OpenBCM V1.07b12 (Linux)

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LU9DCE > LINUX    02.03.20 00:27l 80 Lines 2965 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 9147_LU9DCE
Subj: LINUX TODAY 14 02
Sent: 200214/1700Z 9147@LU9DCE.TOR.BA.ARG.SOAM LinBPQ6.0.19

            __    _  _  ___  ____   ___  ____    ____  ____  ____
           (  )  / )( \/ _ \(    \ / __)(  __)  (  _ \(  _ \/ ___)
           / (_/\) \/ (\__  )) D (( (__  ) _)    ) _ ( ) _ (\___ \
           \____/\____/(___/(____/ \___)(____)  (____/(____/(____/
                         GNU / LINUX - LU9DCE@GMX.COM
Title : 

Title : Guake 3.7.0 Drop-Down Terminal Released With Option To
Change Terminal Colors On A Per-Tab Basis, More 

Description :  LinuxUprising: Guake drop-down terminal version
3.7.0 has been released  

Title : Free Software is Being Abandoned by Opponents of Software
Patents and It's Being Attacked by Patent Trolls 

Description :   techrights: The Electronic Frontier Foundation
(EFF) is rotting away as an advocate against software patents  

Title : Linux Kernel Continues Prepping For RISC-V's Updated
Supervisor Binary Interface 

Description :  Phoronix: The RISC-V Supervisor Binary Interface v0.2
now has extendability in mind with the ability to add extensions
in the future while maintaining backwards compatibility.  

Title : MakuluLinux LinDoz Offers Windows Comfort Zone, but It's
All Linux Under the Hood 

Description :  LinuxInsider: After a long delay, a new MakuluLinux
LinDoz release is pending last-minute finishing touches and is a
week -- if not days -- away, according to developer Jacque Montague

Title : Kubernetes administration policy made easy with brewOPA 

Description :  ZDnet: Administering policies across Kubernetes and
other cloud native environments isn't easy. Now, Cyral wants to
take the trouble out of the job with brewOPA.  

Title : Navigating man pages in Linux 

Description :  NetworkWorld: The man pages on a Linux system can
do more than provide information on particular commands. They can
help discover commands you didn't realize were available.  

Title : Recover deleted files in Debian with TestDisk 

Description :  Learn how to recover lost files on Debian by using
the TestDisk utility.  

Title : What Every Open Source Software User Needs to Know About
Open Source Licenses 

Description :  Not all free and open source (OS) software licenses
have been created to achieve the same goals, and failure to
understand the differences can have dire consequences.  

Title : Upgrade Your Linux Terminal with Tilix 

Description :  MakeTechEasier: Tilix works as a great terminal
alternative for your Linux PC.  


The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell
of Heav'n.
		-- John Milton


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