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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   10.06.16 22:58l 302 Lines 18576 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Subj: 425 DX News #1310
Sent: 160610/2005Z 40107@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.12

11 June 2016                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1310
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4J     - 4JF1BAKU (QSL via 4J4K), 4JF1EU (QSL via 4J3DJ and maybe LoTW)  and
         4KF1BAKU (QSL via  4J6RO)  are  three  special  callsigns  for  the
         Formula 1 Grand Prix that for the first time  will  take  place  in
         Baku, Azerbaijan on 17-19 June.
5W     - Tom, KH8/KC0W is now QRT from  American  Samoa  after  12,871  QSOs
         made between 13 April and  6  June.  He  expects  to  continue  his
         "Worldwide DXpedition" [425DXN 1289] and  go  to  Samoa,  where  he
         will operate CW only starting on 12-13  June.  Length  of  stay  is
         unknown ("the determining factor will be when the pileups die  down
         it's time to pack everything  up  &  move  along").  QSL  via  KC0W
         (direct only) and logsearch on Club Log.  He  will  not  use  LoTW.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
8Q     - Wolfgang, DK1HW will be active holiday  style  as  8Q7HW  from  the
         Maldives (AS-013) on 20-28  June.  He  will  operate  CW,  SSB  and
         possibly PSK31 on the HF bands. QSL via home call.
9N     - Nobuaki, JA0JHQ  (  will  be  active  as
         9N7NH from Kathmandu,  Nepal  on  16-20  June,  including  activity
         during the All Asian DX CW Contest. He will  operate  CW,  SSB  and
         maybe RTTY on 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 and  6  metres.  QSL  via  JA0JHQ,
         direct or bureau, and LoTW.
C5     - Koji, JM1CAX/ZR6NX is  active as  C5NX from  The  Gambia  until  18
         June. In his spare time he operates CW on 20, 17,  15,  12  and  10
         metres. QSL via JM1CAX (bureau preferred), LoTW and eQSL. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
GM     - Kurt, DL9FBF will be active as MM/DL9FBF from Skye, Inner  Hebrides
         (EU-008) on 11-24 June. He will operate CW and SSB on 40-10  metres
         (80m will depend on local conditions). QSL via  home  call,  direct
         or bureau. [TNX DX Newsletter]
HA     - Klara, HA5BA was born on 23 October 1956, the  very  same  day  the
         Hungarian Revolution broke  out.  Celebrating  both  anniversaries,
         she will be active as HA1956BA until the end of the year.  QSL  via
         the bureau. [TNX HA5BA]
HI     - HI8RCD will be active from 12 June to  12  July  to  celebrate  the
         90th anniversary of the Radio Club Dominicano. Activity will be  on
         80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres  all  modes.  A  certificate  will  be
         available, details  to  be  posted  on
         [TNX IARU Region 2]
J7     - Howard, WB4WXE will be active as J79XE from Dominica (NA-101)  from
         22 June to 11 July. He will concentrate on 6 metres,  and  will  be
         QRV on 40-10 metres "only when 6m shows no possible life". QSL  via
         WB4WXE. [TNX NG3K]
KL     - Cezar, VE3LYC  will be active as VE3LYC/KL7 from IOTA group  NA-172
         during the first week of August [425DXN 1306]. He "will attempt  to
         reach Cooper Island on 1 August", with plans to remain  there  "for
         4 days, depending on the weather conditions". He  will  operate  CW
         and SSB  on  40-10  metres.  QSL  via  VE3LYC,  direct  or  bureau;
         logsearch and OQRS on Club Log. This IOTA was activated  only  once
         back in 1992, please "consider supporting this  project  to  assist
         in  defraying  some  of  the  costs  associated  with  it"  -   see
LA     - Ad, PB3A will  be  active  as  LA/PB3A/p  from  Vestvagoy,  Lofoten
         Islands  (EU-076)  on  18-25  June.  QSL  via  home  call,   bureau
         preferred. [TNX]
OX     - Nao,  JK1FNL  will  be   active  holiday  style  as  OX/NA8O   from
         Ilulissat, Greenland on 19-24 June. He will  operate  CW,  SSB  and
         RTTY on 40-10 metres. QSL via JK1FNL, direct or bureau,  and  LoTW;
         logsearch on Club Log. [TNX The Daily DX]
PY     - PS8AB, PS8PY and PS8RV  will  be  active  as  ZY8D  from  Ilha  das
         Canarias (SA-072) from 29-31  July,  IOTA  Contest  included.  They
         will operate SSB on the five  traditional  bands.  QSL  via  PS8RV.
SV     - Members of the Thessaloniki Pikra  Club  (namely   SV2BXA,  SV2CCA,
         SV2CLJ, SV2DSJ, SV2JU and  SV2KF)  will  participate  in  the  IOTA
         Contest as SZ8P from Tinos Island (EU-067). QSL via SV2CLJ,  direct
         only.  The  week  before  the  contest  they  will  be QRV  as SV8/
         homecall. [TNX NG3K]
VK     - Pavel, VK6NX [425DXN 1305] will be active  as  VI6DH400  from  Dirk
         Hartog Island (OC-206) on 14-18 August. He will operate CW and  SSB
         on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15 metres. The  special  callsign  celebrates
         the 400th anniversary since the discovery of the  island  by  Dutch
         sailor and explorer Dirk Hartog, whose  expedition  was  the  first
         recorded  European  group  to  land  on  the  Australian    western
         coastline. QSL via VK6NX (direct only) and logsearch on  Club  Log.
         See for QSLing instructions and further information.
YB     - Din, YB8RW and a large group of operators will be  active  as  YB8O
         from the islands of Labobo on 15-17 June, and  Bangkalan  on  18-20
         June. Both counts  for  IOTA  group  OC-208.  QSL  via  YB8RW;  Din
         usually enables Club Log's OQRS for his operations. [TNX JN6RZM]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

ARCTIC LEGEND ---> A major IOTA DXpedition  is  being  planned  to  take  in
February-March  2017  to  commemorate  the  120th  anniversary  of  Fridtjof
Nansen's legendary expedition to the Arctic Ocean on the  ship  "Fram".  The
team is expected to include five operators (UA9KDF,  UA9KFX,  UA9LDD,  UA0BA
and RW0BG) who - depending on weather and ice conditions -  will  be  active
as RT9K/9 from  the  Firnley  Islands  (Ostrova  Firnleya,  AS-054),  Tyrtov
Island (Ostrov Tyrtova, AS-121), Nansen Island (Ostrov Nansena, AS-104)  and
the Scott Hansen Islands (Ostrova Skott-Gansena, AS-068). Activity  will  be
on 40-10 metres CW, SSB and digital modes (PSK, APRS and Pactor) with  three
stations.  QSL  via  RX9KM.  Bookmark   for   further
information and updates.

BOUVET ISLAND  ACTIVATION  --->  Three  proven  and  experienced  DXpedition
leaders (Ralph K0IR, Bob K4UEE  and  Erling  LA6VM)  and  a  large  team  of
operators will activate Bouvet Island in late 2017 or early 2018.  They  are
making this announcement now, "so that other DXpedition teams  that  may  be
considering Bouvet as a DXpedition  target  can  re-direct  their  time  and
effort elsewhere". They already have an agreement with Nigel Jolly  for  the
"Braveheart" to provide transportation (helicopter included); the  Norwegian
Polar Institute has accepted their preliminary plan and  a  permit  will  be
issued to land on Slakhallet, the huge glacier that covers the  island.  "As
per our funding model, we commit to paying one-half  the  expenses  involved
and we are asking the DX community to pay the other half of  the  expenses".
A website is under construction and fundraising will  begin  in  the  months
ahead. [TNX K4UEE]

DAYTON PHOTO GALLERY ---> The Dayton  Hamvention  2016  Photo  Gallery  (443
pictures) can be  found  at  The  Dayton
Photo Galleries start in 1997 and contain a total of 4902 photos.  They  are
all searchable  from  the  HamGallery  homepage.  Other  Dayton  photos  are
welcome, past and present, but must follow instructions on the  Dayton  2016
page. [TNX K8CX]

EM5F ---> This was the callsign used by UR5FAV, UR5FLF, UT7UT and  UX0FF  on
6-7 June, during  their  activity  from  the  Ukrainian  side  of  Fericirii
(EU-191), a split-sovereignity island that was added to the  IOTA  List  two
years ago. They experienced very bad weather, and were  able  to  log  about
2,000 QSOs in 14 hours before giving up. QSL via  UX0FF,  direct  o  bureau.

JIDXM 2016 ---> The Japan International DX Meeting will take place at  Tokyo
Big Sight  in  Ariake,  Tokyo  on  20  August.  Presentations  will  include
VP8STI/VP8SGI by  N6PSE  and  K3LP,  FT4JA  by  F6BEE  and  "Integration  of
Information Technology  and  Amateur  Radio"  by  G7VJR.  A  reception  will
follow. Email jidxm2016[@] or visit  for
detailed information. [TNX JA1NRH]

QSL 9M0Z ---> James, 9V1YC and Chris, ZS6EZ operated  as  9M0Z  from  Layang
Layang, Spratly Islands on 8-14 May and made nearly 11,000 QSOs. Direct  and
bureau cards can be requested via Club Log's  OQRS  ("strongly  preferred");
OQRS direct requests have been placed on LotW, the  complete  logs  will  be
uploaded early next year. As for traditional  cards,  they  should  be  sent
direct only to: Spratly May 2016, Suite  501,  Private  Bag  X025,  Lynnwood
Ridge, 0040, South Africa. [TNX ZS6EZ]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z1K        SP1KRF      EO25F       UX0FF       RT73BR      RL5G
4J90HAM     4J3DJ  [d]  EO25U       UT7UU       RT73EB      RL5G
4J90HAM     RA4AAT [b]  EU5C        EW1I        RT73HE      RL5G
4L8A        K1BV        EV85WTA     RW6HS       RT73HL      RL5G
4T4T        OA4DX       FG4NN       NI5DX       RT73JH      RL5G
4U6F        S57DX       FK8CE       NI5DX       RT73KB      RL5G
4V1TL       W3HNK       FM5WD       W3HNK       RT73LF      RL5G
5B4ALX      IZ4AMS      FW5JJ       F5RXL       SA6G/7      SM6CUK
5B4AMM      UT5UDX      GM7V        N3SL        SD7SUB      SM7EYO
5H3EE       DL4ME       GS1H        GM0WED      SK70CG      SM6JSM
5Q2T        OZ0J        GS8VL       GM4FDM      SL8SUB      SM6DQR
5R8AL       G3SWH       HC2AO       RC5A        SN0DKG      SP6OPZ
7X5QB       EA7FTR      HF0WFF      SP5ZIM      SN0WFF      SP5C
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       HF12Z       SP2FAP      SN3A        SP3GEM
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      HF25DN      SP9MOA      SN7Q        SP7GIQ
9A1GEO      9A2MF       HF25HKZ     SP6PAZ      SN8B        SP8CUR
9A8DXG      DL8AW       HF2SDM      SP9PKZ      SO4M        SP4MPG
9H3SG       IZ7ATN      HF35PBW     SP1DPA      SO5N        SP5BMU
9H5G        M0OXO       HF35Y       SP1KYB      SO9Q        SP9QMP
9K9K        9K2RA       HF670BY     SP2PBM      SU9VB       UA4WHX
9M2QQ       DF5UG       HG3M        HA3MY       SV2RSG      SV1RP
9M4RM       9W2MYR      HG44FY      HA8FY       SV9/SM7EQL  SM6JSM
9M6XRO      M0URX       HG7T        HA7TM       SW9AA       LZ1PM
9M8K        JR3WXA      HH2/VA3MPG  VE3NLS      SX193A      SV3GLL
A31MM       EA5GL       HI3TT       W2CCW       T32AZ       KH6QJ
A42A        A47RS       HK1R        K6IPM       T32TV       KE5EE
A60A        IZ8CLM      HL16RI      HL4CCM      T42A        RW6HS
A61SM       A61BK       HP3AK       W4JS        T49A        KU9C
A65CA       RV6AJJ      HR5/F2JD    F6AJA       T88AN       EB7DX
A93JA       KE5JA       II1A        IK1SPR      T8CW        JA0FOX  [b]
AG6SL/KH2   7K4TKB      II1NEC      IZ4SUC      T8CW        JH0IXE  [d]
AO1DA       EA1RKA      II6ARTE     I6PMV       TF70IRA     TF3MH
B4T         BA4TB       II9P        IT9CHU      TM12ARP     F4HRA
BV0TW       BU2BF       IO2X        IK2NCJ      TM1A        F6KOP
BV0WPX      BV2KI       IQ5XJ       IZ4SUC      TM1EJ       F5YD
C5NX        JM1CAX      IY4EC       IQ4FE       TM24H       F6KFI
CE1TT       EA5KB       JT5DX       JT1CO       TM30FG      F8KFL
CE3CT       EA5KB       KH6LC       WA6WPG      TM5BBC      F5UOW
CN2AA       UA2FM       KP2M        AI4U        TM60GW      F5KMB
CN8KD       EA5XX       KP4/W2HUV   NR6M        TM62EURO    F5RHD
CP6CL       W3HNK       LX4A        LX1NO       TM6GAL      F6HQP
CQ72DD      CS5LX       LX7I        LX2A        TO972M      FM5BH
CR2X        OH2BH       LZ113RF     LZ1YE       UP0L        DL8KAC
CR3W        DL5AXX      LZ2016KM    LZ1BJ       UP2L        UA9AB
CR5U        CR7AJL      LZ425STA    LZ1KCP      V31JX       KD9CJX
CR6K        CT1ILT      LZ73TRC     LZ1YE       V31MA       M0OXO
CS2C        OK1RF       MD0HZY      M0HZY       V44KAI      W5TFW
CS2ND       CS5CRE      MD4K        G3NKC       V63AN       EB7DX
CU2KG       OH2BH       MJ5Z        M0CFW       V73HA       EB7DX
CW4MAX      CX2DK       MX0IRN      G4IRN       VC2A        VA2WA
CX2UI       IK2DUW      OA4SS       KB6J        VC7G        VE7JH
CX9AU       EA5GL       OD5ZZ       NI5DX       VC9T        VE3IKV
D2XX        CT1CRS      OG25YL      OH2YL       VK9XIC      VK2XIC
D3AM        UA1QV       OG2P        OH2PM       VP2V/K6TOP  NR6M
D41CV       IK2NCJ      OG30OJ      OH3OJ       VP2VAZ      DL2AAZ
D4C         IK2NCJ      OG73X       OH8L        VP2VGG      W6RWC
DL0POLIO    DJ4MG       OH0TA       OH2TA       VP5M        K4QPL
DU1IST      JA1HGY      OH20TAR     OH1HS       VP9I        WW3S
DU1KA       NR6M        OH5Z        OH5LIZ      VY2ZM       EA7HBC
E2X         E20GMY      OL4A        OK1DSX      WP2Z        KU9C
E51EXA      HB9EXA      OL7C        OK1FIK      WP3C        W3HNK
E7DX        E77E        OM41KYSUCE  OM3CND      WP4X        NP3O
EA6/G3SZU   M0OXO       OM50CND     OM3CND      XR0YS       K5WE
EA8/RA1A    RN3RQ       OX5T        OZ0J        XV9NPS      JA2NPS [b]
ED2C        EA2CJ       P33W        UA3DX       XV9NPS      JA2ODB [d]
ED7X        EA7AJR      PA150N      PA9LUC      YO12IPA     YO3AS
ED8X        RN3RQ       PS2T        K3IRV       YT160TESLA  YU1MM
EE3X        EA3KX       PX2A        PY2VM       Z370RSM     Z33RW
EE5AA       EA5BM       R100AM      R4AS        Z60A        OH2BH
EF2A        EA2OT       R15EURO     RQ7L        ZD8JX       DO2JX
EH0P        EA1AF  [d]  R1OAB       RU3SD       ZF1A        K6AM
EH0P        EA1URP [b]  R450O       R2EA        ZF2MN       M0OXO
EH5CAG      EA5URY      R45AWE      RZ4AZ       ZF2ZZ       KB7AZ
EH8DCC      EA8RKL      R60KZI      R5EO        ZM1A        ZL3CW
EI6DX       RA3R        R85WTA      RV3YR       ZM4G        ZL2IFB
EM5F        UX0FF       RI1C/p      RW1F        ZS6CCY      K3IRV

4JF1EU   Alexander Frolov, P.O. Box 38, Volgograd, 400066, Russia
5T0JL    Jean J. Lewuillon, Avenue E. Verhaeren 110/1, 1030 Bruxelles,
9M0Z     Spratly May 2016, Suite 501, Private Bag X025, Lynnwood Ridge,
         0040, South Africa
9M2A     MARTS Penang Contest Team, Peti surat 40, Pos Malaysia Gelugor,
         11700 Gelugor, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
9M2M     Hairil Anuar Abdul Hamid, 49F Jalan 2 Hujung, Taman Sri Mawar,
         02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
CW5W     Jorge Diez Furest, Remigio Castellanos 474, 37000 Melo Cerro
         Largo, Uruguay
EL2FM    Joe Brown, 10 Oldhams Lane, Bolton, BL1 6PN, United Kingdom
EP2LMA   Mohammad Azimi, Karaj, Alborz Province, P.O. Box 31535-1199, Iran
GM0WED   Edmund Holt, Ashwell, St. Ola, Kirkwall, KW15 1SX, United Kingdom
J68HZ    William J. Schmidt, 27427 Myrtle Lake Lane, Katy TX 77494, USA
JH0IXE   Ryosei  Aimiya,  4595-41  Kamikatagiri,  Matsukawa-machi,
         Shimoina-gun, Nagano-ken, 399-3301, Japan
OX3XR    Harry de Jong, Broekdijk 59, 7695 TC Bruchterveld, The Netherlands
SV1RP    Georgios K. Vlachopoulos, Panselinou 26, 111 41 Athens, Greece
T40A     Raul Verdecie Fernandez, Calle Angel Guardia # 119, Adolfo
         Villamar y Francisco Varona, CP 75100 Las Tunas, Cuba
TI2CC    Carlos Paez, SJO 169221, P.O. Box 025331, Miami FL 33102, USA
UA2F     Ulrich Mueller, 13 Kreutzacker, 35041 Marburg, Germany
V31HV    Henk De Vries, Aronskelkweg 25, 2241 WC Wassenaar, The Netherlands
VK2XIC   Rob Heyer, 25 Caloola Ave, Koonawarra NSW 2530, Australia
VR2XAN   Alberto Annesi, 1/F 7A Nam Shan Road, Peng Chau, Hong Kong
W9IMS    Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 30954,
         Indianapolis IN 46230, USA
WH6R     Eran Agmon, 3049 Ualena St Suite 1005, Honolulu HI 96819, USA
WL7E     Joe Jeffries, P.O. Box 214, Soldotna AK 99669-0214, USA
ZM2B     Frank Hunt, 8 Manu Crescent, Upper Vogeltown, New Plymouth 4310,
         New Zealand
ZM3T     Wesley A. Printz, PO Box 90884, Victoria Street West, Auckland
         1142, New Zealand
ZM4T     Holger Hannemann, 262 Waimarama Heights, RD 12, Havelock North
         4294, New Zealand


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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