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KB8NW  > DX       21.09.14 19:47l 591 Lines 34384 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1181
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1181
Sent: 140921/1837Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:10692 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1181
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1181
BID: $OPDX.1181
September 22, 2014
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX,
N4AA & QRZ DX, W4FC, N7OU, K8GI, K8YSE, KQ8Z, W8GEX & 60m News, AT
International, BA3AX, DL7UXG & The DX News Letter, DL1MGB, DL1SBF, DL7VOA,, DX-World.Net, ES1CW, F5CWU, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX,
I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, I2MQP & DX Italia News, JA1TRC, OZ6OM & 50
MHz DX News, PA7DA, RSGB IOTA Web Site, S59M, Sixitalia Weekly, VA3QSL,
VA3RJ & ICPO, and the VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF) for the following DX

**** EDITOR'S SPECIAL NOTE: Since OPDX Webmaster, John, K8YSE, is currently
     on a "WESTERN GRID EXPEDITION" (Satellite - see OPDX.1178), the
     bulletin will only be posted to the OPDX Web page as a "TXT" file.
     Those who like reading the OPDX in HTML format will have to wait
     until John returns or updates the Web page. Thanks for your under-
     standing..... =

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 14th-September, through Sunday, 21st-September there were
225 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5W, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8R,
9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, CY0,
D2, D4, DL, DU, E3, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES,
EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FH, FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW,
H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J3, J6, J7,
JA, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ,
OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4,
PY, PY0F, PZ, S0, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T32, T7, T8,
TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TL, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2,
V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VK9X, VP2E, VP5, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE,
XT, XU, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, Z8, ZA, ZB,
ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZF, ZL, ZL7, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

4O, MONTENEGRO. A very large international group of operators will be
active as 4O3A during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as a
Multi-Single entry. Operators mentioned are Ranko/4O3A, Richard/9A1TT,
Ivo/9A3A, Kresimir/9A5K, Braco/E77DX, Arvo/ES2MC, Andy/ES2NA, Toivo/ES2RR,
Toomas/ES5RY, Tonno/ES5TV, Kristjan/ES7GM, Zoli/HA1AG, Denny/KX7M, Sinisa/
YT1NT, Kele/YU1AO, Dusan/YU1EA, Zoran/YU1EW and Acim/YU1YV. QSL via LoTW.
For more info about the 4O3A station, see:

4W, TIMOR LESTE (Reminder). Operators Sei/JA7LU and Hiro/JA2VWG will be
active as 4W6LU and 4W6DD, respectively, from Dili (OC-148, WLOTA 0019)
between September 22-29th. Activity will be on 40/30/20/17/15/10/6 meters
using SSB and RTTY. QSL via their home callsign direct only. ADDED NOTE:
Hide, JI1AVY, will join Sei and Hiro in the middle of the week as CW
operator possibly as 4W6AV (callsign pending).

7Q, MALAWI. Karl, DK2WV, will once again be active as 7Q7VW from the
Radio Dinosaur FM - Karonga Museum in Malawi between October 1-21st.
Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. Suggested
SSB frequencies: 1827 (1817 JA only), 3507, 7007 and 50105 kHz (QRM
permitting). QSL via DK2WV for direct (see

8Q, MALDIVES. George, KQ8Z/GM0IIO, will be active as 8Q7OO from Kuredu
Island, Maldives (AS-013), between October 29th and November 11th. Activity
will be on the HF bands. QSL direct (w/SAE 2 USDs) only to GM0IIO. (No
eQSL, LoTW or Bureau).

9N, NEPAL. Knut, DK5AD, is now active as 9N7AD from Banepa until October
4th. Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands using a KX3 and a
vertical antenna. QSL via his home callsign. For updates, watch
under DK5AD or 9N7AD.

A5, BHUTAN (Reminder/Update to OPDX.1176/OPDX.1177/OPDX.1178). Pekka,
OH2YY (ex-A52YY), and his good friend Pekka, OH1TV, will be returning to
Bhutan and will be active as A52O between September 26th and October 6th.
They will be staying close to the city of Paro. This time they have no
other activities in Bhutan and they will focus 100% on amateur radio!
The QTH will be up on a hill facing to north and it should give a good
take off to North America, most of South America, northern Asia, Middle-
East and whole Europe. Pekka informed earlier, "We will have two K3 radios.
We are planning to have three 2-element yagis: a tribander 14/21/28, a
duo-bander 17/24 and one that can be manually tuned to any band 18/21/24/28
MHz. In addition we will have a dipole/vertical for 7 MHz. We will also
have a 3-element yagi for 6 meters. We will operate both SSB and CW."
Remember, QSL checking will be on and on LoTW. QSL cards directly
to his home address (OH2YY) or via SRAL QSL Bureau.

C3, ANDORRA. Members of the "Andorran Amateur Radio Union (URA)" will
be active as C37NL during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 27-28th).
QSL via C37URA.

C6, BAHAMAS. Phil, G3SWH, will be active as C6AYS from New Providence
Island (NA-001) between September 30th and October 10th, while en route
to and from Grand Turk Island (NA-003) in the Turks and Caicos Islands
[see OPDX.1166 and VP5 below]. There will be a log search facility on the
following Web page <> which is subject
to a decent Internet connection, and it will be updated daily. The log
will also be uploaded to the ARRL's "Log Book of the World" (LoTW) and
Club Log upon his return to the UK. Proper QSLs will be available via
the OQRS facility on the above Web site (preferred), direct via snail
mail with adequate return postage or via the RSGB bureau. Please note
that IRCs are NOT accepted.

E3, ERITREA (Update). By the time you read this, Zorro, JH1AJT, should
be finishing up on 10 meters and going QRT as E30FB. He was using a
Kenwood TS-590 transceiver into a amp (which failed, as well as his PC
interface [keying trouble], thus no more CW/RTTY), and he used a small
IR vertical antenna on 40/30/20/15/10 meters. As of early Sunday morning
(0230z), Zorro reported that he made 2,868 contacts.
  It was reported earlier in the week that "Due to the tight schedule
of Zorro, QRV time will be very limited and could not expect a large
number of QSOs this time, however, FGC Radio team will conduct a team
DX-Pedition to E3 =96 Eritrea in near future."

E5, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Before their participation in the VK9DLX Lord
Howe Island DXpedition, operators Mathias/DJ2HD and Gerd/DJ5IW will be
active as E51HDJ and E51XIW, respectively, from Rarotonga (OC-013) between
September 31st and October 6th. Activity will be holiday style from a
friend's ham radio station on the HF bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL
via their home callsigns.

E5, SOUTH COOK ISLANDS. Bill, N7OU, will once again be operating as
E51NOU from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands, between October 13th
and November 9th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, CW only, in his
spare time as work allows. QSL via N7OU.

ED9, CEUTA AND MELILLA. Jorge, EA9LZ, will be active as ED9Z during the
CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 27-28th) as a Single-Op/All or Single-Band
entry. QSL via LoTW or EA5KB direct. No Bureau.

FT4T, TROMELIN (Press Release, August 26th). Flo, F5CWU, sent out and
posted the following on the FT4TA Web page: "One more thing=85 by Flo --
  In just a month, we'll leave Europe for Tromelin. Except for a major
event, this communication should be the last before departure.
  It seems important to us to point out the objectives to you that we
fixed ourselves.
  Initially, we will seek to maximize the number of contacts to give
everyone a chance whatever their geographical position. To achieve this
goal, we should be active quite often on the most prolific bands. Our
operators will make their best to exploit the propagation windows towards
certain areas. The collaboration of all will be essential not to waste
time, stupidly.
  Our second priority will be activity on the low bands, with all the
difficulties that it generates. Let's hope that our equipment and effort
will provide good results.
  Once a day, the logs of FT4TA will be uploaded on ClubLog by a satellite
data connection. The leaderboard will not be activated. (to discourage
unrestrained race). 'In addition, we point out that neither the pilots,
nor the QSL Manager will have access to the log during the operation.
Useless to drown them under e-mails. In case of doubt, please reiterate
the contact.'
  The dates of our operation will be concomitant with those of the phi-
latelic exhibition of Paris. In addition to a presentation of our activity,
the stamps celebrating the 60 years of the 1st amateur radio activity
from Tromelin will be presented and put on sale by the TAAF. We are really
happy to have taken part in its development and proud to see our activity
  We are pleased to announce that all the QSL cards requests (direct -
OQRS - donors) will have this stamp applied. Envelopes will be then
entrusted to the TAAF which will have the responsibility to convey,
cover and affix the philatelic marks from the island of Tromelin, these
stamps being valid only from the French Southern and Antarctic lands.
It may slightly lengthen the answer time but it offers the opportunity
of having your QSL and a wonderful philatelic envelope.
  Lastly, keep in mind that the conditions under which the expedition
will be realized will be testing, more especially as the team is small.
We will be lodged by the TAAF. Besides the radio operation, a certain
number of additional tasks will be carried out by the team to assist
our hosts, which is legitimate in a community life. We could per moment
be obliged to temporarily stop the transmissions of one or more stations
for a short period.
  You can right now find all details on our website. Throughout the stay,
our team in France will keep the site updated with news as well as photo-
graphs transmitted by satellite with the logs.
  Thank you for your encouragements and your support..... The team FT4TA"

  Just as a reminder! -- More details and updates can be found on the
following media and URLs Web pages at:
      Tromelin Web page -
      Facebook -
      Twitter -

IOTA NEWS..............
  AF-019.  (Ops Needed!) The IG9Y Lampedusa Contest Team still needs
           2-3 experienced contest operators for the CQWW DX SSB Contest
           (see OPDX.1179). The main team will be on Island between October
           14th-December 3rd. If interested, contact them at:
           All info can be found on the IG9Y-LCT Web site at: =


  AS-151.  Operators Zhang/BA3AX, Wang/BA3CE and Lu/BD3AEO will be active
           as BA3AX/2, BA3CE/2 and BD3AEO/2 from Juhua Island between
           October 2-5th. Planned activity will be on 20-10 meters. QSL
           via BA3AX, by the Bureau or direct. QSL information can be
           found on

  EU-028.  Bob, OK2BOB, will be active as IA5/OK2BOB from Giglio Island
           between September 21-28th. Activity will be holiday style,
           mostly on the 30/17/12 meters on CW and SSB for 3-4 hours a
           day. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

  EU-038.  Operators Nico/PA7PA and Harry/PA1H will be active from Ter-
           schelling Island between September 27th and October 3rd. When
           possible, some portable activation (few hours) of WWF references
           numbers, PAFF-071 and PAFF-072 (for the World Flora & Fauna),
           as homecall/p (ex. PA7PA/P) will be used. Activity will be on
           160-10 meters SSB/PSK/RTTY, and especially PSK and RTTY modes
           on 30m, as well as 2m via the satellite FO-29. QSL via their
           home callsign, by the Bureau or direct (w/SAE and NO IRCs).
           NO eQSL. For updates, watch the URL medias:
           FaceBook -
           Twitter -

  NA-043.  Joe, K5KUA, will once again be active as K5KUA/5 from Galveston
           Island (USI TX-001S, Galveston County, TX) between November
           14-16th. Activity will be on CW only, as time permits. QSL
           via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. An online log
           search will be available on ClubLog.

  OC-119/  Dindo, DV1UD, will be active as DX8DX next week from Pangutaran
  OC-188.  Island (OC-188, Pangutaran IOTA Group) and Tongkil (Tongquil)
           Island (OC-119, Jolo IOTA Group). According to his QSL Manager
           M0OXO, "Details are not exact at this stage, but it is believed
           these activations will be around Thursday, 25th and Friday,
           26th of September 2014. Dindo has upgraded equipment this time
           around and will use Icom 706MKIIG (100w) and also K3 and KPA500
           into Vertical antennas (SteppIR BigIR etc)." For more details
           and updates, watch:

  SA-055.  Members of the Radio Club Argentino will activate the special
           prefix/callsign, AY4E, from the Argentine exclave Martin Garcia
           Island (ILLW AR 045, WW Loc. GF05VT) in Uruguayan waters (part of
           the La Plata in Buenos Aires Province) between October 16-19th.
           Operators mentioned are Juan/LU1EK, Walter/LU1XP, Eduardo/LU2HOD,
           Hector/LU3CM, Sergio/LU4CBC, Roberto/LU4QQ, Julio/LU5MT and
           Walter/LU8QBF. Activity will be on 160/80/40/20/17/15/12/10
           meters, as well as 6m/2m/70cm, and using CW, SSB, and the
           Digital modes (RTTY, Amtor and BPSK). QSL via LU4QQ direct or
           LU4AA by the Bureau. For more details and update, see the Web
           page (still under construction) at:

  SA-086.  The Chilean DXpedition Team will be active as XR2T from Damas
           Island (WLOTA-0029, FG40fs) between October 8-12th. The main
           aim of the DXpedition will be to work the greatest possible
           number of unique callsigns, thus also offering a possibility
           to Little Pistols and QRP stations. Activity will be on all
           bands, 40-10 meters using mainly SSB, CW and the Digital modes.
           Suggested frequencies are:
           CW - 3513, 7023, 10103, 14023, 18079, 21023, 24894 and 28023 kHz
           SSB  - 3790, 7082, 14185, 18140, 21285, 24955 and 28485 kHz
           RTTY - 3580, 7035, 10142, 14080, 18099, 21080, 24912 and 28080 k=
           PSK/JT65 - TBA
           Operators mentioned are:
             CW - Nicolas/XQ1KZ, Dercel/CE3KHZ and Danilo/XQ4CW
             SSB/RTTY - Julio/CE3OP (Team Leader), Domingo/CE1DY, Juan/
             CE3RBJ, Marco/CE1TBN, Pablo/CE1UMY and Christian/CE3TAM
           QSL via their manager CE3OP, direct or by the Bureau. For more
           details and updates, see the following at:

J3, GRENADA. Rob, DL7VOA, will be active as J34O from Grenada (NA-024,
WLOTA 0718) between November 22nd and December 6th. The QTH will be in
the Crochu Bay on the east coast of Grenada. Activity will be holiday
style, mainly on CW during the evening and night hours, and maybe some
SSB and no Digital. Rob will have his Elecraft K2 with him running 100
watts into a 10m pole with vertical dipoles on 10/12/15/17/20m and
ground-planes for 30m and 40m. He also plans to participate in the CQWW
DX CW Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power. All this information
(including a link with exact GPS coordinates) can be found on the Web
site at:       
QSLs for J34O are by the Bureau or direct to DL7VOA.

J7, DOMINICA (Update). Operators Janusz/SP9FIH, Kazik/SP6AXW and now
Bogdan/SP2FUD has joined the team, and will be active as J79L, J79X and
J79F, respectively, close to the village of Calibishie (NA-101, WW. Loc.
FK95HO) between October 19-26th. Their main goal is to participate in
CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th) as two Single-Op/Single-Band stations
(one on 40m and the other on a higher band) and to work as many stations
as possible from Asia before the contest. Outside of the contest, activity
will be on 80-6 meters. QSL J79L and J79X via SP9FIH. QSL J79F via SP2FUD.
For more details and updates, see:

KH6, HAWAII. Jeff, VA3QSL, will be active as KH6/homecall from Maui
(OC-019, WLOTA 0636) between September 27th and October 3rd and from
Hawaii Islands (OC-019, WLOTA 006S) between October 4-10th. Activity
will be holiday style on 40-6 meters using CW, SSB and possibly the
Digital modes using up to 100 watts and a Buddipole. QSL via his home
callsign (see and also LoTW.

LX, LUXEMBOURG. A team operators (not provided) will be active as LX7I
during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 27-28th) as a Multi-2 entry.
QSL via LX2A. Visit the following Web page at:

NP4, PUERTO RICO. Members of the Los Chachos Contest Club will be active
as NP4Z from San Juan during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th)
as a Multi-2 entry. Operators mentioned are Felipe/NP4Z, Jonathan/KL2A,
Eric/NP3A, Iain/N6ML, Daniel/KP4BD, Jeff/N6GQ and Jose/NP4G. QSL via N4AO.

OJ0, MARKET REEF. Press dated September 16th: "OJ0AM AS PART OF 50th
ANNIVERSARY OF OH2AM) [edited] -- This coming Saturday, September 20th
a party of Juha/OH9MM and Martti/OH2BH will attempt a landing on Market
Reef to put OJ0AM on the air for one week on all bands. A permanent beam
is in place to boost their signals. But not only will they operate on the
air; they also plan to proceed with an experiment of real and virtual
Amateur Radio coexisting by conducting a first-ever activity from Market
in Virtual Reality.
  As Market Reef is outside of regular cell phone and terrestrial internet
coverage, the team has made an arrangement with Eutelsat Ka-Sat to secure
OJ0AM with a satellite broadband link. They tested the link from mainland
Finland and a downlink speed of 18Mbit/s and uplink of 6Mbit/s was verified.
A latency of some 800 ms was experienced, posing a challenge for operators
at both ends of the satellite circuit.
This is a classic example of regular Amateur Radio's role in presenting
attractive opportunities for young people who would like to see the Amateur
Radio community move ahead in concert with today's technology while honoring
the traditional radio spectrum as the backbone of Amateur Radio serving
many segments of society at large. <>"

  "RECAP OF OH-DX-RING, OH2AM -- Back in August 15, 1964, a bunch of school
boys got together and they were talking loud. Their idea was to form a
club focusing on DX and contests and reaching out beyond the borders of
their own country. That was the day when OH-DX-Ring was formally added to
the official files of registered associations in Finland. The gang and
spirit of OH2AM was born.
  That single day meant a lot to Amateur Radio in Finland. Already in 1966
OH2AM won the world (multi-multi) in CQWW (OF2AM call was used in the first
top scoring effort) and that marked the start of multiple wins from Finland,
Gambia, Lebanon, Canary Islands, Madeira and Azores as a team. Later many
of the original members embarked on their own individual paths, still
working together in the same original spirit: OH0XX, OH2BBR, OH2BC (6m),
OH2BH and OH2MM launched their own global adventures in Amateur Radio.
  Their famous Brando site, originally OH0AM, was established 34 years ago
and it is still going strong now under a variety of slick two-by-one
callsigns. Several successive generations saw the light in the famed
Aland Islands sauna, well known to numerous visiting DXers from all
  In 1969 Market Reef was introduced as a new DXCC country courtesy of
the efforts of this same group, and this started a stream of new country
initiatives taking Finns to rare or new DXCC entities on many occasions.
An interesting feature of OJ0-land was that a permanent lighthouse keeper,
Kee, OJ0MA, made Market Reef a regular fixture on the bands, NCDXF was
instrumental in furnishing him with needed equipment. On one special
outing, bringing him the equipment, OJ0AM callsign was activated. Today
the lighthouse is fully automated but under the special care of the
Finnish Lighthouse Society, always friendly to visiting DX types.
  Please follow the days of OJ0AM at <>.
  While the actual 50th anniversary ceremony took place on August 15, 2014,
in the heart of Helsinki, it was decided that the OJ0AM, OH0AM and OF2AM
callsigns would appear on the air for the remainder of 2014 with some of
these highlights featured in special certificate size combo OF2AM/OH0AM/
OJ0AM QSL cards for those contacting all three stations.
  QSL via OH2BH."

P4, ARUBA. Al, W6HGF, is head to the Caribbean again. This time he will
be active as P4/W6HGF from Aruba (SA-036) between September 24th and
October 1st. He hopes to be active as P40HF during the CQWW DX RTTY
Contest (September 27-28th), but he reports the callsign has not come
in yet (If not, he will operate as P40/W6HGF). He mentions that he will
be joined by his friend Jim, W4TMO. QSL via W6HGF. For more details and
updates, watch:   =

P4, ARUBA. John, W2GD, will be active as P40W from Aruba (SA-036) during
the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26th). He will be there between October
20-28th. Operations outside of the contest are usually CW on 160/80m and
30/17/12 meters as time permits. Watch 160m on the hour and 80m on the
half hour. QSL via LoTW or direct to N2MM, Bureau cards are no longer
accepted. Logs will be loaded on LoTW upon his return to the USA.

PB50, THE NETHERLANDS. To celebrate the 50th anniversary on the construc-
tion of the North Sea Platform [REM-eiland], special event station PB50REM
will be activated in the "Houthavens", Amsterdam. In 1964 the platform was
activated for broadcast purposes near Noordwijk (JO22dg) in the North Sea,
and was later stripped of her mast to function as measuring post for the
"Rijkswaterstaat", the water-department of the Ministry of Public Works.
In 2006, the "Rijkswaterstaat" terminated their activities, and there was
only one day operation by PB6REM. In 2011, the platform was renovated and
placed in the "Houthavens" in Amsterdam as a restaurant. Two members of
the PB6REM crew and some friends will activate this platform on Friday,
September 26th, using the callsign PB50REM on the HF bands and 2 meters.
WW-Locator is JO22KJ. QSL Manager is PA7DA. Please, QSL via the Dutch QSL
Bureau. For more details, see:

PJ5, SINT EUSTATIUS (Reminder). The Czech DXpedition team that was expected
to go to Togo for 14 days, between September 25th and October 3rd, have
postponed their operation until 2015 (see OPDX.1177). They should now
be active from Sint Eustatius (PJ5) instead until October 3rd. Operators
will be active as PJ5/homecall and PJ5/OL8R. Activity will be on 160-10
meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. They plan to be in the CQWW
DX RTTY Contest (September 27-28th). QSL via OK6DJ, direct, by the Bureau,
eQSL, LoTW or using the OQRS on ClubLog. For more details and updates,
see their Web pages at:     

 Sept/22nd AN      Sept/25th  LN      Sept/27th  HN
 Sept/23rd HN      Sept/26th  HN      Sept/28th  HN
 Sept/24th LN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

PZ5, SURINAME (Reminder). By the time you read this, Isao, JH1ROJ/KG8XV,
will be active as PZ5AA from Ramon's, PZ5RA, rental shack in Paramaribo
until September 25th.  Activity will be on all bands and modes (CW/SSB/
RTTY). QSL via JA1HGY, direct or by the Bureau. See for details.
Log will be uploaded to ClubLog and LoTW (end of October).

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (Will be back next week!)
    (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (L) LoTW only
    (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only

  QSL MANAGER CHANGE. Jack Sproat, W4JS, reports, "As per his
  Web page, effective 15th September 2014, Wisnu-YB0AZ has changed QSL
  managers from W7TSQ to W4JS. I will have all Wisnu's log files."

  ZL7X and ZR9C

  ES0/OH3LB, GJ0VNK, J38DR, L21D, OC0I, V5/DJ8VC and ZL7AAA

  6V7N, 6Y5X, 8Q7CF, 9H3N, 9M2/JE1SCJ, 9M2TO, 9M6/JA4DPL, 9V1DR, A25US,
  XV9NPS and YE0M

V2, ANTIGUA. Bud, AA3B, was active again as V26K from Antigua this past
week, but is now QRT. He was there to prepare for the upcoming CQWW DX
CW Contest (November 29-30th). QSL via AA3B.

VK9L, LORD HOWE ISLAND (Press Release, September 17th). Christian, DL1MGB,
reports: "In less than four weeks VK9DLX will be QRV. All systems are still
on go and the team can't wait any longer to start. Our cargo of over three
tons was cleared by Australian customs and is now on the way to Port
Macquarie. On September 25th, the Island Trader will take it onboard on
its regular round trip to Lord Howe Island.
  The main team will arrive on October 12th on Lord Howe Island. Some of
our team members will arrive some days earlier. Robert (SP5XVY) will
arrive on October 5th, Joe (DF7TH) on October 9th and Gerd (DJ5IW) and
Mathias (DJ2HD) the day after. So don't be surprised if you hear VK9DLX
some days earlier than expected; and not on all bands simultaneously :-).
The main focus of this advance operation will be RTTY.
  Feel free to visit the DXpedition website on <>
and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed.
  No idea who the Lagunaria DX Group is?
Just visit <> and learn more about the
group, the people behind it and their goals.

VK9X, CHRISTMAS ISLAND (Reminder). Operators Rob/N7QT and YL Melanie/AB1UH
will be active as VK9AN from Christmas Island (OC-002, VKFF-098) between
September 18th and October 2nd. This is a suitcase expedition on 80-10
meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via N7QT, direct, by
the Bureau or LoTW. ADDED NOTE: Next stop is Raivavae Island (OC-114)
in the Austral Islands using the callsign TX5Z.

VK0M, MACQUARIE ISLAND. It was announced on that Rod, VK6MH/GM4AWB,
will be active as VK0MH from Macquarie Island (AN-005) between early or
starting November 2014 and April 2015. Look for more info to be forthcoming.

VP5, TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS (Reminder). Operators Georg/DK7LX and
Phil/G3SWH will be active as VP5/G3SWH from Grand Turk Island between
October 1-9th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters (no 160/60/6m) using
two stations with wire antennas and operating CW only. Phil states,
"This DXpedition is fully funded by the operators and we have not sought
any sponsorship. Grand Turk is one of the Turks Islands and counts as
NA-003 for IOTA purposes. The IOTA Web site indicates that it is needed
by over 60% of IOTA participants." There will be a log search facility
which is subject to a decent Internet connection and will be updated
daily at:       (*)
  The log will also be uploaded to the ARRL's Log Book of the World
(LoTW) and Club Log. QSLs will be available via G3SWH's OQRS facility at
<www.g3swh,> (preferred), direct via snail mail with
adequate return postage or via the RSGB bureau. Please note that IRCs are
NOT accepted. There is more information available at the above Web page (*)
which will be updated from time to time.

VQ9, CHAGOS ISLANDS (Update). Bob, N7XR, reports on his Web page that the
VQ9XR operation from Diego Garcia (AF-006) has been delayed for 30 to
60 days. October 2014 looks possible. Activity will be focused on CW and
RTTY (some SSB) during this trip. Operations will be on 160-10 meters
using an IC7600 with an amp into a SteppIR-BigIR, Spiderbeam and dipoles
for 80/160m. No 6 meters this trip (no antenna). QSL via NN1N, direct only
(No Bureau or LoTW). Look for possible updates on:

YE2, INDONESIA. Members of the ORARI Semarang Contesting Team will be
active as YE2C during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 27-28th) as
a Multi-Single entry. Operators mentioned Bobby/YC2SBG, Pur/YB2FNT, YL
Sri/YB2BSE, Edi/YC2PWL, Bamband/YB2ERL, Jon/YB2ECG, Agus/YB2TX, Hera/YB2UU,
Hariyanto/YD2HRT, Joko/YC2FLR, Adi/YC2PST, Wong/YD2DOT, Sentot/YD2STT
and Aloysius/YG2AGX. QSL via LoTW (PLEASE). For more info on the YE2C
station, see:    

YJ0, VANUATU (Press Release). Members of "The Quake Contesters (ZL3X)"
posted the following press release (#3) on their Web page on September
15th: "Everything is on schedule for our arrival in Vanuatu on October
3rd. We hope to have at least two of the stations working and at least
one aerial up for that evening. The emphasis the next day will be in-
stalling the contest band antennas ready for the Oceania DX Contest SSB
leg later on that day, though we do hope to make some Qs as well. Soon
after the contest, we'll be adding the WARC band antennas and 6m set-up,
and when time permits the 160mb antenna.
  We will be looking for openings to South America and Africa, the two
continents most needing YJ for a new one, so if you're outside these
areas, please QRX for the very short time it will take to work through
  Regarding the Oceania SSB and CW legs, Clublog real-time uploads will
be switched off during this time and uploaded soon after the contest ends.
  The YJ0X crew has worked together very well through the planning stages
and we're all very excited to be undertaking this adventure!
  See you in the pile-ups!"
For more details see OPDX.1157, and visit the YJ0X Web page at:

ZA, ALBANIA. Members of the R.C. Nikola Tesla (Z37M) will be active as
ZA/Z35T during the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 27-28th). Operators
mentioned are Igor/Z32ID, Mome/Z32ZM, Oz/Z35T and Venco/Z36W. They also
plan to be active as well on 30/17/12m bands during the contest. QSL via
Z35T. More information will be forthcoming.

ZA, ALBANIA. Marijan, S56A, will be active as ZA/S56A from Durres during
the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 27-28th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/
Low-Power entry. QSL via LoTW or S56A.

ZD8, ASCENSION ISLAND (Reminder). Bob, G4DBW, will once again be active
as ZD8RH from Ascension Island between September 22-30th. If like last
time, Bob will be working on the island, and his activity will be limited.
Operations will be mainly on CW. Suggested frequencies are around 7007,
10105, 14007, 18073, 21007, 24897 and 28007 kHz. Equipment is a FT857
w/100 watts and a modified MP-1 portable whip antenna. Bob will be active
in the CQWW DX RTTY Contest (September 27-28th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band
(15 or 10m) entry. QSL direct via G4DBW with 2 'green stamps' or IRC or
via RSGB Bureau. Bureau replies can take up to 18 months.

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   Information can now be faxed to the following phone line at:
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