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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   02.09.16 19:04l 275 Lines 17042 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1322
Subj: 425 DX News #1322
Sent: 160902/1727Z 41378@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.12

3 September 2016                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1322
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5U     - Yves, F5PRU is active  as 5U7RK from Niger for the next few months.
         In his spare time he operates  CW and SSB on 80-10 metres.  QSL via
         home call, direct or bureau, LoTW and eQSL; logsearch  on Club Log.
         [TNX DX News]
A3     - Joshua, VA7YM  will be  active  holiday  style from  Tonga on  3-21
         September. He will operate as A31YM from  Tongatapu (OC-049) on 3-5
         September, then from the Ha'apai Islands (OC-169), and finally from
         Eua (OC-049) on 13-21 September. QSL via VA7YM (direct).
HB0    - Look for  Tina, HB0/DL5YL and  Fred, HB0/DL5YM  to be  active  from
         Masescha, Liechtenstein from  22 September to 7 October.  They will
         operate mainly CW, with some SSB and RTTY during the  CQ WW DX RTTY
         Contest.  They will be  looking for Oceania  and Asia during  their
         mornings beaming long path, as mountains block the short path.  QSL
         via home calls, bureau or direct. [TNX DL5YM]
KG4    - Stu, K4MIL  will  be  active  again as  KG4SS from  Guantanamo  Bay
         (NA-015) on 13-26 September.  He will be QRV on 160-10 metres  "all
         modes" and will be active during the CQ WW DX RTTY Contest. QSL via
         K4MIL, direct or bureau, and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
KH0    - OH6RX and OH7WV will be active as AH0K from Tinian, Mariana Islands
         (OC-086)  on 7-11 September.  They will be QRV as  time permits, as
         they will concentrate on preparing the station for CQ WW SSB and CW
         contests. QSL via OH6GDX and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
OJ0    - Subject to weather conditions, Henri, OH3JR will be active as OJ0JR
         from  Market Reef (EU-053) on  10-17 September.  He is the one "who
         single-handed  put  up a  new Force-12   permanent  beam at  Market
         lighthouse to serve the multitudes". QSL via home call. [TNX OH2BH]
OX     - Bo,   OZ1DJJ   (   is
         active  again  as  OX3LX  from  Aasiaat Island  (NA-134)  until  13
         September.  This is not a  DXpedition and Bo  operates in his spare
         time, typically  "around lunch and after dinner".  QSL via  OZ1PIF.
         [TNX DX World]
PA     - Marcel, PD5MVH will be  active  as  PD5MVH/p  from  Ameland  Island
         (EU-038) on 3-17 September. He will operate SSB, CW, JT65 on 40, 20
         and 10 metres. During the WAE DX Contest (10-11 September) he  will
         use PD38EU. QSL both callsigns via PD5MVH,  bureau preferred.  [TNX
         DX Newsletter]
SV     - Max, IZ4JMA will be active holiday style as SV8/IZ4JMA from  Skyros
         Island (EU-060) on  5-11 September, and from Aigina Island (EU-075)
         on 12-17 September.  He will operate SSB, CW and  digital modes  on
         40-6 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ4JMA]
T31    - 3Z9DX (, SP3DOI  and SP7VC now  expect
         to start activity as T31T [425DXN 1321] from Kanton Island, Central
         Kiribati on 4 October. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
T8     - Active holiday style from Koror (OC-009), Palau are Chusuke, JR1FKR
         as T88TJ (2-7 September)  and Yutaka, JH1MLO as  T88HR (1-6 Septem-
         ber).  Look for  T88TJ on  40, 20, 17, 15, 10 and 6 metres SSB  and
         RTTY, while T88HR will operate SSB and maybe RTTY on 80, 40, 20, 17
         and 15 metres.  All QSOs will  be confirmed  automatically via  the
         bureau. Direct QSL via home calls.  Neither LoTW  nor eQSL will  be
         used.  Also operating  (CW only)  from Koror is  Tony, KQ2I, who is
         active as T88AT until 7 September. QSL via KQ2I (direct).
VK9L   - Les, NI1L will be active again as VK9LN from  Lord Howe (OC-004) on
         20-27 September. He will be QRV as time allows on  40-10 metres CW,
         with some RTTY and/or PSK possible. QSL via NI1L, direct or bureau,
         and LoTW. [TNX NI1L]
W      - Look for KG4JSZ to be active from St George Island (NA-085) on 9-11
         September. He will be QRV "as conditions and time allow" on 40, 20,
         17 and 15 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX]
ZA     - The group of OH1MA, OG2M, OH2BH, Z61DX and Z62FB will be along  the
         Durres  Beach, Albania on  7-12 September, building  the  permanent
         site and now hoisting the Steppir beams.  Along their project  they
         hope  to put once  world's loudest 40m signal  source, Radio Tirana
         site, back on  7050 KHz.  You will find  them sporadically  testing
         their site using the portable calls.  QSL to their home calls. [TNX
ZB     - Robert, ZB2TT  will  be active as  ZG2TT during  Gibraltar National
         Week on 5-10 September. QSL via M0URX (preferably through his OQRS: and LoTW.

PACIFIC SURPRISE ---> Tom, KC0W went QRT from Vanuatu (YJ0COW) on 29 August,
some  three  weeks earlier  than expected [425DXN 1319].  He says that he is
going to "attempt activating a Top 25 Most Wanted Entity before starting the
T30COW DXpedition" around 24 September.

SOUTHEAST EUROPE TOUR ---> Mek, SQ3RX will be travelling from  Greece (Corfu
Island, EU-052) to  Macedonia via  Albania between  17 and 27 September.  He
will be QRV as SV8/SQ3RX from Corfu (17-19 September), ZA/SQ3RX from Albania
(19-25 September) and  Z38/SQ3RX from Macedonia  (25-27 September).  He will
operate mainly CW, with some SSB and possibly  RTTY on 40-10 metres. QSL via
Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW or via home call, direct or bureau.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

BEST COMMUNICATION AWARD ---> Sponsored by  DX Coffee and  DX University, it
takes into  account the Public Relations side  of a DXpedition, i.e. the in-
formation (daily reports,  pictures, videos, forums,  propagation hints, on-
line logs, operating  advice, etc) provided to the  amateur radio  community
through the DXpedition website and other channels.  The 2015 Best Communica-
Award has been assigned to K1N (Navassa Island), with "special mentions"  to
TX3X  (Chesterfield  Islands,   and  VK9WA  (Willis  Islands, See also

CE0X 2017 ---> Felipe, CE5WQO has announced he is organizing a DXpedition to
take place from San Felix Island (SA-013) in 2017. He will be joined by Dima
RA9USU (CW)  and another operator (CW and digital modes), while Felipe  will
Take  care of SSB.  "Authorizations and permissions" have been granted.  His
"Press Release #1" is available on

CLUB LOG'S MOST WANTED LIST ---> The latest Most Wanted List,  generated  on
31 August, is available  at  The
information is derived  from  QSOs  uploaded  to  Club  Log  (currently  375
million log entries available for analysis) and, to  improve  quality,  only
QSOs that have QSLs confirmed are considered to be worked.

K9AJ/VY0 & KD6WW/VY0 ---> The  recent  operations  from  NA-159  (K9AJ/VY0 &
KD6WW/VY0) and NA-196 (KD6WW/VY0)  have been approved  for IOTA credit.  The
OQRS on Club Log has been enabled: search for K9AJ/VY0_NA-159, KD6WW/VY0_NA-
159 and KD6WW/VY0_NA-196.  The updated final QSO total for  both IOTA opera-
tions is 5,176 QSOs. Mike, K9AJ and Bruce, KD6WW do not expect early  donors
"to spend additional $ to get their QSL cards. For our donors, please e-mail
the operator (K9AJ or KD6WW)  your QSO  info and your  preferred mailing ad-
dress and we will send you a card when we mail the OQRS cards".

M0URX & M0OXO: NEW QSL  MANAGEMENT  SYSTEM ---> The  Perseverance  DX  Group
(PDXG) and the United Radio QSL Management Bureau, owned and operated by Tim
Beaumont (M0URX),  have entered  into an exclusive  relationship for  United
Radio and its partner M0OXO Online  QSL Request Service operated by  Charles
Wilmott (M0OXO)  to use  PDXG's QSL Management  System. Current, future  and
legacy call signs supported by these firms are included in the agreement.
The  application  was  introduced  during  the  TX3X  Chesterfield   Islands
DXpedition (October 2015), and many enhancements have been added since then.
This fully integrated cloud based application allows authorized users around
the world access  to a host  of QSL management  functions.  By  dramatically
simplifying and  automating the  process a QSL  manager's workload  and time
commitment are significantly reduced.
To DXers, the application presents the familiar functions of Log Search  and
OQRS.  Busted Call and  Not in Log  inquires  are handled by  an  integrated
(form) process that greatly  reduces the need for  e-mails. The  application
integrates PayPal donor information with logged QSOs to recognize those  who
supported the DXpedition for expedited  confirmation handling.  Address  and
QSL card label management functions are  seamlessly  integrated for ease  of
To date, Tim has loaded the logs for 140  DX stations, over 2 million  QSOs.
Charles  will soon begin  uploading 150 logs.  Questions may be directed  to
Pista, HA5AO or Gene, K5GS at their address. [TNX K5GS]

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Russ, WA3FRP says he is not the  QSL manager for  EP4YN
any longer.

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
web site has been updated. Fifteen different galleries include 14,038  cards
for the ten Most  Wanted  DXCC  Entities  (2004-15),  the  62  deleted  DXCC
Entities, obsolete prefixes,  stations  from  Maghreb  from  1945  to  1962,
Allied Forces stations in Germany (1945-70), special stations  commemorating
ITU and IARU, Antarctic bases and TAAF (Terres  Australes  and  Antarctiques
Francaises), the various French DXCC island Entities in the  Pacific  Ocean,
the Indian Ocean and the Americas (from 1945 to 1970),  pre-1945  countries,
French Departments and CONUS, plus a  gallery  for  cards  not  accepted  by
DXCC. Your participation is encouraged: [TNX F6AJA].

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3E1L        HP1RCP      EG1SDC      EA1AUM      OZ0IL       DL1UWE
4J3J        RW6HS       EG2SDC      EA1AUM      PA25SCH     PD2RKG
4K6AG       RW6HS       EG3SDC      EA1AUM      PA6FUN      PA3HHT
4L1AN       N4GNR       EG4SDC      EA1AUM      PA6SCH      PI4DHG
4L9MH       DL8RDS      EG5CMU      EA5RHD      PA6VEN      PD1JFB
4O7CC       UA4CC       EG5SDC      EA1AUM      PG150N      PA7DA
5C5W        EA5XX       EG5VCE      EB5AG       PH100SPL    PA3CAL
5E3A        EA7FTR      EG6SDC      EA1AUM      R1CC        DJ1ND
7Q7BP       G3MRC       EG7SDC      EA1AUM      R23RRC      R7AL
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      EG7URI      EA7URI      R333S       RA4HL
8P2K        KU9C        EG8SDC      EA1AUM      SJ9WL       LA7TIA
8Q7AM       IW0HBY      EG9SDC      EA1AUM      SK7BORE     SK7DX
8S6VAN      SM6JSM      EH1LSI      EA1AUO      SN0TUBB     SP1ZZ
8T2BH       I1HYW       EI0CAR/p    EI4JR       SN19LH      SP5EZJ
9A0HRS      9A3JB       EI0LHL      EI4GXB      SN730MA     SP2ZFT
9M2QQ       DF5UG       EN0WFF      UT3WX       SU9VB       UA4WHX
9M4LHM      9W8KIF      EO25LUA     UR3LDO      T32AZ       KH6QJ
9M4LHN      9W2PD       EO90WU      UW1WU       T42R        EA7FTR
9M59MA      9W2XIO      ER25MD      ER1FF       T43C        WP4PGY
9M59MD      9W2KEY      GB0ZIG      G1XRJ       T45FM       RW6HS
9M59MK      9M2ODX      GB1BPL      2W0DSP      T46FY       EA5GL
9M59MM      9M2YOT      GB1OL       MM5DWW      T46LC       CO6RR
9M59MN      9W2ONK      GB2ELH      GM0GFL      TC17EQ      YM2KY
9M59MR      9W2VGR      GB2GNL      GM3WIJ      TM0BSM      DK5OPA
9M59MW      9W8KIF      GB2LBN      GM4UYZ      TM0PDH      PH2CV
9Q6AL       DF9TA       GB2TCL      G1TDN       TM10LHG     PA0HEL
9V1YC       W5UE        GB2TNL      GS0IYP      TM2LW       F4ELJ
A52AEF      JH3AEF      GB4FL       M0WBH       TM38CDXC    F5CWU
A52LSS      JH3LSS      GB4LL       G4WUA       TM6U        ON8AZ
AH0J        JA1NVF      GB5ULA      M0UPA       TM7RAY      F5KCC
AO8LH       EA8AKN      H2X         IZ4AMS      TP30CE      F5LGF
AP2NK       W3HNK       HB9ILLW     HB9FVF      TY2AC       IZ1BZV
AT2L        VU2KWJ      HH2/VA3MPG  VE3NLS      TZ4AM       W0SA
AT5L        VU2XSK      HT7AAA      TI4SU       V31MA       M0OXO
AU1LH       VU2SMS      IA5C        IK5WWA      VE7SV       N7RO
C91IW       ZS1WY       II1L        IQ1GE       VK3VTH/7    VK3VTH
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       IP1T        I1ANP       VK5CWL      VK5PAS
CP6CL       W3HNK       J68HZ       K9HZ        VK5MTM      W3HNK
CR5LSV      CT5KAO      JD1YBV      JA1HQG      VP6J        JF2MBF
CR6LH       CT1GZB      JT1DBS      OK1DBS      VY0BRR      VE2XB
CS2LH       CS5LX       JT1XC       OK1XC       VY2PLH      VY2GF
CV1T        EA5KB       JT5NH       JA0JHQ      XU7TZG      ON7PP
CW5X        CX2ABC      JY4CI       K2AX        XX9TYT      IW7EGQ
CX2BR       EA5GL       JY9FC       E73Y        YJ0COW      KC0W
D73G        6L0NJ  [b]  K9AJ/VY0    K9AJ        Z61KR/P     9A1R
D73G        HL4CEL [d]  KD6WW/VY0   KD6WW       ZA/IK2RLM   IZ2LSP
DL30EUDXF   DJ6SI       LA/N0MX     DJ2MX       ZB2LGT      ZB2BU
DL70NRW     DK7TX       LG5LG       LA7TIA      ZL6LH       ZL1VK
DL800JE     DK4WA       LZ304MED    LZ1KCP      ZS9V        M0OXO
DU1KA       NR6M        OA6Q        OE3NHW      ZW75FAB     PY2FAT
DU6/OE9MON  LZ1JZ       OP16L       ON6DP       ZW8T        PS8HF
E717MFF     E73Y        OR70AF      ON2KFJ      ZY2M        PT2AP
EG1LWN      EA1HNP      OX3LX       OZ1PIF      ZY5TR       PP5ZT

6W4AA    Charles E. King, 767 Stonefield Ave, Charleston SC 29412, USA
CV5ER    Grupo Eco Radio, Casilla de Correo 16, 5172 La Falda (Cordoba),
FP5BZ    Ronan Darchen, B.P. 109, 22700 Perros-Guirec, France
GB1PBL   Dave Aitch, 29 Court Barton, Portland, DT5 2HJ, United Kingdom
IZ1BZV   Giorgio Tabilio, Via Sant'Eutichiano 26, 19123 La Spezia SP, Italy
JF2MBF   Mitsunobu Ichino, 4-16-7 Futamura-dai, Toyoake-shi, Aichi-ken,
         470-1131, Japan
K9AJ     Michael J. McGirr, 3441 W Oakhill Dr, Crete IL 60417-1965, USA
KD6WW    Bruce D. Lee, 17520 Kennison Ln, Lodi CA 95240, USA
ON8AZ    Francis Balcaen, Heulebosstraat 33, 8501 Heule, Belgium
T88AT    John A. Tyson, 3961 Canal Lane, Winters CA 95694, USA
T88HR    Yutaka Hara, 16-11 Takakura-machi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo-to,
         192-0033, Japan
TF8RX    Radioclub of Reykjanes, Bakkavegur 18, 230 Keflavik, Iceland
VK3VTH   Tony Hambling, P.O. Box 115, Williamstown VIC 3016, Australia
VK5PAS   Paul Simmonds, P.O. Box 401, Blackwood SA 5051, Australia
YP700CJ  Transilvania Connection, CP 168, 400750 Cluj-Napoca 1, Romania


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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