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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   14.05.17 21:29l 266 Lines 16551 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1358
Subj: 425 DX News #1358
Sent: 170514/1919Z 45322@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.13

13 May 2017                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1358
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9A     - A team of eight operators will be active as  9A17B from  the island
         of Veli Brijun (EU-110), National  Park  Brijuni on 19-21 May.  QSL
         via 9A2MF. [TNX DX Newsletter]
9L     - Silvano, I2YSB and the Italian DXpedition Team have announced  that
         they will  be  active  again  from  Sherbro Island (AF-056), Sierra
         Leone  in  mid-March 2018.  This time  their callsign will be 9L1T;
         plans  to  operate  CW, SSB and  RTTY on the  HF bands  with  three
         stations. Further information is expected  in due course.  A band &
         mode survey can be found at [TNX IK7JWY]
BY     - BD4TS and BI4SCC will  be  active  as  B5/BD4TS and  B5/BI4SCC from
         Dongfu Shan Island (AS-137) on 13-15 May.  Plans are to operate  CW
         and SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via home calls. [TNX BA4TB]
E3     - While the 19-29 May E31A operation from Asmara will be conducted as
         scheduled [425DXN 1356], the E39DI activity from  IOTA group AF-038
         has been  postponed.  "Our  E3 DXpedition Team  will  go to  Dahlak
         Archipelago as planned", JA1NRH  reports, "but the stay there  will
         be shortened due to a strong suggestion by the Eritrean Government.
         Hence,  very  unfortunately, we  may not  have  sufficient time  to
         operate from there this time. Instead we will do research on how we
         can operate next time, most  probably  in  the  fall  of this year,
         studying the terrain, facilities  available,  accessibility and  so
         on. We also hope the condition will become better in the autumn".
FG     - Reiner, DL2AAZ will be active as FG/DL2AAZ from Guadeloupe (NA-102)
         from 22 May to 7 June.  He will operate CW and SSB on 30-10 metres.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DX World]
G      - For the tenth year  in a row, and  possibly for  the last time, the
         Cray  Valley Radio Society will  be active  as  GB6MW from  Meopham
         Windmill  on  13-14 May  for  the  Mills  On The Air  weekend  (see QSL via G4DFI. [TNX M0MCV]
I      - ARI Treviso is active as IO3ALP until 14 May for the  90th national
         Reunion  of  the  Italian Army's Alpine troops.  All  QSOs  will be
         confirmed automatically via the bureau; direct cards via Club Log's
         OQRS only.
JD1_mt - Take, JG8NQJ expects to be back to the weather  station  on  Minami
         Torishima (OC-073)  for two months starting on 17 May.  He operates
         CW  and RTTY  as  JG8NQJ/JD1  in  his  spare  time.  QSL via JA8CJY
         (direct) or JG8NQJ (bureau).
PA     - Tonny, PD1TV and Henri, PA4HM will be  active as  PH00GEVEEN during
         the  annual  "Wings and Wheels"  event which  is held  at Hoogeveen
         Airfield between 21 May and 6 June. QSL via bureau; direct cards to
SM     - The Gotlands Radioklubb (SK1BL) on Gotland Island (EU-020) will use
         special callsigns 7S1GRK and SK70BL until 31 December  to celebrate
         its 70th anniversary.  See for  the award
         programme. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau.
S0     - An Algerian team  (7X2DF, 7X2OR, 7X2RO, 7X2UV, 7X2ZZ and 7X5FG) has
         been active  (SSB, CW and digital modes) as  S07X from  Bir Lehlou,
         Western Sahara since  11 May and  will remain there  until 14 or 15
         May. QSL direct to the address published on
S2     - Jun, JH4RHF (OE1ZKC) expects to  be active  as  S21ZBD  from Dhaka,
         Bangladesh on 14-17 May. He will operate CW on 40-10 metres in  his
         spare time. QSL via OE1ZKC. [TNX The Daily DX]
SP     - Special  event  station  HF79TG  will  be active  on  11-23 May  to
         commemorate the 79th anniversary of Tadeusz Gora's  record-breaking
         flight on a glider. Gora was the first recipient of  the Lilienthal
         Gliding Medal awarded  by  the  Federation Aeronautique Internatio-
         nale. QSL via SP5PPK.
T2     - T2R will be back on the air from Funafuti, Tuvalu (OC-015) on 23-29
         May, CQ WW  WPX CW Contest included. John, KK7L "will be continuing
         the club outreach and education efforts by  introducing government,
         Red Cross, and  others  to  HF digital modes for  inter-island  and
         around-the-world  communications".  QSL via N7SMI,  Club Log's OQRS
         and LoTW. See for more information.
TA     - TA1BX, TA2ABC, TA2AWM and TA2DX will be active as TC0M from Kefken
         Island (AS-159) on 19-21 May. QSL via operator's instructions.
TJ     - Dan, AA9WO is now resident in Yaounde, Cameroon with an NGO and has
         been active as TJ3PD  since 11 May.  He is QRV  "when time, weather
         and mains permit". QSL via LOTW "as soon as approved".
TN     - Ken, LA7GIA will be active  as  TN5E from  Brazzaville, Republic of
         The Congo  from 25 May to 4 June.  He will be QRV on  80-10 metres,
         plus possibly 6m.  QSL via M0OXO's OQRS and LoTW; traditional cards
         direct only to M0OXO. Logsearch on Club Log.
VU7    - Pai, VU2PAI "has a family situation that prevents him  from joining
         the operation at Bangaram", W4VKU  reported  a  few days ago.  This
         means that VU7KP [425DXN 1356] will not be active on CW.  The dates
         for this  holiday  style  operation  from  the  Lakshadweep Islands
         (AS-011) are 15-19 May. The log will be uploaded  to  Club Log  and

IOTA TOUR ---> Ric DL2VFR (SD7V), Klaus DL7UXG (SD3G)  and  Klaus DL2YBG (he
might receive a Swedish callsign) will  operate  CW and SSB from  three IOTA
groups in Sweden between  20 and 27 May.  QSL via home calls.  Their planned
itinerary is as follows:
20-21 May  SD7V, SD3G/7, SM7/DL2YBG   Oland (EU-037)
22-24 May  SD7V/5 SD3G/5, SM5/DL2YBG  Vaggo (EU-177)  their main QTH will be
           a campsite in  Ekon Nature Reserve (SMFF-0366), with at least one
           trip to the island during daylight
25-27 May  SD7V, SD3G/7, SM7/DL2YBG   Tjurko (EU-138)

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3Y0Z: BOUVET 2018 ---> "We have found an  alternate  vessel that  eliminates
the repositioning costs and at the  same  time adds  additional  margins  of
safety for our team", the Bouvet Island DXpedition team (3Y0Z)  announced on
5 May.  "Our departure  will  be  approximately  mid-January, 2018, possibly
sailing to  Bouvet  from  King George Island.  We expect 9-11 day voyage  to
Bouvet.  When the weather allows, we will land on the island by  helicopter.
Our first priority will be  to inspect  the terrain,  select a site clear of
crevasses and establish our shelters stocked  with emergency supplies.  Once
secured, we will bring the rest of our equipment  ashore  and commence radio
operations as soon as possible.  We expect to be  at Bouvet for 21 days, and
allowing for weather, hope to be on  the air  for 14-16 days".  You can read
the  full  story  in  Press Release #5 on the  News and Updates  page on the
DXpedition's  website (  "This is likely the  most
expensive DXpedition ever attempted and the operating team has committed  to
fund up to 50% of the costs.  We are hopeful the DX community  will fund the
remainder. You may follow our planning  progress and  see our  fund-raisings
results on our website".

announced that Midway and Kure Islands had been placed on  the list of  DXCC
deleted  entities  [425DXN 1353].  "The stated reason for this action",  the
ARRL reported on  11 May,  "was because of  changes  in  the  administration
resulting from changes in Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument", which
includes Midway and Kure.  "After further review it has  been found that the
deletion of these  two entities  is not supported by  the changes that  were
made to the relevant administrations. Therefore, the deletions from the DXCC
list should not have occurred and the  two entities,  Midway Island KH4  and
Kure Island KH7K, will return  to the DXCC list  as separate  entities". See

"NEW" BARC ADMITTED  TO  IARU MEMBERSHIP ---> The  member-societies  of  the
International Amateur  Radio Union  have  approved a proposal to  admit  the
Belize  Amateur  Radio  Club (, a new  representative of  the
Radio  amateurs  of  Belize,  to  IARU membership.  Belize  previously   was
represented in the IARU by another organization  of the same name.  Once the
IARU Administrative Council  determined that  this  earlier organization  no
longer existed, IARU Region 2 accepted  an application  for membership  from
the new BARC and confirmed that  it satisfied the  requirements of the  IARU
Constitution  and  Bylaws.  The officers  of  BARC are  Emil Rodriguez V31ER
(President), Dr. Andre T. Scholz V31DL (Vice President and IARU Liaison) and
Steven Harp V31SH (Secretary). There are now 167 IARU member-societies in as
many countries and separate territories. [TNX IARU Region 2]

QSL RP72 ---> The QSL routes and locations for the  170 RP72  stations  that
participated  in  the  "Pobeda 72" Memorial  (5-9 May) [425DXN 1357]  can be
found at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B9FR       M0OXO       EV72GA      EV6C        RP72L       R1AX
3E1FD       HP1RCP      EV72K       EW8BQ       RP72M       RD5C
3V8CB       LX1NO       EV72M       EW2M        RP72ML      RQ7L
3W3B        E21EIC      FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      RP72NR      R7AO
3W9DQ       DF7DQ       GB0GLS      MI0WWB      RP72O       R2EA
3W9FU       RM0F        HF0HERTZ    SP5PPA      RP72P       RK9LWA
3Z0R        SP9SX       HF100HRW    SP3PGS      RP72PW      RX7K
3Z0YL       SP9SX       HF150GMZ    SP2ZAO      RP72RD      RQ6M
3Z200T      SP9KLF      HF23BSC     SQ6DGB      RP72S       RV3LZ
4O7AB       UA3AB       HF50KR      SP9PRR      RP72SF      UA9JSF
4O7CC       UA4CC       HF80MD      SP3PWL      RP72T       R2PT
4X/KL7SB    NI5DX       HG0WFF      HA0HW       RP72TG      UA9APA
4Z69DZ      4Z1DZ       HP3SS       AC2OV       RP72TP      RU3PA
4Z69MU      4Z5MU       JD1BMH      JD1BMH [b]  RP72VL      RM6J
4Z69NB      4Z1NB       JD1BMH      JG7PSJ [d]  RP72W       RN3OG
5R8SV       G3SWH       JW2US       LA2US       RP72WW      UA1F
7X5KBS      2E0SDV      LX/ON4WRC   ON4ON       RP72X       R9XC
7X5QB       EA7FTR      LY17PM      LY2KM       S79J        LZ1PJ
8J1RL       8J1RL [b]   LZ105PBP    LZ1ZF       SG3TXF/1    G3TXF
8J1RL       JG2MLI [d]  LZ395SG     LZ1KCP      SN0BEM      SP5KVW
8J60JARE    8J60JARE [b]LZ72ZZ      LZ1ZF       SN100F      SP5CGN
8J60JARE    JG2MLI  [d] MJ/PA1AW    PA1AW       T88DX       JI3DLI
8Q7EJ       G3VDB       MJ/PA3EWP   PA1AW       TI5/N3KS    W4FS
8T4I        VU2MLQ      MJ/PA9JO    PA1AW       TM100AEG    F1UMO
9H3IT       IK4ALM      MJ/PB5X     PA1AW       TM10ISS     F4KIS
9J2BO       G3TEV       OD5QB       YO3FRI      TM4RMC      F8KGS
9M8RC       9W8KIF      OD5YA       EA5GL       TM50SNSM    F4GPB
9Q6AL       DF9TA       OF2IPA      OH4MDY      TM53IMW     F6KSU
A52AEF      JH3AEF      OH0CO       SM6CCO      TM62ISS     F5INJ
A52IVU      JA3IVU      OJ0W        OH3WS       TM65EU      F4ELK
A71HD       IU2DZD      OU0POLIO    OZ1ACB      TM72REF     F6KFI
AM8TRV      EA8URA      P43K        RW6HS       TM81HSG     F8DZU
CN2YM       DL3YM       PA125V      PA0FAV      UF3A        RA3R
CS2POPE     CS5ARL      PF38T       PA7HPH      UP72BM      RW6HS
CT7ANG      G0MMI       PJ2ND       K8ND        UP72SA      RW6HS
D44TWO      M0OXO       R150S       R2DX        V31JQ       HR2J
DU1IST      JA1HGY      R1712M      RK3AW       V31OK       VO1OK
DU9/SP5APW  SP5APW      R870C       RK3AW       VP2ETE      W3HNK
E51BAS      AD7MM       RP72AF      R6CS        VP9/CX3AN   EB7DX
E51DLD      W6HB        RP72AO      RZ5D        VP9/CX4CR   EB7DX
E51LYC      VE3LYC      RP72AZ      RC9A        VU4YC       W5UE
EG1DCC      EA1COW      RP72B       UA3ZV       WP3C        W3HNK
EG1MAR      EA1UVR      RP72FP      RU3SD       WP3E        NP4EG
EH7EUR      EA7NL       RP72GF      RA3TYL      WP3R        W3HNK
EM62REU     UZ1RR       RP72GY      R7PL        XV9OK       JG6PWT
EM90UDK     UT7UJ       RP72I       RW4HB       XV9VPR      7M2VPR
EN31U       US0UX       RP72IP      RA4L        XW1IC       E21EIC
EN60D       UZ5DX       RP72IZ      UB4W        YO13IPA     YO3AS
EO0UD       UR7UT       RP72K       RT3W        YT72AV      YU1JF
EO72U       UT5UUV      RP72KF      RW4NW       YU72LP      YT5M
ES0GP       ES5GP       RP72KG      UA6WL       Z68BB       S53BB
EV5AGB      EU1EU       RP72KR      K2PF [d]    Z68BG       HB9TSW
EV72F       EW3W        RP72KR      RU6K [b]    ZS8Z        ZS1LS

4O7CW    Sergey Belikov, Filipa Kovacevica 31 ulaz 2 stan 22, 85 310 Budva,
9W8KIF   Keith Kong, 32 Taman Liong Seng, 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
AO8EU    Federacion Digital EA, Apartado Postal 3050, 08200 Sabadell
        (Barcelona), Spain
EN105N   Valentin V. Prashchuk, P.O. Box 6212, Vinnycja, 21012, Ukraine
G3TEV    M.J. Mills Shepton, 3 Tylers Way, Chalford Hill, Stroud, GL6 8ND,
         United Kingdom
JG2MLI   Yath Yoshikawa, Johoku 1-63-2, Nishi-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken,
         451-0023, Japan
JG7PSJ   Hiroyuki Kawanobe, 1-4-1 Mikamine, Taihaku-ku, Sendai-shi,
         Miyagi-ken, 982-0826, Japan
JT5MA    Saulius Zalnerauskas, P.d. 1081, Kauno 42-asis pst., LT-49005
         Kaunas, Lithuania
OZ30EU   Svend Erik Kofod, Kanegaardsvej 4, 3700 Roenne, Denmark
PY0NY    Janio de Souza Godoi, Rua Bom Jesus da Penha 659 BL 47 Ap. 1103,
         Santa Terezinha, Belo Horizonte - MG, 31365-190, Brazil
RM0F     Yuri Burykh, P.O. Box 12, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-23, 693023, Russia
S07X     Ben Lagha, 18 rue Louis Aragon, 26200 Montelimar, France
VE3LYC   Cezar Trifu, 4986 Bath Rd., Bath, ON K0H 1G0, Canada
YV50ARV  Esteban Romagni, 263 Cross Point CV, Collierville TN 38017 USA


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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