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TA2BBS > DX       29.05.16 06:09l 315 Lines 17261 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1308
Subj: 425 DX News #1308
Sent: 160528/1633Z @:TA2BBS.#ANK.TUR.EU [Ankara] HFPR/PTOR XFBB7.04j $:425WW130

                               425 DX News #1308
                                 28 May 2016

                              A.R.I. Dx Bulletin
                            Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

            Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
                           (e-mail )
            Contributors are invited to send their DX information to

                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (

                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

EI     - Eight operators from Ireland,  Switzerland  and  Scotland  will  be
         active as EJ7NET from Tory Island (EU-121) on 11-15 June.  QSL  via
         HB9DGV. [TNX]
F      - The Radio Club Vendeen will be active as F6KUF/p  from  Noirmoutier
         Island (EU-064) for the IARU Region 1 Field Day (CW) on  4-5  June.
         [TNX F8REF]
F      - Look for TM16EURO and TM16EFC to be active on the HF  bands  and  6
         metres SSB, CW and digital modes  between  10  June  and  11  July.
         These special callsigns celebrate  UEFA  Euro  2016,  the  European
         Football Championship that  will  be  held  in  France.  See  their
         respective entries on for information  about  the  free  of
         charge certificates that will be available. QSL TM16EFC  via  F8ATS
         (bureau preferred), QSL TM16EURO via F4DTO (bureau preferred).
HA     - Special event station HG5SPORT is active until 31 May for the  18th
         edition of the "Grand Sport-Selection Days" in  Budapest.  QSL  via
         HA5LO or bureau. [TNX HA5BA]
I      - Members of the Calabria DX  Team  and  ARI  Vibo  Valentia  (namely
         IK8YFU, IW8RAO, IZ8BAD,  IZ8ESX  and  IZ8IYX)  will  be  active  as
         ID8/IQ8HP from Scoglio del Godano (EU-144, IIA K-018)  on  2  June.
         QSL via IW8PQ, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ8IYX]
I      - Giuseppe, IK5WWA says he has had to postpone his 23-27 May  planned
         trip to Capraia (EU-028)  [425DXN  1307].  He  now  expects  to  be
         active as IA5C from 29 August to 8 September. QSL  via  home  call,
         direct or bureau.
LA     - Hans, DK3PZ  will  be  active  as  LA/DK3PZ  from  Rennesoy  Island
         (EU-055) on 11-18 June. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau.  [TNX]
LX     - LX35G is a special callsign to be used in June and  November by the
         Luxembourg Amateur Radio Union to celebrate the  35th  birthday  of
         Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke  of  Luxembourg.  All  QSOs
         will be confirmed via the bureau and LoTW. Direct cards  should  be
         sent to LARU, B.P. 85, L-9201 Diekirch, Luxembourg.
PA     - Fred, PA1FJ will be active as SV8/PA1FJ/p from the island of  Samos
         (EU-049) on 10-24 June. He will operate QRP on  the  HF  bands,  CW
         and SSB. QSL via home call (bureau preferred). [TNX]
SM     - Look for SA6G/7 to be active  from  Ven  Island  (EU-137)  on  6-12
         June. QSL via SM6CUK, direct or bureau. [TNX]
SV     - Yanis, SV2BBO will be active as  SV9/SV2BBO/p  from  Gavdos  Island
         (EU-187) on 4-6 June. QSL via home calll, direct  or  bureau.  [TNX]
UA     - Members of the Sankt-Peterburg Amateur Radio  Association  plan  to
         be active as RI1C "from several different islands"  in  IOTA  group
         EU-133 between 3 June and 3 September, IOTA Contest  included.  QSL
         via RW1F. Logsearch on Club log. [TNX The Daily DX]
VE     - Celebrating  the  150th  anniversary  of   Canada's  Confederation,
         Canadian radio amateurs and clubs  are  allowed  to  replace  their
         normal prefix until 31 December as follows:  VA  stations  can  use
         CF, VE stations can use CG, VO stations can use CH and VY  stations
         can use CI. [TNX Southgate ARC]
W      - KB1REQ, KB1SSN and KC1CWF will be  active  as  K1T  from  Spectacle
         Island (NA-148) for a few hours (16-21 UTC)  on  29  May.  QSL  via
         KC1CWF. [TNX]
ZF     - John, 2M0JMN will be active holiday style as ZF2MN from the  Cayman
         Islands (NA-016) on 3-17 June. QSL via M0OXO. [TNX DX World]

CQ WW WPX CW CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (28-29 May):
Call          Category        Country            QSL
3V8SS         SOAB LP         Tunisia            LoTW/LX1NO
4L8A          SOSB 20m        Georgia            LoTW/K1BV
4T4T          SOAB HP         Peru               OA4DX
4U6F          SOAB            Italy              LoTW/S57DX
5Q6EE         SO              Denmark            LOTW
6Y6N          SO              Jamaica            DK9PY
8P1W          SOAB LP         Barbados           KU9C
8P5A          SOAB HP         Barbados           LoTW/NN1N
A31MM         SOAB LP         Tonga              LoTW/EA5GL
CN2AA         M/S             Morocco            LoTW/UA2FM
CR2X          SOAB HP         Azores             OH2BH
CR3W          SOAB HP         Madeira            DL5AXX
CU4DX         SO HP           Azores             LoTW
D4C           SOAB            Cape Verde         LoTW/IK2NCJ
D41CV         SOAB            Cape Verde         LoTW/IK2NCJ
E2X           M/S HP          Thailand           LoTW/E20GMY
EE3X          SOSB 40m        Spain              LotW/EA3KX
EG8RM         SOAB            Canary Is          LoTW
EO25F                         Ukraine            LoTW/UX0FF
FM/DL7VOG     SO              Martinique         DL7VOG
HC2AO         SOAB 40m        Ecuador            LoTW/RC5A
HI3TT         M/S LP          Dominican Republic LoTW/W2CCW
LX/OO9O       SOAB LP         Luxembourg         LoTW/ON7SS
LY4A          M/2             Lithuania          LotW
LY7A          M/M             Lithuania          LotW
M6W           SOSB 20m        England            G3WW
MJ5Z          SOAB LP         Jersey             LoTW/M0CFW
NP2P          SOAB            US Virgin Is       LoTW
OG5A          SOSB 20m        Finland            OH5AD
OH5Z          M/2             Finland            LotW
P4/N4QS                       Aruba              LoTW/N4QS
P44W          SOAB LP         Aruba              LoTW/N2MM
PZ50X         SO              Suriname           OH0XX
SW8WW         SO              Greece             HA0HW
SW9AA         SOAB            Crete              LZ1PM
TO972M        SOAB HP         Martinique         FM5BH
UA2F          SOAB            Kaliningrad
VC2A          M/S             Canada             LoTW/VA2WA
VP2VGG                        British Virgin Is  LoTW/W6RWC
VP5M                          Turks & Caicos     K4QPL
VP9I          SOAB LP         Bermuda            WW3S
WP2Z          SOAB            US Virgin Is       KU9C
WP4X          SOAB LP         Puerto Rico        NP3O
XR0YS         SO              Easter Island      LoTW/K5WE
XW1IC         SOAB            Laos               LoTW/E21EIC
Z60A                          Kosovo             OH2BH
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by  Bill, NG3K  at -  good contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ATNI FIRST  --->  Rick,  K6VVA  has  announced  that  his  new  "ATNI  First
Protocol" (where ATNI stands for All Time New IOTA) will  be  the  operating
strategy on all of his future IOTA expeditions. Watch the video on You  Tube
(  "core  basics  will   be    translated  into
multiple  languages",  he  says)  and  be  prepared    for    quite  unusual
instructions being transmitted during his activities!

CU3URA 30TH ANNIVESARY --->  Established  on  28  May  1986,  the  Uniao  de
Radioamadores dos Acores celebrates  its  30th  anniversary  by  issuing  an
electronic certificate for three contacts  made  with  CU3URA  on  different
bands between 28 May and 31  December  2016.  The  certificate  is  free  of
charge and available  to  SWLs  on  a  heard  basis.  Send  QSO  details  to
cu3aa.azores[@] [TNX CU3AA]

MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND ---> Organized by the  Battleship  New  Jersey  Amateur
Radio Station (NJ2BB), this year's Museum Ships Weekend will  be  held  from
00.00 UTC on 4 June until 23.59 UTC on the 5th. Information  on  the  event,
including the relevant certificate and the listing of  participating  ships,
can be found at

QSL VIA JR1EFG  --->  Tak  encourages  those  who  worked  him  as  KH2/KU0Q
(September 2015), 9M6/JR1EFG (December 2015) and T88FG (April 2016)  to  use
Club Log's OQRS, especially for requesting bureau cards.

YASME EXCELLENCE AWARDS ---> In 2008 The  Yasme  Foundation  (
established the Yasme Excellence Awards,  to  be  presented  to  individuals
who, through their own service,  creativity,  effort  and  dedication,  have
made a significant contribution to amateur radio. The  contribution  may  be
in recognition of technical, operating  or  organizational  achievement,  as
all three are necessary for amateur radio to grow  and  prosper.  The  Yasme
Excellence  Award  is  in   the    form    of    a    cash    grant  and  an
individually-engraved crystal globe. The latest recipients, announced on  26
May, are:
- Tim Duffy, K3LR: in recognition of his adaptation  and development of  the
  Contest University (CTU), now in its tenth year. CTU has  not only reached
  hundreds of amateurs around the world, but  it has also inspired others to
  create  their  own  CTU-format  training  programs  in other fields. Tim's
  dedication to CTU  is in the  finest traditions of  amateur radio's  self-
  teaching and training.
- Carole Perry, WB2MGP: in recognition of her many years of contributions to
  teaching and mentoring youth interested  in amateur radio and her  efforts
  in organizing and promoting the interests of young operators.  This youth-
  oriented work becomes more and more important to  amateur radio with every
  passing  year.  Carole's dedication  to this  work, including through  the
  Radio Club of  America, is  in the  finest traditions  of amateur  radio's
  self-teaching and training.
- Tom Rauch, W8JI: in recognition of his many contributions to the technical
  advancement   of  the  amateur  service.  Tom's  willingness  to   provide
  education and direction to amateurs through his website ( and
  other  communications  is a prime  example of hams mentoring, teaching and
  training each other in the finest traditions of amateur radio. [TNX W6SZN]

Z60A ---> At the invitation of the Kosovo  national  Amateur  Radio  society
(SHRAK), Nigel G3TXF plans to operate the Kosovo headquarters  station  Z60A
during this coming weekend's CQ WW WPX CW Contest. This short  operation  is
in preparation for SHRAK members taking part for the first time in the  IARU
HF World Championship on 9-10 July. QSL via  OH2BH;  logsearch  and  OQR  on
Club Log. [TNX N7NG]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3DA0AY      ZS6AYE      CS5FAT      CT6ARL      PA6MILL     PD1JFB
3V8SS       LX1NO       CT3BH       OH2BH       PB16MILL    PB7Z
3W3B        E21EIC      DX0DX       M0OXO       PG150N      PA7DA
4J1926HR    4J5A        E51ADT      VK3ADT      PH55CUBA    PI4KAR
4JRA29      4J5A        E51DXX      AG1LE       PH6MILL     PI4VPO
4L1AN       N4GNR       E51XYZ      AI6LY       PZ50X       OH0XX
4L4ZA       DJ1CW       EF0F        EA4URE      R111MS      RQ7L
4U0WFP      S57DX       EF8C        EA8DDM      R1566O      R2EA
4V1G        W3HNK       EH8DMM      EA8URV      R60SAB      RK3SWB
5Q1RF       DL6DQW      EM10UFF     UR7UT       R90DNF      RO5F
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      EP4KHA      N4GNR       RT73OA      RL5G
5W1SA       JA1DXA      ER52MOM     ER3BI       RT73SK      RL5G
5X1O        EA5GL       FM8QR       F5EAN       SC90SSA     SM7HZK
6Y6N        DK9PY       FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      SD7V/2      DL2VFR
7X2GK       IK2DUW      GB0BWM      G3MDG       SJ90SSA     SM7HZK
7Y7WTD      7X2VB       GB1EMC      M0PNN       SK50BP      SM3TLG
7Z1JA       KE5JA       GB2EM       G0YYY       SN0BEM      SP5KVW
8P5A        NN1N        GB2QM       MM0NQY      SN200SG     SP9PDG
8R50GI      8R1AK       GB6MW       G4DFI       SN55KCW     SP2KCW
9A1TESLA    9A7R        GJ4FOC      G3SWH       SO35RTTY    SP1O
9A8GHJ/p    OE7GHJ      HF10LOS     SQ9CWO      SW8WW       HA0HW
9H3JD       DL7VFM      HF30BLP     SP7PCZ      T88DF       JH2DFJ
9H3SQ       SQ3RX       HG10CC      HA3JB       T88WH       7K1HLJ
9J2BO       G3TEV       HG5SPORT    HA5LO       T88WI       JH1BGH
9J2HN       JR2KDN      HK3TK       F5CWU       TC0TC       YM1KD
9V1KK       JH1ILX      HS0ZLE      N4GNR       TF/DD5DD    OK8ZZ
A61ZA       IZ8CLM      II2MM       IQ2CF       TF/EI9FBB   EI9FBB
A91WTIS     A92AA       II5ANC      IZ4SUC      TF/MM0NDX   M0OXO
AB2ST/KH2   JF1TEU      II5LDV      IQ5LV       TI3/W7RI    W3HNK
AH0J        JA1NVF      IQ0JC       IZ4SUC      TM50GR      F6KQV
AH2D        JA1NEJ      IQ3JB       IZ4SUC      TN2BJ       F5AOW
AP2NK       W3HNK       IQ5QG       IZ4SUC      TN2MP       F5MVB
C6AKV       WA0USA      KL7SB/VP9   NI5DX       TZ5XR       F5MXH
CO2AME      RW6HS       LX/OO9O     ON7SS       UE98PS      UA3FQ
CO2RQ       EA5IDQ      LX0RL       LX1KQ       V31AE       EB7DX
CO2TK       F5CWU       MT0IXD      M0OXO       V31CL       AB4U
CO3VK       IZ8EBI      NP2J        K8RF        VK9NT       VK2CA
CO6HLP      IZ1DSH      NP2X        K5WW        VK9OL       N6NO
CO6HZ       EA5ZD       NP3CW       EB7DX       VK9PAS      M0OXO
CO6RD       EA5GL       OD5ET       EB7DX       VP2ETE      W3HNK
CO7EH       AD4C        OD5PY       KU9C        XW1IC       E21EIC
CO8LY       EA7ADH      OD5QB       YO3FRI      YB9/PB5X    PA1AW
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       OS101AB     ON6KPC      YC8UTI/p    YB3MM
CP4BT       DJ2BW       P40KW       YU7KW       YP7ARDF     YO7KFX
CP6XE       IK6GPZ      P40L        WA3FRP      YR6MUSEUM   YO6KNE
CR5MSR      CT1APE      P44W        N2MM        Z21GC       K3IRV
CR60P       CT1EHX      PA06MILL    PA2CVD      ZF2ET       K5GO
CS2CND      CS5LX       PA6HOOP     PG3VA       ZV2MU       PU2WDX

EA7ADH   Francisco de la Serna, Apartado Postal 175, 41710 Utrera
         (Sevilla), Spain
F5AOW    Joel Boisraud, 55 rue de l'Egalite, 36130 Deols, France
F5MVB    Philippe Metivier, 137/5 rue des Etats Unis, 36000 Chateauroux,
F5MXH    Thierry Gauthier, 961 rue des Ecureuils, 45590 St Cyr En Val,
JA1DXA   Katsu Ono, 15-10 Gamokotobuki-cho, Koshigaya-shi, Saitama-ken,
         343-0836, Japan
N4GNR    Dan Cisson, 12 Hancock Drive, Toccoa GA 30577, USA
OH0XX    Olli Rissanen, Salmelankuja 14, FI-90940 Jaali, Finland
PY0NY    Janio de Souza Godoi, Rua Bom Jesus da Penha 659 BL 47 Ap. 1103,
         Santa Terezinha, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31365-190, Brazil
VK2CA    Allan Meredith, P.O. Box 890, Mudgee NSW 2850, Australia
W3HNK    Joseph Arcure Jr., P.O. Box 68, Dallastown PA 17313, USA

                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:
               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia

©425DXN by I1JQJ since 1991

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