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LU9DCE > LINUX    12.08.21 19:01l 114 Lines 4143 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 3260_LU9DCE
Sent: 210804/1130Z 3260@LU9DCE.TOR.BA.ARG.SOAM LinBPQ6.0.21

            __    _  _  ___  ____   ___  ____    ____  ____  ____ 
           (  )  / )( \/ _ \(    \ / __)(  __)  (  _ \(  _ \/ ___) 
           / (_/\) \/ (\__  )) D (( (__  ) _)    ) _ ( ) _ (\___ \ 
           \____/\____/(___/(____/ \___)(____)  (____/(____/(____/ 

                      Copyright 2021 Eduardo A. Castillo

3 Ways to Remove Files from Trash on Ubuntu Using GUI and Terminal

By choosing files and documents and hitting the “Remove” key on the
keyboard, users can remove all data. Those files are then moved to
Junk, a computer location for discarded data. Deleted files remain
inside the ll look at the


How to Install Java 16 in Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux

Java is a cross-platform, object-oriented, and multipurpose
programming language that is primarily used for creating mobile, web,
and cloud applications. Additionally, you can use Java to create
games, chatbots, enterprise applications, and a whole lot more.
Installing v. 16 is simple with this tutorial.


9 Best File Comparison and Difference (Diff) Tools for Linux

While writing program files or normal text files, programmers and
writers sometimes want to know the difference between two files or two
versions of the same file. When you compare two computer files on
Linux, the difference between their contents is called a diff. Learn
more about Diff tools for Linux here.


Linux for Starters: Your Guide to Linux – Understanding the File
System – Part 12

Ubuntu has a very different file system compared to Windows. Its
organized in a completely different way designed to offer more
security, but itll feel unfamiliar if youve come exclusively from a
Windows background. Its therefore worth devoting time to learning
about the file system in Ubuntu.


Xfce Apps Update for July 2021 Brings New Releases of Catfish,
Mousepad, Sensors Plugin, and More

July 2021 looks to have been another slow month for Xfces apps
updates, but we did receive some important ones, starting with the
Catfish file searching tool, which received not one but two releases
that enabled the sidebar by default, added local source (pip)
installation support, enabled support for searching compressed files,
added full-text search


Nitrux 1.5.1 Released with Latest KDE Plasma Desktop, Updated

Nitrux 1.5.1 appears to be a small update to the Nitrux 1.5 series of
the distribution, which shipped last month as one of the first to
support the Linux 5.13 kernel series. Now, the new release ships with
updated kernels, including Linux 5.4.137 LTS as the default kernel, as
well as Linux 5.10.55 LTS and


Supply Chain Flaws Found in Python Package Repository

Administrators overseeing the Python Package Index (PyPI) in recent
days found themselves responding to vulnerabilities found in the
repository of open source software, the latest security problems to
hit the Python community. Most recently, the PyPI group sent out fixes
for three vulnerabilities that were discovered by security researcher
RyotaK and published on his blog. Two


How to Create Backup with tar Command in Linux

Hello Linux Geeks, if you are looking for free command line backup
tools on Linux systems then tar command is the solution for you. Tar
command can create backup of your application, configurations files
and folders of the system.


How to Reverse a String in Python

This article goes through several different ways to reverse a string
in Python.


Paragon NTFS Driver Might Finally Make it into Linux

Working with Windows NTFS drives in Linux has always been difficult,
but if the Paragon NTFS driver finally makes it into the Linux kernel,
it will be much easier.



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