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TA2BBS > DXNEWS   16.10.16 09:40l 269 Lines 14316 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Subj: 425 DX News #1328
Sent: 161015/1635Z @:TA2BBS.#ANK.TUR.EU [Ankara] HFPR/PTOR XFBB7.04j $:425WW132

                               425 DX News #1328
                                 16 Oct 2016

                              A.R.I. Dx Bulletin
                            Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

            Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
                           (e-mail )
            Contributors are invited to send their DX information to

                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (

                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays

5H     - Maurizio, IK2GZU will be  active  again  as  5H3MB  from  Ilembula,
         Tanzania from 7 November to 2 December, while doing volunteer  work
         for the local mission. QSL via IK2GZU (direct or bureau), LoTW  and
         eQSL. Log search on Club Log.
5Z     - Tom, DJ6TF and  Reiner, DL7KL  will  be  active  as  5Z4/DJ6TF  and
         5Z4/DL7KL  from  Kenya  on  16-30 November, CQ  WW  DX  CW  Contest
         included. They will be QRV on  80-10 metres.  QSL  via home  calls.
         [TNX NG3K]
9N     - Bogdan SP2FUD (9N7FD),  Zenek SP2GCJ (9N7ZT),  Kazik SP6AXW (9N7XW)
         and Janusz SP9FIH (9N7WE)  will  be active from Nepal [425DXN 1327]
         on 15-27 October (  QSL via  home calls;
         logsearch on Club Log.
CO     - CO8DM, CO8ZZ, K1EP, K1MM, VE3AXC, VE3XIN and W2DLT wil be active as
         T48K from Cuba on 26-30 October, including an entry in the CQ WW DX
         SSB Contest. QSL direct to DK1WI. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
CT9    - Carlos, CT1GXC has plans to be active as CQ9GXC from the  Selvagens
         Islands (AF-047), Madeira on 19-25 October. QSL via home call. [TNX]
I      - ARI Milano will be active as II2JOTA during this year's Jamboree On
         The Air, with main activity on 16 October between 7 and 16 UTC. QSL
         via the bureau (email requests can be  sent to  [TNX
KG4    - Jeff, KQ4LA as  KG4LA (CW with some SSB)  and  Bill, W4WV as  KG4WV
         (SSB with some PSK and CW) are active from Guantanamo Bay until  21
         and 24 October respectively. QSL KG4WV via W4WV (direct or bureau);
         QSL KG4LA via KQ4LA  (direct)  and  LoTW  "at  some  point  in  the
LU     - Horacio LU5BE/N, Henry LU8EFF/N and  Arnaldo LU3AAL/N to be  active
         from  La  Banda  (locator FG72vh),  in  the Argentine  province  of
         Santiago del Estero, on 20-24 October. Amateur radio activity  from
         this region is uncommon. They will operate CW, SSB, PSK31 and  JT65
         on 80-6 metres possibly with two stations. QSL via home calls. [TNX
PJ4    - Look for  PJ4/W4PA  to  be  active from  Bonaire (SA-006)  from  24
         October to 1 November.  He will  team  up  with  PJ4NX,  PJ4DX  and
         possibly others and will partecipate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as
         PJ4Q (QSL via W4PA). Outside the contest  he  will  concentrate  on
         160, 30, 17 and 12 metres. [TNX NG3K]
PJ4    - Look for Joel PJ4/N5JR, Jim PJ4/NT5V and Jeff PJ4/K5JP to be active
         from Bonaire on 6-13 November. They will operate  CW, SSB  and RTTY
         on 160-10 metres.  QSL via home  calls, direct or bureau, and LoTW.
         [TNX N5JR]
PY0F   - Ivan, PV8IG will be active as PY0F/PV8IG  from Fernando de  Noronha
         (SA-003) on 18-21 October. QSL direct to PT7WA. [TNX DX World]
TL     - Chris, F4WBN - along with F5DUX, F9IE  and TR8JLD - will be  active
         again as TL0A from the  Central African Republic on  19-28 October.
         They will operate CW, RTTY and SSB on  80-6 metres  (60m included).
         QSL direct to F4WBN. [TNX DX World]
TL     - Silvano, I2YSB and the Italian DXpedition Team have announced  that
         they will be active as TL8T  from the  Central African Republic  in
         February 2017, exact  dates TBA.  They will operate  CW and SSB  on
         160-10 metres, and  RTTY on one band  to be  selected  depending to
         propagation. QSL via I2YSB.  A band & mode survey  can be found  on [TNX IK7JWY]
V4     - Once again  John, W5JON  will be  active as  V47JA  from  St. Kitts
         (NA-104) from 15 November until 15 December. He will operate SSB on
         160-6 metres. QSL via W5JON (direct only) and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
YB     - Arfan, YB8UTI (ex YC8UTI) will be active as  YB8UTI/p from  Miangas
         Island (OC-209) starting on 15 October  until 18 October  at least.
         He will operate mainly CW. He will upload his log to Club Log  when
         he comes back home. [TNX YB3MM]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

QSL VK9NZ ---> The OQRS for direct and  bureau QSL requests  for the  recent
activity from Norfolk Island  is up  and running  on  Club Log.  For any log
queries, please contact Paul, ZL4TT (paulzl4tt[@] The log will be
corrected and uploaded to LoTW in approximately two weeks.

TUVALU ---> Tili, T2AT and Tony, T2TP are two newly licenced Tuvalu resident
operators. They have been "trained and equipped" as part of T2R's  "outreach
efforts" (see ) [425DXN 1303].  QSL for  both callsigns  via
N7SMI and LoTW. [TNX DX World]

UKEICC ---> The UK/EI DX SSB  Contest  will  be  held  from  12  UTC  on  22
October until 12 UTC on the 23rd.  See for complete  details.

+ SILENT KEY + King Bhumibol  Adulyadej  of Thailand,  the world's  longest-
reigning monarch, passed away on 13 October. He would have been 89 years old
on 5 December. He had been presented the  callsign  HS1A by the  Ministry of
Communications at Chitrlada Palace on 18 August 1989 in a ceremony witnessed
by RAST officers.  Five years  later  His Majesty placed  the  Radio Amateur
Society of Thailand under his royal patronage. [TNX RAST]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       NI5DX       CR3W        DL5AXX      LZ935MWC    LZ1KCP
3D2GG       JF2MBF      CR5D        CT1FJO      MJ5Z        M0CFW
3V8CB       LX1NO       CR5U        CR7AJL      NL8F        N7RO
3W3B        E21EIC      CV5Q        CX2ABC      NP2J        K8RF
3Z0R        SP9SX       D2XX        CT1CRS      NP2X        K5WW
3Z670BY     SP2PBM      D44TUL      DL3VU       NP4R        NR6M
4K6AG       RW6HS       D44TUN      DJ9YL       OD5QB       YO3FRI
4L8A        K1BV        D44TVA      DO4DJT      OE30EUDXF   OE4VIE
4O10A       4O3A        D44TVF      DO4THA      OH0B        OH2BH
4O6PS       DF6KPS      DL30EUDXF   DJ6SI       OM50CND     OM3CND
4O7TC       UA3TCJ      DM16RRV     DL6MOG      ON500UTOPIA ON3AR
4X0A        4X1VF       DP0GVN      DL5EBE      OR70AF      ON2KFJ
4X6TT       N4GNR       DU3JH/2     W3HNK       OT40METRO   ON4CRD
5A1AL       W5UE        DU3LA       W3HNK       OT90SNCB    OR4K
5B4AMM      UT5UDX      DX2R        W3HNK       PF30EUDXF   PA1AW
5B4PRC      5B4AIE      E703QLA     E71CQ       PG30EUDXF   PA1AW
5C5W        EA5XX       EG1RGC      EA1SV       PX0F        PP5BZ
5H3EE       DL4ME       EG3PLE      EA3FNI      S01A        EA2JG
5R8AL       G3SWH       EG8WTD      EA8URE      S01WS       EA2JG
5R8XB       ON8XB       EH1RGC      EA1DST      S51STWW     S59DAJ
5U7RK       F5PRU       EH3WRC      EA3ZK       S79KB       DL2SBY
5W0DOI      SP3DOI      EJ0M        G0MTD       S79PA       R2DG
5W0VC       SP7VC       EM20UCRF    UT3UZ       S9BT        EA3BT
5W9DX       3Z9DX       EM80EM      UR4EYN      S9WL        EA3BT
5Z4FV       N3ZS        EO25U       UT7UU       S9YY        DH7WW
6W1SR       F6EPY       EO90WE      US5WE       SN1923AXL   SP5KAB
7P8NO       NO9E        ET3AA       N2OO        SN670BY     SP2PBM
7P8VA       K7TRB       FK8DD       NI5DX       SO670BY     SP2PBM
7S70AT      SK2AT       FM5DN       KU9C        SP670BY     SP2PBM
7X5QB       EA7FTR      FM5FJ       KU9C        SQ670BY     SP2PBM
7Z1HL       DJ9ZB       FR5DZ       F6CXV       T2J         JA2FJP
7Z1JA       KE5JA       FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      T2R         N7SMI
8P1W        KU9C        FT5XT       F4DXW       T30COW      KC0W
8P2K        KU9C        FW5JJ       F5RXL       T31T        Club Log
8Q7MD       9A8ARS [b]  GB70CV      G4DFI       T88MZ       DU1CKF [d]
8Q7MD       IZ1MHY [d]  GU0URR      G0URR       T88MZ       JH0CKF [b]
8S0C        SM0MPV      GX1RCV      G4DFI       T88ON       JA3JND
8T2BH       I1HYW       GX3RCV      G4DFI       T88XA       JA3KIO
9H100SGM    9H1JL       H40GC       LZ1GC       T8CW        JA0FOX
9H3LH       IK8YFU      H44GC       LZ1GC       TC0MI       TA5FA
9J2BO       G3TEV       H84JK       SP5APW      TM300CCAE   F6FMT
9M2TO       JA0DMV      HB9SPACE    HB9ACA      TM51LP      F6AJM
9M4CRX      9W2XIO      HF10BOL     SQ9NIU      TR8CA       F6CBC
9M6XRO      M0URX       HF670BY     SP2PBM      TZ4AM       W0SA
9Q6AL       DF9TA       HF6FIRAC    SP6IEQ      V31VP       WB0TEV
9V1YC       W5UE        HG30EUDXF   HA0HW       VE3FIRE     VE3KGK
9Y4NW       EB7DX       HH2/VA3MPG  VE3NLS      VK9LX       W1SRD
A35JP       JA0RQV      HH2AA       NR6M        VK9NZ       ZL3PAH
A60WSW      IZ8CLM      HL04NWPF    HL5BJU      VP6AH       DL2AH
A71TA       IZ8CLM      HP1RN       IZ8CLM      VP9BO       W4ZGR
A9110RR     A92AA       IB2VIG      I2MYF       VU3JWI      JA8ECS
AO2016DSS   EA2URD      II0APR      IZ0FVH      VY0BRR      VE2XB
AO5GCE      EA5GUQ      II3BZ       IN3AUD      VY2PLH      VY2GF
AP2TN       DJ9ZB       II4BBE      IZ4FUE      WH0RU       JG7PSJ
AT2SL       VU2CDP      II4LXX      IZ4FUE      XR2IARU     CE3AA
AT8GOA      VU2SMN      JD1BPG      JE1HXZ      XT2AW       M0OXO
C91CCY      K3IRV       JK3ZXK/5    JP3YAQ      XV5HS       EA5ZD
C91IW       ZS1WY       KG4WV       W4WV        XW1IC       E21EIC
CE0Y/LU9VEA IK2DUW      KH0/AK4CE   HL1VAU      YF1AR       N2OO
CE2AWW      N7RO        KH6FX       DJ0FX       YP300TM     YO2MSB
CN8ZG       EA7FTR      KH7SD       DF1SD       ZB2TT       M0URX
CO6HLP      IZ1DSH      KL7KY       S56ZZZ      ZF1DX       W8BLA
CP4BT       DJ2BW       KP2/WE5DX   N5TIT       ZF2EZ       W5JAY
CP6CL       W3HNK       L77D        LU6DC       ZV2STJ      PT2CSM

5K3W     Francisco Siso Hennessey (JB9779), 2550 NW 72 Ave, Suite 115, Miami
         FL 33122, USA
8T1WD    Post Box No. 30, Sulthan Bathery Post Office, Wayanad, 673592,
DH7WW    Ulrich Moeckel, Schwarzwinkel 13, 08304 Schoenheide, Germany
DL2AH    Ulrich Krieg, OT Soellichau, Feldstr. 26, 06905 Bad Schmiedeberg,
EA3BT    Josep Gibert del Pino, Carrer del Col-legi 1, 08800 Vilanova I La
         Geltru (Barcelona), Spain
F4DXW    Stephane Van Langhenhoven, 24 bis rue de Anter Hent, 29830
         Ploudalmezeau, France
FP5BZ    Ronan Darchen, B.P. 109, 22700 Perros-Guirec, France
GB4DUK   Paul Glasper, 1 Lindertis Cottages, Kirriemuir, DD8 5NT, United
HP3SS    Robert F. Robertson, 6 Millers Mill Road, Cream Ridge NJ 08514, USA
HV5PUL   Luca Della Giovampaola, Via Cremera 11, 00198 Roma RM, Italy
JA2FJP   Ken Yoshida, 1-127 Shinmei-cho, Tokoname-shi, Aichi-ken, 479-0852,
JF2MBF   Mitsunobu Ichino, 4-16-7 Futamura-dai, Toyoake-shi, Aichi-ken,
         470-1131, Japan
K4G      Weymouth D. Walker, 1250 Hickory Crest Lane, Cumming GA 30041-9300,
KH0UA    Yoshiki Nakada, ML9292, 2-14-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to, 104-0061,
LX8RTTY  Andy Doffing, 9 Cite Europe, L-3834 Schifflange, Luxembourg
LZ1GC    Stanislav Iv. Vatev, ul. Gen. Karcov 6A, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria
N7SMI    Jared Smith, 120 E 520 N, Smithfield UT 84335-3010, USA
S21SM    Syed Ibrahim Khandker, Taitoniekantie 9 E 311, FI-40740 Jyvaskyla,
SP5APW   Jacek Krupa, ul. Zalesna 66, 05-507 Borowina, Poland
TO200SPM Ronan Darchen, B.P. 109, 22700 Perros-Guirec, France
VP2MLB   Lee Barrett, 595N 2200W West Point UT 84015, USA
VU2CDP   Deepak Pathak, Post Box No. 9730, Borivali East S.O, Mumbai,
         400066, India
WW1USA   National World War I Museum Amateur Radio Club, 100 W 26th St,
         Kansas City MO 64108, USA
ZL3PAH   Phil Holliday, 131 Starnes Road, RD 2, Upper Moutere 7175, New

                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:
               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                 Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia

©425DXN by I1JQJ since 1991

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