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DXNL 2339 - February 1, 2023
DX Newsletter
a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX"
Editor: Andreas Salder, DK5ON
(e-mail: dxmb@darcdxhf.de)
translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO
DX Activities
Willy, ON4AVT, signs 6W7/ON4VT from Warang between Feb. 6 and March
31 on 80-10m (SSB, digital modes) and via QO-100. QSL via ON4AVT,
ClubLog OQRS.
Yuris, YL2GM, is currently active as 7P8WW on 160-10m (CW, SSB,
digital modes). QRV until Feb. 4; QSL via YL2GN, OQRS.
Robert, 9N7AA (S53R), has returned to Nepal and has found
conditions improved on 12 and 10m. On 160 and 80m the local QRM
remains strong and he has taken down his antennas for those bands.
For autumn he plans a move into the countryside with hopefully less
interference on the low bands. Until then, he will concentrate on
the upper bands and also wait for the beginning of the 6m Es
season. QSL via S57DX (d), LoTW.
Elvira, IV3FSG, and Vladimir, OK2WX, are going to pay Burundi a
visit from Feb. 4 to 27, operating as 9U5R and 9U4WX respectively
on 80-6m (CW, SSB, digital modes). QSL for 9U5R via IK2DUW, 9U4WX
via IZ8CCW.
Members of the Panama Radio Club (HP1PCR) celebrate its 30th
anniversary during February with the callsign 3E30PCARA. QSL via
qrz.com. See also: https://www.pcara.net/
Gregory, W2BEE, operates holiday-style as TI7/W2BEE until Feb. 28.
QRV mostly on CW, maybe some FT8. QSL via homecall, OQRS, LoTW.
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AF-024; S7, INNER ISLANDS: Peter, G4HSO, will be active from 3
different locations as S79/G4HSO during a holiday between Feb. 1
and 21. QSL only via LoTW.
NA-105; FS, SAINT MARTIN: Paul, VA3ZC, activates St- Martin from
Jan. 31 until Feb. 9 as FS/VA3ZC. QSL via h/c.
OC-097; 5W, SAMOA ISLANDS: A small team (Pista HA5AO, George HA5UK,
and Paul W7IV) will be operating from Savai'i Island as 5W0DX
between Feb. 1 and 28. QRV with three rigs on 80-10m (CW, SSB,
RTTY, FT8) near salt water. For a log search and OQRS see:
Marija VK5MAZ, Chris VK5FR, Adam VK2YK, Andy VK5LA, and Ivan VK5HS
are going to put Troubridge Island WWFF VKFF-1108, VK5 Parks Award
5CP-243, lighthouse AU-0131) on the air from Feb. 7 to 9 as VK5TIL.
QSL via M0OXO, eQSL, LoTW. For more information see:
OC-148; 4W, TIMOR ISLAND: Sato JH2EUV is currently back on the air
as 4W/JH2EUV. QRV until March 3 on 40-10m (FT8). QSL via JH2EUV
(B), LoTW.
SA-023; PY6, BAHIA STATE NORTH group: Robson PY6TV signs PT6D from
Ilha da Mare between the 2nd and 5th of Feb. QSL via direct or
Other IOTA news
The3 Y0J team aboard the Marama is getting closer to Bouvet. See
their GPS tracker here: https://share.garmin.com/3y0j. Hopes are
that they will be landing and start operating later this week.
POTA - Aktivitaeten
CT-0008, Serras da Freita e Arada Natura 2000; CT-0114, Rio Paiva Natura 2000:
Cesar CT7ASQ/p operates from 11z to 14z on Jan. 31 from CT-0008. He
then moves on to CT-0114 for a first activation from 15z-1730z. QSL
via bureau, LoTW, qrz.com.
DA-0176, Hiddensee Island Nature Reserve:
Tom, DB2MT, activates this reference on Feb. 1 and 2 on SSB and
PA-0012, Oosterschelde National Park:
Leo, PA2LK, will be active from this park on Feb. 3. QSL via PA2LK.
start - end DX DXNL
01.02. - 27.02. 3E30PCARA 2339*
21.01. - 03.03. 4W/JH2EUV 2339*
01.02. - 28.02. 5W0DX 2339*
06.02. - 31.03. 6W7/ON4AVT 2339*
18.12.22 - 6Y/N0GJW 2336
26.01. - 04.02. 7P8WW 2339*
13.01. - 04.02. 7U7C 2336
- 31.03. 8J1H90T 2330
01.01.23 - 29.03. 9M2MRS 2334
26.01. - 9N7AA 2339*
04.02. - 27.02. 9U4WX 2339*
04.02. - 27.02. 9U5R 2339*
15.12. - 12/23 AT42I 2332
28.11. - 24.02. C5YK 2331
01.05. - C83YT 2301
- C91CCY 2322
- DA0WB 2334
01.01.23 - 31.12. DB100RDF 2335
20.02. - 19.02. DK0HN 2285
07.05. - 06.05. DL1640Y 2312
01.10. - 30.09. DR45HAAN 2330
01.01.23 - 30.05. DR100XRAY 2335
- EX0ET 2335
19.01. - 02.02. FG/F5HRY 2337
01.09. - 01.04.24 FH4VVK 2317
15.10.22 - 15.08.23 FJ4WEB 2336
11.01. - 10.03. FM/F6BWJ 2336
07.22 - FO5QS 2312
31.01. - 09.02. FS/VA3ZC 2339*
- 03.23 FT4YM 2324
- 02.24 FW1JG 2287
01.01. - 28.02. GB2KW 2336
01.01. - 28.02. GB5KW 2336
01.01. - 28.02. GB8KW 2336
01.01. - 28.02. GW0KWD 2336
01.01. - 28.02. GW5KWD 2336
14.01. - 05.02. HF7SIEMA 2337
15.03. - 15.03. HG200AN 2293
15.03. - 15.03. HG200DO 2293
15.03. - 15.03. HG200EF 2293
15.03. - 15.03. HG200IR 2293
15.03. - 15.03. HG200OT 2293
15.03. - 15.03. HG200PS 2293
01.01.23 - 01.05. HH75RCH 2334
- HK3/F4AHV 2332
25.07. - 15.05. HK3JCL 2307
23.11. - 13.03. HR5/F2JD 2329
01.01. - HS0ZIB 2336
06.11. - 02.04. HS0ZME 2326
17.01. - 06.02. HS0ZPU 2337
- 06.23 J28HJ 2311
08.22 - J28RC 2315
01.10. - J5JUA 2323
24.12. - 23.01. JD1BMH 2333
- 31.01. K3Y/0...9 2336
14.05. - K4RC 2301
12/22 - 12/23 KC4AAC 2332
10.01. - 10.02. LY1923KK 2335
23.04. - OE22M 2298
01/23 - 06/23 OE40XTU 2332
18.01. - 02.02. P4/DL4MM 2337
10.01. - 08.02. P4/VA3QSL 2335
09.01. - 06.02. PJ2ND 2336
27.01. - 29.01. PJ2T 2336
01.01. - 13.01. PJ4/DD0VR 2334
02.02. - 05.02. PT6D 2339*
- RI1ANC 2335
24.10. - 24.03.23 RI1ANU 2324
01.01. - 31.03. RI30ANT 2335
- RI41POL 2321
01.05. - S035S 2301
01.01. - 21.02. S79/G4HSO 2339*
- TI8/F4AHV 2332
28.01. - 28.02. TI7/W2BEE 2339*
09.01.2023 - 12.01. TK/DL2JRM 2336
06.01.23 - 21.01. TN8K 2335
- TO5Z 2328
29.12. - 15.03.23 TR8CR 2334
- 06/23 TT8SN 2320
- TZ4AM 2311
12/22 - 03/23 V31TX 2333
18.10. - V55WH 2324
06.2022 - V73MS 2306
31.10. - V85NPV 2329
07.02. - 09.02. VK5TIL 2339*
- 04/23 VK9WX 2331
2.1.23 - 31.03. VP2MDX 2334
- VP5MA 2302
01.12. - 01.23 VP8/SQ1SGB 2331
- VP8AAE 2320
12/22 - 01/23 VP8RAF 2332
12/22 - 01/23 VP8TAA 2332
14.05. - W1M 2301
21.08. - XZ2A 2316
25.06. - XZ2B 2309
- 12/25 YB8QT 2330
15.05. - 21.05. YE3BYE 2337
01.12.22 - 30.06.23 YR1200VT 2333
01.09. - Z6/KN4PRE 2317
28.08. - ZA/DG7PX 2317
23.08. - ZA/Z35M 2315
12/22 - ZA15K 2333
- ZC4GR 2336
25.08. - ZL4/VE6TC 2318
15.07. - ZL7/ZL1VV 2311
* = new or updated
.. = and other calls
QSL information
3V8SF via LX1NO (B), (L)
4L2M via EA7FTR (d)
4U1A via UA3DX (L)
5H6PJ via VU2BGC (d)
5Z4/M0LEP via M0LEP (B - OQRS), (L), (e)
8J6HAM via JARL-Bureau, (L), eQSL
9A0BB via 9A3JB (B), (L)
EI9E via EI2FG (B), (L)
F6REF via F4KLW (B), (L), eQSL
FR8UA via F4FTV (d), (L)
HB0/DL1MGB via DL1MGB (B), (L)
HG5D via HA8QZ (B)
II2YLSP via IZ2ELV (d)
IN3/OK1DOY/p via OK1DOY (B), (L)
IR1ANT via I1HYW (B)
IR2A via IK2JYT (B), (L), eQSL
LX/PA4O via PA4O (d), eQSL
MJ5E via GU4YOX (B), (L)
OP4W via ON4BWT (L)
OP6Y via ON6YP (B), eQSL
OV1CDX via OZ1GML (d)
PA6ANT via PA3FOE (B), (L), eQSL
PI4CC via PC2A (d), (L)
RI30ANT via RZ3EC (B)
TM25PVJ via F8GGZ (B)
VO2AAA via VE3KG (d), (L)
VO2AC via VE3FU (B), (L)
YQ6A via YO6BHN (L)
YS3CW via I2JIN (d), (L)
(d) = direct (B) = bureau ok (L) = LoTW (O) = OQRS
(C) = ClubLog (e) = eQSL (*) = new manager (Q) = QRZ.COM
Abbreviations in this DXNL:
ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
DCI D.C.I. (Diploma Castelli Italia) http://www.dcia.it/dci/
DCPC D.C.P.C. (Diploma Castelli Provincia Cuneo)
DFCF Diplome des Forts et Chateaux de France
DIFM Diplome des Iles de la France Metropolitaine
H/c Homecall
ILLW International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
IOCA Islands Of Croatia Award
IOTA Islands on the Air
POTA Parks On The Air
RDA Russian District's Award Program
RLHA Russian Lighthouse Award
SNSM Societe Nationale des Sauveteurs en Mer
URE Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles
WCA World Castles Award
WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award
WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship
WWFF World Wide Flora & Fauna
Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL:
I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DX World, DXNews.com, VA3RJ, KB8NW &
EA3HKY, UA1OBA, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, Islands On The Air, NG3K
& ADXO, OE2IKN, OM3JW & IDXP, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, W3UR & The
Daily DX ...u.a.
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