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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   15.01.22 14:13l 173 Lines 12201 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425CAL1602
Subj: 425 DX News #1602 Calendar
Sent: 220115/1154Z 11496@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.22

15 January 2022                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1602

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******   CALENDAR  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore  Responsabile I2VGW

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF
till  15/01      4A90CMX, 4A90COL, 4A90EMX, 4A90GTO: special callsigns 1600
till  15/01      4A90HGO, 4A90JAL, 4A90MIC: special callsigns          1600
till  16/01      AU2GSI: Sagar Island (AS-153)                         1601
till  16/01      PX7B: Pedra da Boca State Park                        1602
till  16/01      ZY6A: Ilha dos Frades (SA-023)                        1601
till  20/01      FS/F8AAN: Saint Martin (NA-105)                       1599
till  21/01      HS0ZNR: Thailand                                      1597
till  27/01      GB6NU: special callsign (England)                     1601
till  28/01      GB2KW: special callsign (Scotland)                    1601
till  31/01      8J1RL: Syowa Station, East Ongul Island (AN-015)      1551
till  31/01      DS4DRE/4: Komun Island (AS-060)                       1552
till  31/01      K3Y/#: Straight Key Century Club event                1599
till  31/01      OZ50Q: special callsign                               1599
till  31/01      PD22HNY: special callsign                             1595
till  31/01      PH21XMAS: special callsign                            1596
till  31/01      PH22HNY: special callsign                             1596
till  31/01      VP8/SQ1SGB: Halley VI Research Station, Antarctica    1593
till  06/02      PJ7/VA3QSL: Sint Maarten (NA-105)                     1599
till  10/02      SO39SYBIR: special callsign                           1585
till  18/02      VP2MDX: Montserrat (NA-103)                           1600
till  22/02      6W7/F6HMJ: Senegal                                    1599
till  28/02      8N1MORSE: special callsign                            1563
till  28/02      ON75AAA, ON75ACC, ON75ALT, ON75ARA: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75AST, ON75ATH, ON75ATO, ON75BDX: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75BTS, ON75BXE, ON75CDZ, ON75CLR: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75CRD, ON75DIG, ON75DST, ON75EKO: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75GBN, ON75GBX, ON75GDV, ON75GNT: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75GTM, ON75HCC, ON75IPR, ON75KSD: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75KTK, ON75LGE, ON75LIR, ON75LLV: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75LUS, ON75LVN, ON75MCL, ON75MLB: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75MWV, ON75NBT, ON75NNV, ON75NOK: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75NOL, ON75ODE, ON75ONZ, ON75ORA: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75OSA, ON75OSB, ON75OST, ON75PHI: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75RAF, ON75RAM, ON75RAT, ON75RCA: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75RCN, ON75REM, ON75RST, ON75RSX: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75SNW, ON75TLS, ON75TRA, ON75TRC: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75TWS, ON75UBA, ON75WLD, ON75WRA: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      ON75WRC, ON75WTO, ON75YLC, ON75ZTM: special callsigns 1598
till  28/02      R075F: special callsign                               1599
till  28/02      FT4YM and FT4YM/p: Antarctica                         1591
till  01/03      OF60RR: special callsign                              1558
till  15/03      6Y5FS: Jamaica (NA-097)                               1602
till  24/03      ZF9CW and ZF5T: Cayman Islands (NA-016)               1591
till  26/03      LX5MF: special callsign                               1586
till  March      V51WH and V55Y: Namibia                               1591
till  05/04      HR5/F2JD: Honduras                                    1593
till  30/04      8N0J: special callsign                                1553
till  31/05      HK3JCL: Colombia                                      1582
till  09/06      OH0100AX: special callsign (Aland Islands)            1571
till  June       9J2MYT: Zambia                                        1596
till  10/07      II1WRTC, II2WRTC, II3WRTC, II4WRTC: special callsigns 1600
till  10/07      II5WRTC, II6WRTC, II7WRTC, II8WRTC: special callsigns 1600
till  10/07      II9WRTC, II0WRTC, IR1WRTC: special callsigns          1600
till  10/07      IO0WRTC: special callsign (Sardinia)                  1600
till  13/07      9A302AA: special callsign                             1587
till  31/07      DM60CSJ: special callsign                             1600
till  31/10      DL35EUDXF: special callsign                           1591
till  31/12      9A652AA: special callsign                             1600
till  31/12      9A655AX: special callsign                             1600
till  31/12      DB50AFZ: special callsign                             1600
till  31/12      DF40BGK: special callsign                             1600
till  31/12      DK050BN: special callsign                             1600
till  31/12      DL60LINDAU: special callsign                          1600
till  31/12      DL73AFUG: special callsign                            1600
till  31/12      DL75DRG: special callsign                             1600
till  31/12      DL75HIL: special callsign                             1600
till  31/12      DR50BAWA: special callsign                            1599
till  31/12      EI90IRTS: special callsign                            1599
till  31/12      GB100BBC: special callsign                            1599
till  31/12      HB50SH: special callsign                              1600
till  31/12      LA100B: special callsign                              1600
till  31/12      OZ50DDXG: special callsign                            1599
till  31/12      PA22L: special callsign                               1600
till  31/12      TC60TRAC: special callsign                            1601
till  ??/12      FT4XW: Kerguelen Islands (AF-048)                     1597
15/01-16/01      YB1RET/4: Rakata Island (OC-262)                      1602
15/01-20/01      YB1TDL/4, YB1TIA/4, YC1RQZ/4: Rakata Island (OC-262)  1602
16/01-30/01      4A90MOR, 4A90NAY, 4A90PUE: special callsigns          1600
16/01-30/01      4A90QRO, 4A90TLX, 4A90VER: special callsigns          1600
17/01-31/01      5Z4/HB9DSP: Kenya                                     1602
17/01-31/01      R900BL, R900DM, R900DV, R900RO: special callsigns     1602
20/01-01/02      TO6S: Les Saintes (NA-114), Guadeloupe                1601
20/01-27/01      YB6ABO/p and YC1BIQ/6: Rondo Island (OC-245)          1602
20/01-27/01      YD0AVE/6 and YE1AR/6: Rondo Island (OC-245)           1602
20/01-24/02      JI3DST/5 and JJ5RBH: Shodo Island (AS-200)            1602
20/01-24/02      JS6RRR/5 and JS6RRR/p: Shodo Island (AS-200)          1602
23/01-24/01      YB0DX/7 and YC5YC/7: Kalimantan, Borneo (OC-088)      1602
23/01-01/02      P4/DL4MM and P40AA: Aruba (SA-036)                    1601
24/01-23/12      GB1900HA: special event station (England)             1602
24/01-23/12      GB1900HW: special event station (England)             1602
31/01-14/02      4A90AGS, 4A90BAC, 4A90BCS: special callsigns          1600
31/01-14/02      4A90COA, 4A90CHH, 4A90DGO: special callsigns          1600
January          HF9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
January          LZ290WA: special callsign                             1601
January          PG44FF: special callsign                              1597
January          RI1ANC: Vostok Station, Antarctica                    1602
January          ZS7ANF: Wolf's Fang Runway, Antarctica                1594
January          6Y6Y: Jamaica (NA-097)                                1594
03/02-20/02      Z21A and Z22O: Zimbabwe                               1596
04/02-13/02      TU5PCT: Cote d'Ivoire                                 1602
05/02-13/02      II2IDT: special callsign                              1602
06/02-22/02      FS/VA3QSL: Saint Martin (NA-105)                      1601
15/02-01/03      4A90NLE, 4A90SLP, 4A90SIN: special callsigns          1600
15/02-01/03      4A90SON, 4A90TAM, 4A90ZAC: special callsigns          1600
February         LZ251MA: special callsign                             1601
February         SN9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
02/03-16/03      4A90CAM, 4A90CHI, 4A90GRO, 4A90OAX: special callsigns 1600
02/03-16/03      4A90QUI, 4A90TAB, 4A90YUC: special callsigns          1600
02/03-30/03      FO/SP5EAQ and TX5AQ: Rimatara (OC-050), Austral Isls  1601
17/03-31/03      4A90FMRE: special callsign                            1600
March            LZ475GJ: special callsign                             1601
March            SP9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
16/04-28/04      TX5N: Raivavae (OC-114), Austral Islands              1601
19/04-26/04      JW0X: Svalbard (EU-026)                               1601
22/04-24/04      JW100QO: Svalbard (EU-026)                            1601
April            LZ303AT: special callsign                             1601
April            HF9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
May              LZ330AL: special callsign                             1601
May              SN9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
June             LZ444KA: special callsign                             1601
June             MM0UKI/p: Isle of Rockall (EU-189)                    1599
June             SP9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
04/07-11/07      KL7RRC: Kiska Island (NA-070)                         1589
July             HF9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
July             LZ540DS: special callsign                             1601
12/08-21/08      CY9C: St. Paul Island (NA-094)                        1594
August           LZ258ML: special callsign                             1601
August           SN9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
September        LZ31ZE: special callsign                              1601
September        SP9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
October          A35GC: Tonga (OC-049)                                 1581
October          CY0C: Sable Island (NA-063)                           1563
October          E6AM: Niue (OC-040)                                   1581
October          HF9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
October          LZ457PP: special callsign                             1601
November         3Y0J: Bouvet Island                                   1599
November         LZ407IZ: special callsign                             1601
November         SN9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
December         Crozet Islands * by F6CUK                             1597
December         LZ634SM: special callsign                             1601
December         SP9FIELD: special callsign                            1599
TBA         2022 TL8AA and TL8ZZ: Central African Republic             1582
TBA         2022 ZL9: Campbell Island (OC-037)                         1533
January     2023 Crozet Islands * by F6CUK                             1597
February    2023 Crozet Islands * by F6CUK                             1597
March       2023 W8S: Swains Island                                    1592


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                                Direttore Responsabile
                                Gabriele Villa,  I2VGW
                    Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                           Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                     Roma, Italia


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