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KB8NW  > DX       25.02.18 18:11l 599 Lines 33663 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : OPDX.1353
Subj: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1353
Sent: 180225/1707Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:36323 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:OPDX.1353
To  : DX@WW

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1353
BID: $OPDX.1353
February 26, 2018
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Sent/Written in Strongsville, Ohio

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, ARRL Letter/Web, NJ1Q & W1AW, AA3B, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily
& The DX News Letter,,, DX-World.Net, E73Y, ES1CW,
F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, G3SWH, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, I2MQP &
DX Italia News, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Pete Rayer & ISWL, Sixitalia
Weekly, SP6DVP, VA3RJ & ICPO, YL2GM, YT3W and Z32ZM for the following
DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 18th/February, through Sunday, 25th/February there were
227 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4O, 4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5T, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A,
9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9U, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A2, A4, A6, A7, A9,
AP, BV, BY, C2, C3, C6, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2,
D4, DL, DU, E4, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET,
EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW,
H4, H40, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3,
J5, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4,
LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4,
PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S0, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5,
SV9, T2, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9,
UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP2M, VP5, VP8, VP8/h,
VP8/o, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, VU4, XE, XU, XW, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU,
YV, Z3, Z6, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

3B7A ST. BRANDON ISLAND (Press Release #6, dated February 23rd). In about
a month we will reach Saint Brandon. This year of work to prepare the
project was intense and we are impatient to see it finally materialize.
  Our 700 kg of equipment is currently in transit to Mauritius. They will
then join the generators and the fuel stock on the boat for a departure
to Saint Brandon on April 3rd with two members of the team. The other
operators will take a second boat on the 5th of April. This solution
allows us to secure the transport of people and equipment, throws some
limits too constraining weight, and provides some redundancy in case of
problems. This of course has a cost but it seems essential.
  The "pre-team" will be in charge of equipment transit operations, ident-
ification of installation sites of stations and antennas. If time permits,
some elements will of course already be put in place, so as to save a lot
of time when the rest of the team will join them. So we will potentially
be on the air pretty quickly, but no QSO will be done until the entire
team is on site.
  You could discover a page dedicated to propagation forecasts on our
website. You will find the best times / bands to contact us depending on
your location. This type of schedule will be installed on each station
and will guide our traffic completely. Priority will be given system-
atically to the most difficult regions with the shortest openings.
  We reproduce the organizations that we set up in Tromelin (FT4TA) then
Juan de Nova (FT4JA). These are 5 stations that are totally identical and
capable of working in all modes that will be available to the 8 operators.
We will make sure that we use a maximum of them simultaneously, primarily
at the most important times around our sunrises and sunsets, also optimiz-
ing the mandatory rest phases.
  In order to meet our objectives, we have decided this year not to carry
an 6m antenna, as we know that conditions are unlikely to be favorable.
There will be no 6m EME activity. Finally, since the question was also put
to us, know that we will not be active on the band of 60m which is not part
of the bands authorized on our license.
  Also remember if necessary that it is not a destination with "regular
flights and hotels all inclusive" ... From the outset of Mauritius we will
have everything to manage: loading / unloading operations, energy manage-
ment and generator sets, food, maintenance, etc. All this will undoubtedly
add a lot of work and fatigue in addition to the hours of traffic.
  Once again, rest assured of our greatest motivation, we look forward to
contacting you!
Continue to support us from our website <
and follow us on Facebook <> and
Twitter <>.

3C1L/3C0L VIDEO AVAILABLE. Yuris, YL2GM, posted on a video
of his (along with Kaspars/YL3AIW) recent Equatorial Guinea (3C1L) and
Annobon (3C0L) DXpedition (October 9th-November 12th, 2017). You can
view it at:

3Y0I BOUVET DXPEDITION. Looking into more details on the 3Y0I DXpedition
to Bouvet Island, their Web page <> points out specific
goals the 3Y0I team wants to archieve:
  * To be the very first Polish expedition to the subantarctic island
    of Bouvet
  * To make radio contacts with amateur radio enthusiasts from all over
    the world with our ham radio expedition
  * To geographically explore the island, including reaching the island's
    highest peak, Olavtoppen (760m a.s.l.), which is 93% covered with an
    ice cap
  * To photo and video document their cruise and stay at the island
    including documentation for the Norwegian Polar Institute and their
  * Place a "time capsule" at Olavtoppen
  * Bouvet is ranked #2 on the DXCC Most-Wanted List, and thousands of
    hams around the globe on all continents are waiting for a chance to
    make a radio contact with Bouvet since the island was last heard on
    the air over 10 years ago
  * Thanks to Bouvet's unique and demanding location, their 3 week long
    cruise on stormy seas and ability to broadcast live from the island,
    their expedition will become a world-wide event across Polish and
    international media

  Look for the 3Y0I team plan to update more details and news on their
Web page as well as FaceBook and Twitter. No specific dates have been
announced for the 3Y0I DXpedition, but they state it will take place
during the sub-antarctic summer in the Southern Hemisphere. =

  BREAKING NEWS (Their Web page posted the following update on February
24th) [edited]: Once we rebooted preparations to our expedition, there
are new, better ideas and breakthrough possibilities emerging. We also
received a big number of questions, suggestions and comments from hams
all over the world to which we wish to respond with our latest important
                --  A new vessel =96 new possibilities --
  Apart from our expedition yacht, we've managed to secure bigger ex-
pedition vessel at really bargain rates. The vessel will secure trans-
portation of team members and all the equipment to the island. The vessels'
crew is experienced in troop landing at Bouvet and other sub-antarctic
islands. Our cruise plan doesn't change; we'll depart from and sail back
to Cape Town, which will reduce time and cost involved to possible minimum.
We will publish dates of our expedition shortly.
  The bigger vessel will also allow to take a bigger amount of team members
and payload without increasing the cost of our project. The landing pro-
cedure will be supervised by landing troops and will utilize special boats
that will allow the team to transport our gear and to land at the island
  Our preparations to the expedition are taking place in extraordinary
times and under unusual conditions. As we informed previously, our initial
plans to go to Bouvet in late 2017 were suspended after receiving a kind
request from the 3Y0Z's organizers. Bearing in mind their commitment,
devotion and big budget they were forced to sacrifice while aborting their
expedition, we took a breaking through decision, which =96 we hope =96 will
find an acceptance not only of the 3Y0Z Team but also among hams waiting
for Bouvet's ATNO all over the world.
                             --  The invitation --
  Hereby, we =96 as the organizers of the 3Y0I Bouvet Island Expedition =96
invite the team of the 3Y0Z expedition to join forces and to participate
in our common project. The common project that will also allow to make
their initial plans coming true. Our decision is also caused by a fact
we are fully aware and full of sympathy of their disappointment as the
organizers followed by public opinions following the failure and can-
cellation of their plans.
  Thanks to joining the projects, we'll be able to reduce cost of our
common venture as well as we'll be able to bring Bouvet Island on the
air under better conditions with more benefits to the ham radio society.
Our unprecedented decision opens not only new fantastic opportunities,
but is also a proof that our plans are driven by the Ham Spirit and will
of cooperation, not division.
  Looking forward to cooperation and bringing Bouvet island on the air
=96 together.
   The 3Y0I Bouvet island Expedition

3Y0Z BOUVET DXPEDTION NEWS. As you probably heard the 3Y0Z team, aboard
the M/V Betanzos, was greeted by a 37-foot ketch in Cape Town Harbor in
South Africa (SA) and its crew of ZS ham friends on February 17th, at
1450 UTC. The team was grateful for their assistance in getting them into
the dock and processed by the SA customs and immigration folks. By 1530
UTC, they were docked, and were processed by customs and immigration.
We are sure the team was happy to be back on land after being at sea for
30 some days.
  An interesting video (3:31 min.) was posted this past week by Nodir,
EY8MM, from on the deck of M/V Betanzos during their voyage to Bouvet
as well as video of the island at:
Also view the pictures he took at:

3Z, POLAND. Krzysztof (Kris), SP6DVP, will be active using the special
contest callsign 3Z6V during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th)
as a Single-Op entry. QSL via SP6DVP, by the Bureau, direct or LoTW.

4B4, REVILLAGIGEDO (Reminder). Mark, XE1B, will be active as 4B4B from
Socorro Island (NA-030, WW Loc. DK48mr), in the Revillagigedo Islands,
between March 1-15th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters (no 30m) using
SSB. Suggested frequencies are: 1850, 3790, 7065/7165, 7165, 14195,
18140, 21295, 24940, 28475 and 50140 kHz. Equipment will be an Icom
IC-7600 transceiver with an ACOM 1010 amp into a Spiderbeam (20-10m),
vertical for 40/80m, 160m long wire and a 4 element yagi for 6m. QSL
via XE1B direct or ClubLog's OQRS. PLEASE support this DXpedition, it
has been 7 years since the last operation by Mark, XE1B. Check out
for more details and possible updates.

4S, SRI LANKA. Nikolay, LZ1NK, will be active as 4S7NKG from Weligama
(AS-003) between March 1-5th. Activity will be on various HF bands using
CW and SSB. QSL via LZ1NK.

8P, BARBADOS. Tom, W2SC, will once again be active as 8P5A during the
ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th) as Single-Op/All-Band/
High-Power entry. QSL via LoTW or direct to HA1AG.

9M0, SPRATLY ISLANDS (Update). A multi-international team will be active
as 9M0W from Layang Layang Island (Swallow Reef), Spratly Islands (AS-051)
between March 6-13th. Dragan, YT3W, informs OPDX that Team 9M0W has all
prepared documents for this DXpedition in March 2018 on the famous Spratly
Island - Layang Layang. They have the landing permit from the Malaysian
government in hand. They also have the licence from the MCMC with the
callsign 9M0W. The 20 operators/individuals mentioned are Hrane/YT1AD
(Team Leader), Choi/HL5FUA, Krassimir/K1LZ, Jeffrey/K1ZM, Dave/WD5COV,
Jim/K9JM, Dragan/YT3W, Dusko/ZL3WW & his YL, David/W5XU, Adrian/KO8SCA,
Demetreos/SV2GWY, Peter/VK3FN, Chris/VK3FY, Radivoj/F6GNZ, Choigonjav/
JT1CO, Fred/PY2XB, YL Julia/9M6ABZ, Abdul/9M6RHM and Zai/9M6ZAE. Activity
will be 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes (FT8/PSK63).
QSL via YT1AD, direct or by the Bureau. For more details, updates and
log search, see:  
ADDED NOTE FROM YT3W: Dave, K3LP/SK, was expected to be a member of this
DXpedition, but since he became a Silent Key (SK) the 9M0W team will
dedicate this DXpedition in memory of David Collingham, K3LP.

C6, BAHAMAS. Dom, M1KTA, will be active as C6AKT from Eleuthera Island
(NA-001) between March 8-17th. Activity will be mainly QRP on 80/40/20/15/10
meters using CW. His primary purpose is to be in the Commonwealth Contest
(BERU) [March 10-11th]. Dom's band schedule for the contest is posted on
the page. QSL via M1KTA, direct, by the Bureau, ClubLog's OQRS
or LoTW.

CT9, MADEIRA ISLANDS. Operators Hardy/DL3KWF and YL Rosel/DL3KWR will be
active again as CT9/DL3KWF and CT9/DL3KWR from Madeira (AF-014) between
March 8th and April 5th. Preferred activity will be on 30/17/12 meters
and CW. Also watch 60 meters (5351.5-5366.5 kHz, QSX 5405 kHz). Equipment
is an IC-7000 + AH-4 into a vertical 7m. QSL via their home callsign,
direct, by the Bureau (also via E-mail request), eQSL or LoTW. Visit
their Madeira page at:

D4, CAPE VERDE. Egill, TF3EO, is now active as D44KF, from Praia, on
Santiago Island (AF-005), until March 3rd. He states, "I can only bring
QRP equipment (max 15W on some bands) and a Magnetic Loop. I will operate
on batteries only and only when my flight schedule allows. I am flying
for TACV (the local Airline) on transcontinental flights. I do not have
antennas for 160m and 80m. CW and FT-8 mostly."  QSL via G3SWH direct
or OQRS. IRCs are NOT accepted. A log search will be available on the
G3SWH Web page at:
All logs will be uploaded to both LoTW and Club Log in due course.

FG, GUADELOUPE. Mike, OE6MBG, will be active as FG/OE6MBG from Guadeloupe
(NA-102) between March 6-20th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW
and SSB. QSL via LoTW.

FY/TO2, FRENCH GUIANA (Reminder). Hartwig, DL7BC, will once again be
active as FY/DL7BC/p from French Guiana in a few weeks. He will arrive
around March 12th, and then he will return home probably on March 26th.
He will be active as TO2BC during the BARTG HF RTTY (March 17-18th) and
CQWW WPX SSB (March 24-25th) contests. Again, look for him to be active
as FY/DL7BC/p before and after the contests. Activity will be on 40-10
meters (possibly 80m) using a Kenwood TS590SG into a Spiderbeam for
20-10m with WRTC-40m-extension and a Triple-Leg for 40m. QSL via his home
callsign, direct, by the Bureau, Club's OQRS or LoTW. Watch his Web page
for updates at:   

GR150, SCOTLAND (Special Event). The organization now known as the Royal
National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) was founded on October 16, 1868.
As part of the celebration of their 150th anniversary, Terry Robinson,
GM3WUX, will run a special event callsign GR150NIB between October 1-28th.
Activity is planned on SSB and CW across all permitted HF bands (excluding
60M), plus some possibly limited activity on 4M and 6M. Special QSLs will
be available and they may be offering awards for working them on a number
of band/mode slots. They may also run a fun competition to guess the total
number of QSOs made by this special station. Listen for details. There
will be a log search at <> where all QSL
requests should be made via OQRS only. Logs will also be uploaded to
LoTW and ClubLog.

H40 & H44, TEMOTU PROVINCE AND SOLOMON ISLANDS. By the time you read this,
Chungki, VA7YM (ex-YJ0YM, A31YM), will be active from the Guadalcanal
Islands (OC-047) in the Solomon Islands (H44) and Nendo Island (OC-100)
in the Temotu Province (H40) between February 24th and March 16th. He
states that the main purpose of this trip is HAM radio operations, and
this will be a one man DX operation. Chungki will also travel around the
islands and enjoy scuba and skin diving which is his second hobby, so
this will be a holiday style operation. His tentative schedule is as
       February 24-26th -- as H44YM (Solomon Islands)
       February 27th-March 12th -- as H40YM (Temotu Province)
       March 13-16th -- as H44YM (Solomon Islands) again
  Activity will be on 160-10 meters, including 60m, using SSB, RTTY,
PSK31, JT65, FT8 and CW (very slow, will get help from decode SW). Equip-
ment is an Elecraft KX3 with a Expert SPE 1.3K-FA amp into a Cushcraft
R7 (40-10m), VDA (20-12m) and an End-Fed wire antenna (160-30m). QSL
via EA5GL. For more details, possible updates and propagation charts,
see his page under H40YM.

IOTA NEWS..............
  AS-023.  Kenji, JA4GXS, will be active as JA4GXS/6 from Amami O Island
           between May 6-7th. Activity will be on 40/30/20/17/15 meters
           using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via his home callsign, direct or
           by the Bureau.

  EU-054.  Operators Pippo/IT9PPG and Pino/IT9WDC will be active as IF9A
           from Favignana Island (IIA TP-011, MIA MI-025, WLOTA LH-1545),
           Sicily, between March 20-25th. They will probably be in the
           CQWW WPX SSB Contest as (March 24-25th) as a Multi-Single entry.
           Activity will be on all bands and modes outside of the contest.
           QSL via IT9PPG, direct or by the Bureau.

  EU-064.  Operators Fabien/F4GYM and Chris/F4GTB will be active as
           homecall/P from Noirmoutier Island (DIFM AT020) between July
           27-30th. For the RSGB IOTA Contest, operators Geoffrey/F4FVI,
           Suly/F4FGV, Maurice/F5NQL and Patrice/F6GCP will join them
           and use the special callsign TM6N for the RSGB IOTA Contest
           as a Multi-Single/Low-Power/Mixed-Mode (CW/SSB) entry on 80-10
           meters. QSL via F4GYM, direct or by the Bureau.

  EU-120.  Look for seven Belgian operators to be active as GB9OSA from
           the Isle of White between May 5-13th. Operators mentioned are
           Eddy/ON6EF, Wilfried/ON4AFW, Jan/ON6VJ, Dieter/ON3DMR, Alfons/
           ON4AWT, Jean/ON4JW and Ward/ON8WR. Activity will be on 160-6
           meters using mostly SSB with some Digital modes. QSL via ON6EF.

  OC-265.  (Update) Andy, VK5MAV, will be active as VK5MAV/9 from the very
           rare IOTA, Cato Reef, between April 9-18th. Activity will be on
           various HF bands. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS or via RN3RQ. For more
           details and updates, see:

  PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <> have
  decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
  operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX
  and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

ISWL CALLSIGNS (For March). The following ISWL club callsigns will be
used throughout the month of March 2018:

  GX4BJC/A - Operator - Not yet allocated. The operator will give details
             if heard/worked. (/A WAB Square - ? - England, IOTA EU-005,
             WLOTA 1841).

  MX1SWL/A - Operated from Stratton, in Cornwall, by Mike, M0SMJ.
             (/A WAB Square SS20 - England, IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841).

  ALL QSLs will be handled by Herbie, G6XOU - The QSL Manager and NOT
the individual operator.
  The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club. All QSL info is on
<> or <> or <> or via <>.
  I.S.W.L. Awards are available to all Hams and SWLs, see <>
for full details. cards ARE welcomed for their awards.

J6, ST. LUCIA. Steve, WF2S, will once again be active from Saint Lucia
(NA-108) between March 13-22nd, but as J68SL this time. He will also be
joined by Ralph, K1ZZI, and operate from Bay Guesthouse, Gros Islet.
Activity will be on various HF bands -- J68SL using mainly FT8 (possibly
SSB, RTTY, PSK and JT65); while J6/K1ZZI will operate mainly CW. QSL
J68SL via WF2S, LoTW (preferred), by the Bureau or direct. QSL J6/K1ZZI
via K1ZZI, LoTW (preferred) or direct.

JW, SVALBARD. Operators Torsten/DL4APJ and Peter/DJ2AX will be active as
JW/DL4APJ and JW/DJ2AX, respectively, from Longyearbyen, Svalbard (EU-026),
between September 20-25th. Activity will be on various HF bands using CW,
SSB and the Digimodes. QSL JW/DL4APJ via DL4APJ, by the DARC Bureau, eQSL
or direct. QSL JW/DJ2AX via DJ2AX, by the Bureau or direct.

OJ0, MARKET REEF. Operators Emil/DL8JJ, Paul/G4PVM and Col/MM0NDX will
be active as OJ0Y from Market Reef (EU-053) between June 27-29th. Activity
will be on various HF bands. QSL via M0SDV. ADDED NOTE: Col, MM0NDX,
states that there is a possible short activity on June 26th (evening)
from Aland Islands as OH0/MM0NDX. QRV on HF bands.

P4, ARUBA. Operators Mike/K9NW, Paul/K9PG, Chad/WE9V and John/W6LD will
be active as P40L from the Pos Chiquito contest station on Aruba during
the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th) as a Multi-2 entry.
Operators will be active as P40L between February 25th and March 9th.
QSL via WA3FRP. The P40L log will be uploaded to ClubLog and LoTW. For
more details about the P40L station, see:

PJ7, ST. MAARTEN. Operators Pier/W1NA, Marco/KC9FFV, Massimo/N5NHJ,
Steve/N7QLS, Pasquale/I8QLS, Gino/I8ULL, Gian/IC8WIC, Sabastiano/IK8ENH
and Marco PJ7MF/FS4WBS will be PJ0DX from the ST. Marrten Contest Club
station on the Cliff House, Beacon Hill, Sint Maarten (NA-105), between
February 26th and March 5th. Operators will be active on CW, SSB and
FT8 outside of the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th). QSL
via IZ1MHY. For more details about the rental shack, see:

PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (February 26th-March 4th).......
 Feb/26th AN      Mar/01st  AN     Mar/03rd  AN
 Feb/27th AN      Mar/02nd  AN     Feb/04th  HN
 Feb/28th AN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=3D0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=3D2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3D3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=3D4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=3D5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=3D6-9       100-400

  The purpose of this experimental Web site is to provide 24-7-365 actual
  (REALTIME) band condition information to CW QRPp, QRPe and CW/SSB for
  Contesters interested in increasing their scores. It can also be of
  benefit to other Radio Amateurs to determine band conditions for Nets
  and casual QSO's. This information is NOT based on any software pre-
  dictions or any kind of satellite based readings. It is based on a
  new Ionospheric sounding method called "HF Ionospheric Interferometry"
  which operates very similarly to the PolSAR system used by NASA.

  Also, check out the VOACAP predication Web page at:
  A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
      Also on Twitter:

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF  (February 25th) <>
  3Z100K via SP7CVW        HG5A via HA5KDQ & (L)     SZ3P via SV3CYL =

  5Q2J via OZ2JBC          IQ6KX via IW6ATQ (d/e)    T48K via DK1WI (d)
  8P9NX via W3HNK(d)/W0SA (B) IY7GMB via IK7JVE (d)  TM0CXX via F6FMT =

  9X9PJ via N4GNR (d)      K4K via K4MZU             TM18ATS via F8ATS
  A41NN via A61BK (O/L)    KH7M via KH6ZM (USA/Can)* TM18GOAL via F5PTA (e)
  AM5WAP via EA1IT         LY100X via LY1RMD         TM5XR via F4HIK
  AO3MWC via EA3RKB        LZ9V via LZ1WG            TM6C via F6KMB
  B9/BH1NGG via BH1NGG     OE15AAW via OE3DMA        TO3Z via F6HMQ
  CR3DX via OM2VL          OG60F via OH1F (O/L)      TO7D via F6ITD (d/L)
  CR3W via DL5AXX          OH0Z via W0MM & (L)       TO972A via F5RXL
  CT8/HG0DX via HG5DX      OK7K via OK1BN            UE23DSA via RL3DV
  D44EE via OZ1BII & (L)   OP4K via ON4JZ            UN9L via LZ1YE (d) =

  DB50EFAPB via DK9QV (B)  OT6V/P via ON6VI          VP2ETE via W3HNK
  DJ70WAE via DL2VFR       PJ2/NF9V via NF9V & (L)   XL3A via VE3AT
  DL/HB9DIZ/P via HB9DIZ   PJ4/NE9U via NE9U & (L)   YQ6A via YO6BHN
  DP7D via DF1QR           RA3ET/9 via R8OA          YT100SF via YU1SRS
  DS23EXX/3 via DS3EXX     S01A via EA2JG (O)        YU100WWI via YU1SRS
  DU1/JA3FJE via JN3VQM    SD6M via SA6BGR & (L)     ZZ4X via PY4YY
  EA9QD via EA9QD (d)      SM0T via SM0DZB
  G5K via G0BNR & (L)      SN7D via SQ7DQX (L)

  (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (*-B) DX's- Bureau
  (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only  (L) LoTW only    (N) No QSL needed
  (I) No IRC     (P) PayPal        (*) I0MWI (Rest of the World) =


  3G9A/MM QSL STATUS. QSL Manager Bob, N2OO, informs OPDX, "3G9A/mm QSLs
  can now be requested via ClubLog (or via regular mail via N2OO). The
  log has been posted. However, the design is not made yet and will take
  some time to get done. Grid Square logs will be posted to LoTW in the

  G3MRC/9Q5 QSL UPDATE/STATUS. QSL Manager Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH/AD5YS,
  informs: The paper log for Joe, G3MRC's, activity from Goma, Zaire, as
  G3MRC/9Q5 in 1994 has now been transferred to electronic format, is
  fully searchable at <> and has been uploaded
  to LoTW, the most recent upload being on 24th February 2018, and ClubLog.
  Paper QSLs can be ordered via the Web page. As with any such manual
  transfer, transcription errors are possible. If you have a QSO that
  does not appear in the online log, please contact me and I will do a =

  double check (and amend if necessary)."


  and Z21LS

  GB17YOTA, P40FY (SA-036), V31MA, V55A, VK9L/G7VJR, VY0ERC and ZS9V

SU, EGYPT. After more than five years in Jordan and about three years of
activity as JY9FC which resulted with more than 90k QSO, Jovica, E78A,
has a new work assignment in Cairo, Egypt, until the end of 2018. Jovica
will be active as SU9JT with 100 watts and wire antennas. QSL via E73Y,
by the Bureau or direct. Clublog's OQRS will be activated when QSL cards
are received from printer at the end of February. =

T32, EAST KIRIBATI (Update). Uli, DL2AH, will be active as T32AH from
Kiritimati (Christmas) Island (OC-024) between September 12th and October
1st. This activity will before his KH8/DL2AH (earlier announced WH8/DL2AH)
Ofu Island, American Samoa, operation (see OPDX.1346). Activity will be
holiday style on 80-10 meters using SSB, FT8 and RTTY, with a IC-7300
into a Windom antenna. QSL via DL2AH direct.

TI7, COSTA RICA. Four operators will be on a Buddipole DXpedition to
from Las Villas del Guayabo, Costa Rica, and will be active between
February 26th-March 6th. Look for operators Paul/W6PNG, Harold/WJ1B,
Chris/W6HFP and Matt/K0BBC to sign TI7/homecall. They will also partic-
ipate in the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th). QSL via
their home callsigns.

TO972, MARTINIQUE (Special Event). Operators Michel/F5OZF, Solange/F5RXL,
Paul/F6EXV and Lucien/FM5WD will be using the special callsign TO972A
from Martinique until February 28th. Operators will be on CW, SSB and
the Digital modes. QSL via F5RXL.

V2, ANTIGUA. Bud, AA3B, will once again be active as V26K from Antigua
(NA-100) between February 28th and March 5th. Activity is usually CW,
but look for Bud to be in the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March
3-4th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Assisted/High-Power entry. QSL via LoTW
or via AA3B, direct or by the Bureau. An OQRS will be available via ClubLog.

VP9, BERMUDA. Chris, KG6CIH, will be active as KG6CIH/VP9 from Bermuda
(NA-005) between March 8-12th. Activity will be holiday style in addition
to also checking out the island. He will be splitting radio time with a
friend (David/WH6DSN was mentioned by another source). They will be focused
on SSB operations on the main bands (80/40/20 meters, 15 meters if pro-
pagation is good, 160m if antenna works), and maybe some satellite contacts
too. QSL will primarily be via LoTW, but if they get enough contacts, they
will consider printing up special cards.

VU4, ANDAMAN ISLANDS. By the time you read this, John, G4IRN, will be
active as VU4G from the Sea Princess Resort, Andaman Island (AS-001),
until March 5th. Activity will be on 40-17 meters with a focus on CW.
QSL via G4IRN, ClubLog's OQRS or LoTW. For more details and update,

XU, CAMBODIA. Members of the Haiyan Contest Club will be active as XU7AEY
during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th) as a Multi-Single entry.
QSL via BG9XD.

Z6, KOSOVO. If you missed Mome, Z32ZM, this past weekend as Z68M, he is
expected to be active until March 6th. Activity will be on all HF bands,
160-10 meters, using all modes (CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8 and JT65). This will
be a ONE MAN DX activity. Mome states, "QSL via ClubLog's OQRS is strongly
recommended for direct and Bureau QSL cards. However, for those who wish
direct QSLs, but don't have PayPal, Mome's address is OK on
PLEASE USE ONLY WHITE ENVELOPES (Air-Mail envelopes are still target of
post office robbery  here in Macedonia). QSL cards for this operation
will be printed after this activity with logos & callsigns of main sup-
porters via My PayPal address  <>. Another, bigger activity
from Kosovo is planned for later this year and let's hope that by then
6m - 50MHz will be allowed for HAM Radio use. For sure, that will be a
BIG PLEASURE for all of us ...... in any case:  STAY TUNED ON SIX  !"

Z6, KOSOVO. According to the ARRL Web page, the Z60A operating sites
were left intact for a return operation over the weekend of the ARRL
International DX SSB Contest (March 3=964th). =

Z6, KOSOVO. Gab, HB9TSW, who is in the Swiss Air Force will be in Pristina
between March 29th and April 19th as part of a NATO mission, and will be
active as Z68BG. Activity will be limited to his spare time and especially
his evenings and Sunday. Operations will be on 80-10 meters using CW
running 100 watts into a ground plane. QSL via HB9TSW, direct (see,
LoTW or eQSL.

Z6, KOSOVO. Operators Emir/9A6AA and Robert/9A5RBJ will be active from
Peja as Z68AA and Z68RBJ, respectively, between May 14-21st. Activity
will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and FT8, with 100 watts and wire
antennas. QSL via their home callsigns or LoTW.

ZF, CAYMAN ISLANDS. Dan, N6MJ, will once again be active as ZF2MJ from
ZF1A QTH on Grand Cayman Islands (NA-016) during the ARRL International
DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. Look for
activity outside of the contest on 160-10 meters including 30/17/12
meters. Dan will be on the island between March 2-5th. QSL via N6MJ,
direct or LoTW.

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* All excerpts and distribution of "The OPDX Bulletin" are granted as
  long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.

** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
   <> OR <> OR <>
   Information can now be faxed to the following phone line at:
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