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DJ5AV  > DXNEWS   23.06.23 19:51l 100 Lines 3980 Bytes #999 (50) @ WW
Subj: ARLD024 DX news
Sent: 230616/0714z @:DB0ACH.#NRW.DEU.EU [BCM Aachen, JO30AS] obcm1.07b12 LT:050
From: DJ5AV @ DB0ACH.#NRW.DEU.EU (Mike)
X-Info: No login password

DX Bulletin 24  ARLD024
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  June 15, 2023
To all radio amateurs

ARLD024 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
JG7PSJ, LU4AAO, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from
QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks to

GEORGIA, 4L.  Rene, DL2JRM is QRV as 4L/DL2JRM until June 19.  This
includes being an entry in the All Asian DX CW contest.  QSL to home

MALAWI, 7Q.  Jerry, W1IE and Bill, K4CD will be QRV as 7Q7WW from
June 21 to July 3.  Activity will be in their spare time on the HF
bands and 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 in DXpedition mode.
QSL via operators' instructions.

EASTER ISLAND, CE0.  Operators XQ3PCN, CA3YMR and CE3KEY are QRV as
CE0Y/XQ3PCN until June 18.  Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB
and FT8.  QSL via operators' instructions.

PHILIPPINES, DU.  Yevgeniy, UN2G is QRV as DU3/UN2G from Villa
Rosenda, Talugtug until June 23.  Activity is on the HF bands, and 5
meters, using CW, SSB, and FT8.  QSL direct to home call.

NORTH COOK ISLANDS, E5.  Warwick, E51WL has been QRV on 12 meters
using FT8 around 0700 to 1100z, and on FT4 between 2100 to 2200z.
QSL to home call.

ETHIOPIA, ET.  Robert, W9XY and Ken, K4ZW will be QRV as ET3AA from
June 19 to 23.  Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters using CW, SSB,
and FT8.  QSL via N2OO.

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0.  Harry, JG7PSJ will be QRV as WH0RU from
Saipan, IOTA OC-086, from June 21 to 27.  Activity will be on 40 to
10 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL direct to home call.

ARGENTINA, LU.  Members of the Radio Club QRM Belgrano will be QRV
as LU4AAO and other calls from June 17 to 25 to commemorate National
Flag Day.  Activity will be on the HF and V/UHF bands using CW, SSB,
SSTV, and FT8.  QSL via LU4AAO.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2.  Gio, ZL3SSB is QRV as P29VBR from Port
Moresby until June 21.  Activity is in his spare time on the HF
bands.  QSL direct to home call.

SUDAN, ST.  Sudan Amateur Radio Union ST0HQ has been QRV on 20
meters using SSB between 0050 and 0200z.  QSL via ST2M.

PALAU, T8.  Nobu, JA0JHQ is QRV as T88PB from Koror, IOTA OC-009,
until June 19.  Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB, and FT8.
QSL via LoTW.
DUCIE ISLAND, VP6.  A group of operators are QRV as VP6A until June
24.  Activity is on 160 to 6 meters, with five stations active,
using CW, SSB, and FT8.  QSL via HA7RY.

FALKLAND ISLANDS, VP8.  Station VP8GGM will be QRV on June 17 and 18
from the historic harbor at Port Stanley, IOTA SA-002, and from the
war museum Goose Green during International Museum Weekend.
QSL direct to VP8ADR.

LAKSHADWEEP ISLANDS, VU7.  Yuris, YL2GM is QRV as VU7W from Minicoy
Island, IOTA AS-106, until June 18.  Activity is on the HF bands and
6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8.  QSL direct to home call.

MACAO, XX9.  Leong, XX9ET has been QRV on 20 meters using FT8 around
1400z.  QSL via LoTW.

MYANMAR, XZ.  Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until the end
of September.  Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using CW.

VANUATU, YJ.  Chris, VK2YUS, will be QRV as YJ0CA from Efate Island,
IOTA OC-035, from June 17 to 28.  Activity will be on 40 to 10
meters using SSB.  QSL direct to home call.

International QRP Day, NCCC FT4 Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW
Sprint, SARL Youth 40-Meter SSB QSO Party, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test,
SMIRK CW Contest, Pajajaran Bogor DX SSB Contest, IARU Region 1 50
MHz Contest, Stew Perry Topband CW Challenge, West Virginia QSO
Party, Feld Hell Sprint and the WAB 50 MHz Phone will certainly keep
contesters busy this upcoming weekend.

Please see June QST, page 69, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web
sites for details.
Relayed from the internet by dj5av @

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