OpenBCM V1.07b12 (Linux)

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LW3DBH > LINUX    29.03.20 11:28l 76 Lines 2481 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 59600_LW3DBH
Subj: LINUX TODAY 29 03
Sent: 200329/0908Z @:LW3DBH.1744.BA.ARG.SA #:59600 [MORENO] FBB7.00i $:59600_LW

             _ __        _______ ____  ____  _   _ 
            | |\ \      / /___ /|  _ \| __ )| | | | BBS
            | | \ \ /\ / /  |_ \| | | |  _ \| |_| | MORENO
            | |__\ V  V /  ___) | |_| | |_) |  _  | ARGENTINA
            |_____\_/\_/  |____/|____/|____/|_| |_|


Title : 

Title : Introducing micro.sth 

Description :  Many developers turn their noses up at PHP, but I
have a soft spot for it.  

Title : Kubernetes 1.18 Improves Networking and Security for Cloud

Description :  EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet: New open source Kubernetes
release lands with AppProtocol, security certificate and memory

Title : KDE's Plasma Bigscreen Project Aims to Bring Plasma Desktop
to Smart TVs 

Description :  Plasma Bigscreen will be a variant of KDE's Plasma
desktop environment for TVs  

Title : How to install Anaconda on Linux 

Description :  Anaconda is an open-source distribution of Python
and R Programing languages.  

Title : 5 Linux backup and restore tips from the trenches 

Description :  Find out five backup and restore tips from someone
who's been there, failed, and then succeeded.  

Title : Bodhi Linux Is Still Alive, Gets New Release Based on Ubuntu
18.04.4 LTS 

Title : Nextcloud: The Swiss Army Knife of Remote Working Tools 

Description :  itsFOSS: Nextcloud is an open source software that
can be used to store files, photos and videos for personal usage like
Dropbox. But it’s more than just a private cloud service.  

Title : Bash Tips - How To cd and ls in one command 

Description :   ostechnix: This brief guide explains how to list
directory contents automatically whenever you cd into it in Linux.  

Title : How to Run Penetration Test on Android Phone Camera Using
Kali Linux 

Description :  You can check your Android phone camera's potential
vulnerabilities by running a penetration test.  


	Eugene d'Albert, a noted German composer, was married six times.
At an evening reception which he attended with his fifth wife shortly
after their wedding, he presented the lady to a friend who said politely,
"Congratulations, Herr d'Albert; you have rarely introduced me to so charming
a wife."


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