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UT1HZM > DXNEWS   19.01.18 22:54l 240 Lines 14377 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 425WW1394
Subj: 425 DX News #1394
Sent: 180119/2117Z 48625@UT1HZM.KREM.POL.UKR.EU BPQ6.0.14

20 January 2018                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1394

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

                           >>> 3Y0Z: BOUVET ISLAND <<<

The 3Y0Z Team's original plan was to fly from Punta Arenas (Chile)  to  King
George Island  (South Shetlands),  where  they  expected  to board  the  M/V
Betanzos and begin their voyage to Bouvet [425DXN 1392].
On 13 January, however, the team gathered in Punta Arenas stated that "heavy
sea ice east and north of  King George Island" would make  navigation  "slow
and of increased risk. We will therefore depart from Punta Arenas  and  sail
directly to Bouvet.  This has necessitated  changes to preparations".  On 16
January the team reported  that they were awaiting "final clearance  to sail
which  will be  issued by  the  Chilean Navy,  the regulatory authority  for
maritime safety".
Eventually the M/V Betanzos set sail on  19 January  around  12.30 UTC.  The
team will  be  active  as  3G9A/mm (QSL via N2OO) during  their voyage;  the
sailing time to Bouvet is estimated at 14 days. "Whatever delay we encounter
will not impact our results  on the island",  the team says, and  their  QRT
date will be extended as necessary.

CT8    - Hermann, HB9CRV will be active CU8FN  from  Flores Island (EU-089),
         Azores from 22 January to 16 February. He will operate FT8 on  160-
         10 metres. Hermann and Antonio, CU8AS will participate in the CQ WW
         160 Meter CW Contest as CR2W.  QSL for  CR2W and CU8FN via LoTW, or
         via HB9CRV (direct or bureau). [TNX DX Newsletter]
ET     - Ully, DL9WVM has been active from the  ET3AA club station  in Addis
         Ababa,  Ethiopia  since  11 January,  and will  continue  until  29
         January. He plans to be QRV on  weekdays between 6 and 15 UTC,  and
         operate CW  on  30-15 metres.  QSL via N2OO and LoTW,  OQRS on Club
         Log. [TNX The Daily DX]
H4     - VE3LYC's expedition time schedule [425DXN 1393] has been finalized.
         Cezar, VE3LYC (H4 callsigns TBA) and Bernhard, DL2GAC (H44MS)  will
         be active from Mbanika Island (OC-168, Solomon Islands for DXCC) on
         22-25 April;  they will  operate  CW and SSB  on  40, 30, 20 and 17
         metres with  two stations.  From 29 April to 3 May  Cezar  will  be
         active  from the  Duff Islands (OC-179,  Temotu Province for DXCC).
         "There is a small possibility that following the OC-168 operation I
         may attempt to operate from  Nggela Sule  (Florida Islands, OC-158)
         on 26 and 27 April", Czar says.  "However, under no circumstance  I
         will rush to end the OC-168 operation in  order to squeeze in  some
         activity  from  OC-158".  Bookmark  for
HC     - Rick, NE8Z will be active again from  Ecuador from 20 January to 10
         February. He will operate CW and SSB on  40-6 metres as HC1MD  from
         Tumbaco (Pichincha Province), as HC1MD/HC2 from Punta Blanca (Santa
         Elena Province) and  as HC1MD/HC7 from  Papallacta (Napo Province).
         QSL via LoTW, or direct to K8LJG. [TNX The Daily DX]
HL     - Look for HL23N to be QRV  from  Yonghung Island (AS-105)  on  20-21
         January. Activity will  be  on  80-10 metres  CW, SSB  and  digital
         modes. QSL via HL2UVH. [TNX The Daily DX]
IS0    - Simone, IS0AFM from Cagliari (Sardinia) is using  special  callsign
         IR0FOC through 31 December to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the
         First  Class CW Operators' Club  (  QSL via
         LoTW or direct to IS0AFM.
PY0F   - Rafael, PY2NDX and his son  Joao Pedro, PU2XDX (11 years old)  will
         be active as PY0F/PY2NDX and PU0F/PU2XDX  from  Fernando de Noronha
         (SA-003) from 27 January to 1 February.  Activity will be mostly on
         40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW, SSB and possibly FT8.  QSL via PY2NDX.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
V5     - Rudi, DK7PE ( will  be  active  as  V5/DK7PE
         from near Omarura, Namibia on 24-31 January.  He will focus on  the
         low bands, especially  160 and 60 metres, and  will participate  in
         the CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest. QSL via home call.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

425 DX NEWS  MAGAZINE ---> The  December 2017  issue  is  now  available for
download at [TNX IZ3EBA]

FT8 OPERATING GUIDE ---> Gary,  ZL2IFB  has  published  his  "FT8  Operating
Guide", described as "a collection of pragmatic tips that takes  over  where
the WSJT-X help and installation notes leave off". It is "specifically aimed
at HF DXers":
"It started out as my rough notes as I fumbled around with the new mode", he
Says. "Those grew steadily over the past few months,  absorbing information,
advice and helpful hints from many sources  including  plenty of encouraging
comments on the  web version.  I've peppered it with  screen shots,  quotes,
comments and ideas, and given it a little structure. It's still not entirely
'finished' (partly because the operating techniques and  software are  still
evolving) but I wanted to get it  out there  ahead  of Bouvet, so those  who
intend to have a go  at  working  3Y0Z  on  FT8 have a chance  to  read  and
practice their  skills,  honing  their  techniques  before  the  Main Event.
Feedback welcome, especially corrections and further tips... such as how  we
are going to cope with 3Y0Z's extra wide splits, and wall-to-wall continuous

QSL VIA OM3JW ---> Owing to health issues, OM2SA is no longer  managing  the
QSLing duties for the DXpeditions of Mike, KM9D and Janet, KF4TUG. The Daily
DX reports that now Steve, OM3JW has uploaded to Club Log the logs for their
2007 activities. He has the QSLs for these operations, and can  confirm QSOs
made with:
E51QMA   11-25 May 2007      Suwarrow Atoll (OC-080), North Cook Islands
E51TUG   11-19 May 2007      Suwarrow Atoll (OC-080), North Cook Islands
FW0MO    27 Jul-12 Aug 2007  Nukutapu Island (OC-054), Wallis Islands
FW0YL    27 Jul-07 Aug 2007  Nukutapu Island (OC-054), Wallis Islands
H40MY    08-16 Oct 2007      Tikopia Island (OC-178), Temotu Province
T32MO    15 Jan-3 Feb 2007   Fanning Island (OC-084), East Kiribati

THE K3LP HUMANITARIAN AND SERVICE AWARD ---> "The  Intrepid DX Group  wishes
to memorialize our  friend,  Co-Founder  and President,  David R. Collingham
(K3LP). In recognition of David's humanitarian  work  as well as service  to
mankind, we are creating an  annual 'David R. Collingham - K3LP Humanitarian
and Service Award'.  The purpose of this award is to recognize an individual
or group for their humanitarian or service for the previous year.  The award
presentation  will take  place  at the  International DX Convention held  in
April at Visalia, CA.  To make  a nomination for the award, please  send  an
email  message  to  We will close the  nomination
period on January 31st, 2018". [TNX N6PSE]

+ SILENT KEY +  Neville  Cheadle,  G3NUG  passed  away  unexpectedly  on  14
January.  Licensed since 1959,  he served in  the  RSGB Council,  Management
Committee, HF Committee and IOTA Committee; in 2015 he was made an  Honorary
Life Member of the Chiltern DX Club - The UK DX Foundation, after serving as
Chairman (1994-2001) and President (2001-15). A serious DXer and IOTA chaser
himself, he conducted several IOTA DXpeditions to Malaysia as 9M2/G3NUG, and
led  the  Five Star DXers Association's  9M0C (Spratly Islands, 1998),  D68C
(Comoros, 2001), 3B9C (Rodrigues, 2004), 3B7C (Saint Brandon, 2007) and T32C
(Kiritimati, 2011) DXpeditions.  He also co-authored  "Dxpeditioning. Behind
the Scenes" (2000),  a comprehensive handbook on  planning,  setting up  and
operating a successful DXpedition.  In 2009 he was inducted into  the  CQ DX
Hall of Fame.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       NI5DX       DP1POL      DL1ZBO      OD5VB       EA5GL
3B9FR       M0OXO       DS23BNU/3   DS3BNU      OD5YA       IZ8CLM
3D2JS       WB2TJO      DS23GOO/2   DS2GOO      OR4ESA      DL0ESA
3DA0AY      ZS6AYE      DS23MFC/1   DS1MFC      P29LL       EA7FTR
3G18PAX     XQ4CW       DS23RLZ/1   DS1RLZ      PX2A        PY2VM
4K6N        RW6HS       DU3LA       W3HNK       R110FS      R4AS
4M1K        OH0XX       E31A        JH1AJT      R75URAN     UA4AJD
4S7KKG      DC0KK       E709JAN     E77E        RI1ANC      RN1ON
4S7TNG      JI1SHQ      EA8AH       OH1RY       SN100PW     SP3ZAC
4X0B        4X6ZM       EA9KB       EA7FTR      SN100ZHP    SP5ZIP
5B4AGN      M0URX       EM25URD     UR7UT       SP26FIN     SP2PBM
5B4AHL      M0URX       ET3AA       N2OO        SP26WOSP    SP2PBM
5B4ALG      EC5AC       EX2V        RW6HS       ST60JOTA    ST2M
5B4ALX      IZ4AMS      FG4NN       NI5DX       SU9JG       EA5GL
5B4AMM      UT5UDX      FM1HN       W3HNK       T6TM        W2GR
5K6RM       HK6RM       FM5BH       W3HNK       TC5OCK      TA5FA
5R8SV       G3SWH       FR/F4DNU    F5KDR       TC630MECCA  TA3X
5X2S        JA1PBV      GB2GM       G3UCQ       TM0CXX      F6FMT
6Y6J        JA3AVO      GB8KW       G0UKN       TM390SR     F4DTO
7Q7JW       N6JW        H2X         IZ4AMS      UN9L        LZ1YE
8P5A        HA1AG       H91IT       HP1RCP      V31AX       M0URX
9A61AA      9A2AA       HF100ZHP    SP5ZHH      V31YN       DJ4KW
9H3RR       2E0EDF      HL0WOP      HL2DBP      V53DX       DO4DXA
9M2MRS      PA0RRS      HL23EIL     HL3EIL      V63AKB      JI1MDM
9Q6BB       W3HNK       HP3SS       AC2OV       V63AKB48    JI1MDM
9V1YC       W5UE        HS0ZBS      OE2REL      V73NS       W3HNK
9X2S        JA1PBV      HZ1TT       A61BK       VU2RBQ      DJ9RB
9X9PJ       N4GNR       J69KZ       W3HNK       VY2ZM       EA7HBC
A71DLH      DL0LH       J70VR       DD0VR       XR18PAX     CE3AA
A71OK       EA5GL       J79WTA      HB9MFM      XR3PAX      CE3AA
A91YOZ      A92AA       JW2US       LA2US       XT2AW       M0OXO
C6AJB       KG4LJB      KH6LC       WA6WPG      XW4XR       E21EIC
CN2JB       F5MMY       KL7SB       NI5DX       Z33F        EB7DX
CN8KD       EA5XX       LU/N3BNA    KA2AEV      Z81D        OM3JW
CO6HLP      IZ1DSH      LU1ZAB      LU4DXU      ZA/IK2RLM   IZ2LSP
CO6RD       EA5GL       LZ140LO     LZ1ZF       ZA/IW2JOP   IW2HAJ
CO8LY       EA7ADH      LZ1883PSS   LZ1KCP      ZF2LC       W2SM
CT7ANG      M0OXO       LZ25TRC     LZ1YE       ZF2PG       K8PGJ
CU2DX       CU2AA       NP2X        K5WW        ZL18HNY     ZL1SLO
CV7S        CX7SS       OD5ET       EB7DX       ZP5/N3BNA   KA2AEV
D80MT       DS3EXX      OD5KU       EB7DX       ZS4JAN      EA5GL

7Y0A     Ben Lagha, 18 rue Louis Aragon, 26200 Montelimar, France
8P9NX    Peter Cross, P.O. Box 7200, Rochester MN 55903, USA
DU0DM    Brian Santos, P.O. Box 599, 1000 Manila, Philippines
EA5XX    Julio Volpe O'Neil, Apartado Postal 4062, 03080 Alicante, Spain
EA7ADH   Francisco de la Serna, Apartado Postal 175, 41710 Utrera (Sevilla),
HP1RCP   Radio Club de Panama, Apartado Postal 0819-11334, Panama, Republic
         of Panama
HV5PUL   Luca Della Giovampaola, Via Cremera 11, 00198 Roma RM, Italy
IR0FOC   Simone Santus, Via Stefano Cagna 56, 09126 Cagliari CA, Italy
IZ1DSH   Gherardo Pannoli, Via Dante Alighieri 13, 14035 Grazzano Badoglio
         AT, Italy
JH1AJT   Y. Zorro Miyazawa, P.O. Box 8, Oiso-machi, Naka-Gun, Kanagawa-ken,
         259-0111, Japan
KM1CC    Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club, Cape Cod National Seashore, 99 Marconi
         Site Rd, Wellfleet MA 02667, USA
OA4TT    John Henry, 8345 NW 66 St #B4451, Miami FL 33166, USA
OM3JW    Stefan Horecky, Mlynska 2, 900 31 Stupava, Slovak Republic
OV1CDX   Frank Fendahl, Svinoevej 2, 4750 Lundby, Denmark
OX3XR    Harry de Jong, Broekdijk 59, 7695 TC Bruchterveld, The Netherlands
YJ0CA    Chris Ayres, 3/19-21 Eastern Rd, Turramurra, NSW 2074, Australia


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  (
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


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