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KB8NW  > DX       28.10.22 16:50l 770 Lines 42655 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1586
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1586
Sent: 221028/1546Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:18074 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1586
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1586
BID: $OPDX.1586
October 31, 2022
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Sent From Strongsville, Ohio
Font Used: Courier New

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K's AR Cluster
Networks, NJ1Q & W1AW, N2OO, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, W4VQ,
K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, W9ILY, DL1SBF, DL5ON & The DX News Letter,, DX-World.Net, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425
DX News, Sixitalia Weekly, VA3RJ & ICPO and VE2IDX for the following
DX information.

        "Celebrating 31+ years (March 1991) of FREE DX News"

*** SPECIAL NOTE FROM EDITOR TEDD KB8NW: I am sad to report that this will
  be my last OPDX Bulletin. After just under 32 years of writing the OPDX
  Bulletin (OPDXB), I have decided to retire. Actually I have been pro-
  viding DX information for the last 42 years starting on a local RTTY
  BBS, Packet Radio BBS and an online dial-up BBS called BARF80 (which
  received gobal phone calls before adding the InterNet to it). The last
  42 years has been fun, but it is time to retire due to my age (I
  turned 70 this year) and my health (less pressure writing a bulletin
  each week and my eyes are not what they used to be). Beside the field
  of providing DX information over the last couple of years has become
  crowded, and "some" providers have turned it into a competition instead
  of helping and promoting DXing. I am happy to say that the OPDX Bulletin
  has been totally FREE for all those years with NO ADs, NO GAMES, NO HYPE,
  NO BOASTING and NO REQUESTS for donations (but there have been a few
  [very few] unsolicited donations. Thanks to those donators.
    I would like to thank the many individuals who have provided DX infor-
  mation for the OPDXB over the past 31+ years, but it would be just too
  many to list. However, there are some individuals I have to mention.
  Thanks to Father Steve Walick/SK, Dave Foran/WB8APD/SK, Rick DeMattia/
  KD8WCK and Steve Gregory/W8SKG. They kept the servers that the OPDXB
  goes out on the InterNet running. Also, thanks to John Papay/K8YSE for
  hosting the OPDXB all these years on his Web page. Then there is my
  wife, Linda, OPDXB's Chief Proof-Reader (retired Special-LD teacher
  and non-ham], who has put up with me all these years and for checking
  my work.
   I hope in some way I was able to help you readers get your DXCC or
  possibly work an All-Time-New-One (ATNO); be it a new entity or a new
  band fill. Good Luck and Good DX.... 73 de Tedd KB8NW

  P.S. The OPDX Mailing List will still be active to provide upcoming
  DXpedition announcements and special press releases. They will not be
  in bulletin format.

*** EDITOR'S SPECIAL NOTES (by Tedd, KB8NW): This week's bulletin was
     sent out earlier than normal to accommodate the late CQWW DX SSB
     Contest announcements. Also, we wanted to provide the readers with
     a consolidated listing of the CQWW DX SSB Contest participants.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 23rd-October, through Friday, 28th-October there were 216
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3C, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5V, 5W, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P,
8Q, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7,
A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4,
DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX,
EY, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FS, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU,
GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J5, J6,
J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY,
LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4,
PJ5, PJ7, PY, PZ, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, TA, TF, TG,
TI, TJ, TK, TR, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7,
V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP6, VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, YB, YI, YJ, YL,
YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, Z6, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

3Y0J BOUVET ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS. Co-Leaders Ken, LA7GIA, posted a long
update on the 3Y0J Bouvet Island FaceBook page on October 26th. In an
excerpt Ken states: We have expanded our team with PILOTS! The pilots
will be the important link between the DXers and the 3Y0J team. They
will relay to us how the propagation is in various parts of the world
and what band/opening is good or if we missed one.
          CHIEF PILOT - EU PILOT: Morten, LA3MHA
          NA EAST COAST PILOT: Steve, N2AJ
          NA WEST COAST PILOT: Rich, KE1B
          SA PILOT: Siso, HK3W
          VK/ZL/OC PILOT: LEE, VK3GK
          AS/JA PILOT: Champ, E21EIC
  You can view the complete update at:

4L, GEORGIA. Mamuka Kordzakhia, 4L2M, President of the National Associ-
ation Radio Amateurs of Georgia (NARG), will be active during the CQWW
DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m)/High-
Power entry. QSL via EA7FTR.

5B, CYPRUS. Andreas, 5B4AQT, has only recently (September 2022) been
licensed at age 12, and is expected to be in the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(October 29-30th) as a Single-Op entry (youth overlay). QSL via 5B4AQT,
direct or by the Bureau.

5R, MADAGASCAR. Eiki, JH8JWF, is now active as 5R8AS from Ivato, Tala-
tamaty, Madagascar (AF-013), until November 6th. Activity will be on
various HF bands (80-6m) using FT8. He will also be in the CQWW DX SSB
Contest (October 29-30th). QSL via LoTW or ClubLog.

7P, LESOTHO (Postponed). The "South African Ham Radio (Mini) Dxpedition
2022" that was expected to be active as 7P8CW from Lesotho between No-
vember 2-7th, has postponed their operation. They posted the following
on With regret we need to postpone our Dxpedition with immediate
effect as one of our team members and their family have been in a critical
car accident. We will attempt 7P8CW next year giving them time to recover.
Thanks for you understanding.

9G, GHANA. Dave, AB0GC, who is active as 9G1SD from Wenchi, Brong Region,
Ghana, has been on 17/15/12/10/6 meters FT8/FT4 during different times
throughout the day. QSL via AB0GC, direct, eQSL or LoTW. NO Bureau.

9L, SIERRA LEONE (Unusual Callsign). John, G0EWI, is now active as 9LYJD1
(callsign is correct) from Congo Cross, Freetown, Sierra Leone, until No-
vember 3rd. As this was being written, there were no QSNs reported. On, it states that his station is a FT-450D into an EFHW (80-6m).
QSL via his home callsign.

9Z, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Yuriy, N2TTA, will be active as 9Z4A during
the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL
via 9Z4A.

B7, CHINA. Operators Jordan/BA7MY, Terry/BA7NQ, De/BA7JA, Yan/BA7JG,
Qiu/BA7NO, Paul/BA7JS and Zhang/BD7MQ will be active as B7P from Foshan
city (WW Loc. OL63na) during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th)
as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via BA4EG, by the Bureau or LoTW.

CN47, MOROCCO (Special Event). Members of the Royal Association of Radio
Amateurs of Morocco will activate the special event callsign CN47MS be-
tween October 30th and November 10th, to celebrate the 47th anniversary
of the "GREEN MARCH" inspired by the late HASSAN 2, King of Morocco
bringing together 350,000 participants in a peaceful march to recover
their Saharan provinces from the protectorate. Activity will be on various
HF bands and the QO-100 satellite (Es'Hail2) using CW, SSB and the Digital
modes. QSL via CN8WW, ClubLog or LoTW.

D4, CAPE VERDE (Reminder). Members of the Monteverde Contest Team Club
will be active as D4Z from Cape Verde during the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(October 29-30th) as a Multi-? entries. QSL via IK2NCJ.

D60AE COMOROS ISLAND 2022 DXPEDITION. A video of the October 2022 DX-
pedition to Comoros Island (AF-007) by the F6KOP team is now available
on The video is by Patrick, F2DX, and is 23 minutes long.
To view it, go to:

DAY-XENIA HAMVENTION NEWS. The Radisson Hotel (formerly known as the
Dayton Crowne Plaza) which was home for DXers and Contesters during the
HamVention for many years will be closing for the "foreseeable future"
at the end of the month (October 31st). For more details, see:

E730, BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA (Special Callsign). During the period between
October 28th and November 14th, look for the special callsign E730ITU.
HAM's from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina will use the special callsign
to mark the 30th anniversary of Bosnia and Herzegovina membership in the
ITU (International Telecommunication Union). All QSOs made during that
period will be confirmed only via LoTW.

ES, ESTONIA. An international team of operators will be active as ES9UKR
during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th) as a Multi-2 entry. The
"UKR" suffix is in support of Ukraine. QSL via ES5RY.

FY, FRENCH GUIANA. Operators Marc/F1HAR, Florent/F4CWN, Didier/FY5FY,
Herve/F5HRY and Christian/F5UII will be active as FY5KE from the "Radio
Club de Kourou's" (RACK) radio station in Kourou City during the CQWW
DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via LoTW
or direct (NO Bureau).

GM, SCOTLAND. Operators Peter/2M0SQL, Chas/GM1TGY and Dave/MM0HVW will
be active as GM5G from Scotland during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October
29-30th) as a Multi-Single/High-Power entry. QSL via LoTW.

HB0, LIECHTENSTEIN. A group of Dutch amateurs (from the PI4RAZ Radio Club)
are now active as HB0/homecall from Steg (WW Loc. JN47SC) until October
30th. Operators mentioned are Robert/PA2RDK, Frank/PA3CNO, Henry/PA3HK and
Gert/PE0MGB. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, using the main modes CW,
and some SSB. QSL via their home callsign.

HD1, ECUADOR. Members of the Quito Radio Club will be active as HD1A
from Quito, Ecuador, during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th)
as a Multi-Multi entry. QSL via HD1A direct or by the Bureau.

IOTA NEWS. The following are IOTA operations that were active this past
week between October 24-28th (as per the DXCluster):

    IOTA     Callsign     Island/GROUP            Bands/Modes
   ------    ----------   -------------           -----------
   AF-004    EA8CIF       CANARY                  10m; FT8
   AF-004    EA8CVZ       CANARY                  10m; SSB
   AF-004    EA8DFV       CANARY                  20m; FT8
   AF-004    EA8DHA       CANARY                  10m; SSB
   AF-004    EA8DS        CANARY                  10m; FT4
   AF-004    EA8UU        CANARY                  10m; FT8
   AF-013    5R8AS        MADAGASCAR              20m; FT4
   AF-014    CT3HU        MADEIRA                 12/10m; FT8
   AF-014    CT3IQ        MADEIRA                 17/12/10m; SSB
   AF-014    CT3MD        MADEIRA                 40m; FT8
   AF-014    CT9/DF7EE    MADEIRA                 17m; FT8
   AF-017    3B9FR        RODRIGUES               40m; CW
   AF-018    IH9/IK3AEQ   PANTELLERIA             20/15m; SSB
   AF-019    IG9ITO       PELAGIE                 20/10m; SSB
   AF-022    ZD7BG        ST HELENA               10m; CW
   AF-022    ZD7FT        ST HELENA               30m; FT8
   AF-049    3B8CW        MAURITIUS               10m; FT8
   AF-057    5R8BM        MADAGASCAR'S COASTAL W  10m; SSB
   AF-086    D4Z          WINDWARD                17m; SSB/FT8
   AN-016    DP0GVN       Antarctic               17m; FT8
   AS-003    4S7AB        SRI LANKA               20m; CW
   AS-003    4S7JL/MM     SRI LANKA               20m; SSB
   AS-004    5B4AMX       Cyprus                  40/20m; SSB
   AS-007    JA0LBE       HONSHU                  15m; SSB
   AS-007    JA0PI        HONSHU                  40m; SSB
   AS-007    JA1PLT       HONSHU                  15m; FT8
   AS-007    JA7JWT       HONSHU                  15m; FT8
   AS-007    JG3TRB       HONSHU                  20m; FT4
   AS-007    JH1XYB       HONSHU                  15m; FT8
   AS-007    JH2GSW       HONSHU                  20m; FT8
   AS-007    JH4MJO       HONSHU                  15m; FT8
   AS-007    JH7OHS       HONSHU                  15m; FT8
   AS-007    JP7TAW       HONSHU                  15m; SSB
   AS-007    JR1EYT       HONSHU                  15m; FT8
   AS-007    JR7TKG       HONSHU                  17m; SSB
   AS-015    9M2TO        PINANG STATE            17m; FT8
   AS-017    JO1CRA/JS6   OKINAWA                 20m; CW/FT8/FT4
   AS-020    BX5AA        Taiwan                  15m; SSB
   AS-026    HL4SF        CHEJU-DO PROVINCE       10m; CW
   AS-077    JA6MWW       KYUSHU                  160m;
   AS-078    JA8COE       HOKKAIDO                15/10m; SSB
   AS-078    JH8RBY       HOKKAIDO                17m; SSB
   AS-078    JH8RJS       HOKKAIDO                15m; SSB
   AS-117    JF3BFS       HONSHU'S COASTAL WEST   10m; CW
   AS-200    JJ5RBH       SHODO                   17m; FT8
   AS-200    JR8YLY/p     SHODO                   10m; FT8
   EU-004    EA6MR        BALEARIC                12m; SSB
   EU-005    2E0HPI/p     GREAT BRITAIN           40m; SSB
   EU-005    G0NAD/p      GREAT BRITAIN           20m; SSB
   EU-005    G4RFR        GREAT BRITAIN           20m; SSB
   EU-005    GB100BBC     GREAT BRITAIN           12m; SSB
   EU-005    M0MJA/p      GREAT BRITAIN           40m; SSB
   EU-005    M5JON        GREAT BRITAIN           12m; SSB
   EU-005    MM0DGR       GREAT BRITAIN           40m; FT8
   EU-009    GM0WED       ORKNEY                  10m; CW
   EU-009    GM8OFQ       ORKNEY                  10m; SSB
   EU-015    SV9/SV2CLJ   CRETE                   20m; SSB
   EU-018    OY1CT        FAROE                   12m; CW
   EU-018    OY1DZ        FAROE                   20m; FT8
   EU-018    OY1OF        FAROE                   40m; SSB
   EU-020    SD1A         GOTLAND COUNTY          80m; CW
   EU-021    TF2MSN       ICELAND                 10m; SSB/FT8
   EU-024    IS0DCR       SARDINIA                17m; SSB
   EU-025    IT9ACJ       Sicily                  20/12m; SSB/FT8
   EU-029    OV1CDX       SJAELLAND               12/10m; CW/SSB
   EU-032    F6BFH        Poitou Charentes Region 10m; FT4
   EU-038    PA0LDE       TEXEL                   10m; FT4
   EU-042    DL1WH/p      Sylt                    40/10m; CW
   EU-046    LA6KOA       TROMS  COUNTY           20/12/10m; SSB
   EU-054    IF9A         FAVIGNANA               20/17/15m; CW/SSB/FT8
   EU-054    IF9ZWA       FAVIGNANA               30/17m; FT8
   EU-067    SV8OVJ       KYKLADES                40m; CW
   EU-110    9A1WWF       ISTRA                   40m; SSB
   EU-110    9A3ST/p      ISTRA                   40m; CW
   EU-110    9A8GHJ/p     ISTRA                   20m; SSB
   EU-115    MI0ADX       IRELAND                 12m; SSB
   EU-115    MI0AIH       IRELAND                 12/10m; SSB
   EU-115    MI0OBC       IRELAND                 15m; FT8
   EU-120    2E0EYB       ENGLISH  COASTAL        10m; SSB
   EU-120    GB4EPN       ENGLISH  COASTAL        10m; SSB
   EU-131    IK3PQH       VENETO REGION           40/20m; SSB/RTTY/FT8/FT4
   EU-171    5P1KZK       JYLLAND  NORTH          10m; FT8
   EU-171    OZ7PR/p      JYLLAND  NORTH          20m; SSB
   NA-002    VP5Z         PROVIDENCIA             30m; FT4
   NA-005    VP9IN        BERMUDA                 17/12m; SSB
   NA-015    CO2GL        CUBA                    10m; FT4
   NA-015    CO8LY        CUBA                    12/10m; CW/SSB
   NA-016    ZF2MJ        CAYMAN                  10m; SSB
   NA-016    ZF2OO        CAYMAN                  10m; SSB
   NA-016    ZF2PG        CAYMAN                  15m; SSB
   NA-016    ZF2WW        CAYMAN                  20/10m; SSB
   NA-016    ZF2ZO        CAYMAN                  15/10m; SSB
   NA-021    8P6ET        BARBADOS                12m; SSB
   NA-026    N2PQJ        NEW YORK STATE          20m; FT8
   NA-027    VO1IRA       NEWFOUNDLAND            10m; FT8
   NA-029    VY2FU        PRINCE EDWARD           17m; SSB
   NA-065    KA6RWL       WASHINGTON STATE NORTH  15/12m; SSB/FT8
   NA-065    NS7V         WASHINGTON STATE NORTH  12m; FT8
   NA-096    HI8AM        HISPANIOLA              17m; SSB
   NA-096    HI8AT        HISPANIOLA              10m; SSB
   NA-096    HI8HRD       HISPANIOLA              15m; FT8
   NA-096    HI8S         HISPANIOLA              12/10m; FT8/FT4
   NA-099    KP4PR        PUERTO RICO             10m; SSB
   NA-099    WP3AV        PUERTO RICO             12m; SSB
   NA-099    WP3L         PUERTO RICO             15m; FT8
   NA-099    WP4RAE       PUERTO RICO             10m; SSB
   NA-100    V26FT        ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA     20m; SSB
   NA-101    J74PE        DOMINICA                17m; SSB
   NA-102    FG8OJ        GUADELOUPE              10m; FT8
   NA-104    V47FWX       ST KITTS AND NEVIS      12/10m; SSB
   NA-106    KP2B         VIRGIN                  40m; CW/SSB
   NA-108    J68HZ        St Lucia                10m; SSB/FT8
   NA-111    W2RHS        NJ State                10m; FT8
   NA-135    XE3BGM       CAMPECHE STATE          12m; FT8
   NA-145    PJ5/W5JON    Sint Eustatius          12m; SSB
   OC-001    VK3PUB       Australia               20m; FT8
   OC-001    VK5PAS       Australia               40m; SSB
   OC-013    E51JD        RAROTONGA               20m; SSB
   OC-021    YB0ECT       JAVA                    12m; SSB
   OC-021    YB1EAO       JAVA                    15m; SSB
   OC-021    YB1JCD       JAVA                    12m; SSB
   OC-021    YB3COY       JAVA                    40m; FT8
   OC-032    FK8FI        NEW  CALEDONIA          40/20m; SSB/FT8
   OC-032    FK8GM        NEW  CALEDONIA          20/17m; SSB
   OC-032    FK8IK        NEW  CALEDONIA          20m; CW
   OC-035    YJ0CA        NEW  HEBRIDES           20/10m; SSB
   OC-036    ZL1BMW       NORTH                   12m; SSB
   OC-036    ZL1RPC       NORTH                   20m; FT8
   OC-036    ZL1WN        NORTH                   10m; SSB
   OC-036    ZL3EI        NORTH                   20m; FT8
   OC-134    ZL3KR        SOUTH                   40m; FT8
   OC-134    ZL4SY        SOUTH                   40m; FT8
   OC-134    ZL4TT        SOUTH                   20m; FT8
   OC-196    VK1TTY       VICTORIA STATE EAST     40m; FT8
   OC-233    VK7HVK       TASMANIA'S COASTAL      20m; SSB
   OC-240    P29RO        NEW GUINEA    40/30/20/17/15/12/10m; CW/SSB/FT8
   SA-006    PJ4NG        BONAIRE                 20m; CW
   SA-011    9Y4DG        TRINIDAD                160m; FT8
   SA-036    P40L         Aruba                   40/15/12/10m; SSB/FT8
   SA-036    P40T         Aruba                   80m; FT8
   SA-091    CE8MGZ       MAGALLANES  PROVINCE    10m; SSB
   SA-099    PJ2/KL2A     CURACAO                 20m; SSB
   SA-099    PJ2/N6GQ     CURACAO                 20m; SSB
   SA-099    PJ2/ND8L     CURACAO                 15m; SSB
   SA-099    PJ2/W4IPC    CURACAO                 10m; SSB

  ** Thanks to the individuals who put the island/group and mode
     (which is very important) on their QSNs on their PacketCluster
     reports. The format we suggest is "Mode/IOTA#/Island or Group"
     (ex. CW/SA-036/Aruba).

  AS-017.  (Update/Reminder) Hide, JO1CRA, is now active as JO1CRA/JS6
           from Kunigami-Gun, Okinawa Islands,until October 28th. The
           plan could change depending on the status of WX conditions
           and COVID-19. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW and
           FT8. Suggested frequencies
           are: CW:  7015, 10125, 14045, 21045 and 28045 kHz
                FT8: 7074, 10136, 14074, 21074 and 28074 kHz
           QSL via ClubLog's OQRS, LoTW, JO1CRA direct or by the JARL
           QSL Bureau.

  OC-204.  Harry, JG7PSJ (JD1BHM), is making plans to be active as
           JG7PSJ/7 from Oshima Island (Miyagi Pref). Dates are to
           be determined (being dependent on what the weather is like).
           Watch for updates at:          =20

  OC-144.  (Reminder) Operators Ginanjar/YB0GIN, YL Sahara/YB0SHR, YL
           Jilly/YB1JYL, Fathurrachman/YB4FZK, YL Sri/YB4GBT, YE4IJY,
           Davidcy/YC5YC, YF4FIC, Arie/YF4IFT, Abdul/YF4IHG, Fathra/
           YD4GMC and Marsadi/YG4IJV will be active as homecall/4 or
           homecall/p from the beach on Seliu Island (WW Loc. OI36tt)
           between October 28-30th. Activity will be on various HF bands
           using CW and FT8, but will be mainly on 7100 kHz. Listen for
           operators' QSL info. Operation is good for "Indonesian Beaches
           On The Air" (iBOTA):
                      Pantai Teluk Gembira (iBOTA - 202)
                   Pantai Tanjung Marangbulo (iBOTA - 211)

  OC-149.  Remo, HB9SHD, will once again be active as H44SHD from Uepi
           Island, Solomon Islands, between December 6-19th. Activity
           will be on 40-6 meters using mostly SSB, the Digital modes
           and very little CW. Between December 20th and January 3rd,
           Remo will be onboard the "MV Bilikiki" and may possibly visit
           other islands (Russell, Mary and Forida). QSL via his home
           callsign, direct, by the Bureau, ClubLog or eQSL. PLEASE NOTE:
           Remo will be onboard the "MV Oceania" between November 27th
           and December 3rd, and "may" be active as P29AH/MM (maritime
           mobile only) from Papua New Guinea.

  OC-239.  Amir, YB9IPY, will be active from Rajaampat Islands between
           November 1-8th. Activity will be on various HF bands using
           FT8 only. QSL via IK2DUW.

  PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the <> have
  decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
  operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
  and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

J2, DJIBOUTI (Reminder). The Mediterraneo DX Club (MDXC) will be active
as J28MD near the town of Obok (WW Loc. LK11PX) in Djibouti between Oc-
tober 29th and November 7th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters with a
special focus on low bands and the WARC bands, using CW, SSB, RTTY and
FT8. Suggested frequencies were listed in OPDX.1561 or on the J28MD Web
page. QSL Manager is IK2VUC for direct, Bureau and OQRS. The complete
LoTW log will be uploaded after 5/6 months. They will upload LoTW contacts
during the expedition for all 10 USDs contributors. For more details,
see their Web page at:

KP4, PUERTO RICO. Operators Riich/N0HJZ and Ken/KP4AA will be active as
KP4AA from Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October
29-30th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via KP4AA, direct or LoTW. No Bureau.

MD, ISLE OF MAN. Operators Torsten/DL4APJ and Udo/DL2AQI are planning to
be active as MD/DL4APJ and MD/DL2AQI, respectively, from the Isle of Man
(EU-116, WW Loc. IO74pd) (probably) between September 10-19th (2023).
Activity will be holiday style on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and the
Digital modes (RTTY, PSK, FT8/FT4 etc...). They are also planning to be
active on other bands (2m/70cm/23cm/...), but that depends on the local
conditions - that can only be decided on site - stay tuned (on
QSL via their home callsigns, direct, by the DARC Bureau, eQSL, LoTW or

OH5, FINLAND. The OH5Z team will honor the recent passing of Peter,
OH5NQ, by operating during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th)
as either a Multi/Single or Multi/2 entry. QSL via LoTW.

OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). Details on how to subscribe and
unsubscribe from the "OPDX Mailing List" are at the bottom of this
bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around.... Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW

PA36-PI35/TM36, THE NETHERLANDS. To celebrate the 36th anniversary of
the European DX Foundation (EUDXF), look for the following special event
stations to be active during the month of November: PA36EUDXF, PB36EUDXF,
PI36EUDXF. QSL all callsign via PA1AW. All QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW
and ClubLog. You are encouraged to request your Paper-QSL via Clublog's
OQRS. All PA36-PI36EUDXF and TM36EUDX are valid for the 36EUDXF Award.
ADDED NOTE: Also look for UE36EUF from European Russia to be active.
QSL via RQ7L by the Bureau.

PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (October 31st-November 6th).......
  Oct/31st LN     Nov/03rd HN     Nov/05th AN
  Nov/01st HN     Nov/04th HN     Nov/06th AN
  Nov/02nd HN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

    (Updated 01/26/2022) Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites
    for propagation:
     * VOACAP predication Web page at:
     * DX.QSL.NET Propagation page:
     * SolarHam Web page:
     * Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at:
     * Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) & National Oceanic and
       Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):
     * News and Information About The Sun-Earth Environment:
     * Archive of ARRL Propagation Forecasts:
     * Information and tutorials on propagation are at:
     * Graphic propagation tool by DR2W:
     * W4HM Daily HF/MF Radio Wave Propagation Forecast:
     * WM7D's Solar Resource Page:

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
  QSL-INFO from Lothar, DL1SBF ( (October 30th)
  QSL-INFO from various sources provided by OPDX
  4L1MA via ON4RU           GS8VL via M0OXO (O/L)      PJ4NG  via K4BAI
  4L4DX via K6VHF           HB0/OE9HRV/P via OE9HRV    S79/RM8A via RM8A (d=
  4O7CC via UA4CC           HB0/PA3CNO via PA3CNO      SU9VB  via UA4WHX
  7X2GK via IK2DUW          HB0/PA3HK via PA3HK        SV8/DK3SJ  via DK3SJ
  8P2K via KU9C             HF100L via SP9KDR          TC99TC via TA2IJ
  8S9J via SM5TOG (L)       IF9A via IT9ATF & (L)      TI2VLM via EA5ZD & (=
  9A8GHJ/P via OE7GHJ       J5JUA  via CT2GQA          TM12M via F5FAB
  9N7AA via S57DX (d/L)     KP2/KB5RF via KB5RF (L)    TO2DL  via DL7DF
  9V1YC via W5UE            OK/SQ9MDF/P via SQ9MDF     TZ4AM  via KX4R
  A25SL via N4GNR           OR78CLM via ON6HC (B)      V26K via AA3B
  A65/DL2RMC via DL2RMC     OX3LX  via OZ0J            V26OC via N3OC & (L)
  CT9/DD8ZX via DD8ZX & (L) P29RO via DL4SVA           V31XX  via K4XS
  CT9/DF7EE via DF7EE (O/L) P40L via WA3FRP & (L)      V47NT via W2RQ
  D4L via IK2NCJ & (L)      P40T via VE3DZ             VP5Z via JJ2RCJ
  EA3ATO via EA3RCI         PA60NN via PC4C            VP8TAA via M0OXO (O/=
  EI1Y via EI5JQ            PF60PENM via PF9W & (L)    YI1BGD PIRATE
  FY5KE via FY1FL (d/L)     PJ2/KL2A via KL2A          ZA/F4DTO via F4DTO

  (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (*-B) DX's- Bureau
  (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only  (L) LoTW only    (N) No QSL needed
  (I) No IRC     (P) PayPal        (NB) No Bureau   (n) no printed QSLs
  (Q) only (E) E-Mail QSL only (P) Please send no QSL
  (BA) Bureau Automatic
  (**) QSL automatically via Bureau - do not send QSLs

  LOGS ONLINE AT CLUBLOG.ORG THIS WEEK...... (Updated)  (Updated)  (Updated) (Updated) (Updated)

  YS1AG  and ZS1NA

  VK0MQ, VK6IA, Z37CXY and ZL7/K5WE

   --- We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc)
       send in their info....

S7, SEYCHELLES. By the time you read this, Tony, RM8A, maybe QRT as
S79/RM8A from Grand Anse (AF-024); October 28th was mentioned. He is
using an IC-7100 with 100 watts into a VDA located about 300 meters
from the Indian Ocean. He suggests to watch 15/12/10 meters. QSNs show
that he has been active on 10 meters FT8.

S9, SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE ISLANDS. Laurentino, CT2KCG, is planning to be
active as S9/CT2KCG from Pr=EDncipe Island (AF-044). He informs OPDX that
"it will take a few months" for him to be operative. QSL via CT2KCG or
eQSL. No other details were provided.

SILENT KEY (SK).  Bob, N2OO, informs that Alfons, 9M6MU, told him that
Lt. Col. (Ret.) Ambran H.M. Noor Aston, SMB, psc., V85SS, became a Silent
Key (SK). OPDX and its readers would like to send out our deepest sympathy
to the family and friends of V85SS.

STANDARD TIME. Remember to change your clocks next weekend! Countries who
observe Daylight Saving Time (DST), which took place on Sunday, March
13th, are now expected to move their "local clocks" backward 1 hour on
Sunday, November 6th, from 2:00 AM local time to 1:00 AM. In 2023, Day-
light Saving Time (DST) will again go into effect on Sunday, March 12th,
2023, at 2:00 AM local time. For the history and details about ST and
DST, as well as an interesting map of the world (showing the countries
who observe DST), see:
ADDED NOTE: Hopefully, all amateur radio operators know NOT to change
their GMT/UTC/ZULU clocks. However, since most operators usually set their
computers to local time, some may have to change their settings on "some"
ham radio software (ex. logging, propagation, DXTelnet, etc..) programs.

TM90, FRANCE (Special Event). Members of the "Radio Club de Wingles"
(F4KLR) will be active as TM90GF during some days of October, November
and December, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the passing of General
Gustave Ferrie (a pioneer of military radio comms). The listed days of
activity are: October 29-30th, November 5-7th, November 11-13th, November
19-20th, November 26-27th, December 3rd and December 10-17th. Operations
will be on various HF/VHF bands using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via F4KLR,
direct or eQSL. Cards will also be sent to everyone through the Bureau.

TN8K CONGO DXPEDITION NEWS. The following has been reported by David,
OK6DJ, on FaceBook, October 26th: "The upcoming TN8K Congo DX Pedition
has been approved by the ARRL DXCC Desk. LOTW certificate received."
Activity will be between January 6-21st, 2023. See OPDX.1580.

TX5, AUSTRAL ISLANDS (Update/Postponed). Haru, JA1XGI, who was to be
active as TX5XG from the Austral Islands between November 2-9th, has
postponed his operation until 2023. No reason given. For more details,
see the Web page at:

VE2, CANADA (ZONE 2). Igor, VE2IDX, will be active from Zone 2 during
the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th). This is the 10th VE2IDX DX-
pedition to Zone 2. QSL via home call VE3ZF.

VJ4, AUSTRALIA (Zobe 30). Members of the Lambda Contest Group, from Too-
goolawah, Queensland, will be active as VJ4K during the CQWW DX SSB Con-
test (October 29-30th) as a Multi-2/All-Band entry. Operators mentioned
are Phil/VK4BAA, Tony/VK3TZ, Trent/VK4TS, David/VK4UC, Eric/VK4XE and
Sunny/VK4XU. QSL via LoTW or N3SL.

team posted the following update on, October 27th: Our flight
has been rescheduled for Saturday, 29 October. There are only two regular
flights a week to Cocos and these are usually fully booked a couple of
months ahead, so this left us with no alternative but to take whatever
has been offered. Unfortunately, we've lost four days and are now left
with only five days of on-air time. Discussions are being held on how
to pack a 10-day's Dxpedition into five days. The team is disappointed
with the situation but at the same time also determined to make the best
use of the remaining time. We will keep you posted..... 73, VK9CM Team

VP2M, MONTSERRAT (Canceled). George, K2DM, who was expected to be active
as VP2MDM from Gingerbread Hill, Montserrat, for the CQWW DX SSB Contest
(October 29-30th), has canceled his trip. No reason given.

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS (Update). Richard, NN2T, is now active as
VP5/NN2T from Turks and Caicos Islands until November 1st. Activity will
be on various HF bands using FT8, but is expected to be in the CQWW DX
SSB Contest (October 29-30th). QSL via LoTW (preferred).

VP9, BERMUDA (SAT Op). John, VE1CWJ, is planning a "Holiday Style Satel-
lite DXpedition" sometime in November. No other details were provided.

WHO, MARIANA ISLANDS. Harry, JG7PSJ (JD1BHM), will once again be active
as WH0RU from Saipan (OC-086), Marianas Islands, between November 2-6th.
His main objective of this trip is to test the equipment and antennas
of the Northern Mariana Contest Club (WH0RU). Activity will be on 40-10
meters using CW and SSB. QSL via JG7PSJ or LoTW. Visit his Web page for
updates at:    

G4WXJ/ZC4RH, Chris/PA2CHR and Jos/PA3FYC will be on a VHF/UHF EME Expedi-
tion as ZC4RH from the UK Sov. Base Areas on Cyprus between November
10-19th. The two Dutch operators are expected to assist Dave, G4WXJ, to
activate this entity on 144, 432 and 1296 MHz. Complete details can be
found on:    

ZD7, ST. HELENA (Reminder/Update). Christopher, HB9FIY/M0ISF, will be
active as ZD7CA from St. Helena Island (AF-022) between November 5-26th.
Activity will be limited to his spare time 40/20/17/15/10 meters using
SSB, PSK31, RTTY and WSPR, with a KX3 and KXPA100 into a vertical fan
dipole. QSL via EA5GL. All logs will be uploaded upon his return in early
December. PLEASE NOTE: Christopher states, "That this is a vacation op!
I will operate for short periods when time allows."

        The following stations are expected to be active in the
         CQ World Wide DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th, 2022)
       Thanks to Bill, NG3K, for providing OPDX readers with the following
consolidated listing of the participants in the 2022 CQWW DX SSB Contest.
For a more detailed listing (and up-to-date changes/corrections) in HTML
format, please visit Bill's Web page at:
  (By callsign)
  (By entity)
  (By zone)

           The CQ World-Wide DX Contest Web page and rules:
Contest      DXCC         CQZ    Class     QSL
Callsign     Entity                        Route
4L2M         Georgia      21     SOSB 40M  EA7FTR
4X7R         Israel       20     M/?       4X6OM
5B4AQT       Cyprus       20     SO        5B4AQT
5H8HZ        Tanzania     37     SO        LoTW; QSL via (C)
7A2A         Indonesia    28     M/?       LoTW; QSL via YB2DX (d)
7Q6M         Malawi       37     SO        LoTW
9Z4A    Trinidad & Tobago 09     SO        9Z4A
A44A         Oman         21     M/M       LoTW
AH2R         Guam         27     M/S       LoTW
B7P          China        24     M/M       LoTW; QSL via BA4EG
CQ3W         Madeira      33     SO        LoTW; QSL via (C)
CR2B         Azores       14     SOAB      LoTW; QSL via EA1BP
CR5T         Portugal     14     M/?       CS5ARC
CR6K         Portugal     14     M/?       CT1ILT
D4Z     Cape Verde Island 35     M/?       IK2NCJ
D60AE        Comoros      39     M/?       LoTW; QSL via F5GSJ (C)
DA0RR        Germany      14     M/?       (C)
E2A          Thailand     26     M/S       LoTW
ED1B         Spain        14     M/S       EC1A
ES9UKR       Estonia      15     M/2       ES5RY
FG4KH        Guadeloupe   08     SOAB      LoTW; QSL via F1DUZ (B/d)
FJ/SP9FIH   St Barthelemy 08     SOSB      (C)
FM5KC        Martinique   08     M/2       LoTW
FY5KE       French Guiana 09     M/S       LoTW
GM5G         Scotland     14     M/S       LoTW
HD1A         Ecuador      10     M/M       LoTW; QSL via HD1A (B/d)
IH9YMC      African Italy 33     SOSB      LoTW
IM0A         Sardinia     15     SO        LoTW
IR7R         Italy        15     M/S       IZ7GXB
IS0/OM2TW    Sardinia     15     SOSB 80M  OM2FY
J68HZ        St Lucia     08     M/?       LoTW; QSL via K9HZ (d)
JD1BQP       Ogasawara    27     SO        (JA-B)
JT5DX        Mongolia     23     M/?       JT5DX
KP2B  U.S. Virgin Islands 08     SOSB 10M  EB7DX
LX8M         Luxembourg   14     M/S       LoTW
OH0Z         Aland Island 15     SOAB HP   W0MM
OH5Z         Finland      15     M/?       LoTW
P40L         Aruba        09     M/?       WA3FRP
PJ4G         Bonaire      09     M/S       LoTW; QSL via K4BAI w/SASE
PJ4K         Bonaire      09     SOAB      KU9C
PJ4TB        Bonaire      09     SO        LoTW; QSL via (C)
PJ5/W5JON   St Eustatius  08     SOAB      LoTW; QSL via W5JON (d)
PJ7PL        St Maarten   08     SO        N2HX
PT4A         Brazil       11     M/S       LoTW
TC7G         Turkey       20     M/S       LoTW; QSL via YM7KK
TF3T         Iceland      40     SOAB HP   LoTW; QSL via TF3MH
TK/DL5GA     Corsica      15     SO        DL5GA
TO5M         St Martin    08     M/?       LoTW
V26B    Antigua & Barbuda 08     M/M       LoTW; QSL via KA2AEV
V47T     St Kitts & Nevis 08     SOAB HP   LoTW
V48DM    St Kitts & Nevis 08     M/?       N4GNR
V85RH        Brunei       28     SOAB HP   LoTW; QSL via (C)
VE2IDX       Canada       02     SO        VE3ZF
VJ4K         Australia    30     M/2       LoTW; QSL via N3SL
VK9C        Cocos Keeling 29     M/?       EB7DX
VP5DX      Turks & Caicos 08     M/?       LoTW; QSL via (C) or NU4Y (d)
YB0ECT       Indonesia    28     SOAB HP   W2FB
YJ0CA        Vanuatu      32     SO        VK2YUS (d)
Z68XX        Kosovo       15     SOAB LP   DL2JRM
ZF1A       Cayman Islands 08     M/2       LoTW; QSL via (C)
ZF2AA      Cayman Islands 08     SOAB      VE3IKV
    Last updated: Thursday, 27-Oct-2022 12:59:00 EDT

  (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (*-B) DX's- Bureau
  (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only  (L) LoTW only    (N) No QSL needed
  (I) No IRC     (P) PayPal        (NB) No Bureau   (n) no printed QSLs
  (P) Please send no QSL
  (**) QSL automatically via Bureau - do not send QSLs

TO BE ADDED TO THE OPDX MAILING LIST -- Click or send requests to:
   Subscribe:   (
   Unsubscribe: (

 ** PLEASE NOTE FOR OUTLOOK USERS: PLEASE put your E-mail address
    also in the body of the message.

  Just a reminder, you can still obtain the OPDX Bulletins via the
OPDX Web page (provided by John, K8YSE) [], (under Forums; News; Special Events, Contests.. etc.) and several
DX Mailing Lists. The weekly bulletin (issue # from the OPDX Web page URL)
is also posted on the following Media pages:
 NODXA FaceBook --
 Twitter --

* All excerpts and distribution of "The OPDX Bulletin" are granted as
  long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.

** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
             ( or (

....... 73 de Tedd KB8NW

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