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TA2BBS > DX       05.03.16 12:05l 338 Lines 19550 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1296
Subj: 425 DX News #1296
Sent: 160305/0833Z @:TA2BBS.#ANK.TUR.EU [Ankara] HFPR/PTOR XFBB7.04j $:425WW129

                               425 DX News #1296
                                 5 Mar 2016

                              A.R.I. Dx Bulletin
                            Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

            Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
                           (e-mail )
            Contributors are invited to send their DX information to

                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (

                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

3C     - Apparently Ken, LA7GIA [425DXN 1293] is now expected to  be  active
         as 3C7GIA from Malabo, Bioko Island (AF-010), Equatorial Guinea  on
         10-20 March. QSL via LA7GIA and LoTW; logsearch on Club Log.
8Q     - Noel, F6BGC will  be  active  again  as  8Q7NC  from  the  Maldives
         (AS-013) on 12-22 March. He will  be  QRV  holiday  style  on  40-6
         metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via home call and LoTW;  logsearch  on
         Club Log. [TNX F8REF]
CT9    - Once again Rosel, DL3KWR  and  Hardy,  DL3KWF  will  be  active  as
         CT9/DL3KWR and CT9/DL3KWF from Madeira (AF-014) from 10 March to  8
         April. They plan to operate mostly CW with a focus on  12,  17  and
         30 metres. Look for them daily after 16 UTC.  QSL  via  home  calls
         (bureau preferred), LoTW and eQSL. Email requests for bureau  cards
         can be sent to dl3kwr[@] or  dl3kwf[@]  respectively.
         [TNX DL3KWR]
F      - The  TM6U  operation  from  the  Saint  Marcouf  Islands  (EU-081),
         originally scheduled to take place in early May [425DXN 1291],  has
         been postponed to 20-27 August. QSL via OB8AZ,  direct  or  bureau.
         See for further information. [TNX ON7PQ]
FH     - Michele, IK5ZUI will be active as FH/IK5ZUI from  Mayotte  (AF-027)
         on 4-10 March. He will operate SSB and CW on 40-10 metres. QSL  via
         IZ8CCW. [TNX Mediterraneo DX Club]
FH     - Before joining the Juan de Nova DXpedition  (FT4JA),  a  couple  of
         team members will be active from Mayotte (AF-027) on  18-24  March.
         Look for Patrick FH/F2DX and Jacques FH/F6BEE to operate mainly  CW
         and RTTY on 40-6 metres with two  stations.  QSL  via  home  calls.
         [TNX Les Nouvelles DX]
FO     - Bob, NH6XO will be active as FO/NH6XO from Moorea (OC-046),  French
         Polynesia on 6-11 March. He will concentrate on 40 metres SSB.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX DX World]
J7     - Nigel, G3TXF will be active as  J79XF  from  Dominica  (NA-101)  on
         10-13 March. He will operate CW only on the  HF  bands,  with  main
         activity during the RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Contest. QSL via  LoTW
         and Club Log's OQRS. [TNX DX World]
KH0    - JR1FKR will be active  holiday  style  as  KH0/JR1FKR  from  Saipan
         (OC-086), Mariana Islands on 7-11 March. He plans  to  operate  SSB
         and RTTY on 80, 40, 20, 17  and  15  metres.  QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau. He does not use LoTW.
PA     - Marcel, PD5MVH will be  active  as  PD5MVH/p  from  Ameland  Island
         (EU-038) on 5-19 March. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau.  [TNX
         DX Newsletter]
PY     - The PR2DX group will be active again  from  As  Ilhas  (SA-071)  on
         17-19 March. This  will  be  their  third  "educational  trip"  for
         operators who are not familiar  with  pileup  management.  QSL  via
         PY2LCD (new QSL route); OQRS on Club Log.
V4     - Eric KB1EHE will be active holiday  style  as  V4/KB1EHE  from  St.
         Kitts (NA-104) on 9-13 March. He will operate SSB on 80-10  metres.
         QSL via LoTW or direct to home call. [TNX DX World]
V4     - Once again John, W5JON will be  active  as  V47JA  from  St.  Kitts
         (NA-104) from 14 March to 12 April. He will be QRV on 160-6  metres
         SSB, with planned activity during the CQ WW WPX  SSB  Contest.  QSL
         via W5JON (direct only) and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
VK0_hi - The VK0EK Heard Island Expedition team  members  are  gathering  in
         Cape Town (South Africa),  where  the  "Braveheart"  arrived  on  3
         March. Departure for  Heard  Island  is  scheduled  for  10  March;
         approximate  QRV  dates,  as  published  on  the  website,  are  20
         March-10 April. Bookmark for  updates,  direct  links
         to the tracker and  the  Freshdesk  support  site  (established  to
         handle "everything and anything that you might  have  questions  or
         concerns with"). Almost real time logsearch  will  be  provided  by
VP9    - Mike, G3VYI will be active as VP9/G3VYI from  Bermuda  (NA-005)  on
         11-15 March. Main activity will be  during  the  RSGB  Commonwealth
         Contest (BERU); outside the contest he will operate  holiday  style
         with a focus on 160, 80 and 40 metres  in  the  evenings.  QSL  via
         home call. [TNX NG3K]
W      - Taylor, KM4KFB will be active from St  George  Island  (NA-085)  on
         13-18 March. QSL direct. [TNX]
YB     - Special callsign YB16SUN will be in use  on  9  March  (00.00-23.59
         UTC) for  the  total  solar  eclipse  that  will  be  visible  from
         Indonesia. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau.
YO     - Romanian inventor and aviation  pioneer  Trajan  Vuia  successfully
         tested his flying machine  on  18  March  1906.  Commemorating  the
         100th anniversary of that event, four special callsigns will be  in
         use on 12-27  March:  YR110FLY  (operated  by  YO2MKL),  YR110PILOT
         (operated by YO2DGR), YR110TV (operated by  YO2KQT  club  station's
         members)  and  YR110VUIA  (operated  by  YO7KAJ   club    station's
         members). QSL via operator's instructions.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST (SSB) ---> Object of the contest is  for  W/VE
amateurs to work as many stations in as many DXCC Entities  as  possible  on
160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 metre bands, while DX stations  (also  including
KH6, KL7, CY9 and CY0) work as many W/VE amateurs  in  as  many  of  the  48
contiguous states and provinces as possible (complete rules can be found  at This year's event will run from from 00.00 UTC  on  5
March through 23.59 UTC on the 6th. Do not forget to  give  a  look  at  the
Announced    Operations    listing    maintained    by     Bill,    NG3K  at - good contest to you all!

CASS AWARD ---> Presented annually, the Cass Award honours  the  wisdom  and
spirit of Cass WA6AUD  (SK)  and  encourages  DXpeditions  to  maximize  the
number of DXers worked with a  Plaque  for  the  Single-Operator  DXpedition
that works the most unique callsigns within a specified interval.  The  2015
Cass Award has been won by Jose  Murano,  LU1FM:  "By  working  8298  unique
stations  during  his  one-man  DXpedition  to  San  Andres  as  5J0B,  Jose
demonstrated an outstanding effort to log as many  DXers  as  possible".  If
you are interested in competing for - or contributing to  -  the  2016  Cass
Award, please visit

CR2X FAREWELL PARTY ---> Radio Aracala (OH8X) established the  CR2X  contest
station in the Azores back in 2008. The CR2X project  has  taken  all  major
European records to a level that may last for  some  time.  The  CQ  WW/ARRL
SOAB records were captured as  the  main  target,  further  flanked  by  all
single-band CW/SSB records in the ARRL DX contests. For one final time,  the
Radio Arcala  group  (CU2BV,  CU2CE,  CU2DX,  OH2BH,  OH2PM,  OH2UA,  OH6KN,
OH6KZP, OH7EA and OH8NC) is getting together in the Azores for the  ARRL  DX
SSB Contest, which will be their farewell activity.  They  will  modify  the
single-op station to run in a multi-multi setting, using  the  latest  power
splitting techniques with which three bands  are  served  simultaneously  by
one  antenna,  both  receive  and  transmit.  See    for  further
information. Special CR2X QSLs will be sent automatically  via  OH2BH.  [TNX

ITALIAN ISLANDS AWARD ---> The new edition of the  IIA  Directory,  compiled
by Saverio Amore (IK2RLS), is now available for download on the ARI  website

POSTAL RATES (UK) ---> Postal rates in the United Kingdom will change on  29
March. The new rates for standard airmail letters will be as follows:
                Europe   Rest of the world
up to 10 grams  GBP 1.05 GBP 1.05
up to 20 grams  GBP 1.05 GBP 1.33
"International Economy" (only for destinations outside Europe) will be  0.90
GBP up to 20 grams. A Price Finder on-line tool is provided  by  Royal  Mail

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
web site has been updated. Fifteen different galleries include 13,544  cards
for the ten Most  Wanted  DXCC  Entities  (2004-14),  the  61  deleted  DXCC
Entities, obsolete prefixes,  stations  from  Maghreb  from  1945  to  1962,
Allied Forces stations in Germany (1945-70), special stations  commemorating
ITU and IARU, Antarctic bases and TAAF (Terres  Australes  and  Antarctiques
Francaises), the various French DXCC island Entities in the  Pacific  Ocean,
the Indian Ocean and the Americas (from 1945 to 1970),  pre-1945  countries,
French Departments and CONUS, plus a  gallery  for  cards  not  accepted  by
DXCC. Your participation is encouraged: [TNX F6AJA].

QSL VIA UT5UGR ---> Dimitry, UT5UGR, was active from Martinique (NA-107)  as
FM/UT5UGR and TO7A in the ARRL  DX  CW  Contest.  see  UT5UGR  and  TO7A  on for direct links to Club Log's logsearch and OQRS. [TNX UT5UGR]

THE GREAT NORTHERN WAY ---> "The Great Northern Way" expedition  started  on
29 February from Novy Urengoy, with plans to travel by All Terrain  Vehicles
along a 10,000 km route as far  as  Uelen,  the  easternmost  settlement  in
Russia. Expect activity mainly on 40 and 20 metres (14120 and 14260 kHz)  as
R3CA/8, R3CA/9 and R3CA/0. The  operators  will  be  Valery  RA9J  and  Yuri
UA9OBA, who will  join  the  expedition  later  on.  Brief  activities  from
islands along the coasts of Taimyr, Yakutia  and  Chukotka  are  also  being
planned; mentioned IOTA  groups  include  AS-005,  AS-152,  AS-082,  AS-163,
AS-029, AS-164, AS-070, AS-038  and  AS-065.  QSL  via  UA9OBA.  Follow  the
expedition progress on [TNX]

VK0EK & WSPR ---> It will be possible to follow the Heard Island  Expedition
on the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network's website,
- click "Map" in the upper right hand corner;
- set the search parameters for "all" bands and "24 hours", and
- look for ZS/K2ARB (Cape Town), K2ARB/mm  (during  the  voyage)  and  VK0EK
(while on the island).
The expedition will  operate  a  250-milliwatt  battery-powered  propagation
beacon that is capable of transmitting on 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 and 10  metres.
The beacon will cycle through the bands during the expedition.

VK0EK NEWSLETTER ---> The tenth issue (Vol. 2,  No.  3)  of  the  the  Heard
Island Expedition Newsletter, published on 1 March, is the last  one  before
the  adventure starts.  It contains  links to the various  websites for  the
expedition, and many  other places that will help follow along as the voyage

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3W3B        E21EIC      ES5Q        ES5RY       R1961G      RV3LZ
3Z90LKK     SP8PEF      FM1HN       W3HNK       R85PAR      RZ5D
4J1926HR    4J5A        FR4PV       F5OZK       RG61PP      RZ3LC
4J90RD      4K8M        FR5FC       EA7FTR      RK55GG      RZ3LC
4K1926HR    4K4K        FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      RL55GC      R3LA
4K6FO       DC9RI       GS8VL       GM4FDM      S01A        EA2JG
4L2M        EA7FTR      H2X         IZ4AMS      S01WS       EA2JG
4L4ZA       DJ1CW       H44MS       DL2GAC      S9BK        HB9BEI
4S7BBG      OM2FY       HB9ATMA     HB9FAX      SC90SSA     SM7HZK
4S7GWG      DL2AWG      HB9ICE      HB9BHY      SJ90SSA     SM7HZK
4S7RTG      DL7VEE      HC1PE       EA5IDQ      SO90LKK     SP8POP
4V1TL       W3HNK       HF50KDA     SQ9CWO      SP90LKK     SP8BGA
4W/N1YC     W5UE        HF60KAG     SP9KAG      SU1SK       SM5AQD
4X429DS     N4GNR       HF6FIRAC    SP6IEQ      SZ3P        SV3DCX
5H3JA       JA7SGV      HI3CC       W2CCW       T32CO       AC8JF
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      HI3MRV      EA5GL       T32FS       AC8JF
5W0KY       VK2ZKY      HI3TT       W2CCW       T32LJ       AC8JF
6W1SR       F6EPY       HK1NA       K6IPM       T32MU       AC8JF
6Y1D        RN3RQ       HK1R        K6IPM       T32SB       AC8JF
7P8DJ       DJ2HD       IH9A        IT9SPB      T32TR       AC8JF
7P8WO       DH3WO       II1IYBJ     IK1RKN      T32TV       KE5EE
8P5A        NN1N        II3BOVE     IV3CCT      T32WW       AC8JF
8P9ER       OE9PTI      II5ANT      IZ5BTC      TI5/N3KS    N3YIM
8Q7WK       OE1MWW      II8POLE     IK8FIQ      TI5W        N3YIM
8R1/K9KX    DK9KX       II9P        IT9CHU      TI8/AA8HH   K8DV
9A701AD     9A1AD       IP2ANT      IK2QPR      TM100LGG    F4GRW
9A702AA     9A2AA       IQ5PJ       IW5AOT      TM11G       F5TLN
9A70CVW     9A6Z        IQ9UI       IT9CHU      TM13WAP     F8DHE
9J2HN       JR2KDN      IR1ANT      I1HYW       TM15C       F4FZR
9M4RM       9W2MYR      IR2A        IK2JYT      TM2F        F4GTT
A31MM       EA5GL       IR5ANT      9A8ARS      TM2M        F8ATS
A41KB       ON7LX       IR7IPY      IK7XNF      TM350XWB    F1EOY
AH2EG       JE6HIB      J42PIKRA    SV2DSJ      TM5OTT      F4SGU
AH2R        JH7QXJ      J64SLI      WB5Q        TO1A        F5HRY
AM1ACB      EA1VR       J79E        N2ZN        TO66R       F6HMQ
AO3ANT      EA3EGB      JA0RQV/6Y5  M0OXO       TO6D        F6ITD
AO3MWC      EA3RKB      JD1BMT      JE4SMQ      TO7A        UT5UGR
AO4HAG      EA4GKV      KG4BP       K5VIP       TX7EU       DK2AMM
AO5MDC      EA5GTU      KG4EU       W4TVG       TY2BP       IK1IQD
AO5WAP      EA5DM       KG4HF       W6HGF       V26IS       OH2IS
AT3ANT      VU2UR       KG4PH       KK4PHP      V26M        W3HNK
C6ANA       N5NHJ       KG4WV       W4WV        V31TP       WC0W
C6ATS       M0OXO       KH7Y        EA5GL       V47JR       W2APF
C91IJ       LY2IJ       KP4/W2HUV   NR6M        V55BP       DO4DXA
C92CC       UA4CC       LT1F        AC7DX       V6A         JA7HMZ
C92JR       GI4FUM      LT5X        LU8XW       V73OY       AH6OY
CJ3T        VE3AT       LZ113RF     LZ1YE       VA7AAW      VE7IG
CR2X        OH2BH       LZ300MSP    LZ1KCP      VE8RST      K7ICE
CR3A        EA5GL       MX0YHC      2E0SDV      VK2ANT      VK2FR
CR3W        DL5AXX      NP2J        K8RF        VK5CE/6     VK5CE
CU2KG       OH2BH       NP2X        K5WW        VK5MAV/6    VK5MAV
CW1C        CX1AA       NP3A        WD8CW       VP2MMF      K1XX
CW5B        CX2ABC      OA4SS       KB6J        VP2V/N2IEN  NR6M
CX2BR       EA5GL       OC4FZ       OA4O        VP5K        K0PC
CX9AU       EA5GL       OD5SK       IZ8CLM      WP2AA       WD9DZV
DL1516BIER  DK2HM       OE88WAP     OE3KKA      YB9/DH6ICE  DK8ZZ
DU3JH       AI4U        OE89ANT     OE3AIS      YB9/DK7TF   DK8ZZ
ED8W        EA8DO       OE90AAW     OE3SGA      YN5PL       AA1M
EF6T        EA3AIR      P4/VE8DX    LY5W        YN5RN       W1USN
EF8O        DJ1OJ       P40AUA      P43E        YN5Z        K7ZO
EF8R        EB7DX       P40L        WA3FRP      YT160TESLA  YU1MM
EG1PAA      EA1GIB      P40LE       K2LE        YU0TESLA    YU1FJK
EG5WAP      EA5DY       P40M        LY5W        YU160TESLA  YU1SRS
EG8FLL      EA8URE      PA6ANT      PA3FOE      Z21MH       IZ0EGA
EH5WAP      EA5FL       PG16ANT     PA0RDY      ZF1A        K6AM
EI0DX       G3NKC       PJ2T        W3HNK       ZF2AM       K6AM
EI0PL       EI5JQ       PJ4/N2BA    WA3RHW      ZM1A        ZL3CW
EI1Y        EI5JQ       PJ4X        W1MD        ZV1M        PY1MT
EI7M        EI6HB       PJ6A        N4NX        ZV451RIO    PY1AA
EM20UASAV   UT7UA       PJ7AA       AA9A        ZV8A        PY8WW
EM90WA      UR5WA       PQ7A        PS7DX       ZV8B        PY8WW
EM90WD      UR5WD       PW7M        PS7HD       ZV8WAB      PU8WTJ
EN90US      UR7UT       PZ5W        N0AT        ZW6AJU      PP6AJM
EO90WE      US5WE       R12APR      R3LO        ZW7WAA      PU7LAN
EO90WU      UW1WU       R1934G      R3LC        ZW8T        PS8HF

AC8JF    Wes Plouff, 723 Magnolia Ave., Royal Oak MI 48073, USA
DK2AMM   Erno Ogonovszky, Am Steinbruch 4, 09123 Chemnitz, Germany
DK8ZZ    Zrinko Zibert, Rothweg 1, 55494 Erbach, Germany
DL2AWG   Guenter Gassler, Eichertstr. 8, 07589 Muenchenbernsdorf, Germany
DL7VEE   Rolf Thieme, Boschpoler Str. 25, 12683 Berlin, Germany
EA2JG    Arseli Echeguren Bardeci, Barrena 6 1 Izq, 01408 Luiaondo (Alava),
EA5GL    Pedro Miguel Ronda Monsell, C/ Maximiliano Thous 16-24, 46009
         Valencia, Spain
HB9BEI   Bruno Knuchel, Bahnhofstrasse 9, 2575 Taeuffelen, Switzerland
VK5CE    Craig Edwards, P.O. Box 2160, Goolwa SA 5214, Australia
VK5MAV   Andrey Mikaylov, 249 Brodie Road, Morphett Vale SA 5162, Australia
XR2K     Luis Matho, 2303 Nordok Place, Alexandria VA 22306, USA

                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:
               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia

©425DXN by I1JQJ since 1991

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