LU9DCE > LINUX 28.07.21 15:44l 98 Lines 3476 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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Sent: 210728/1430Z 2817@LU9DCE.TOR.BA.ARG.SOAM BPQ6.0.21
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Copyright 2021 Eduardo A. Castillo
In the following tutorial, you will learnhow to install
Elasticsearch on Debian 11 Bullseye. Elasticsearchis a highly
scalable open-sourcefull-text search and analytics engine. The
software supports RESTful operations that allow you to store, search,
and analyze big volumes of data quickly and in near real-time.
Elasticsearch is well-liked and popular amongst sysadmins and
developers because
Get a List of All Commands Available to the Logged-In User
We’re all familiar with Linux’s command-line
interface (CLI), which allows you to execute nearly any job you can
think of by just typing commands into it. This guide shows you how to
get a list of all commands, functions, and aliases that the currently
logged-in user is allowed to use on the Linux shell.
5 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Becoming a Sysadmin
Being an IT professional, you know that information is important.
Here are five bits of information I wish I’d known before
signing on the dotted line as a sysadmin.
8 Best Ways To Secure Linux Server: Linux Hardening Guide 2021
This detailed guide shares various best practices and tips on how
to secure your Linux server and keep it locked down. It shares
easy-to-follow tips with great detail so that you can implement them
on your server to keep intruders and malicious hackers away. You will
learn best practice advice about physical server security all
Install elementary’s Tweaks Tool
This quick tutorial demonstrates the steps to install elementary
Tweaks tool/Pantheon Tweaks Tool.
Change Your Lock and Login Screen Wallpaper in elementary OS
This tutorial explains the steps you need to change lock and
login screen background in elementary OS. This will replace the
default grey background.
Developer.com: GitHub Enlists Stanford Law to Defend Open Source
Developer.com’s Mike Vizard reports on the newly formed
GitHub Developer Rights Fellowship. Seeded by a $1 million Developer
Defense Fund, “the Fellowship will be made accessible at no
cost to developers any time GitHub receives a valid takedown claim
that would require GitHub to remove code from its public
repository.” Read the entire story at
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Recover a Deleted Logical Volume (LV) in LVM
This quick article shows you how to recover accidentally deleted
logical volume (LVM) in Linux using the vgcfgrestore command.
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