DJ5AV > DXNEWS 04.12.22 11:31l 110 Lines 4522 Bytes #999 (50) @ WW
Subj: ARLD048 DX news
Sent: 221202/1134z @:DB0ACH.#NRW.DEU.EU [BCM Aachen, JO30AS] obcm1.07b12 LT:050
From: DJ5AV @ DB0ACH.#NRW.DEU.EU (Mike)
X-Info: No login password
DX Bulletin 48 ARLD048
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT December 1, 2022
To all radio amateurs
ARLD048 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.
Thanks to all.
MAURITIUS, 3B8. F6HMQ and F6GWV are QRV as 3B8/home calls until
December 14. Activity is holiday style on 40 to 10 meters using SSB
and various digital modes. QSL to home calls.
ROTUMA, 3D2. Tony, 3D2AG is QRV as 3D2AG/p until December 20.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters, with a focus on 15, 12, and 10
meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. QSL via operator's
TANZANIA, 5H. Ferdy, HB9DSP is QRV as 5H3FM from Zanzibar Island,
IOTA AF-032, until December 13. Activity is holiday style on 20,
15, and 10 meters using SSB and some FT8. QSL via LoTW.
SAMOA, 5W. Sigfrido, HB9FFN is QRV as 5W0RS from Apia, IOTA OC-097,
while working as an agronomist for the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. Activity is in his spare time
on 40, 20, and 10 meters using SSB. QSL direct to IT9YVO.
MALDIVES, 8Q. Sergey, RX3APM will be QRV as 8Q7BB from December 4
to 17. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters. This includes being an
entry in the upcoming ARRL 10 Meter contest. QSL to home call.
NEPAL, 9N. Robert, 9N7AA is QRV until December 14. Activity is
generally on 160 to 6 meters using FT8. QSL direct to S57DX.
THE GAMBIA, C5. Andre, ON7YK is QRV as C5YK from Bijilo until
February 24, 2023. Activity is in his spare time on 20 to 10 meters
using SSB, RTTY, FT8, and FT4. QSL direct to home call.
MOROCCO, CN. Special event station CN22JIM will be QRV on December
5 to 18 from Imlil in the High Atlas mountain range of Morocco in
recognition of the Journee Internationale de la Montagne. QSL via
SOLOMON ISLANDS, H4. Remo, HB9SHD will be QRV as H44SHD from Uepi
Island, IOTA OC-149, from December 6 to 19. Activity will be on 40
to 6 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL to home call.
GUINEA BISSAU, J5. Carlos, CT2GQA is QRV as J5GQA until December 15
while on work assignment. Activity is in his spare time using only FT8.
QSL to home call.
JAPAN, JA. Special event station 8J1H90T is QRV until March 31,
2023 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the city of Hiratsuka.
QSL via bureau.
PALAU, T8. Tony, JH1FFW is QRV as T88RC until December 5. Activity
is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL to home call.
WILLIS ISLAND, VK9W. Sands, VU2WXW is QRV as VK9WX while working at
the Meteorology Weather Station here until the end of April, 2023.
Activity of late has been on 20 meters using SSB around 1300 to 1400z.
QSL via operator's instructions.
MEXICO, XE. A group of operators will be QRV as XF1S from Tiburon
Island, IOTA NA-167, from December 4 to 9. Activity will be on 160
to 6 meters, including Satellites, using CW, SSB, and various
digital modes. QSL via IT9EJW.
INDONESIA, YB. Indra, YB8QT is QRV from the Sangihe Islands, IOTA
OC-210, until 2024 or 2025. QSL via IK2DUW.
VANUATU, YJ. Chris, VK2YUS is QRV as YJ0CA from Efate, IOTA OC-035,
until December 9. Activity is in his spare time on 40 to 10 meters
using SSB. QSL direct to home call.
ALBANIA, ZA. Burkhard, DL3KZA is QRV as ZA/DL3KZA from Vlora and
his here until December 13. Activity is on 40 to 17 meters using
mostly FT8. QSL to home call.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. ARRL 160-Meter Contest, Walk for the
Bacon QRP Contest, CWops Test, RTTYOPS Weeksprint, NRAU 10-Meter
Activity Contest, SKCC CW Sprint Europe, NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP
80-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test,
Kalbar SSB Contest, UFT CW Meeting, Wake-Up. QRP CW Sprint, PRO CW
Contest, INORC CW Contest and FT Roundup are scheduled for this
upcoming weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, ARS Spartan CW
Sprint, RTTYOPS Weeksprint, QRP 40-Meter CW Fox Hunt, Phone Weekly
Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest,
Mini-Test 40 and Mini-Test 80 are all on tap for December 5 to 7.
Youngsters On The Air stations are active during the month of
Please see December QST, page 59, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest
web sites for details.
Relayed from the internet by dj5av @ db0ach.#nrw.deu.eu
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