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          The ARRL Contest Update

Published by the American Radio Relay League

October 25, 2023

Editor: Paul Bourque, N1SFE <>


Your Editor, Paul Bourque, N1SFE, is on leave. While he's out, Brian
Moran, N9ADG, will be filling in as ARRL Contest Update Editor,
starting with this issue.

- Upcoming Contests - Things to Do
- Contest Summary
- News
- Word to the Wise
- Operating Tip
- Technical Topics and Information
- Contests
- Log Due Dates


The CQ WW SSB Contest <> is October 28 and 29.
With propagation on the higher frequencies being some of the best we've
seen in decades, 10 and 15 meters will be a great place to find
multipliers and run, run, run. It pays to check out the CQ WW Blog
<> for the latest information on this very
popular contest. To find planned DX activations during the contest,
check out Bill Feidt's, NG3K, website for this contest

ARRL CW Sweepstakes <> is the weekend of
November 4. There are some changes and additions for 2023, including a
new overlay category (see the News, Press Releases, and Special
Interest section below for more information). Some not-so-recent
changes to Radio Amateurs of Canada's Sections
also affect Sweepstakes. There are now 85 Sections
<> to contact for
a Clean Sweep, and some abbreviations have changed.

Contest Summary

See the "Contests" section below for complete contest information.

26 October 2023 - 8 November 2023

October 26

- CWops Test (CWT) <>
- RSGB 80m Autumn Series, SSB

October 27

- NCCC FT4 Sprint <>
- NCCC RTTY Sprint <>
- NCCC Sprint <>
- Zombie Shuffle <>
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <>

October 28

- ARRL EME Contest <>
- CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB <>
- Ham Spirit Contest, CW <>

October 29

- Classic Exchange, CW <>

October 30

- K1USN Slow Speed Test <>
- QCX Challenge <>
- ICWC Medium Speed Test
- OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
- QCX Challenge <>
- ICWC Medium Speed Test

October 31

- Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <>
- QCX Challenge <>
- ICWC Medium Speed Test

November 1

- Phone Weekly Test
- Silent Key Memorial Contest <>
- A1Club AWT <>
- CWops Test (CWT) <>
- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
- Mini-Test 40 <>
- Mini-Test 80 <>
- CWops Test (CWT) <>
- UKEICC 80m Contest <>

November 2

- Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest <>
- CWops Test (CWT) <>
- NRAU 10m Activity Contest
- SKCC Sprint Europe

November 3

- NCCC FT4 Sprint <>
- NCCC RTTY Sprint <>
- NCCC Sprint <>
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <>

November 4

- YB Banggai DX Contest <>
- IPARC Contest, CW <>
- ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW <>

November 5

- IPARC Contest, SSB <>
- EANET Sprint <>
- High Speed Club CW Contest <>

November 6

- K1USN Slow Speed Test <>
- ICWC Medium Speed Test
- OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
- RSGB 80m Autumn Series, Data

November 7

- Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <>
- ARS Spartan Sprint
- ICWC Medium Speed Test

November 8

- Phone Weekly Test
- A1Club AWT <>
- CWops Test (CWT) <>
- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
- Mini-Test 40 <>
- Mini-Test 80 <>
- CWops Test (CWT) <>

News, Press Releases, and Special Interest

The 2023 ARRL Sweepstakes <> has a new
overlay. The ARRL web page states, "Any Single Operator or Single
Operator Unlimited entrant can enter using the Limited Antennas
Overlay. Operation is limited to the use of single-element antennas
such as a single vertical, end-fed wire, or a single dipole antenna no
more than 50 feet above ground at its highest point. The antenna(s) may
cover multiple bands, as in the case of multiband verticals and dipoles
with fan or trap constructions."

The ARRL web page also mentions the update to RAC's Sections for the
2023 Sweepstakes: "Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) updated a couple of
their Sections, replacing Maritime (MAR) by making New Brunswick (NB)
and Nova Scotia (NS) individual Sections; Greater Toronto Area (GTA)
was renamed to be 'Golden Horseshoe' (GH); and Northern Territories has
been renamed just 'Territories' (TER) -- this impacts the Sections
Lists for RAC events, as well as ARRL Field Day and ARRL Sweepstakes."

Starting this year, after you contact all of the Sections for a Clean
Sweep, you'll be able to get your mugs and CW and phone pins fulfilled
via the ARRL Store (including the ability to buy online with a credit

The Northern California Contest Club (NCCC) now sponsors a weekly FT4
Sprint <>. Only 30 minutes long,
it takes place every Friday between 0100Z and 0130Z. "Non-Western
Hemisphere stations are welcome to participate. No logs are necessary;
please submit your score to when the Sprint is over."
Dennis Egan, W1UE, is the contest manager for this event. You can learn
more about the inception of this event from the October 2023 issue of
the NCCC Jug newsletter <>.

The Carrington Event in 1859 was a very large solar storm. Aurora lit
the night sky to near-daylight levels. Telegraph wires melted. There
were a lot of sparks. Researchers have recently found evidence of an
even larger solar storm that occurred 14,300 years ago
by analyzing near-fossil tree rings. They found spikes in radiocarbon
levels in particular rings, thought to be correlated with cosmic
radiation events. They estimate that the severity of the storm was 10
times that of the Carrington Event.

Mark Jessop, VK5QI, found a 19 kV line that was causing RFI
<> at his remote HF
receiver site. His series of tweets include some pictures of the arcing
insulator and noise plots from a KiwiSDR receiver. He points out that
"At 19 kV, even 1 mA of leakage means 19 W of RFI!"

Word to the Wise


The information that must be sent, received, and logged by each station
participating in a contact. Exchanges may be non-varying, such as your
signal report and state (59 WA), or they may contain a fragment of
information that changes from contact to contact. An example of a
varying exchange is the use of a serial number in each contact.

Operating Tip

If at the conclusion of a contest you find you didn't follow all of the
rules, it's OK to still send your log in a checklog. Didn't realize the
power limit was 100 W instead of 150 W? Submit your checklog. Your
lockout didn't lock out the other stations in a multi-op? Submit your
checklog. While it's by no means an exhaustive list, here are some
examples of other things that would put your log into the checklog

- Not following the contest rules. Most contests also have a rule that
says you must follow the rules of your license.
- Verifying contact details before or after the contest. If allowed by
the contest rules, it's generally OK to use call histories, "check"
databases, and so on, which may also include online lookups to sites
like <> during the contest, but not OK to
make changes to the log after the contest ends. For example, sending an
email to a station after the contest, asking for or confirming the
exchange details.
- Corrections to the log after the contest, based on information not
received in the contest. For example, reading
<> reports and realizing you copied a call
incorrectly and going back to the contest log and correcting it.
- Using a combination of remote and local receiving and transmitting
gear when the rules state, "All transmitters, receivers, and amplifiers
must be within a single 500-meter diameter circle."
- Submitting a log claiming operation from one state/country/continent,
while the station is really in another.
- In an ARRL contest, phoning someone in that last rare Section you
need and having them contact you.
- Asking someone to spot you during CQ WW contests.
- Recording the entire ARRL Sweepstakes contest audio, then listening
to it after the contest and correcting entry errors.
- Checking your log against others from your contest club for
corrections before submission.
- Coordinating contacts with other radio club members via Slack, email,
text message, phone, chat, and non-contest radio frequencies during the


Many of the presentations from the June 2023 Software Defined Radio
Academy <>, held in conjunction with The HAM RADIO
in Friedrichshafen, Germany, are available on YouTube
<>. One that may be
of particular interest to HF contesters is called SDRA'23 - 04 - G3ZIL
& G4HZX: Propagation path analysis on HF, using SDR and FST4W
<>. In addition to the more
common modes of propagation via the F2 layer, they identify some
characteristics of "less commonly known modes including two-hop side
scatter that can dominate at frequencies above the maximum usable
frequency for a band and time of day."

Many ham-radio-related projects use embedded computers now, such as
Arduino compatibles, ESP32 variants, and Raspberry Pis. The Raspberry
Pi 5 is now becoming available
<>, with a claim of
2 - 3x the speed of the previous generation. Tom's Hardware, a
generally well-regarded review website, found a lot to like about the
new board <>, with
increased performance, built-in RTC, and even a power button. Some of
the expansion HATs will need updating, and with great power comes great
need for active cooling.

If you use wire nuts in your around-the-shack projects, you might want
to check out WAGO wire connectors
<> and
their equivalent from other vendors. They use either a push-in or lever
mechanism to hold wires in place, and like wire nuts, come in various
sizes for ranges of wire gauges. You can find them at many home
improvement stores and via online retailers. To some, these also look
nicer than wire nuts in primary-supply wiring in old amps undergoing

The ham-amplifiers group <>
had a couple of interesting discussions recently regarding fading or
weak amplifier tubes. Besides tips on the tells of a fading tube, Mike
Sawyer, W3SLK, noted that failing tubes still have uses for amp
builders: "My elmer Eric, WB4VVI (SK), always insisted on using a tube
with low or no output to test the HV section and grid drive section.
That way if you missed something during your construction and an
'event' happens during the testing phase, you will have ruined a tube
of little value as opposed to a new [one] or one with full output."

The Pinecil <> is a portable soldering
iron. It heats in about 6 seconds; charges with USB-C, QC, or a coaxial
connector, and is based on IronOS open-source code for its firmware
<>. There's even an extensive Wiki
<> to learn more about it. Might be
just the thing to make small repairs in the field.

That's all for this time. Remember to send contesting-related stories,
book reviews, tips, techniques, press releases, errata, schematics,
club information, pictures, stories, blog links, and predictions to

73, Brian, N9ADG (filling in temporarily for Paul, N1SFE)


26 October 2023 - 8 November 2023

An expanded, downloadable version of QST's Contest Corral
<> is available as a PDF. Check the
sponsors' website for information on operating time restrictions and
other instructions.


CWops Test (CWT)  <>, Oct 26, 0300z to
Oct 26, 0400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name +
Member No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs
due: Oct 28.

CWops Test (CWT)  <>, Oct 26, 0700z to
Oct 26, 0800z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name +
Member No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs
due: Oct 28.

RSGB 80m Autumn Series, SSB
<>, Oct 26, 1900z to
Oct 26, 2030z; SSB; Bands: 80; RS + Serial No.; Logs due: Oct 29.

NCCC FT4 Sprint  <>, Oct 27, 0100z
to Oct 27, 0130z; FT4; Bands: (see rules); 4-character grid square;
Logs due: Oct 29.

NCCC RTTY Sprint  <>, Oct 27, 0145z
to Oct 27, 0215z; RTTY; Bands: (see rules); Serial No. + Name + QTH;
Logs due: Oct 29.

NCCC Sprint  <>, Oct 27, 0230z to Oct
27, 0300z; CW; Bands: (see rules); Serial No. + Name + QTH; Logs due:
Oct 29.

Zombie Shuffle	<>, Oct 27,
1500 local to Oct 27, 2359 local; CW; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RS(T)
+ (state/province/country) + (Zombie number/area code) + name; Logs
due: Nov 15.

K1USN Slow Speed Test  <>, Oct 27, 2000z
to Oct 27, 2100z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Maximum 20 wpm,
Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Oct 29.

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB  <>, Oct 28,
0000z to Oct 29, 2359z; SSB; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RS + CQ
Zone No.; Logs due: Nov 3.

Ham Spirit Contest, CW	<>, Oct 28,
0600z to Oct 29, 0559z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RST + ITU
Zone No. + 2-character grid field; Logs due: Nov 5.

Classic Exchange, CW  <>, Oct 29, 1300z
to Nov 1, 0700z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, 2; Name + RST +
(state/province/country) + rcvr/xmtr manuf/model; Logs due: Nov 30.

K1USN Slow Speed Test  <>, Oct 30, 0000z
to Oct 30, 0100z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Maximum 20 wpm,
Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Nov 1.

QCX Challenge  <>, Oct 30, 1300z to
Oct 30, 1400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RST + Name +
(state/province/country) + Rig; Logs due: Nov 5.

ICWC Medium Speed Test
<>, Oct 30, 1300z to Oct
30, 1400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Name + QSO No.; Logs
due: Nov 2.

OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
<>, Oct 30, 1630z to
Oct 30, 1729z; CW; Bands: 80, 40; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Nov 3.

QCX Challenge  <>, Oct 30, 1900z to
Oct 30, 2000z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RST + Name +
(state/province/country) + Rig; Logs due: Nov 5.

ICWC Medium Speed Test
<>, Oct 30, 1900z to Oct
30, 2000z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Name + QSO No.; Logs
due: Nov 2.

Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest  <>,
Oct 31, 0100z to Oct 31, 0159z; SSB; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6;
RS + age group (OM, YL, Youth YL or Youth); Logs due: Nov 1.

QCX Challenge  <>, Oct 31, 0300z to
Oct 31, 0400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RST + Name +
(state/province/country) + Rig; Logs due: Nov 5.

ICWC Medium Speed Test
<>, Oct 31, 0300z to Oct
31, 0400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Name + QSO No.; Logs
due: Nov 2.

Phone Weekly Test
<>, Nov 1, 0230z to
Nov 1, 0300z; SSB; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15; NA: Name +
(state/province/country), non-NA: Name; Logs due: Nov 3.

Silent Key Memorial Contest  <>, Nov 1,
0600z to Nov 1, 0859z; CW; Bands: 80, 40; RST + SK call sign you wish
to recognize; Logs due: Nov 15.

A1Club AWT  <>, Nov 1, 1200z to Nov 1,
1300z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: RST + Name; Logs
due: Nov 6.

CWops Test (CWT)  <>, Nov 1, 1300z to Nov
1, 1400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Nov

Mini-Test 40  <>, Nov 1, 1700z to Nov 1,
1759z; CW; Bands: 40; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Nov 3.

Mini-Test 80  <>, Nov 1, 1800z to Nov 1,
1859z; CW; Bands: 80; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Nov 3.

CWops Test (CWT)  <>, Nov 1, 1900z to Nov
1, 2000z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Nov

UKEICC 80m Contest  <>, Nov 1,
2000z to Nov 1, 2100z; SSB; Bands: 80; 6-Character grid square; Logs
due: Nov 1.

Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest	<>,
Nov 2, 0000z to Nov 3, 0300z; CW; Bands: 40; Maximum 13 wpm, RST +
(state/province/country) + Name + (Member No./power); Logs due: Nov 9.

CWops Test (CWT)  <>, Nov 2, 0300z to Nov
2, 0400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Nov

CWops Test (CWT)  <>, Nov 2, 0700z to Nov
2, 0800z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Nov

NRAU 10m Activity Contest
<>, Nov 2, 1800z to Nov 2,
2200z; CW, SSB, FM, Digital; Bands: 10; RS(T) + 6-character grid
square; Logs due: Nov 16.

SKCC Sprint Europe
<>, Nov 2, 2000z to
Nov 2, 2200z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6; RST +
(state/province/country) + Name + (SKCC No./"NONE"); Logs due: Nov 9.

NCCC FT4 Sprint  <>, Nov 3, 0100z
to Nov 3, 0130z; FT4; Bands: (see rules); 4-character grid square; Logs
due: Nov 5.

NCCC RTTY Sprint  <>, Nov 3, 0145z to
Nov 3, 0215z; RTTY; Bands: (see rules); Serial No. + Name + QTH; Logs
due: Nov 5.

NCCC Sprint  <>, Nov 3, 0230z to Nov
3, 0300z; CW; Bands: (see rules); Serial No. + Name + QTH; Logs due:
Nov 5.

K1USN Slow Speed Test  <>, Nov 3, 2000z to
Nov 3, 2100z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Maximum 20 wpm, Name
+ (state/province/country); Logs due: Nov 5.

YB Banggai DX Contest  <>, Nov 4, 0000z to
Nov 4, 2359z; SSB; Bands: 40, 10; RS + Age; Logs due: Nov 11.

IPARC Contest, CW  <>, Nov 4, 0600z to Nov 4, 1800z;
CW; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; USA IPA Members: RST + Serial No. +
"IPA" + State, non-USA IPA Members: RST + Serial No. + "IPA", non-IPA
Members: RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Nov 30.

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW  <>, Nov 4,
2100z to Nov 6, 0300z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Serial No. +
Precedence (Q/A/B/U/M/S) + [your call sign] + Check + ARRL/RAC Section;
Logs due: Nov 13.

IPARC Contest, SSB  <>, Nov 5, 0600z to Nov 5,
1800z; SSB; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; USA IPA Members: RS + Serial No.
+ "IPA" + State, non-USA IPA Members: RS + Serial No. + "IPA", non-IPA
Members: RS + Serial No.; Logs due: Nov 30.

EANET Sprint  <>, Nov 5, 0800z to
Nov 5, 1200z; Any; Bands: Any; RS(T); Logs due: Nov 15.

High Speed Club CW Contest  <>, Nov 5,
1400z to Nov 5, 1700z; CW; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Members: RST +
HSC No., non-Members: RST + "NM"; Logs due: Nov 19.

K1USN Slow Speed Test  <>, Nov 6, 0000z to
Nov 6, 0100z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Maximum 20 wpm, Name
+ (state/province/country); Logs due: Nov 8.

ICWC Medium Speed Test
<>, Nov 6, 1300z to Nov
6, 1400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Name + QSO No.; Logs due:
Nov 9.

OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
<>, Nov 6, 1630z to Nov
6, 1729z; CW; Bands: 80, 40; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Nov 10.

ICWC Medium Speed Test
<>, Nov 6, 1900z to Nov
6, 2000z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Name + QSO No.; Logs due:
Nov 9.

RSGB 80m Autumn Series, Data
<>, Nov 6, 2000z to
Nov 6, 2130z; RTTY, PSK; Bands: 80; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Nov 9.

Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest  <>,
Nov 7, 0100z to Nov 7, 0159z; SSB; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6;
RS + age group (OM, YL, Youth YL or Youth); Logs due: Nov 8.

ARS Spartan Sprint
Nov 7, 0200z to Nov 7, 0400z; CW; Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; RST +
(state/province/country) + Power; Logs due: Nov 9.

ICWC Medium Speed Test
<>, Nov 7, 0300z to Nov
7, 0400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Name + QSO No.; Logs due:
Nov 9.

Phone Weekly Test
<>, Nov 8, 0230z to
Nov 8, 0300z; SSB; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15; NA: Name +
(state/province/country), non-NA: Name; Logs due: Nov 10.

A1Club AWT  <>, Nov 8, 1200z to Nov 8,
1300z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: RST + Name; Logs
due: Nov 13.

CWops Test (CWT)  <>, Nov 8, 1300z to Nov
8, 1400z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Nov

Mini-Test 40  <>, Nov 8, 1700z to Nov 8,
1759z; CW; Bands: 40; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Nov 10.

Mini-Test 80  <>, Nov 8, 1800z to Nov 8,
1859z; CW; Bands: 80; RST + Serial No.; Logs due: Nov 10.

CWops Test (CWT)  <>, Nov 8, 1900z to Nov
8, 2000z; CW; Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10; Member: Name + Member
No./"CWA", non-Member: Name + (state/province/country); Logs due: Nov


ARRL EME Contest  <>, Oct 28, 0000z to
Oct 29, 2359z; CW, Phone, Digital; Bands: 50 MHz and up; Signal report;
Logs due: Dec 26.

VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
<>, Nov 1, 1700z to Nov 1,
2100z; FT8; Bands: 144 MHz; 4-character grid square; Logs due: Nov 6.

VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest
<>, Nov 8, 1700z to Nov 8,
2100z; FT8; Bands: 432 MHz; 4-character grid square; Logs due: Nov 13.


26 October 2023 - 8 November 2023

October 26

- Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest <>
- ICWC Medium Speed Test

October 27

- Mini-Test 40 <>
- Mini-Test 80 <>
- Phone Weekly Test
- OK1WC Memorial (MWC)

October 28

- CWops Test (CWT) <>

October 29

- NCCC Sprint <>
- NCCC RTTY Sprint <>
- NCCC FT4 Sprint <>
- AWA Amplitude Modulation QSO Party
- RSGB 80m Autumn Series, SSB
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <>
- YBDXPI FT8 Contest <>
- SKCC Sprint

October 30

- Worked All Germany Contest
- 10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW
- A1Club AWT <>

October 31

- Collegiate QSO Party <>
- Oceania DX Contest, Phone <>
- Oceania DX Contest, CW <>
- JARTS WW RTTY Contest <>
- Argentina National 7 MHz Contest

November 1

- Nevada QSO Party <>
- AGCW Semi-Automatic Key Evening <>
- QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party <>
- Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <>
- UKEICC 80m Contest <>
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <>

November 2

- ICWC Medium Speed Test

November 3

- Mini-Test 40 <>
- Mini-Test 80 <>
- Phone Weekly Test
- OK1WC Memorial (MWC)
- CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB <>

November 4

- CWops Test (CWT) <>
- ARRL School Club Roundup <>

November 5

- NCCC Sprint <>
- NCCC RTTY Sprint <>
- New York QSO Party <>
- NCCC FT4 Sprint <>
- QCX Challenge <>
- Ham Spirit Contest, CW <>
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <>

November 6

- Stew Perry Topband Challenge <>
- A1Club AWT <>
- VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest

November 8

- Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest <>
- K1USN Slow Speed Test <>


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