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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   09.06.17 20:38l 268 Lines 16080 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1362
Subj: 425 DX News #1362
Sent: 170609/1829Z 45681@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.13

10 June 2017                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1362
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4J     - Alex, 4J3DJ is active  again as  4JF1EU until 25 June.  The special
         callsign celebrates the  Formula 1 Grand Prix that  for the  second
         year will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan on 23-25 June.  QSL direct
         to  Alexander Y. Frolov,  P.O. Box 38,  Volgograd,  400066, Russia.
         Logsearch on Club Log.
4O     - The new dates for IK5WWA's activity from Utjeha, Montenegro [425DXN
         1353] are from 31 July to 8 August. He will operate SSB as 4O7GD on
         80-6 metres, possibly  also on 2m.  QSL  via  home call, direct  or
         bureau. [TNX IK5WWA]
CT8    - Ralph, DL9MWG will be active from Sao  Miguel (EU-003), Azores from
         17 June to 1 July. He will operate mainly CW on  80-10 metres.  QSL
         via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX]
DU     - DU1UD/8's operation from Jolo (OC-119) [425DXN 1361]  "is suspended
         until further notice", Dindo reported on 5 June. He is still on the
         island,  but  "communications  security  being implemented  is very
         strict" and amateur  radio  activity  "is not recommended" for  the
         time being. If and when the situation improves, he says, "I am very
         much willing and ready and capable to be back on air". [TNX M0OXO]
HB0    - Look for HB0/SP2FUD, HB0/SP2GCJ and HB0/SP9FIH  to be  active  from
         Liechtenstein on 11-24 June.  They will operate  CW, SSB, RTTY  and
         PSK on 40-6 metres with three stations.  QSL via Club Log. [TNX The
         Daily DX]
I      - ARI Fidenza  is  celebrating  its 45th  anniversary  until 30 June.
         See for  information on  the award
         programme for contacts  made  with  IQ4FE and  ARI Fidenza members.
         [TNX IK4CIE]
I      - Radio Club Tigullio (IQ1TG)  will  operate  special  event  station
         II1AND on 8-11 June for  the  50th edition  of  the  Hans Christian
         Andersen Award and the  20th Andersen Festival  in  Sestri Levante.
         [TNX IZ1GJH]
I      - The callsigns  for  the  28-30 July  activity  from  Pedagna Grande
         (EU-091) [425DXN 1361] will  be  IO7TA  (for the IOTA Contest)  and
         IL7P (outside the contest). QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or  via IZ8EGM
         (direct or bureau). [TNX IK2RLS]
OX     - Bo, OZ1DJJ ( will  be
         active again as OX3LX from Tasiilaq Island (NA-151) on  12-26 June.
         He will be QRV on 6 and 4 metres, "and some HF too".  This is not a
         DXpedition and Bo  operates  in his  spare time,  typically "around
         lunch and after dinner". QSL via OZ0J (new QSL manager), Club Log's
         OQRS and LoTW. [TNX DX World]
SV     - Dave, GM0LVI will be active holiday style as SV8/GM0LVI/p from  the
         island of Zakynthos (EU-052) from 16 June to 6 July, and again from
         31 August  to  19 September.  He will operate QRP.  QSL via GM0LVI,
         direct or bureau. [TNX]
T8     - Look  for  T88FM (JM1LIG),  T88HY (JL1HYH),  T88MK (JO3LVG),  T88NC
         (JI6NCY), T88RR (JA6UBY) and T88VV (JH6DUL) to be active from Koror
         (OC-009), Palau on 16-23 June.  They will operate CW, SSB and  RTTY
         on the HF bands and 6 metres. QSL via home calls, direct only.
TK     - IZ5CMI and IW5ELA will be active holiday style from  Calvi, Corsica
         (EU-014) on 18-24 June.  They  will  operate as TK/IZ5CMI on  40-10
         metres SSB and CW. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
V6     - Hid JA3KGF (V63GF),  Tosy JA3FGJ (V63GJ),  Sanny JJ3CIG (V63SS) and
         Mami JP3AYQ (V63YL) now expect to  be  active  as  V6J from  Mwokil
         Island (OC-226) [425DXN 1357] on 24-29 June.  They will operate CW,
         SSB, RTTY, PSK and JT65 on 40-15 metres.  While on Pohnpei (OC-010)
         they will be using their personal V6 callsigns.  QSL V6J via JP3AYQ
         (direct only, or via  Club Log's OQRS),  QSL others via  home call.
         [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VK     - Owing  to  reasons  beyond  his  control, Andy VK5MAV  has  had  to
         postpone his DXpedition to  Marion Reef (OC-267) [425DXN 1361]  for
         one week. The new dates for VK9MAV  are 17-23 June, with  hopefully
         two  brief  activities  as  VK5MAV/4 from one  of  the  Whitsundays
         Islands (OC-160) on  16 and 24 June  (5-6 hours each time, probably
         on 40m CW only). QSL via Club Log's OQRS; traditional cards should
         be sent to VK5MAV (direct only) or RN3RQ (bureau).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The May 2017 issue is now available  for  download

DAYTON PHOTO GALLERY ---> The Dayton  Hamvention  2017  Photo  Gallery  (385
pictures) can be  found  at  The  Dayton
Photo Galleries start in 1997 and contain a total of 5285 photos.  They  are
all searchable from the HamGallery homepage. [TNX K8CX]

IRAQI KURDISTAN ---> Potentially a new  DXCC Entity is on  the horizon.  "If
you follow the Intrepid-DX Group",  Paul Ewing (N6PSE)  posted  to  his blog
( on 9 June, "you know that  we  visited Erbil,
the capital of  Iraqi Kurdistan  in  April 2010  and  conducted  the  YI9PSE
Since that time, we have maintained  our  relationship  with  the  Kurdistan
Regional Government (KRG) and have  followed  their plans  for independence.
The KRG has welcomed us to return for additional amateur radio activities.
On June 7, 2017, KRG President Massoud Barzani announced following a meeting
of the Kurdish political parties that the Iraqi Kurdish region will hold  an
independence  referendum  on  September 25th, 2017 as  the  first major step
towards independence.
The Intrepid-DX Group will continue to follow developments  from the  KRG as
they move  towards  independence.  If  they  declare  independence  and  all
conditions are in place for UN acceptance, we will again hope to join forces
with  our  friends  the  Tifariti  Gang   (  and  activate
Kurdistan together just as we joined teams to activate  the new  Republic of
South Sudan in 2011. 
You can follow our progress at http://www.Intrepid-DX.Com or on our Facebook

ZA/IK7JWX ---> Alfredo, IK7JWX reports  that the  10-20 June  activity  from
Sazan Island (EU-169) [425DXN 1357]  has been  cancelled  owing  to a family
health problem.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B9FR       M0OXO       ET3AA       N2OO        R125NP      R5EO
3G3AA       CE3AA       F/ON6JUN/p  ON5SD       R1380M      RK3AW
3V8SS       LX1NO       FK8CE       NI5DX       R15JLA      UA9JLL
3W3B        E21EIC      FK8GX       W3HNK       RA80SP      RN3FY
3Z1K        SP1KRF      GB1HMB      M0XDX       RC80SP      RN3FY
4J3J        RW6HS       GB1LR       G1XRJ       RI1ANO      RN1ON
4K6AG       RW6HS       GB6GEO      G3VOF       RI1C/P      RW1F
4K6N        RW6HS       GS8VL       GM4FDM      RJ80SP      RN3FY
4KF0NE      4K4K        HB0/GM4UYE  M0OXO       RK90DR      R9XC
4KF1BAKU    4J6RO       HB600NVF    HB9JOE      RM80SP      RN3FY
4M1K        OH0XX       HC7AE       EA7FTR      RQ80SP      RN3FY
4M4C        YV4YC       HF0HERTZ    SP5PPA      RW80SP      RN3FY
4U1WB       KK4HD       HF0WFF      SP5ZIM      RX80SP      RN3FY
4X/KL7SB    NI5DX       HF100LZ     SP4FIY      RY80SP      RN3FY
4X0B        4X6ZM       HF26DN      SP9MOA      S5100PAX    S59DKR
4X1VF       K1FJ        HF30PSMK    SP7KMX      S5130GM     S55X
4X6TT       N4GNR       HF30Q       SP9ZHR      SA6G/7      SM6CUK
4X7R        4X6OM       HF800RC     SK9KJU      SC90SM      SC90SM  [b]
5B4AJC      UA3DX       HF90GLI     SP9PDF      SC90SM      SM5ELV  [d]
5H3WA       SM0HPL      HF90GOT     SP9PZU      SD7SUB      SM7EYO
5T2AI       NI5DX       HF90ROP     SP9PKM      SL8SUB      SM6DQR
5W1SA       JA1DXA      HF90SOT     SP9PNB      SN0DMY      SP1PMY
7S5A        SM4DDS      HG14HST     HA2NA       SN0MBF      SP8YWK
7S9AT       SA7AZQ      HI3MRV      EA5GL       SN0WFF      SP5C
8J60JARE    8J60JARE [b]HK1R        K6IPM       SN16MPS     SP1PMY
8J60JARE    JG2MLI  [d] HK3C        NR6M        SP660K      SP4PKM
8P5A        NN1N        HP1RN       IZ8CLM      SP9YFF      SP9WAN
9A4MX       DJ2MX       HP3SS       AC2OV       SX1T        SV1ENG
9A8GHJ      OE7GHJ      HV0A        IK0FVC      T2R         N7SMI
9H3XG       JA1XGI      II0COTA     IZ4SUC      T40A        CO8ZZ
9H5G        M0OXO       II0SOM      IZ0GZW      T88WH       7K1HLJ
9J2BO       G3TEV       II1MTN      IK8XVA      T88WI       JH1BGH
9M8K        JR3WXA      II3WW       IQ3BM       T88WJ       JS3LSQ
9Q6AL       DF9TA       II9P        IT9CHU      TE8DX       TI2CDA
9V1YC       W5UE        IQ6CC       IZ4SUC      TG9ADM      EA5GL
A61FJ       LZ1YE       IQ6WG       IZ4SUC      TI5W        W4FS
A61SM       A61BK       IY5PIS      IW5AOT      TM100AEG    F1UMO
A62A        A61BK       IY7M        IZ7XNB      TM11ARP     F4HRA
A65CA       RV6AJJ      J48GEO      SZ8LSV      TM1ISS      F4HTN
A71AM       M0OXO       JT5DX       JT1CO       TM24H       F6KFI
A75GT       N4GNR       K1USN       K1RV        TM2FLO      F6KPQ
AH2R        JH7QXJ      K4D         K5TEN       TM4Q        F4SGU
AP2TN       DJ9ZB       KH2L        W3HNK       TM5BBC      F5UOW
B1Z         EA7FTR      LX7I        LX2A        TM5FI       F5XX
C6ATA       NN7AZ       LY17PM      LY2KM       TM62ISS     F5INJ
CB3R        CE3KHZ      LZ121SBS    LZ1KCP      TM77M       F5MUX
CI2LI       VY2LI       NH0J        JJ2VLY      TX5JF       F6CTF
CN8KD       EA5XX       NH7A        F5VHJ       TY2BP       IK2IQD
CO6LC       IZ1GDB      NP2J        K8RF        TY2CD       N4GNR
CP4BT       DJ2BW       NP4A        W3HNK       UN0OA       RW6HS
CR6K        CT1ILT      NP4R        NR6M        UN3M        EA7FTR
CT9/R7KW    K2PF        OA4SS       KB6J        UN7AB       DL8KAC
CW4MAX      EA5GL       OD5TX       W4JS        UN7TE       RW6HS
CX6DZ       EA5GL       OD5VB       EA5GL       UN9L        LZ1YE
CX9AU       EA5GL       OD5YA       EA5GL       UP0L        DL8KAC
DF0WRTC     DJ9MH       OF0Z        W0MM        UP2L        UA9AB
DL60CAS     DL5DCW      OF8WW       OH8GDU      V31OC       KC2HOC
DM1517L     DL5AWI      OG25YL      OH2YL       V31YB       N4GNR
DU2/JA1PBV  JA1PBV      OG73X       OH8L        V44KAI      W5TFW
E29AU       E21IZC      OH0/SK3SN   SM3KIF      VB3E        VE3AT
E2X         E20GMY      OH0X        OH2TA       VC2W        VA2WA
E77A        9A2AA       OH8SSAB     OH8DR       VC3T        VE3DZ
ED5O        EA5URS      OH8X        OH2UA       VP2EC       N5AU
EF2A        EA2OT       OJ0JR       OH3JR       VP2ETE      W3HNK
EF5F        EA5FBD      OJ0W        OH3WS       VP2VGG      W6RWC
EH1RDC      EA1IQM      OM65X       OM5XX       VP5M        K4QPL
EH5SUB      EA5GVJ      ON1418GMA   ON4WLR      WP3C        W3HNK
EH8FDC      EA8URA      ON1418KNH   ON6KNH      WP3R        W3HNK
EI11WAW     EI6AL       ON650PEER   ON4AST      XF2L        XE1SOV
EI22WAW     EI6AL       OP0PPY      ON7LX       XK150YUKON  KC1CWF
EI33WAW     EI6AL       OR95RCBE    ON4GDV      XO1X        KC1CWF
EI44WAW     EI6AL       P33W        UA3DX       XV9NPS      JA2NPS [b]
EI55WAW     EI6AL       P40W        N2MM        XV9NPS      JA2ODB [d]
EI66WAW     EI6AL       P44X        DO4MX       YE1K        EA5GL
EI77WAW     EI6AL       PH10VCW     PA1FP       YE1R        HA3JB
EI88WAW     EI6AL       PI40BOZ     PD3JAG      YW4D        YV1DIG
EI99WAW     EI6AL       PJ2T        W3HNK       Z310ID      Z32ID
EM25B       UT1BC       PR2F        PY2NDX      Z61KR/P     9A1R
EM3WFF      UT4WA       PR5W        PY5FB       Z68BB       S53BB
EM500L      UR6LLC      PS2T        K3IRV       ZA/OG1N     OH2TA
EM90A       UT7AT       PW2D        M0OXO       ZB2TT       M0URX
EM90UDK     UT7UJ       R100K       RA1OD       ZF2DO       N5DO
EP2LSH      EA5GL       R110A       RU3WR       ZL4IR       W8WC
ER3WFF      ER3GS       R112MS      RQ7L        ZS6CCY      K3IRV

5T0ITU   Jean J. Lewuillon, Avenue E. Verhaeren 110/1, 1030 Bruxelles,
7Y0A     Ben Lagha, 18 rue Louis Aragon, 26200 Montelimar, France
9V1KK    Keiji Tamura, 3-7-6 Izumi-dai, Ichihara-shi, Chiba-ken,
         299-0114, Japan
EA5GL    Pedro Miguel Ronda Monsell, C/ Maximiliano Thous 16-24, 
         46009 Valencia, Spain
JA1PBV   Sadao Ito, 3-8-12 Baraki, Ishioka-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 315-0042, Japan
JJ2VLY   Mihoko Sakurai, P.O. Box 1, Suyama, Susono-shi, Shizuoka-ken,
         410-1299, Japan
N4GNR    Dan Cisson, 12 Hancock Drive, Toccoa GA 30577, USA
RW6HS    Vasiliy M. Kasyanenko, P.O. Box 8, g. Novopavlovsk,
         Stavropolskiy kr., 357300, Russia
SZ1A     Radio Amateur Association of West Greece, P.O. Box 84,
         301 00 Agrinio, Greece
TI2CDA   Charlie Azofeifa, 8115 N.W. 74 Ave, CRBOX 50605262,
         Miami FL 33166, USA
TZ4PR    Andre Burgermeister, 260 rue du Luminet, 91690 Guillerval, France
VX7150   Doug Pichette, 401-333 Martin Street, Penticton, BC V2A 5K7, Canada
W3HNK    Joseph Arcure Jr., P.O. Box 68, Dallastown PA 17313, USA
WH6R     Eran Agmon, 1157 Honokahua St.,Honolulu HI 96825, USA
XE1SOV   Ricardo R. Orozco Campos, Plazuela del Refugio 1429,
         Col. Plazas Amalucan, 72310 Puebla PUE, Mexico
YV50ARV  Esteban Romagni, 263 Cross Point CV, Collierville TN 38017 USA
ZM1A     Jacky Calvo, P.O. Box 88, Waihi Beach 3642, New Zealand
ZM2B     Frank Hunt, 8 Manu Crescent, Upper Vogeltown, New Plymouth 4310,
         New Zealand
ZM4T     Holger Hannemann, 262 Waimarama Heights, RD 12, Havelock North
         4294, New Zealand


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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