. QSL via home call, direct or bureau, and LoTW; logsearch
on Club Log.
JA - Take, JI3DST will be active as from the Miyako Islands (AS-079)
from 26 December to 4 January. Callsigns to be used are JS6RRR,
8N5KCJ/6 (special callsign to mark the 40th anniversary of the
Keymen's Club of Japan) and maybe also JI3DST/6. QSL JS6RRR and
JI3DST/6 via home call (bureaau preferred), QSL 8N5KCJ/6 via
bureau, or direct to JO3OMA. [TNX JI3DST]
PZ - Peter, PA1LP is active again as PZ5LP from Nieuw Nickerie,
Suriname until 5 March 2016. Activity will be on 80-10 metres SSB
and digital modes. QSL direct to PZ5LP at his Suriname address, or
(preferred) through Pay Pal (email pz5lp[@]amsat.org for
T8 - Ryosei, JH0IXE will be active again as T8CW from Koror (OC-009),
Palau from 24 December to 7 January. He will operate mainly CW and
digital modes. QSL via JA0FOX (bureau) or JH0IXE (direct), LoTW or
eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]
V2 - Laci, OM3AG will be active as V25LK from Antigua (NA-100) from 23
December to 10 January. He will operate mainly CW on 20, 17, 15,
12 and 10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DX
VK - Pavel, VK6NAX will be active again as VK6NAX/p from Garden Island
(OC-164) on 19 December, between 2 and 10 UTC. He will operate CW
on 20 and 15 metres. QSL direct (QSLling instructions on qrz.com).
Pavel will be joined by John, VK6AG (QSL direct or bureau). [TNX
VK - Andy, VK5MAV and Craig VK5CE will be active from Breaksea Island
(OC-243) for 4-6 days in early March 2016. They will be QRV as
VK5MAV/6 (CW) and VK5CE/6 (SSB), and hopefully they will be able
to run two stations. Donations are gratefully accepted through Pay
Pal - see http://qrz.com/db/VK5MAV/6, where more information is
expected to be posted in January. This IOTA group was activated
only once (by VK6BSI back in January 2001).
VU - Dani, EA4ATI is now stationed in India for the next two years, and
expects to be soon QRV as VU3WDN. QSL via EA4CWN. [TNX EA4CWN]
YJ - Daniel, VK4AFU will be active as YJ0AFU from Port Vila (OC-035),
Vanuatu on 2-10 January. He will operate digital modes (JT65, JT9,
RTTY and some WSPR), CW and SSB on 160-6 metres. QSL via NA5U and
LoTW. Updates will be posted to qrz.com. [TNX NG3K]
ZF - Fred, WW4LL will be active holiday style as ZF2LL from Grand
Cayman Island (NA-016) from 31 December to 5 January. He will
operate SSB and RTTY on the HF bands, with main activity during
the ARRL RTTY Roundup (2-3 January). QSL via LOTW. [TNX NG3K]
IARU 90 ---> Joining the celebrations for the 90th anniversary of the
International Amateur Radio Union are CO90IARU from Cuba (QSL via W3HNK),
CQ790IARU from Portugal (14-20 December, QSL via bureau or direct to
CT1REP), CQ890IARU from the Azores (17-23 December, QSL via bureau or direct
to CT1REP), OD90IARU from Lebanon, ON90IARU from Belgium (11-31 December,
QSL via bureau or direct to ON7TK) and TF90IARU from Iceland. See
http://iaru90.hamlogs.net for free of charge certificates for contacts made
with jubilee stations from 10 different IARU member countries.
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The November 2015 issue is now available for
download at www.425dxn.org/monthly/index.html. [TNX IZ3EBA]
Contest Committee conducted a survey to gather feedback from participants,
and 5,117 responses were received from contest operators around the world.
The first results are now available at http://cqww.com/blog/.
HAMS WITH HEARTS ---> The International DX Association has announced the
formation of a new fund within INDEXA that specifically supports
humanitarian projects carried out by DXpeditions. The generous initial
contribution by Zorro Miazawa (JH1AJT) will enable INDEXA to begin
humanitarian support grants beginning mid-January of 2016. The tag line for
this fund is "Hams with Hearts". To qualify for humanitarian grants,
DXpeditions must present a clear plan for a humanitarian project to
coincide with their DXpedition. The project must provide direct, physical
benefit to the local population. See www.indexa.org/hamswithaheart.html for
further information. [TNX W3OA]
IOTA BASH 2016 ---> The 12th annual IOTA Bash will be held on 26-27
February in Boerne, Texas. The agenda includes presentations by Mike K9AJ
(VP8STI and VP8SGI), David EI9FBB (S79C and PJ7PK) and Mike AB5EB (N5M,
NA-120). For further information, please contact Mike Crownover, AB5EB
NPOTA ---> Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the creation of the
National Park Service, the ARRL National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) event
will run from 00.00 UTC on 1 January through 23.59 UTC on 31 December 2016,
with activity promoted and encouraged from each of the more than 430
official NPS administrative units and affiliated areas across the US. The
program will have two participation tracks (Chasers and Activators) and
will be administered entirely through LoTW. Complete details on the
National Parks on the Air event are available on http://www.arrl.org/NPOTA.
QSL YB9AY ---> Cards for YB9AY/7 (Temajo Island, OC-252), as well as for
Made's home callsigns (YC9AY and YB9AY), can be sent directly to him: Made
Sudarsana, Jl. Danau Tamblingan No.126, Sanur, Denpasar 80228, Indonesia.
RI1FJ ---> Eugene, UA4RX has been stationed at the Ernst Krenkel
Observatory on Heiss Island, Franz Josef Land since early August [425DXN
1263]. The licence for RI1FJ has been duly renewe and expires on 1
September 2017, but Eugene has not been active so far. All that Victor,
UA2FM (RI1FJ's QSL manager) has been able to understand is that Eugene "is
alive and well, he carries out his duties, but he has no technical
possibilities to be QRV". He is expected to remain on the island until
August 2016. [TNX DX World]
TX3X LOTW & QSL CARD STATUS ---> The following update was provided by Gene
Spinelli, K5GS on 12 December:
- Not in Log and busted call inquires have been researched and answered. If
you did not receive a reply to an inquiry please send only one e-mail to
k5gs[@]pdxg.net with the details of the missing QSOs.
- Several "Not in Log" call signs were reported to be found in the logs of
other DXpeditions or a Cuban Special Event station that were active at the
same time as TX3X.
- The complete log will be uploaded to LoTW in May 2016.
- Individuals that donated to the project at any time - your LoTW was
- OQRS PayPal requests are processed daily, please allow 24-48 hours for
LoTW upload.
- If you made a donation or processed an OQRS using PayPal and are missing
an LoTW send an e-mail to k5gs[@]pdxg.net. All others, please wait for the
complete log to be uploaded.
- Direct cards should be mailed to Chesterfield Expedition, P.O. Box 1100,
Kenilworth, CV8 2YT, United Kingdom. Those who send direct cards - your
LoTW will be uploaded when we enter the contact information into the
system. QSL requests received with insufficient funds will be sent via the
- We are finalizing the QSL card design and will send to the printer by 18
December. Cards will be mailed from the UK in January.
YF1AR/8 ---> The direct links to Club Log's logsearch and OQRS for YF1AR's
recent "Moluccas IOTA Tour" are now up and running on www.qrz.com/db/YF1AR
and www.yf1ar.com.
+ SILENT KEY + Isidro Gabino "Gabi" San Martin Hernandez died on 11
December in a 9-hour shootout in Afghanistan. He was 48 and the father of
four. Gabi was part of a police contingent guarding the Spanish Embassy in
Kabul when a car bomb exploded at the Embassy Guest House gate. The bombers
then entered the compound, and a gun battle erupted. At least seven members
of the diplomatic staff were killed. [TNX ARRL]
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3DA0TM, 4U70UN, 6K2CEW/2
(AS-090), A35JP/P (OC-064), B7/BA4TB (AS-094),B7/BD7IHN (AS-129), BG9QM,
BG9XD, C31CT, C5YK, D8A (AN-016), E41WT, E51MQT (OC-014), EK4IJ, EM140Y,
(NA-070), OJ0V, OM2015TITANIC, OX1B, P40BC, PJ6/K4UEE, R7AL/0 (AS-172),
S79SP, SI9AM, SV5/MW0JZE, SV5/SM8C, T2GC, T41C (NA-093), T46BC, TI9/RA9USU,
TM73IE (EU-064), TO4GU, TT8AMO, UA0ZC/p (AS-203), V44KAI, V47NT, V6WW,
V73A, VE7ACN/7 (NA-075), VE7DP/7 (NA-181), VO1/DJ8QP (NA-198), VY0/VE1RUS
(NA-008), XR3MIN, XR8MIN, YB4IR/3 (OC-237), YB4IR/5 (OC-075), YB4IR/p
(OC-262), YB8RW (OC-146), YB8RW/3 (OC-237, OC-250), YB8RW/5 (OC-106),
YB8RW/8 (OC-222), YB8RW/p (OC-208, OC-209, OC-210, OC-236, OC-271, OC-272),
YB9/KF4EYY (OC-022), YE3IOTA (OC-237), YP0H (EU-191), Z21MG, Z38CE, Z60A,
ZA/YT7DQ, ZD7VC,ZY8P (SA-072).
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (425dxn@alice.it)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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