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UT1HZM > DX       04.02.17 00:31l 277 Lines 16619 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1344
Subj: 425 DX News #1344
Sent: 170203/2151Z 43766@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.13

4 February 2017                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1344
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B8    - Paul, HB9ARY  is  active  again  as  3B8HC  from  Mauritius  Island
         (AF-049) until 15 February.  He operates SSB and  slow CW on  80-10
         metres, with a focus on 80m. QSL via NI5DX (direct only), LoTW  and
         eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]
3X     - Alain, F5OZC and Sebastien, F8DQZ plan to be  active (callsign TBA)
         from the  Los Islands  (AF-051), Guinea between  5 and 26 February.
         They will operate mainly CW on 40-10 metres. QSL via F5OZC. [TNX DX
6Y     - Yuri, VE3DZ will be active as 6Y2T from  Jamaica (NA-097)  on 14-21
         February, including  an  entry in the  ARRL DX CW Contest.  QSL via
         home call. [TNX NG3K]
7P     - Pista, HA5AO will return to Lesotho  on 10-26 February.  He will be
         overseeing the project at a local orphanage that he started  during
         his October 2016 visit  and will  deliver donations  received since
         then. In his spare time  he will  be  active  as 7P8EUDXF on  40-10
         metres  mostly CW.  QSL via HA5AO  and LoTW;  see for
         logsearch and OQRS. Money donated to 7P8EUDXF will be used only for
         humanitarian purposes. [TNX K5GS]
9H     - Nobu, JA0JHQ ( will be  active as  9H3NH
         from Malta (EU-023) on 9-12 February. Main activity  will be on 40,
         30 and 20 metres CW, as well as on 40-20 metres RTTY  during the CQ
         WPX  RTTY  Contest.  QSL  via  JA0JHQ, bureau or direct,  and LoTW;
         logsearch on Club Log.
A5     - A5A  will be  activated again  on  10-17 February by  Zorro JH1AJT,
         JayCie E20NKB and Champ E21EIC. The main purpose of this trip is to
         support the  launch of the  Paralympic Committee  with  the  Bhutan
         Olympic  Committee. Activity will be on  160-10 metres CW, SSB  and
         RTTY.  QSL via JH1AJT;  logsearch and  OQRS  on  Club Log.  [TNX DX
CX     - Henry, LU4DXU will be active as  CX/LU4DXU from  Isla de Lobos  and
         Isla Gorriti (both count for  IOTA group SA-039) on  4-11 February.
         QSL direct to home call. [TNX VE3LYC]
EP     - The  Alborz DX Club, EP2C ( will be  active  during a
         field day operation from northern  Iran on 8-10 February.  Activity
         is permitted on 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB and CW. QSL via EA5GL.
G      - GB952MT is a  special  callsign  for  the  Chelmsford Amateur Radio
         Society to celebrate the 95th anniversary of  wireless station  2MT
         (, the first regular radio broadcast service in the
         UK. Look for activity on 12-14 February.
HP     - Mike, W1USN and  Bob, AA1M  will  be  active  as HP/home  call from
         Panama  on 10-22 February.  They will  operate SSB, CW and  digital
         modes on  all  available  HF bands.  QSL via home calls, direct  or
         bureau, and LOTW. [TNX NG3K]
HP     - Mek, SQ3RX will be active as HP/SQ3RX from  Volcan, Panama on 12-15
         February. He will operate CW and some SSB and RTTY on the HF bands.
         QSL via home call, Club Log's OQRS and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
I      - 4U7FOC is the callsign that Robert, S53R will be using  during this
         weekend's FOC Marathon.  He operates from the  United Nations World
         Food Programme's  club  station (4U0WFP)  in  Rome, Italy.  QSL via
         S57DX. The Marathon ( runs from  21 UTC on 3
         February until 21 UTC on the 5th; it is open  to FOC members  only,
         who "would prefer not to be called by non-members".
JA     - Look for Take, JI3DST to be active as JI3DST/5  from Shodo (AS-200)
         on  11-14 February.  QSL  via  home  call, bureau  preferred.  [TNX]
P4     - John, W2GD will  be  active  again as  P40W from  Aruba (SA-036) on
         12-20 February, especially  during  the  ARRL DX CW Contest  (18-19
         February). Outside the contest expect some activity on 160, 30, 17
         and 12 metres as time permits. QSL via LoTW or direct to N2MM.
PJ2    - Joeke, PA0VDV  will  be  active as  PJ2/PA0VDV  [425DXN 1341]  from
         Curacao (SA-099) from 1 March to 1 April.  He will operate CW only.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX PA0VDV]
PJ7    - Forthcoming  activities  from  Sint Maarten (NA-105)  include PJ7AA
         from 15 February  to 18 March (SSB and CW on 80-10 metres;  QSL via
         LoTW, Club Log's OQRS or direct to AA9A), and  PJ7/OH2IS  on  17-25
         February (mainly CW on 80-10 metres;  QSL via  Club Log's OQRS  and
TI     - Gerry, W1VE will be active  holiday  style as  TI7/W1VE from  Costa
         Rica on 4-11 February.  He will operate mainly CW on  40-10 metres,
         and possibly 80m.  QSL via  LoTW or  direct to  home call. [TNX The
         Daily DX]
UA     - A team of five (R6LGT, R6MG, RX3F,  RZ3K, RZ5D and UA3EDQ)  will be
         active  as RI0Z  from  Beringa, one  of the  Komandorskiye  Islands
         (AS-039), on 5-13 July.  A side trip to Mednyy Island is also being
         planned.   Bookmark  for  more  information   and
V4     - Look for  Bryan, V4/N8WD and  Tom, V4/K4ZGB to  be active  with the
         "Buddies  in  the  Caribbean  Veterans  DXpedition"  to  St.  Kitts
         (NA-104) on 14-20 February.  QSL via home calls;  V4/N8WD will also
         upload his log to LoTW and eQSL. [TNX DX World]
YB     - YB9HKM, YB9IUS, YB9JIN and YB9KA will operate special event station
         YB9K from Lombok Island (OC-150)  on 16-19 February for  the annual
         Bau Nyale  Festival.  Expect activity on 40, 20,  15 and  10 metres
         SSB. QSL via HA3JB (direct);  Indonesian amateurs can QSL  to ORARI
         Daerah Nusa Tenggara Barat.
ZC4    - Bob, 5B4AGN (G3ZEM) and Steve, G3VMW are active as ZC4A from the UK
         Sovereign  Base Areas  on  Cyprus for  the next coming days.  While
         waiting for the licence to be issued, Bob operated as ZC4ZM between
         14.25 UTC on 2 February until 09.28 UTC on the 3rd.  QSL both calls
         via  M0URX's  OQRS ( and  LoTW, logsearch  also
         available on Club Log. Traditional cards should be sent direct only
         to Tim Beaumont, P.O. Box 17, Kenilworth, CV8 1SF, United Kingdom.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CLUB LOG & IOTA ---> "I  have  made  Club Log's  first IOTA  feature  live",
Michael G7VJR announced on  27 January.  "The Call Tester is now  capable of
identifying IOTA islands (groups and island names),  with time frames,  maps
of the locations and comments added by the  RSGB IOTA team to  help with any
ambiguities".  Please  note  that  "none  of the  research  for  these  IOTA
definitions  originated  in  Club  Log", and  that "the  only  way  an  IOTA
definition will be added  is  when  the  IOTA Validation Team choose  to  do

CLUB LOG'S MOST WANTED LIST ---> The latest Most Wanted List,  generated  on
31 January, is available at  The
information is derived  from  QSOs  uploaded  to  Club  Log  (currently  407
million log entries available for analysis) and, to  improve  quality,  only
QSOs that have QSLs confirmed are  considered to be worked.  The most wanted
charts are rebuilt once per month, on average.

E51PT ---> After being  QRT since 1984,  Pia Taraeka ("Papa Pia"), E51PT  is
back on the air from  Manihiki (OC-014), North  Cook Islands "thanks  to the
generosity of members of the Western Washington DX Club".  He can operate CW
and SSB on 80-10 metres "running 100 watts into an all band dipole". QSL via
N7BX, direct only (no LoTW). [TNX The Daily DX]

INDEXA NEWSLETTER ---> The  Winter  2017  edition  of the  International  DX
Association's  Newsletter  (INDEXA)  is  now  available   for  download   at This issue contains the story of  CY9C (St.
Paul Island 2016). [TNX K8YC]

IOTA DINNER ---> The 22nd Annual  Islands On The Air (IOTA) Dinner  will  be
held on 21 April at the  Visalia Conference Center in  conjunction with  the
68th International DX Convention. As the IOTA Dinner is not included  in the
main Convention registration, there will be a separate  registration and fee
for it. See  or  contact  Will,
WC6DX (wc6dx[@] for information. [TNX WC6DX]

V63DX ---> Sho, JA7HMZ  has  cancelled  his  17-24  February  [425DXN  1341]
operation from Pohnpei, Micronesia.  He was expected to be QRV as  V63DX and
V6A during the ARRL DX CW Contest. [TNX NG3K]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       NI5DX       EP2C        EA5GL       SN0WFF      SP5C
3B8HC       NI5DX       EP4HR       I2MQP       SU1SK       SM5AQD
3B8IK       N4GNR       FG4KH       F1DUZ       SU9JG       EA5GL
3V8CB       LX1NO       FR4NT       F4DXW       SV9BAI      SV9AHZ
3V8ST       LX1NO       GB1LBC      M6ENP       T32TV       KE5EE
3W1T        RW6HS       GB5LBC      G4USW       TC4LOVE     TA3X
4J3J        RW6HS       H2017PFO    5B4AIE      TC5OCK      TA5FA
4K6AG       RW6HS       H44MS       DL2GAC      TL8TT       I2YSB
4K6N        RW6HS       HC1MD       K8LJG       TM14AAW     F8DVD
4L1MA       ON4RU       HH2/N3BNA   KA2AEV      TM1A        F6KOP
4L2M        EA7FTR      HI1UD       W2CCW       TM2D        F5KHP
4V1TL       W3HNK       HK1R        K6IPM       TM5G        F8TRL
4X0B        4X6ZM       IK2SGL/OA8  IK2AQZ      TM5OTT      F4SGU
5R8AL       G3SWH       J68DH       VA3EGG      TM6M        F4DXW
5R8IC       F6ICX       J73BEE      K2BEE       TM8CIL      F4ARJ
5R8XB       ON8XB       J79USA      N4USA       TO7D        F6ITD
6W1SU       M0URX       J79XBI      SM5DJZ      TR8CA       F6CBC
7V7V        UA4WHX      JG8NQJ/JD1  JA8CJY  [d] TT8FC       EA3GWK
7X5NZ       EA7FTR      JG8NQJ/JD1  JG8NQJ  [b] TU5MH       DJ5BWD
7Z1JA       KE5JA       JW2US       LA2US       UN7FW       UA9AB
8P5A        NN1N        JY9FC       E73Y        UP28UA      DL8KAC
8P9PR       W7PR        KH2L        W3HNK       UP28UAS     DL8KAC
9G1SD       AB0GC       KP2M        NZ4DX       UP28UBA     DL8KAC
9H3KZ       G2BKZ       LX7I        LX2A        UP28UCL     DL8KAC
9M4LI       9W2NDQ      LZ235SIR    LZ1KCP      UP28UCS     DL8KAC
A25SL       N4GNR       MT0IXD      M0OXO       UP28UFR     DL8KAC
A35CS       WB2CM       MX0SNB      M1GEO       UP28UFS     DL8KAC
A35NN       JJ2VLY      NP2J        K8RF        UP28UIH     DL8KAC
A35W        JJ2VLY      NP2X        K5WW        UP28UNC     DL8KAC
A65CZ       K6EID       NP4A        W3HNK       UP28USB     DL8KAC
A65DC       IZ8CLM      OA0MP       OA4O        UP28USJ     DL8KAC
B1Z         EA7FTR      OD5PY       KU9C        UP28USS     DL8KAC
C6AGU       HA7RY       OH0R        OH2PM       UP28UST     DL8KAC
CI1AAA      KC1CWF      OH0Z        W0MM        V31AE       EB7DX
CM7OA       W3HNK       OY1OF       M0URX       VE100VIMY/VE4 N7RO
CN2AA       UA2FM       OZ100DVI    OZ1IVA      VE100VIMY/VE5 N7RO
CN2CO       UA2FM       P33W        UA3DX       VK5CE/3     VK5CE
CN8ZG       EA7FTR      P4/N3DXX    AA7V        VK8AV       R9XC
CO2JD       AD4Z        P40AA       DL4MM       VK8NSB      M0URX
CO6LC       IZ1GDB      P40XX       AA7V        VQ9HF       W3HF
CO8LY       EA7ADH      PE65TER     PC7T        VY0ERC      M0OXO
CP4BT       DJ2BW       PG400TH     PA3ETC      VY2ZM       EA7HBC
CS2C        OK1RF       PH17ANT     PA0RDY      XP5T        OZ0J
CT7AEQ      LZ1WR       PJ2ND       K8ND        XT2AGI      M0OXO
DF0WRTC     DJ9MH       PJ2T        W3HNK       YC3VI       YB3MM
DP1POL      DL1ZBO      PR2GU       PY2DS       YE0C        YB0OKR
DU1DL       DK2DJ       PZ5W        N0AT        YE1K        EA5GL
DU7DRU      JG1GWL      R1336FO     R2FBO       YJ0FM       JI2UAY
E51DWC      OK1DWC      R1547M      RK3AW       Z34LOVE     Z37RSM
E51PT       N7BX        R680FBO     R2FBO       Z60A        OH2BH
EA9EU       EA5KB       R75PWO      RV3YR       ZC4A        M0URX
EA9KB       EA7FTR      R870M       RK3AW       ZC4ZM       M0URX
EF6T        EA3AIR      RI1AND      RW1AI       ZF2BJ       K0BJ
EI0R        EI6FR       S01WS       EA2JG       ZF9CW       K5GO

7W0A      Ben Lagha, 18 rue Louis Aragon, 26200 Montelimar, France
9W2NDQ    Nazari Samsudin, 35A Jalan Halaman 3, Taman Halaman, 68000 Ampang,
          Selangor, Malaysia
CN2JF     Jean-Pierre Francois, 5 Lieu dit Les Treilleys, 33240 Verac,
DJ5BWD    Brigitte Weis-Dittko, Ammerbaumweg 44, 44357 Dortmund, Germany
DL8KAC    Vlad Engel, Dorfstrasse 11A, 51766 Engelskirchen, Germany
EA5GL     Pedro Miguel Ronda Monsell, C/ Maximiliano Thous 16-24,
          46009 Valencia, Spain
FY5KE     Jacques Mazzoni, 678 route de l'Egalite, 74290 Talloires Montmin,
GB2OL     Ed Holt, Ashwell, St. Ola, Kirkwall, KW15 1SX, United Kingdom
I2YSB     Silvano Borsa, Viale Capettini 1, 27036 Mortara PV, Italy
JA8CJY    Susumu Sanada, 5-17 Shinei 5-Jo 4-Chome, Kiyota-ku, Sapporo-shi,
          Hokkaido, 004-0835, Japan
JJ2VLY    Mihoko Sakurai, P.O. Box 1, Suyama, Susono-shi, Shizuoka-ken,
          410-1299, Japan
K8LJG     John Kroll, 3528 Craig Drive, Flint MI 48506, USA
N4USA     FAIRS, P.O. Box 179, Floyd VA 24091, USA
N7BX      Melanie R. Bishop, 881 414 White Birch Lane, Williston VT 05495,
PY2DS     Murilo Rogerio Rodrigues, Caixa Postal 487, Itu - SP, 13300-970,
R2FBO     Dmitry A. Ivanov, ul. Lipovskaya d. 7, pos. Lipovka,
          Chernyakhovsky r-n, Kaliningradskaya obl., 238151, Russia
S21SM     Syed Ibrahim Khandker, Taitoniekantie 9 E 311, FI-40740 Jyvaskyla,
VB7150    Barry Johnson, 272 Newdale Court, North Vancouver, BC V7N 3H1,
VK5CE     Craig Edwards, PO Box 2160, Goolwa SA 5214, Australia
W2CCW     Charles C. Weber Jr, 240 Montclair Rd South, Barnegat NJ 08005,
W3HF      Stephen Melachrinos, 2020 Allison Circle, Collegeville PA 19426,
YB9/F5LIT Emmanuel Gidon, 2 Chemin des Longs Champs, 50480 Blosville, France
ZT1T      Tom Morgan, 58 Piet Retief Street, Robertson, 6705, South Africa


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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