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LU9DCE > LINUX    15.08.21 14:36l 112 Lines 4194 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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           / (_/\) \/ (\__  )) D (( (__  ) _)    ) _ ( ) _ (\___ \ 
           \____/\____/(___/(____/ \___)(____)  (____/(____/(____/ 

                      Copyright 2021 Eduardo A. Castillo

Emulate the Amiga home computer with Linux

The Amiga is a family of personal computers. Itâ€Ös the last truly great
gaming home computer before the dominance of the PC and the 32-bit
games consoles. Learn to emulate the Amiga home computer with Linux
here. Home computers were a class of microcomputers that entered the
market in 1977 and became common during the


Here are the 16 Best cron Commands in Linux with Practical Examples

In Linux/Unix, we can run and schedule many tasks automatically using
the cron command. You can execute both commands once or at a regular
interval.  procedure is used to schedule a job


How to Backup and Restore Data Using Restic in Linux

This guide explains Restic, shows how to install Restic in various
Linux distributions, and finally how to backup and restore data using
Restic in Linux operating systems.


5 Most Frequently Used Open Source Shells for Linux

The shell is the command interpreter in an operating system such as
Unix or GNU/Linux; it is a program that executes other programs. It
provides a computer user with an interface to the Unix/GNU Linux
system so that the user can run different commands or utilities/tools
with some input data. Learn about the most used


How to Record Audio in Ubuntu 20.04

This tutorial shows you how to install free audio recording software
on Ubuntu 20.04 and how to use it to record audio streams on your PC
or Notebook.


How to Install Microsoft Edge on Rocky Linux 8

Rocky Linux 8 users currently, by default, are only limited to the
Firefox Internet Browser. However, many alternatives can be installed.
Microsoft Edge is one alternative that has been in development for
over a year and has been getting quite a lot of good reviews amongst
many Linux distribution communities and maybe an alternative compared


How to Find the Total Size of a Directory in Linux

For Linux users and administrators in a server-like environment,
knowing the exact size of a directory tree through the system terminal
is important. It will help you compare file directory properties and
determine their storage allocation when you want to copy or move these
directories to a different location. The command du is an abbreviation
for disk


How to Clear RAM Memory Cache, Buffer, and Swap Space on Linux

Like any other operating system, GNU/Linux has implemented memory
management efficiently and even more than that. But if any process is
eating away your memory and you want to clear it, Linux provides a way
to flush or clear RAM cache.


15 Useful ifconfig Commands to Configure the Network Interface in

ifconfig is short for “interface configuration”. Its the utility for
system/network administration in Unix/Linux operating systems to
configure, manage and query network interface parameters via
command-line interface or in a system configuration scripts. This
article covers 15 ifconfig commandsâ€öwith their practical
examplesâ€öwhich might be very helpful to you in managing and
configuring network interfaces in Linux


How to Install MongoDB Compass GUI in Ubuntu 20.04

MongoDB Compass is a graphical tool for MongoDB that helps you to
create, delete, read and update the database graphically. It is very
similar to phpMyAdmin which allows you to explore your data, run the
queries, and interact with the database. In this post, we will show
you how to install and use MongoDB Compass



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