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UT1HZM > DX       02.06.17 22:30l 201 Lines 12731 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1361
Subj: 425 DX News #1361
Sent: 170602/2106Z 45612@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.13

3 June 2017                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1361
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3B7    - Seb, F5UFX and  other  seven operators (F2DX, F4BKV, F4FET,  F4HAU,
         F5CWU, F5PTM and F6AGM/FM5CD) will be active from the Saint Brandon
         Islands (AF-015) for two weeks in April 2018. They will operate CW,
         SSB and RTTY  on  160-6 metres  with  seven stations  (one for 6m).
         Bookmark for  more  information  and
5T     - The Czech DXpedition Team (OK1BOA, OK1CRM,  OK1FCJ,  OK1GK,  OK2ZA,
         OK2ZI and OK6DJ) and guest operators 5T0JL and 5T2AI will be active
         as 5T5OK from  Mauritania  between  16 and 28 September.  They will
         operate CW, SSB and digital modes  on  160-10 metres.  QSL via Club
         Log's OQRS, LoTW and eQSL;  traditional cards via OK6DJ  (direct or
         bureau).   See  for  further  information  and
         QSLling policy.
C6     - C6ACC  (QSL via K8CC and LoTW),  C6ALY (QSL via K6KLY),  C6ATA (QSL
         via K2KW and LoTW) will be active from  FL15wc on  Eleuthera Island
         (NA-001), Bahamas on 7-16 June.  Main activity will be  on 50, 144,
         220, 432 and 1296 MHz, but they will also operate  on the HF bands.
         [TNX NG3K]
DL     - Stefan, DF8HS will be active from  Fehmarn Island (EU-128)  from 16
         June to 1 July. QSL via bureau. [TNX]
DL     - A team  of  seven  operators (DD2HZ, DJ7AO,  DJ7RK,  DK3KH, DL3HBZ,
         DL6HBQ  and DL9HDA) will  be  active  as DL0DFF  from  Hallig Hooge
         (EU-042) on 22-24 June. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes
         on 80-10 metres and 2m.  QSL via DL3HBZ (direct or bureau); OQRS on
         Club Log. [TNX]
EL     - In  collaboration  with  the  Liberian Radio Amateur Association, a
         team consisting  of  Richmond EL2BG,  Dickson EL2DT,  Jeremy EI5GM,
         Dave EI9FBB and  Col MM0NDX  will  be  active  as  5L3BI (requested
         callsign)  from  Baiyah Island  (AF-111, new one for IOTA)  [425DXN
         1360]  in  early  November.  The tentative  dates  are  around  1-4
         November, but "time on the island will  be limited  and  definitely
         weather dependent".  They will operate CW and SSB  using  verticals
         and amplifiers.  The  log will be uploaded  to  Club Log after  the
         activity.  QSL  via M0OXO's OQRS (direct  or  bureau);  traditional
         requests go to  M0OXO  direct only.  Bookmark
         for updates and information on how to support the DXpedition.  [TNX
F      - For the 66th year the Association des Radioamateurs  de  la  Sarthe
         (F6KFI) will operate a special event station for the  24  Hours  of
         Le Mans. Look for TM24H  on  4-18 June, with activity  on all bands
         and modes. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau.
         [TNX F8REF]
FO     - TX5JF is the callsign that Jean-Pierre, F6CTF is using from French
         Polynesia until early August [425DXN 1359].  His  plans  are to be
         QRV on 80-10 metres  with  a  focus on 40m, and to operate  "fixed
         from Tahiti  and /mm from  around  the archipelago".  QSL via eQSL
         or direct to F6CTF.
HI     - Didier, F5PLR  will  be  active  as  HI9/F5PLR  from  Las Terrenas,
         Dominican Republic (NA-096) between  6 June and 4 July.  He will be
         QRV on 30, 20 and 15 metres. [TNX Les Nouvelles DX]
I      - Launched in 1904, the 'Elettra' was a two-masted steam  yacht  that
         Guglielmo  Marconi  used  as  a  floating  laboratory   for    many
         experiments. Part of her  keel  stands  in  the  grounds  of  Villa
         Griffone, at Pontecchio near Bologna, from where ARI  Fidenza  will
         be active as IQ4FE during the Museum Ships  Weekend  on  3-4  June.
         QSL via bureau to IQ4FE. Other Italian station participating in the
         event include II1MTN and II0SOM.
I      - IK7WDS, IW7DMH, IZ0BTV, IZ7AUH, IZ7LDC,  IZ7QSS and IZ8EGM will  be
         active as IL7P  from  Pedagna Grande (EU-091) on  28-30 July.  They
         will be QRV with two stations, one for the IOTA Contest and one for
         the non-contest  bands (6m included).  QSL via  Club Log's OQRS, or
         via IZ8EGM (direct or bureau). [TNX IZ8EGM]
KL     - Nobu,  JA0JHQ  (  will  be   active   as
         AH0C/KL7 from near Anchorage, Alaska  on 17-19 June.  Main activity
         will be on 160, 80, 40 and 20  metres  during  the  All Asian DX CW
         Contest (17-18 June).  QSL via JA0JHQ, bureau or direct,  and LoTW;
         logsearch on Club Log.
KL     - Mikhail, VE7ACN will  be  active  as  AL3/VE7ACN from  Hinchinbrook
         Island (NA-042) on 9-15 August, and as NL6/VE7ACN from Kayak Island
         (NA-157) on 18-28 August.  He  will  be QRV on  40-10 metres (maybe
         also 160  and 80m).  QSL via  Club Log's OQRS  (preferred), or  via
         VE7ACN (direct or bureau); he will  also upload  his  logs to LoTW.
         See for more information.
OY     - Bill, K2HVN will be  active  as  OY/K2HVN  from  the  Faroe Islands
         (EU-018) on 13-26 June.  He will operate  CW and some SSB  on 40-10
         metres. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
PJ7    - Look for PJ7/K9UK, PJ7/KK9N, PJ7/W9AEB, PJ7/W9KXQ to be active from
         Sint Maarten (NA-105) on 14-28 June.  They will operate CW, SSB and
         digital modes on 80-10 metres  with  two stations.  A third station
         will be used by PJ7/W9DR on 6m. QSL via home calls. [TNX NG3K]
SM     - SA7AZQ, SA7DNA and SM5VFE are active as 7S9AT from Haradskar Island
        (EU-177) until 5 June.  Look for them on the  HF bands and 6 metres.
         QSL via SA7AZQ, direct or bureau. [TNX]
T8     - Ryosei, JH0IXE will be active  again as  T8CW from  Koror (OC-009),
         Palau on 9-18 June.  He plans  to operate  CW, SSB, RTTY, JT65  and
         PSK31 on 80-6 metres.  QSL via JA0FOX (bureau) or  JH0IXE (direct),
         LoTW and eQSL. Logsearch on [TNX DX World]
V4     - Rich, KE1B and Anna, W6NN will be  active  as  V4/KE1B and  V4/W6NN
         from Nevis (NA-104) from 30 June to 9 July.  They will operate  all
         modes on  40-6 metres.  QSL via home calls  (direct or bureau)  and
         LoTW; logsearch and OQRS on Club Log.
V4     - Once again John, W5JON will  be  active  as  V47JA  from  St. Kitts
         (NA-104) from  12 July to 5 August.  He will operate SSB  on  160-6
         metres  (60m included),  with  planned  activity  during  the  IOTA
         Contest. QSL via W5JON (direct only) and LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
VK     - Plans are for Andy, VK5MAV [425DXN 1359] to  leave Mackay  around 8
         UTC on 9 June and  reach  the  Whitsundays Islands (OC-160)  a  few
         hours later: "there I hope to persuade the skipper  to throw me  to
         an island to stay overnight on  the  beach  and  work on air", Andy
         says.  If he  is  QRV  from  OC-160, he  will be  signing  VK5MAV/4
         indicatively between the UTC midday and the UTC early evening  of 9
         June. He is expected to arrive at  Marion Reef (OC-267) in the  UTC
         evening of 10 June, and to remain  there  and be  active  as VK9MAV
         until the UTC  morning  of 16 June.  On his way  back to Mackay  he
         might operate again from OC-160 for a few hours on 17 June. QSL via
         Club Log's OQRS; traditional cards should be sent to VK5MAV (direct
         only) or RN3RQ (bureau). Andy will be able  to  upload his logs  to
         Club Log on 18 June at the earliest.
VK9M   - DL3DXX, LB8DC, N7QT,  N9ADG,  SM1ALH, SM5AQD, SM5GLC  and  possibly
         other two  operators  will  be  active as VK9MA  from  Mellish Reef
         (OC-072) [425DXN 1343] on 3-16 November.  They will operate CW, SSB
         and RTTY on 160-10 metres  with five stations.  QSL via  Club Log's
         OQRS (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL;  traditional  requests  via
         N7QT (direct or bureau).  The website for  the DXpedition is  under
         construction at
W      - Harry, W1HMM will be active from  Monhegan Island (NA-137) on  9-11
         June.  He  will  operate  QRP on  40 and 20 metres SSB  and digital
         modes, with "other bands  possible  depending on propagation".  QSL
         via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CQ DX MARATHON ---> The  CQ  DX  Marathon  is  a  year-long  DX  hunt,  with
participants competing to see who can work the greatest number of  countries
("entities") and CQ zones during the calendar year. Complete results of  the
2016 edition are on

MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND ---> Organized by the  Battleship  New  Jersey  Amateur
Radio Station (NJ2BB), this year's Museum Ships Weekend will  be  held  from
00.00 UTC on 3 June until 23.59 UTC on the 4th. Information  on  the  event,
including the relevant certificate and the listing of  participating  ships,
can be found at

W4DXCC ---> Sponsored by the SouthEastern DX  and  Contesting  Organization,
Inc. (SEDCO), the 13th W4 DX and Contest Convention  will  be  held  at  the
MainStay Suites Conference  Center  in  Pigeon  Forge,  Tennessee  on  22-23
September. Registration is now opean and complete details can  be  found  at [TNX K4SV]

+ SILENT KEY + Floyd Gerald, N5FG passed away  on  25 May.  Born in 1944  and
licensed since 1972, he was  an  accomplished DXer  and the holder  of  many
operating  awards, including  DXCC  Honor Roll #1,  9BDXCC  and  5BWAZ  (200
Zones).  He  served  in  the  ARRL DX Advisory Committee  (2009-11), as  the
manager of the ARRL W5  Incoming  QSL Bureau (1998-2002) and  as the  CQ WAZ
Award Manager  (2004-2014).  He  was also a Pilot station for several  major
DXpeditions, notably BQ9P (Pratas Island 2003), PZ5A (Suriname 2003),  ST0RY
(Sudan  2003),  TO4E   (Europa  2003),  VK9CD (Cocos-Keeling  2003),   VK9XW
(Christmas  Island 2003),  FT5GA (Glorioso  2009),  ST0R (South Sudan 2011),
EP6T (AS-166, Iran 2015) and most recently S21ZED & S21ZEE (March 2017).


QSLs received direct or  through  managers:  3B8MM,  3XY3D (AF-051),  5A1AL,
5U5R, 5U5U, 6V1IS/p (AF-045), 6W2SC, 9G5X, 9Q6BB, A52IVU,  A5A, AH2P,  C6APY
(NA-054),  CE0Y/LU9VEA,  DU1UD/8  (OC-119),  E51WL (OC-082), EA9/DJ6TF, EA9/
DL7UFN, EK/RZ3DJ, HH2AA,  J5B, J5UAP,  J5W,  KH2BY,  LU1ZI,  S01WS,  S21ZED,
S21ZEE, S79Z, T88XG, T88XH, TY2BP, UK9AA,  V31JZ,  VP5/VE7ACN,  VP6EU,  XR5M
(SA-061), XX9D, YB9KA (OC-150), ZP4KFX.


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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