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LU9DCE > LINUX    23.09.21 16:43l 107 Lines 3746 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
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             / (_/\) \/ (\__  )) D (( (__  ) _)    ) _ ( ) _ (\___ \
             \____/\____/(___/(____/ \___)(____)  (____/(____/(____/

                        Copyright 2021 Eduardo A. Castillo



Which Linux Backup Tools are the Best?
In this article, I will show and compare 5 Linux backup tools 
that can be used to back up your Linux desktop system.

NVIDIA 470.74 Graphics Driver New Release
Good news for NVIDIA users who want to upgrade their 
distributions to Linux 5.14, as NVIDIA 470.74 is here with a fix for 
the bug that caused the nvidia-drm.ko kernel module to crash when 
loading with DRM-KMS enabled (modeset=1) on the Linux 5.14 kernel 
series. In addition, it improves support for the Mozilla Firefox web 

How to Upgrade to Fedora 35 Beta from Fedora 34
In the following tutorial, you will learn how to successfully 
upgrade Fedora 34 to the newly released Fedora 35 Beta.

6 Best Note-Taking Apps for Linux
In 1993, only 693 websites existed on the Internet while in ’99, 
only 23 blogs existed on our dear old friend. In 2006, that number 
jumped to having over 50 million websites on the Internet. Today, we 
have over one billion websites on the Internet. We’re no longer 
swimming in options, we’re drowning in them. 

JingPad Review: A Linux Tablet for True Linux Fans
JingPad aims to make the world’s first consumer-level Linux 
tablet. Does it succeed? Read the review of JingPad A1 with JingOS 
alpha version.

How to Back Up Linux Apps and Files on Your Chromebook
So your Chromebook is running Linux support, and you’ve 
begun adding Linux apps and files? Chrome OS developers have made it 
easy to run backups that preserve Linux’s filesystem hierarchy 
without needing to run complex commands. Here’s how to do it. 
Read the complete story.

An OpenCL Frontend Written in Rust is Being Developed for Mesa
Red Hat’s Karol Herbst—who is involved in the development of the 
Nouveau driver Mesa and the OpenCL open stack—has published rusticl , 
an experimental software implementation of OpenCL (OpenCL frontend) 
for Mesa written in Rust. Rusticl acts as an analogue of the frontend 
already present in Mesa OpenCL Clover and is also developed using the 

Don’t Like Visual Studio Code? Try These 5 Alternatives Apps
When it comes to programming, you’re going to need a plain 
text editor that allows you to easily modify files or take notes. One 
of the most complete and professional tools is Visual Studio Code. 
However, this Microsoft program is not ideal for users with little 
experience. If it is your case, surely you want 

Bash Scripting – For, Until, and While Loop Explained with 
Bash supports three types of loops, namely “for 
loop,” “while loop,” and “until loop.” 
In this guide, we will learn about while and until loops.

How to Reset the Root Password in Linux
This guide shows how to easily reset your root password in Linux 
so that you don’t lose all administrative privileges to your 
machine. Get started here.

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