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KB8NW  > DX       21.01.18 18:17l 527 Lines 28609 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1348
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1348
Sent: 180121/1714Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:33101 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1348
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1348
BID: $OPDX.1348
January 22, 2018
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written and Sent from Strongsville, Ohio

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, AF1G, N1DG, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX,
N6PSE, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, 9A6AA, CO8ZZ, DL1SBF, DL7UXG &
The DX News Letter,,, DX-World.Net, E21EIC/XW1IC,
EA1HEO, ES1CW, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News,
I2MQP & DX Italia News, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, PY2RMZ, Sixitalia Weekly,
VA3RJ & ICPO and the WIA Website for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 14th/January, through Sunday, 21st/January there were 217
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A,
9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3,
C5, C6, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, DU, E3,
E4, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY,
F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HC, HH, HI,
HK, HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J3, J6, J7, JA, JT, JW, JY, K,
KG4, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK,
OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S0, S5, SM,
SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T2, T5, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TR, TY, TZ,
UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP2M, VP5,
VP8, VP8/h, VP8/o, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ,
YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z3, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

3B7A ST. BRANDON ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS (Press Release #5)[edited]. An
updated most wanted list has been published on Clublog. It now shows Saint
Brandon as the 27th most wanted entity worldwide (#19 NA, #17 SA, #33 AS,
#28 OC, #34 AF, #48 EU). This statistics clearly confirms the relevance
of our DXpedition, we knew the demand to be high more than 10 years after
  Same as with our previous projects, we know a flawless preparation is
the key of the success. We are now working carefully on propagation fore-
cast. Of course our experience of this area is a big advantage, we know
some specifics tips, possible openings, etc. This forecasts will drive
our operations from the first to the very last day, giving priority to
the area with the shortest and most difficult conditions.
  We would like to thanks our pilot team: Bjorn/ON9CFG, Paul/N6PSE,
Javi/LU5FF, Joe/JJ3PRT, and our "chief pilot" Michel/F6AGM (ex-FM5CD).
Please share your experience and all interesting information with your
local pilot during the expedition. We will be in touch with them on a
daily basis thanks to our satellite phone.
  The pilots will NOT have access to the logs! Questions related to your
QSOs should be submitted to our QSL manager through the online form on
our website. Do not expect answer until we are back in France.
  We would like to take advantage of this communication to wish good luck
to our 3Y0Z friends on the way to Bouvet.
  Please keep on supporting our project on our website
<> and follow us on
Facebook <> and =

Twitter <@SaintBrandonDX>

3W, VIETNAM. Charles, W0DLE, will be active as 3W9DLE from Saigon for
90 days between February and April. Activity will be mainly 20 meters
using CW, SSB and FT8, as well as entries in the ARRL International CW
DX Contest (February 17-18th) and Russian DX CW Contest (March 17-18th).
QSL via W0DLE.

3Y0Z BOUVET DXPEDITION NEWS (Press Release #12, dated January 16th).
  Preparation for our departure continues, albeit at a somewhat slower
pace than we had hoped. However, the vessel is now fully fueled and all
our DXpedition gear, food, and medical and survival gear is aboard. And,
you have likely read that team members completed their cold water survival,
CPR, and fire-fighting training.
  Two team leaders and our merchant marine captain team member (W7IV)
have been aboard the vessel. They observed the crew and contractors
working hard to complete their projects.
  We are awaiting final clearance to sail which will be issued by the
Chilean Navy, the regulatory authority for maritime safety.
  We remain confident in our success and are anxiously waiting to get
underway. Whatever delay we encounter will not impact our results on the
  Ralph  -=96 K0IR
  Bob    -- K4UEE
  Erling --  LA6VM

  ADDED NOTE: As of January 19th (around 1240z), the 3Y0Z team is now
  on their way to Bouvet Island aboard the MV Betanzos. The team is
  active as 3G9A/mm (mainly on 40/20m) during their voyage. QSL via
  N2OO. Visit the team's media pages (Twitter, Facebook) as well as
  their Web page <> to see
  pictures and videos of their departure. Remember to also follow their
  almost 2 week voyage by watching the following URL links:
5000291/imo:7310923/vessel:BETANZOS#IrjZAqtjXemvHHQW.99 =

3Y0Z BOUVET DXPEDITION NEWS (Posted on the Web, January 20th): We had an
uneventful traverse of the Straits of Magellan, and are currently just
southeast of the Falkland Islands, making approximately 11 knots. At the
moment, we have fair winds and following seas, and our weather forecast
looks good for the next 12 hours. However, the weather can change quickly
in this part of the world.
  Our team is in good spirits, but one or two are feeling the effects of
moderate seasickness. We have one maritime mobile station active, with
most of our QSOs on 20 and 40m. We are running 100 watts to a Hustler
vertical on the bow of the ship and an OCF dipole hung from the bridge
area. Our transmissions include grid square information. We hope to add
a second station, soon.
   73, Ralph, K0IR

AFRICAN TOUR. Sadao, JA1PBV, is currently active as 9X2S from Kigali,
Rwanda until January 23rd. From there he will travel back to Entebbe,
Uganda, and be active as 5X2S until January 29th, before heading home.
Activity from both places have been on 20/17 meters using CW and FT8.
QSL via JA1PBV or ClubLog's OQRS.

AX, AUSTRALIA (Special Event). The Australian Communications and Media
Authority (ACMA) automatically allows all radio amateurs to substitute
their normal VK callsign prefix with the letters AX, every Australia Day.
Their national day this year falls on Friday 26th of January. This gives
radio amateurs the chance to be part of the commemoration the First Fleet's
arrival in 1788 at Sydney Gove and the establishment of a European settle-
ment at Port Jackson, with the raising of the British flag by Governor
Arthur Phillip. The AX prefix is popular among prefix hunters and others.
The use of a special QSL card is encouraged by the Wireless Institute of
Australia. =

C6, BAHAMAS. Tim, AF1G, is once again active as C6ATH from Andros Island
(NA-001) between January 8, 2018, and until further notice. Tim lives
and works in the Bahamas and expects to be there for a couple of years.
Activity will primarily be on weekends, holidays, and some evenings during
the week. QSL via LoTW or direct. Check out Tim's page under C6ATH on

C6A, THE BAHAMAS. Brian, VE3BWP, is now active as VE3BWP/C6A from Paradise
Island (NA-001) until January 25th. Activity will be on 40/30/20/17/10
meters using SSB, FT8 and PSK31. QSL via his home callsign or LoTW.

C96/C98, MOZAMBIQUE (2 IOTA Op/Update). Members of the Russian Robinson
Club (RRC) will be active as C96RRC (AF-088) and C98RRC (AF-066). Operators
mentioned are Vasily/R7AL, Vasily/RA1ZZ, Al/RZ3K, Vlad/RK8A and Aleksei/ =

RN3BZ. The pilot station will be Victor, UA3AKO. Their tentative schedule
is as follows:
  April 29th-May 3rd - From Mozambique Island (AF-088) as C96RRC
  May 5-9th          - From Inhaca Island (AF-066) as C98RRC

  Activity will be on 40/30/20/17/15/10 meters using CW, SSB and the
Digital modes. QSL via R7AL or ClubLog's OQRS (preferred). ADDED NOTE:
In 2018 the RRC is celebrating their 25th anniversary of "Russian Robinson
Club". They now have a Web page online at: =


CO9, CUBA (Special Event). Radio club station, CO9KAA, from Las Tunas
Province is on the air celebrating the Cuban National Baseball Champion-
ship final play-off where the Las Tunas team is included for the very
first time in their history. Operation started Saturday, January 20th,
and will be on until one champion would be defined in a series of seven
games. Activity will be on CW/SSB, but only on 40 and 20 meters due
antennas availabilities at the radio club's station. Those who work
CO9KAA on both modes will receive a certificate in digital format. The
winner of this match between Las Tunas and Granma will take part in the
Caribbean Series which will be held next February. Visit the Radioa-
ficionados Cubanos Web pages at:

CR2/CT8, AZORES. Hermann, HB9CRV, will be active as CU8FN from Flores
Island (EU-089) between January 22nd and February 16th. Activity will
be on 160-10 meters using mainly FT8. Antonio, CU8AS, will join Hermann
to participate in the CQWW 160 Meter CW Contest (January 26-28th) as
CR2W. QSL CR2W and CU8FN via LoTW, or via HB9CRV, direct or by the

DXCC NEWS (New Criterion for Political Entities). Thanks to "The Daily DX"
for sending out the following report [edited]:
  Starting after the ARRL Board meeting today (January 20, 2018) a new
  DXCC criterion will be added to Section II for Political Entities
  (point 1). Currently there are three criteria for Political Entities.
  If any one of the following three criteria are met the entity qualifies
  as a Political Entity on the DXCC list:

   1) United Nations Member State
   2) Prefix is on ITU callsign prefix block
   3) "The entity contains a permanent population, is administered by a
      local government, and is located at least 800 km from its parent.
      To satisfy the "permanent population" and "administered by a local
      government" criteria of this sub-section, an Entity must be listed
      on either (a) the U.S. Department of State's list of "Dependencies
      and Areas of Special Sovereignty" <
      as having a local "Administrative Center," or (b) the United Nations
      list of "Non-Self-Governing Territories. =

      <>" =

  The new criterion, which goes into effect after the BOD meeting, will be
  if the potential entity is a member society of the IARU =

  <> and is listed on the United
  States Department of State Independent States of the World list
  <>. The Entity must be on both
  lists in order to qualify as a Political Entity. QRX for the exact timing
  that the new rule will go into effect.

ERITREA 2018 DXPEDITION NEWS. Zorro, JH1AJT, and the E31A FGC Radio Team
will continue until 1200z January 22nd. Zorro, JH1AJT, continues to make
plenty of QSOs on FT8. While Dima/RA9USU and Yan/RZ3FW operate on 160
meters.  QSL via JH1AJT.

FM/TO5, MARTINIQUE (NA-107). Albert, F5VHJ, will once again be active as
TO5A from FM5BH's QTH during the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March
3-4th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL with SASE to WA6WPG.
All others by F5VHJ, LoTW and the REF Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to
LoTW. An OQRS will be available via ClubLog.

H7, NICARAGUA. Operators Jim/WB2REM and Mark/WY1G will be active as H7DX
from Granada, Nicaragua, between February 26th and March 6th. Activity
will be on various HF bands using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via WY1G, direct
or ClubLog's OQRS. No other details were provided. Watch or
<> for updates or more details.

H84, PANAMA (Also H7). Operators Mek/SP7VC and Kasia/SQ7OYL will be active
as H84VC from Panama between January 24th and February 4th. Activity will
be on various HF bands (possible 60m) using SSB and FT8. During their
time on Panama, the operators will make a quick trip to Nicaragua between
January 30th and February 3rd, and be active as H7/SP7VC. They will use
an IC-7300 with a PA-500W amp into a vertical for 40-15m and an Inverted-L
for 160/80m. QSL both callsigns via SP7VC, ClubLog or LoTW. For possible
updates, watch or the following URLs:

HELPFUL FT8 OPERATING GUIDE. Gary, ZL2IFB, has written an "FT8 Operating
Guide" to help his fellow HF DXers make good use of the new digi-mode.

IOTA NEWS..............
  AS-105.  By the time you read this, HL23N should be active from Yonghung
           Island until January 21st. Activity is to coincide with the
           Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic Games, South Korea. Operations
           will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes.
           QSL via HL2UVH.

  AS-126.  Operators "Off"/E23CAL, Noi/HS3NBR, Chanachon/HS8GKR, "X"/HS8JCV,
           Boy/HS8GLR, Chana/HS9HK, HS9JZT and Chayakorn/HS9STL will be
           active as HS8JCV/P from Lipe Island between March 29th and
           April 2nd. Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL via HS8JCV.

  EU-038.  Operators Jef/DD2CW and PA3AXC will be active as PA/DD2CW
           (or possibly a special IOTA callsign which has been requested)
           from Texel Island during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 28-29th)
           as a Multi-Op/Mixed-Mode/24-Hrs entry. QSL via ON3UN.

  EU-090.  Members of the Radio Club Croatian Flora Fauna will be active
           as 9A90P (9A ninety P) from the Island of Vela Palagruza
           (CI-084, LH 0057, no 9AFF reference yet) between June 16-23rd.
           Some of the  members will also try to operate under their home
           callsign from neighboring islands: Mala Palagruza (EU-090,
           CI-461) and Galijula Island (EU-090, CI-462, 3NM southeast of
           Palagru=9Ea). Operators mentioned are: Emir/9A6AA, Radovan/9A2SC,
           Boris/9A2GA, Ico/9A2KI, Marijan/9A1MB, Zeljko/9A3DF, Vito/9A3GSV
           and Neven/9A5YY. Activity will be on/near the IOTA frequencies
           on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL 9A90P
           via 9A2MF. For more details and updates, see:

  NA-062.  Howie, K1VSJ, is now active from Key Colony Beach in the
           Florida State (Florida Keys) IOTA Group until February 15th.
           Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via
           K1VSJ, direct or by the Bureau.

  SA-071.  Look for ZW2MT from Montao de Trigo (NEW DIB) to be activated
           sometime in March. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW,
           SSB, RTTY, PSK and FT8. Operators mentioned are Favio/PY2RMZ,
           Marcelo/PY2AE, Billy/PY2LCD, Tonly/PY2DX (OA4DX), Ricardo/PY2VOX
           and PY2XYZ. QSL via PY2RMZ.

  PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <> have
  decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
  operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX
  and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

INTREPID-DX GROUP NEWS (Press Release by Paul, N6PSE, dated January 14th):
The Intrepid-DX Group wishes to memorialize our friend, Co-Founder and
President, David R. Collingham-K3LP.
  In recognition of David's humanitarian work as well as service to man-
kind, we are creating an annual David R. Collingham - K3LP Humanitarian
and Service Award.
  The purpose of this award is to recognize an individual or group for
their humanitarian or service for the previous year. The award presen-
tation will take place at the International DX Convention held in April
at Visalia, CA.
  To make a nomination for the David R. Collingham - K3LP Humanitarian
and Service Award, please send an email message to:
  We will close the nomination period on January 31st, 2018.
   Thank you, =

   Paul S. Ewing-N6PSE
   Vice President The Intrepid-DX Group

JD1, OGASAWARA. Kazu, JD1BNA (ex-JK1FXI), will be active from Hahajima
(Mother) Island (AS-031) between February 2-5th. Activity will be mainly
on 160/80/40 meters using mostly CW. QSL via JL1UTS, direct only.

K3, UNITED STATES (Special Event). Look for the annual "Ground Hog Day
Special Event Station", K3HWJ, to be active on Saturday, February 4th,
around 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (EST) or possibly later, depending upon
band conditions at that time. Suggested frequencies are: 40 meters on
or about 7245 kHz (+/- about 5 kHz) or 20 meters on or about 14340 kHz
(+/- about 5 kHz). 80 meters is a possible "backup", but is not planned
at this time. They will offer a certificate for a "SASE" (self addressed
stamped envelope) and mail it to: Punxsutawney Area Amateur Radio Club,
Groundhog Contact No. ___, P.O. Box 3, Punxsutawney, Pa. 15767. PLEASE
NOTE: Put your contact number in the "___" above. This will help them
a lot to process your certificate. Also, certificates should be all
mailed out within 2-3 weeks. For more details, see:

January 16th). The Dateline DX Association is pleased to announce major
equipment support from Elecraft, DX Engineering, and SteppIR Communi-
cations Systems for its KH1/KH7Z Baker Island 2018 DXpedition.
  For the KH1/KH7Z operation, Elecraft will supply the highly reliable
K3S transceivers and their matching KPA500 amplifiers. These radios are
veterans of several highly successful major DXpeditions and will greatly
aid our goal of many ATNO contacts.
  Our use permit for access to the Baker National Wildlife Refuge restricts
the type and height of antennas we can use for KH1/KH7Z. SteppIR Commun-
ications Systems is working with team member George Wallner, AA7JV, with
antennas that are acceptable to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  Every operation of this size needs a large number of critical equip-
ment items suitable for island operation. DX Engineering has stepped up
to offer those items on an as needed basis. DX Engineering continues to
support major DXpeditions, and is a quality supplier of everything needed
for the Amateur Radio community.
  KH1 is the 4th most wanted entity. Our plans are to bring the KH1 entity
to as many operators, and countries as we can. Support from these equipment
vendors is appreciated and helps us meet our QSO goals. As with any DX-
pedition to the really rare ones, this will be another large budget oper-
ation. The operator team will contribute over 50% of the expected budget
of $400,000. You can help make this DXpedition happen by visiting our
website, and contributing today.
  Thank you in advance for your support.
  The Baker Island 2018 Team

KH6, HAWAII. Toru, JH0CJH, will once again be active as KH6/JH0CJH from
Honolulu (OC-019) between January 21-25th. Activity will be on 40-10
meters using mainly CW with some SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via his
home callsign, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.

NH7, HAWAII. Albert, NH7A/F5VHJ, will be active as NH7A from Keaau during
the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-
Power entry. QSL via F5VHJ, ClubLog's OQRS or LoTW. REF Bureau cards go
to F5VHJ. USA cards via WA6WPG.

OJ0, MARKET REEF. Col, MM0NDX, of, plans to be active as
OJ0/MM0NDX from Market Reef (weather permitting) during June 27-29th.
Possible short activity on June 26th (evening) from Aland Islands as
OH0/MM0NDX. Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL info TBA. Col
mentions there is space on the boat to Market Reef if one or two other
operators would like to join him. Drop an E-mail to:

OR4, BELGIUM. Javier Roldan, EA1HEO, President of the ESOC Radioclub
(DL0ESA), is now activating OR4ESA from the European Space Agency (ESA)
[the Redu Ground Station in Belgium] since January 16th and only until
February 6th. Activity will be limited (after work between 1700-2200z)
on 80/40/20 meters bands using SSB and the Digital modes (mainly PSK31
and RTTY). Taking advantage of his visit to the site while during one
of their 15m dish S-Band antenna refurbishment. Paper QSL via DL0ESA
(by the Bureau or direct). More details and pictures of the activation
can be found at:

PJ2, CURACAO. Jeff, K8ND, continues to be active from Curacao Island
(SA-099, WLOTA LH-0942) at the Signal Point Station (PJ2T) as PJ2ND.
He is expected to be joined by Jim, W8WTS, this week. The two operators
will team up as a Multi-Single entry in the CQWW 160 CW Contest (January
26-28th) as PJ2T. QSL all callsigns via LoTW. For direct cards, QSL
PJ2/K8ND and PJ2ND via K8ND, PJ2/W8WTS via W8WTS and PJ2T via W3HNK.

PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (January 22-28th).......
 Jan/22nd HN      Jan/25th  AN     Jan/27th  AN
 Jan/23rd AN      Jan/26th  AN     Jan/28th  HN
 Jan/24th AN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

  The purpose of this experimental Web site is to provide 24-7-365 actual
  (REALTIME) band condition information to CW QRPp, QRPe and CW/SSB for
  Contesters interested in increasing their scores. It can also be of
  benefit to other Radio Amateurs to determine band conditions for Nets
  and casual QSO's. This information is NOT based on any software pre-
  dictions or any kind of satellite based readings. It is based on a
  new Ionospheric sounding method called "HF Ionospheric Interferometry"
  which operates very similarly to the PolSAR system used by NASA.

  Also, check out the VOACAP predication Web page at:
  A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
      Also on Twitter:

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF  (January 21st) <>
  6Y5SGD via G4SGD (L)        HG5A via HA5KDQ & (L)  SN2WOSP via SP2UUU
  9X2S via JA1PBV             HG7T via HA7TM         SP26WOSP via SP2PBM
  DF0SX via DL1CW             HG8R via HA8JV         TM20SLR via F6KRK (e)
  DQ1IGRY via DQ1IGRY (L/e/N) HG8X via HA8RC         TM2F via F4GTT
  E31A via JH1AJT (d/O)       II4MXW via IQ4FE       UI0L via RW0MM =

  EA8/DK1AX via DK1AX         K4C via KD4CB (d)      YO5/DJ1AA/M via DJ1AA
  EH3DK via EA3ZK             OM/SP5UUD/P via SP5UUD ZW8T via PS8HF (d)
  HA6KNX via HA6NL            P4/S50M via S50M
  HG1Z via HA1XY              RT0C via (RA-B/L/direct to VE7ACN)

  (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (*-B) DX's- Bureau
  (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only  (L) LoTW only    (N) No QSL needed
  (I) No IRC     (P) PayPal


  PIRATE ALERT. Champ, E21EIC/XW1IC, informs OPDX readers that HS/RA4AR
  is pirate. He doesn't have license and is operating illegally in


  H79H, OJ0/UA4WHX, VE7KDU/7 (NA-181), VU2GSM, VU7T, XK150YUKON and
  YC8UTI (OC-209)

  JT5FW, P33W, R1NU/P (EU-147), R71RRC (AS-071), R73SRR, R150S, RI1ANP,
  RI1ANC, RI1ON (EU-066), RK1O/P (EU-161), RM0F (AS-018), RN1CC/P (EU-102),
  (OC-164) and YV5/AC4LN

V5, NAMIBIA. Rudi, DK7PE, will be active as V5/DK7PE from Omarura between
January 24-30th/31st. Activity will have an emphasis on 160 and 60 meters,
including participation in the CQWW 160m CW Contest (January 26-28th).
Rudi states, "You may QSL direct, but please don't send any IRCs for
return postage. I don't need a QSL, so you can use PayPal and send me
the contact details. If the QSO is OK in my log, I'll send you the
confirmation. ?This way may also be used for my older DXpeditions! Please
use <>." Watch his home page for possible

VP2E, ANGUILLA. Jim, WB2REM, will be active as VP2EGO from Anguilla
Island (NA-022) between March 17-24th. Activity will be holiday style
on various HF bands using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via WB2REM, direct, by
the Bureau or ClubLog's OQRS.

VY0, CANADA (Zone 2). Operators Alexey/VE1RUS and Pierre/VE3KTB will
once again activate the Eureka Weather station and Eureka Amateur Radio
Club [probably the most northerly located amateur radio club in the
world] from Eureka, Nunavut (NA-008), as VY0ERC sometime between February
4th and April 1st. Suggested bands are 40 and 20 meters using SSB, the
Digital modes and very slow CW. Activity will be limited to their spare
time. QSL via M0OXO, OQRS or direct.

Z2, ZIMBABWE (Update). Operators Rune/LA7THA, Arne/LA7WCA and Thor/LA9VPA
will be active as Z2LA between March 2-11th. Activity will be holiday
style on various HF bands (160-10m) using CW, SSB and the Digital modes.
QSL via ClubLog's OQRS, M0OXO or his OQRS. Visit their new Web site at:

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