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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   03.04.16 15:55l 255 Lines 15684 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1300
Subj: 425 DX News #1300
Sent: 160403/1400Z 38652@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.12

02 April 2016                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1300
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

8Q     - Ben, DL1RNT will be active as 8Q7NT from the Maldives  (AS-013)  on
         4-17 April He will operate CW, RTTY and PSK on  40-10  metres.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX DX World]
DL    -  The  German  DX  Foundation   (  celebrates   its  20th
         anniversary with a special callsign, DL20GDXF, to be aired  from  1
         April to 30 June. QSL via DL6DH (direct or bureau) and LoTW.  Cards
         will also be available at the Foundation's booth at HAM-Radio  2016
         (Friedrichshafen). [TNX DX Newsletter]
F      - Didier, F4ELJ will be active as F4ELJ/p from Re Island (EU-032)  on
         9-16 April. All  QSOs  will  be  confirmed  automatically  via  the
HB0    - Jose, EA5IDQ will be active as  HB0/EA5IDQ  from  Liechtenstein  on
         15-18 April. He will operate SSB and RTTY on 40-10 metres,  with  a
         focus on RTTY and the WARC bands. QSL  via  home  call,  direct  or
         bureau (OQRS on Club Log). [TNX NG3K]
J8     - Brian, GW4DVB ( will be active again as J88PI  from
         Palm Island (NA-025) on 12-22 April. QSL via home call.
KH6    - A group of five (AH6NF,  AH6RH,  KH7C,  KH7U  and  WH6GS)  will  be
         active as KH6BWG from the rare Kalawao  County  on  the  island  of
         Molokai, Hawaii (OC-019) on 1-5 April. They will be  QRV  on  40-10
         metres SSB, CW  and  digital  modes  from  the  Kalaupapa  National
         Historical Park. QSL via AH6NF (direct only) and LoTW.
KH8    - KC0W's "Worldwide DXpedition" [425DXN 1289] is  expected  to  start
         on 12  April  from  Tutuila  (OC-045),  American  Samoa.  Look  for
         KH8/KC0W to operate CW only on 160-6 metres; he will run 500  watts
         to vertical  antennas  over  salt  water.  "I  will  start  off  by
         operating from a beach the east side  of  the  island",  Tom  says.
         "Signals to EU/JA/VK will probably be attenuated due  to  the  tall
         mountains running down the center of KH8. After a month  or  two  I
         will then relocate to another beach on the west side of the  island
         specifically for EU/JA/VK". Length of stay  is  not  known,  as  he
         announced that "the determining factor will  be  when  the  pileups
         die down". Refrain from working him twice  on  the  same  band,  as
         "any station trying to dupe QSO me will have all past QSOs  deleted
         & will be blacklisted". QSL via KC0W, direct only ("all  QSL  cards
         sent to my PO Box while I'm on this DXpedition will be answered  by
         an assistant"). He will not use LoTW.
OJ0    - Pasi, OH3WS will be visiting Market Reef on 9-10  April  and  might
         be QRV for a few hours as OJ0W, mostly on 12  and  10  metres.  QSL
         via OH3WS, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
PY     - A team from the Cabreuva DX Group will  be  active  as  ZV2CO  from
         Ilha Comprida (SA-024) on 15-17 April. They will  operate  SSB,  CW
         and digital modes on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL  via  PY2DS,
         direct or bureau.
UA     - The new planned dates for the  UE23RRC  operation  from  Kambal'nyy
         (Toporkov) Island (AS-142) [425DXN 1295] are  14-18  August.  While
         the main team will be active from there  with  two  stations,  RK8A
         will go and operate as UE23RRC/p from  Paramushir  Island  (AS-025)
         on 15-18 August. Further information on
UA_ant - Mike, RW1AI will  be  stationed  at  Novolazarevskaya  (Antarctica)
         from April for one year. He plans to be QRV as RI1AND on all  bands
         on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK.  QSL via RW1AI.
UN     - Club station UN8LWZ in Kostanay,  Kazakhstan  celebrates  its  50th
         anniversary this year and will be active as UP50LWZ  from  7  April
         to 7 May. QSL via RW6HS, direct only. [TNX RW6HS]
UR     - The first legal callsigns  for  Ukrainian  amateur  radio  stations
         were issued in 1926. Commemorating that 90th  anniversary,  EM90LUR
         is active from 1 April to 30 June. Information on the "UR-Hamradio-
         90" certificate:
         [TNX DX Newsletter]
VK9L   - Michael, G7VJR will be active as VK9/G7VJR from  Lord  Howe  Island
         (OC-004) on 15-20 April. He will operate CW only on  the  HF  bands
         from a "favourable north-facing QTH for QSOs with Europe, and  will
         be focusing on the radio at peak times".  Logsearch  on  Club  Log;
         QSL via M0OXO (OQRS on and LoTW. [TNX M0OXO]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

C5WP ---> Pedro, ON7WP (C5WP) has had to cancel his announced  trip  [425DXN
1299]  as  there  was  no  guarantee  that  his  luggage,   including  radio
equipment, would make it on the flights  from  Belgium  to  The  Gambia  via
Germany. [TNX DX World]

DXCC DELETION OF KINGMAN REEF ---> The ARRL Awards Committee  has  voted  to
delete Kingman Reef (KH5) from the  DXCC  List,  effective  29  March  2016.
Kingman Reef will be added to the Deleted Entities List on  29  March  2016.
The total number of entities on the List will  drop  from  340  to  339.
The  deletion  process  is  described  in  DXCC  Rules  Section II DXCC List
Criteria, Part 5(a)  Deletion Criteria:  "An entity may be deleted from  the
List if  it  no  longer  satisfies the  criteria under  which it  was added.
However, if  the entity  continues to meet  one or more  currently  existing
rules, it will remain on the List."
With respect to the  previous  paragraph's  text,  Kingman  Reef's  original
addition  by  virtue  of  separate  administration  has  changed   (separate
administration by the U.S. Navy has been removed), and  the  reef  does  not
meet any current criteria to remain on the list. The U.S. Fish and  Wildlife
Service administers Kingman Reef and Palmyra Island. The reef is  too  close
to Palmyra Island to count as a separate entity. The reef is now  considered
part of the Palmyra/Jarvis DXCC entity.
DXCC members who have affirmed credit  with  Kingman  Reef  will  see  their
current entity totals drop by one on their DXCC awards -  including  on  the
bands and modes where Kingman Reef credit  is  given.  They  will  also  see
their DXCC Challenge totals drop commensurately. Honor Roll status will  now
be attainable after confirming 330 entities on the DXCC List. [TNX NN1N]

DXCC NEWS ---> P5/3Z9DX (Democratic People's Republic of North  Korea,  2015
operation) and ZA/IW2JOP (Albania, all operations) have  been  approved  for
DXCC credit. Dom, 3Z9DX was in Pyongyang, North Korea "for high level  talks
with officials and  inspectors"  in  anticipation  of  a  future  operation.
Unexpectedly he was able to give a demonstration and be active  as  P5/3Z9DX
for a few hours on 20 and 21 December [425DXN 1286]. He made  784  SSB  QSOs
mainly on 15 metres with Asian stations; logsearch, statistics and  OQRS  on
Club Log.

QSL EN7P ---> Apparently there are problems with the  incoming  QSL  bureau,
Vladimir UT1PG reports. He says that bureau cards  should  be  requested  by
email  (ut1pg[@],  and  will  be  sent   out    "at    the  first
opportunity". Direct cards go to P.O. Box 21, Kovel-8, 45008, Ukraine.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER      CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
4D1R        A61BK        EE5TW       EB5HRX      RG55YG      RQ7L
4H1T        DU1IVT       EF2A        EA2OT       RJ55YG      RQ7L
4L2M        EA7FTR       EG1PEA      EA1RKA      RQ55YG      RQ7L
4V1TL       W3HNK        EG1SSV      EA1URV      RT55YG      RQ7L
4X7R        4X6OM        EG5SSC      EA5DDK      RT73AB      RL5G
4Z7T        N4GNR        EG7SCM      EA7URM      RT73AS      RG3B
5B4AHL      M0URX        EG7SSM      EA7DK       RT73BB      RL5G
5C5W        EA5XX        EI1Y        EI5JQ       RT73CC      RL5G
5D5D        EB7DX        EI7M        EI6HB       RT73DL      RL5G
5E5E        W7EJ         EM140Y      US2YW       RT73FL      RL5G
5H3EE       DL4ME        EY8MM       K1BV        RT73GM      RM8Y
5T4C        NI5DX        FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      RT73GP      RL5G
5V7D        DL9MBI       FT4JA       F5CWU       RT73OL      RL5G
5Z4/TA1HZ   LZ3HI        GD0A        M0OXO       RT73RH      RL5G
7R7W        7X2VB        GP0STH      G4DIY       RW55YG      RQ7L
7S70AT      SK2AT        HB20AA      HB9ARF      RX55YG      RQ7L
7U9C        SM4VPZ       HC5ZY       HC5VF       RZ55YG      RQ7L
7Z1JA       KE5JA        HF6FIRAC    SP6IEQ      S0S         EA2JG
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR       HI3CC       W2CCW       SN1050JPM   SP1JPM
8P1W        KU9C         HI3TT       W2CCW       SN1050KJU   SP9KJU
8P2K        KU9C         HK3TK       F5CWU       SN1050PKA   SP3PKA
8P5A        NN1N         HR4/DL5YWM  DL5YWM      SN1050PL    SP2PBM
8P6DR       G3RWL        HS0AC       HS5NMF      SN1050PMY   SP1PMY
8T2BH       I1HYW        HZ1HZ       N7RO        SQ65HSC     SP3LPR
9G1AA       PA3ERA       IO5O        IK5RLP      SU1SK       SM5AQD
9G5GH       EA5ZD        IR4M        I4IFL       SX9C        SV9COL
9H6A        9H1BT        IR8P        IZ8FWN      T40A        CO8ZZ
9K9K        9K2RA        J42P        SV2BXA      T88IR       JF1DIR
9M2SI       9M2OOO       J42PIKRA    SV2DSJ      TC101GS     TA3X
9M2TO       JA0DMV       J43TR       SV3DCX      TC3P        TA3X
9M4DX       JA6IDJ       J8/WW2DX    NR6M        TC4A        TA4CS
9M4SG       9M2YOT       JG8NQJ/JD1  JA8CJY [d]  TF3WK       OZ1OM
9M6SDX      direct       JG8NQJ/JD1  JG8NQJ [b]  TM0T        F4DXW
A25GF       ZS6AYU       JW/DL7DF    DL7DF       TM17CV      F8FZC
A61SM       A61BK        JW7QIA      LA7QIA      TM22TSF     F6HRO
A62A        IZ8CLM       KG4XP       W4XP        TM2PL       F5HNQ
A65BP       UA6MF        KH2KY       JA1MFR      TM6M        F4DXW
A73A        A71A         KL7RA       N6TR        TO972M      FM5BH
A96A        A92AA        KP2DX       EB7DX       TY2AC       IZ1BZV
AH0I/AH2    JF1IRW       LT1F        AC7DX       UN3M        EA7FTR
B4T         BA4TB        LX0RL       LX1KQ       UP0L        DL8KAC
B7P         BA4EG        LZ1700SIP   LZ1KCP      UP2L        UA9AB
BG3ITB      BG9GXM       MD4K        G3NKC       UP55F       UN7FW
BW0PX       BM2JCC       NP2X        K5WW        UP9L        RW6HS
C4A         5B4KH        NP3A        WD8CW       V31MA       M0OXO
C5FUD       SP2FUD       OA4SS       KB6J        V73NS       W3HNK
C5GCJ       SP2GCJ       OD5PY       KU9C        V84O        V85TL
C5YK        ON6EG        OD5ZZ       NI5DX       VC2A        VA2WA
CB1H        CE1DY        OE2S        OE2GEN      VK4KW       N3SL
CE2AWW      N7RO         OE3K        OE1DIA      VK9/LB1GB   LA9VDA
CE2SQE      W3HNK        OE6KIDS     OE6WIG      VP2EAU      N1VIV
CN2AA       UA2FM        OE9R        OE9XRV      VP2ETE      W3HNK
CN2AY       DF8AN        OG30OJ      OH3OJ       VQ5E        W6RI
CN2CL       CT1QP        OG73X       OH8L        WP2Z        KU9C
CN2CO       UA2FM        OH0X        OH2TA       XL3T        VE3AT
CN2PM       UA2FM        OP28TLV     ON4CRD      XU7TZG      ON7PP
CO8LY       EA7ADH       OY1DZ       F5CWU       XW1IC       E21EIC
CQ9T        CT3KN        P33W        UA3DX       XW7FG       JA7FGI
CR3W        DL5AXX       P3F         M0URX       YB9KA       HA3JB
CR5A        CT1FFU       P49Y        AE6Y        YP0IPA      YO3AS
CX2DK       EA5GL        PJ2P        DL8OBQ      YS3/DL5YWM  DL5YWM
D3YL        RA4HT        PJ2T        W3HNK       YW4D        EA7JX
D41CV       IK2NCJ       PJ4DX       M0URX       Z60A        OH2BH
DX7HQ       DU7RH        PJ6E        KC9SNM      Z68BH       OH2BH
E2X         E20GMY       PS5A        PY5VC       ZS9Z        ZS1OIN
E44YL       IK2CKR [CW]  PX2A        PY2VM       ZV2C        PY2CX
E44YL       IK3GES [SSB] R100IA      RZ5D        ZW5B        K3IRV
E44YL       IK3GES [dig] R3CA/9      UA9OBA      ZY2A        PP2BO
EA6/EI6DX   RA3R         RA55YG      RQ7L        ZY2B        PY2UD
ED8T        EA8CZQ       RC55YG      RQ7L        ZZ2T        PY2MNL

A75GA    Wlodzimierz Tomczyk, P.O. Box 11028, Doha, Qatar
BP0P     A.R.T. QSL Service, P.O.Box 73-326, Taipei, Taiwan
CW5W     Jorge Diez Furest, Remigio Castellanos 474, 37000 Melo Cerro
         Largo, Uruguay
DL5YWM   Daniel Gerth, Postfach 1101, 04736 Waldheim, Germany
DL7DF    Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, 12621 Berlin, Germany
DL9MBI   Werner Mueller, Plattenberg 3, 84508 Burgkirchen, Germany
F5CWU    Flo Moudar, 26 rue Fleurie, 37330 Souvigne, France
IK2CKR   Angelo Selva, Via Banfi 34, 20081 Abbiategrasso MI, Italy
IK3GES   Gabriele Gentile, Via Baratta Vecchia 240, 31022 Preganziol TV,
JA8CJY   Susumu Sanada, 5-17 Shinei 5-Jo 4-Chome, Kiyota-ku, Sapporo-shi,
         Hokkaido, 004-0835, Japan
JF1DIR   Yuji Hirose, 2512-6-302 Enzo, Chigasaki-shi,  Kanagawa-ken,
         253-0084, Japan
KH6J     Walt Niemczura, 47-757 Hui Kelu St. Apt 5, Kaneohe HI 96744, USA
SP2FUD   Bogdan Madry, Przyleki, ul. Zakladowa 9, 86-005 Biale Blota, Poland
SP2GCJ   Zenon Trykowski, ul. Polna 23/32, 86-200 Chelmno, Poland
VK0EK    VK0EK Heard Island DXpedition, P.O. Box 17, Kenilworth, CV8 1SF,
         United Kingdom
ZV5O     Associacao dos Radioamadores do Parana, Caixa Postal 16515,
         Curitiba-PR, 81520-981, Brazil


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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