UT1HZM > DXNEWS 25.10.14 10:32l 410 Lines 25768 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1225
Subj: 425 DX News #1225
Sent: 141024/1704Z @:UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU #:31337 BPQ1.4.60
25 October 2014 A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 1225
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
4O - Ark, UA4CC is active as 4O7CC from Montenegro until 1 November, CQ
WW DX SSB Contest included. He operates CW, SSB and RTTY on 80-6
metres. QSL via UA4CC direct or bureau, and LoTW; logsearch on
Club Log. [TNX UA4CC]
5R - Once again Eric, F6ICX will be active as 5R8IC from Sainte-Marie
Island (AF-090) from 3 November to 12 December. He will operate
mainly CW, with some RTTY, BPSK and SSB on 40-10 metres. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau, and LoTW. Logsearch and OQRS on Club
9M2 - The 9M2SE Team (http://9m2se.blogspot.com) will be active from
Pangkor Island (AS-072) on 7-9 November. They will operate CW and
SSB on 40-10 metres with two stations. QSL direct to 9M2RDX. [TNX
9N - Toshi, JA8BMK will be active again as 9N7BM from Kathmandu, Nepal
between 31 October and 20 November. He will focus on 160 and 80
metres. QSL via JA8BMK. [TNX DX World]
EI - Alex, SQ9UM and Peter, SQ9DIQ are active as EI/SQ9UM and EI/SQ9DIE
from Ireland until 27 October. QSL via home calls. They will
participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as EI1Y with the Papa Lima
EP - "Nearly three years of negotiations and a reconnaissance trip by
Patrick ON4HIL to Tehran finally resulted in obtaining a legal
license to operate with a team of ten people for fourteens days",
DX-World.net reports. The team, including operators from Belgium,
The Netherlands and Greece, will be active as EP6T (requested
callsign) from Kish Island (AS-166), Iran around the last two
weeks of January 2015. They plan to have four or five stations QRV
24/7 on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. Further information is
expected in due course.
FG - Special callsign TO10RR will be in use from Guadeloupe (NA-102) on
2-16 November for the 10th Route du Rhum, the 3000-mile
single-handed transatlantic yacht race between St-Malo (France)
and Pointe-a-Pitre (Guadeloupe). QSL via FG8NY, direct only.
FO/A - Wayne, KK6BT will be active as TX5W from Raivavae (OC-114),
Austral Islands on 5-11 January 2015. He will operate SSB only on
40-10 metres "with a primary objective to work as many amateurs in
Central and Northern Europe as possible". Further information is
expected in due course. [TNX KK6BT]
I - "Strong winds destroyed almost all antennas at the IO9Y Contest
Team station on Lampedusa", Dan S50U reported on 23 October. The
Multi-Multi participation in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest has been
cancelled, and there will be "only sporadic operation" by low
power stations signing IG9/homecall. The team will return home
when the ferry service is resumed.
I - IQ8HP will be active on all bands and modes on 1-9 November to
celebrate the 40th anniversary of ARI Vibo Valentia. QSL via
IW8PQ, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ8IYX]
I - Special event station IY1EY will be active from 1 November to 31
December from Loano (www.ariloano.it) to commemorate the
experiments conducted by Gugliemo Marconi from his yacht 'Elettra'
in the Ligurian Sea between 1919 and 1936. Expect activity on all
bands CW and SSB. QSL via IK1QBT. [TNX IK1QBT]
J6 - Gerd, DL7VOG (www.dl7vog.de) will be active as J6/DL7VOG from St.
Lucia (NA-108) from 8 November to 5 December, including entries in
the WAE DX RTTY (8-9 November) and CQ WW DX CW contests. He will
be QRV on 160-6 metres mainly CW and RTTY. QSL via home call,
bureau or direct (OQRS for both options on Club Log). [TNX DL7VOG]
JA - JS6ROO and JI3DST will be active on 40-6 metres as JS6ROO/5 (all
modes) JI3DST/5 (CW and SSB) and JS6RRR/5 (RTTY and FM) from Shodo
Island (AS-200) on 1-3 November. QSL via home calls, bureau
preferred; OQRS on Club Log. [TNX JI3DST]
KH8 - Mike, N9NS and several other operators will be active as W1AW/KH8
from American Samoa on 2-14 November for the ARRL Centennial QSO
Party. They plan to be active on 160-10 metres from two locations
on Tutuila Island (OC-045). [TNX The Daily DX]
KP1 - On 22 October the KP1-5 Project [425DXN 1218] reported that the
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has notified that they will be the
team to activate Navassa Island (NA-098) in January 2015. The
DXpedition will be a maximum of fourteen days; exact dates will be
determined by USFWS mission requirements and weather windows. A
large group of experienced operators (AA7JV, HA7RY, K0IR, K4UEE,
will be active as K1N. "For safety reasons and in order to
maximize our time on the island and on the air", they say, "a
helicopter operation is planned. Navassa is over 100 miles (160
km) from the nearest helicopter staging point and as many as ten
round trips will be required at the beginning and end of the
operation. Obviously, this means that there will be a significant
cost for activating this #1 ranked DXCC Entity. The team has
committed to fund 50% of the total costs. We are hopeful the DX
community at large will fund the remainder". Check http://kp1.us/
for more details, updates and information on how you may
financially support this DXpedition. [TNX W0GJ]
OE - Celebrating United Nations Day, members of the Vienna International
Amateur Radio Club (4U1VIC) will be active as 4U2U on 24-31
October. QSL via bureau or direct to 4U1VIC.
OK - The Czech Radio Club will operate special event station OL90OK on
1-15 November to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the first
amateur radio operation within the Czech Republic (former
Czechoslovakia). QSL via bureau and LoTW.
SV - HA5OV, YT7DQ, YU7CM and YZ7ZZ will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB
Contest as SV8/HA5OV from Thassos Island (EU-174). Before and
after the contest, until 29 October, they will be QRV as
SV8/homecall. QSL via home calls. [TNX HA0HW]
VK - To mark the 100th anniversary of the departure of the first convoy
of ships carrying Australian and New Zealand troops (later known
as ANZAC, Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) to World War I,
the Southern Electronics Group (VK6SR) will be active on 160-10
metres as VI6ANZAC from Albany, Western Australia for 24 hours
starting on 16 UTC on 31 October.
VK9L - The VK9DLX team on Lord Howe [425DXN 1220, www.lordhowe2014.org]
will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as VK9LM. This will
be a Multi-Multi entry on all six contest bands. "Especially on
the low bands it may be possible that we will not always find a
running frequency (especially when we have to compete against
European stations)", they say, so "don't be shy to contact us to
ask for a QSY frequency on 160m, 80m or 40m". There will be no CW
operation on the contest bands during the contest, and there will
be no upload to Club Log for the contest log as long as the
official log checking takes place.
VK0M - DX-World.net reports that "unfortunately, due to health issues",
Rod VK6MH "has had to cancel his planned trip to Macquarie
Island". He was expected to be QRV as VK0MH until April 2015
[425DXN 1221].
YV - Celebrating their 25th anniversary, Grupo DX Caracas will be
active as YW6X from the Piritu Islands (SA-090) on 7-9 November.
QSL to W4SO (mail drop).
CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their
participation in this year's event (25-25 October):
04 VC3V SO Canada VE7VR
05 VP9I SOAB LP Bermuda WW3S
07 HO1C M/? Panama HP1CQ
07 HR2WW SOAB LP Honduras KD4POJ
07 TI5M M/S Costa Rica TI2KAC
07 YN5Z SOAB HP Nicaragua K7ZO/LoTW
07 YS1/NP3J SOSB 10m LP El Salvador EA5GL
07 YS1YS SO El Salvador YS1GMV
08 6Y4K MO Jamaica VE3NE/LoTW
08 CO2IR SOSB 20m QRP Cuba CO2IR
08 HI3CC SOSB 160m LP Dominican Republic W2CCW
08 HI3EPR SOSB 20m LP Dominican Republic LoTW
08 J3A Grenada WA1S/LoTW
08 J79L SOSB Dominica SP9FIH
08 J79X SOSB Dominica SP9FIH
08 KH2RU/KP4 SOAB Puerto Rico NP3O
08 KP2M M/M Virgin Isls AI4U
08 NP2P SOAB Virgin Isls LoTW
08 NP4Z M/2 Puerto Rico N4AO
08 PJ7/K5WE SO Sint Maarten K5WE
08 T42R M/S HP Cuba EA7FTR
08 T48K M/? Cuba DK1WI
08 TO5A SOAB Martinique LoTW/F5VHJ
08 V26B M/S Antigua KA2AEV
08 V47JA SOAB St. Kitts W5JON
08 VP5T M/? Caicos Isls WA3RHW/LoTW
08 WP3C SOSB 40m HP Puerto Rico W3HNK
09 9Y4D SOSB 15m LP Trinidad & Tobago 9Y4D/LoTW
09 FY5FY SOSB French Guiana FY5FY
09 FY5KE SOSB French Guiana LoTW
09 HK1NA M/M Colombia K6IPM
09 P40L M/2 Aruba WA3FRP
09 P40NW SO Aruba K9NW
09 P40S M/S Aruba K9QVB
09 P40W SOAB LP Aruba N2MM/LoTW
09 PJ2T M/? Curacao W3HNK/LoTW
09 PJ4S SOSB 10m QRP Bonaire DL1NX
09 PJ4X M/? Bonaire LoTW/W1MD
09 TO1A SOSB French Guiana LotW
09 TO2A SO French Guiana KU9C
10 HC0E M/2 Ecuador HC1JQ
11 PW2D M/? Brazil M0OXO
12 3G1B M/M Chile HA1AG
12 3G3W M/2 Chile XQ4CW
13 LT7H SOAB LP Argentina EA5GL
13 LU8YE M/2 Argentina IK2DUW
14 C37NL M/2 Andorra C37URA
14 CR6K M/S Portugal CT1CJJ
14 EA6/GM0EGI M/2 Balearic Isls
14 ED1R M/2 Spain EC1KR
14 EI1A SO Ireland PA3249/LoTW
14 EI1Y M/? Ireland EI5JQ/LoTW
14 GJ2A M/S Jersey LoTW
14 HB9H M/S Switzerland HB9CXZ
14 HB9OK M/S Switzerland HB9OCR
14 LX7I SO Luxembourg LX2A
14 MD2C SO Isle of Man MD0CCE
14 SI9AM M/? Sweden SM3TIR
14 SJ2W M/S Sweden SM2LIY/LoTW
15 3Z6O Poland SP6NVK/LotW
15 4O3A M/S Montenegro LoTW
15 4O7CC SO Montenegro UA4CC
15 9A1P M/S Croatia 9A2RD
15 E78T SOSB 15M Bosnia & Herzegovina E78T
15 II9K M/2 Sicily IT9HBT
15 IO4W SOSB 15M Italy LotW
15 IR5A M/S Italy IK5AFJ/LotW
15 LY4A M/2 Lithuania LY4A
15 LY7A M/M Lithuania LoTW
15 OH0JFP SOSB 10m Aland Isls OH0JFP
15 OH0YY SOAB Aland Isls OH2YY
15 OH0Z M/S Aland Isls W0MM
15 OH5Z M/S Finland LotW
15 OL4A M/2 Czech Republic OK1DSX
15 TK9R SOAB HP Corsica IK8UND
16 RM3F SOSB 15M Russia (EU) UA3DPX
16 UB7K M/M Russia (EU) UB7K
19 RK0LWW M/S Russia (AS) RK0LWW
20 4X2M SOSB 80m HP Israel 4X4DZ
20 4X7R M/S Israel
20 J42T M/2 Greece LoTW
20 J43TR M/S Greece SV3DCX
20 P3F SOAB HP Cyprus M0URX
20 SV8/HA5OV M/S Greece HA5OV
20 SX9C M/S Crete LoTW
20 TC7V SOAB HP Turkey M0OXO
21 4L0A SOAB HP Georgia EA7FTR/LotW
21 4L8A SOSB 20m Georgia K1BV/LoTW
21 9K2GS SOAB HP Kuwait EA5KB/LoTW
21 9K2HN M/? Kuwait 9K2HN/LoTW
21 A71EM SOAB Qatar EA7FTR
21 A73A M/2 Qatar A71A
24 BH1IOT M/? China BH1IOT
24 BV2A M/S Taiwan BV2A
24 VR2S M/S Hong Kong VR2HKS
24 VR2XAN SOSB 15m HP Hong Kong VR2XAN
24 XX9R M/S Macao EB7DX
25 D70LW M/S Korea DS4NYE/LoTW
26 E2X M/S HP Thailand E20GMY
27 AH0BT M/? Northern Marianas 7L1FPU
27 AH0K M/2 Northern Marianas OH6GDX
27 AH2R M/S Guam JH7QXJ/LoTW
27 NH0DX SOAB LP Northern Marianas JL3RDC
27 NH2DX SOAB 15m HP Guam NH2DX
27 T88HZ SO Palau LoTW/TA1HZ
27 T88WJ SO Palau JS3LSQ
28 4W/K7CO Timor Leste K7CO
28 9M2SE M/S LP West Malaysia 9M2RDX
28 YB0NDT SOSB 40m HP Indonesia YB0NDT/LoTW
28 YC8ROP SOSB 15m LP Indonesia YC8ROP/LoTW
28 YE2C M/2 Indonesia LoTW
28 YF1AR/8 SOAB LP Indonesia N2OO
29 VK9XSP Christmas Island LoTW/SP6IXF
30 VK9LM M/M Lord Howe Island DJ2MX
31 KH6LC SOAB Hawaii LoTW
31 KH7CW M/S Hawaii K2WR
31 TX7G Marquesas Isls N7SMI
31 V73AX Marshall Isls eQSL
32 5W0EF SOSB 10m Samoa W8AEF
32 5W0QQ SOSB 20m Samoa N7CQQ
32 5W0XH SOSB 15m Samoa KD6XH
32 KH8B SOAB HP American Samoa LoTW
32 ZM1A M/? New Zealand LotW
33 CN2AA M/S Morocco UA2FM
33 CN2R M/S Morocco W7EJ
33 CQ3L SOSB 10m Madeira DJ6QT
33 CR3L SOSB 15m Madeira DJ6QT
33 EA8/RA1A SOSB 15m Canary Isls RN3RQ/LoTW
33 ED9K M/2 Ceuta & Melilla EA7LS
33 EF8S SOSB 80m Canary Isls OH2BYS
33 EF8U SOAB LP Canary Isls EA8URE
33 IG9R SOSB Italy (AF) IK8HCG
33 IH9YMC SOSB Italy (AF) eQSL
33 S0S Western Sahara EA2JG
36 ZD8R SOSB Ascension Island OH0XX
36 ZD8W SOSB Ascension Island W6NV
36 ZD8X SOSB Ascension Island OH2KI
39 3B8HA SO Mauritius Island LoTW
39 5R8C Madagascar IK2VUC
39 FR/F4FET SO Reunion F4FET
39 TO0X SOSB HP Mayotte LoTW
40 JW5E M/? Svalbard JW5E
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing maintained
by Bill, NG3K at www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2014.html - good contest to you all!
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
**** GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The September 2014 issue is now available for
download at www.425dxn.org/monthly/index.html. [TNX IZ3EBA]
CQ CONTESTS POLICY ---> On 17 October CQ announced that it would no longer
accept logs for any contest from Crimean stations using Russian-issued
callsigns. However, "in response to requests from a large number of
contesters around the world", on 21 October CQ reconsidered its decision.
"Since the country list for CQ contests is based on a combination of the
Worked All Europe (WAE) and ARRL DXCC lists, and the ARRL has already
adopted a policy regarding Crimean stations in its award and contest
programs, we will amend our policy to be consistent with the ARRL's DXCC
policy. Therefore, the listings of Crimean stations submitting logs for CQ
contests will be based on the call sign under which they have operated. If
they used Russian-issued calls in the contest, they will be listed under
Russia; if they used Ukrainian-issued calls in the contest, they will be
listed under Ukraine. This change reflects not only the desire of many
contesters around the world, but also of a large majority of members of the
CQ World Wide DX Contest Committee".
DXCC NEWS ---> ZS8A (Marion Island 2013-14) has been approved for DXCC
credit. If you have had a card rejected in a recent application, please
contact the ARRL DXCC Desk (dxccadmin[@]arrl.org) to be placed on the list
for an update to your record. [TNX ARRL]
IOTA NEWS: IOTA AND CRIMEA ---> IOTA Management has decided that, given the
unresolved political situation in Crimea, it has no course open to it
except, for a period initially of one year, to freeze certain actions
connected with Crimea that it would normally take in the routine management
of the IOTA programme. This means that it will not accept or issue credit
for EU-180 operations taking place after 17 March 2014 that use a
non-Ukrainian callsign, or accede to any requests from programme
participants for update of their records or changes of callsign and/or
checkpoint that involve a change of DXCC entity. The Committee will review
the situation after one year in the light of developments. IOTA Management
regrets taking this action but it accords with practice adopted elsewhere.
IOTA NEWS: NEW GROUP NUMBERS CONFIRMED ---> Following the receipt of
validation material several new IOTA group numbers have been confirmed with
the result that credits can be given for the operations in brackets: AS-200
(several JA5 stations), AS-201 (TA0/DF8DX), EU-191 (YP0F), NA-247 (PJ7PK)
and OC-294 (VK6ISL). [TNX G3KMA]
IOTA NEWS: WITHDRAWAL OF AN-014 ---> Berkner Island, the sole qualifying
island of AN-014, has been on the IOTA list since the very start of the
IOTA Programme. It was regularly shown on maps as a large island, albeit
covered with a layer of very thick ice, separating the Ronne Ice Shelf from
the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. Some contacts were made by LU1ZX from the old
General Belgrano III Base on the island more than 30 years ago - no more
than a handful are credited on the IOTA database. The remote possibility of
a second operation that might be mounted at huge expense has caused IOTA
Management to review the retention of Berkner Island on the list. In recent
years there have been authentic reports from the scientific community that
Berkner Island is an ice-rise and that no part of the land-mass under it
would be above water if there were no ice. This seems to have gathered
credence with map-makers as the considered view of the scientific
community. Faced with information that confirms that the ice-rise does not
meet IOTA's qualification rules as a valid island IOTA Management have
taken the decision to withdraw AN-014 from the IOTA list with immediate
effect before any further operation takes place. The few existing credits
will be withdrawn no later than 1 January 2015. [TNX G3KMA]
THE P5/K6VVA QUEST ---> "In just a few months will begin Year #9 of my
quest for approval to operate from P5", Rick K6VVA says. "There have been
many, MANY different proposals made to the D.P.R.K. Authorities during the
past 8 Years. Recently, my primary Advocate and Envoy to P5 has left the
NGO to a new position with a different organization not involved with
Humanitarian work in the D.P.R.K. I am pursuing alternative new pathways to
success in this project to be able to fulfill the intended Humanitarian
goal, and the objective to provide an equal opportunity for all DXCC
Program participants in need of ONE CW QSO credit with North Korea". Read
the entire latest update (20 October) at www.k6vva.com/p5 [TNX K6VVA]
W1AW WAS ---> Look for ARRL Centennial stations W1AW/7 from Wyoming and
W1AW/1 from Massachusetts to be on the air starting at 00.00 UTC on 29
October until 23.59 UTC on 4 November. In addition, W1AW/KP2 also will be
active from the US Virgin Islands. Complete information on the ARRL
Centennial QSO Party can be found at www.arrl.org/centennial-qso-party.
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B9EME, 3D2RA, 3D2RA/p, 3D2TR,
3W4DK (AS-132), 4J3DJ, 5E7R, 5H1NE, 9M2MI, 9Y4/AI5P, A25TQ, A35CO, A35TR,
(SA-047), PZ5VB, RI44ANT, S01WS, S21ZBC, UK8IF, UN6GDX, VK5CE/8 (OC-173),
VY0/RK0BWW/p (NA-008, NA-009 and NA-043), WP2/WQ6X, YB4IR/5 (OC-106),
YB4IR/8 (OC-222), YB8RW/p (OC-209), YC9WIC, YF1AR/6 (OC-270),
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly
425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (425...@alice.it)
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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