CX2SA > NTS 07.05.24 16:30l 358 Lines 17850 Bytes #54 (0) @ ARRL
BID : NTS052024
Subj: The NTS E-Letter - 05/2024
Sent: 240507/1450Z @:CX2SA.SAL.URY.SOAM #:40017 [Salto] FBB7.00e $:NTS052024
The NTS E-Letter
May 7, 2024
- From the Editor
- NTS and ARES: A Symbiotic and Historic Relationship Needed Again
- NTS 2.0 Upcoming -- Traffic Measurement Tool and Test Traffic
- Do Your "PART" in NTS!
- Treasure Hunt Update
- ARRL Field Day and NTS
- Spotlight: Missouri Section Traffic Manager Bill Schrock, N0ET
- NTS Resources
- Sign up to Receive The NTS Letter
- Support NTS: Join ARRL
From the Editor
A reminder: if anyone has not received copies of The NTS Letter by email, be
sure to check arrl.org/opt-in-out to confirm that you are opted in. If you
don't see The NTS Letter listed among the publications you are opted into,
click on "Edit," and you will have the opportunity to check the box to
receive The NTS Letter. If you have missed any issues, you can find them all
at https://nts2.arrl.org/nts-letter-issues/ as well as on the ARRL website.
NTS and ARES: A Symbiotic and Historic Relationship Needed Again
In the early 1950s, ARRL Headquarters staff made an effort to consolidate
the Amateur Radio Emergency Corps (AREC, the forerunner of the modern ARES
program that exists today) and the new National Traffic System (NTS), which
had been conceived in 1949 from the prior trunk lines relay system that had
been employed, and which had led to the creation of ARRL in 1914. Under one
ARRL-sponsored umbrella to be called the Amateur Radio Public Service Corps
(ARPSC), the goals were to have the NTS operate 365 days a year, handling
routine radiogram traffic during normal times. The AREC would conduct
occasional drills to develop operating acumen and maintain a high state of
preparedness. Once a year, a nationwide simulated emergency test was held,
in which the AREC nets would become active at local levels to handle
simulated emergency messages, and the NTS would provide both local and
long-distance record message handling in support. This exercise required
close cooperation between these two divisions of ARPSC.
It's time to bring them back together. Let's just say it: NTS traffic
handlers were water carriers for emergency communication systems and
programs like ARES, and now with ARRL's major effort to renew and
reinvigorate the NTS, they are once again emerging in that function. These
systems and alliances allow for competent, accurate message handling across
the country when needed. Professionalism and quality management are the
hallmarks of the new system.
The NTS 2.0 Committee is working hard to raise the standard of operation of
NTS traffic handlers, and the system that has enjoyed a long, symbiotic
relationship with ARES (formerly AREC). I got my start in organized amateur
radio public service in 1977 with the Boston area repeater net -- the Heavy
Hitters Traffic Net -- and the Eastern Mass Rhode Island Phone Net. I'm
looking forward to reengaging with the NTS; not only for the public service
opportunity it offers, but also for the pure fun of it, as enjoyed over 40
years ago! -- Rick Palm, K1CE
NTS 2.0 Upcoming -- Traffic Measurement Tool and Test Traffic
Many know Rick Palm, K1CE, as the editor of the popular ARES Letter. As Rick
notes, the NTS 2.0 Committee is working hard to raise the standard of
operation of the NTS. If our service is ever to be called upon in an
emergency and prove to be of value to the public, I think we can agree there
is a need to obtain better coverage, better speed of operation, and better
accuracy. To this end the NTS 2.0 committee is planning to introduce test
traffic into the system on a somewhat regular basis to obtain actual data
that will reveal where problems exist. Identifying a problem is, of course,
necessary to finding a solution.
A year and a half ago, approximately 160 radiograms were sent from ARRL
Headquarters to all Section Managers, Section Traffic Managers, Directors,
Vice Directors, and ARRL officials. These messages contained an HXD handling
instruction in which any operator handling one of these messages, whether
relaying or delivering, was to send a report to HQ identifying the date and
time the message was received and either sent or delivered. The process of
sorting all the data received was a daunting task. To simplify this task, we
are working on the creation of an online reporting tool that we hope will be
taken advantage of by anyone handling test traffic. Our goal is to make this
tool as simple and time-saving as possible for the traffic handler, while
helping us to improve and raise the standard of our service to levels not
only expected by emergency communications agencies, but ones we can all be
proud of, and where we can find a sense of purpose along with the fun we
have always enjoyed. Stay tuned for more details.
Do Your "PART" in NTS!
Through many years of handling traffic via nets -- both NTS and independent
-- and individual skeds, I've found four personal attributes to be hallmarks
of good message handling. For ease of recall, I've created a mnemonic,
"PART," that I believe captures the essence of those four factors:
ú Proficiency
ú Accuracy
ú Reliability
ú Timeliness
Let's take a brief look at what each of these means to me (and I hope to
you, as well).
Proficiency. We may feel we can jump right in and do new things perfectly
right away, but others might not agree with us. Good message handling is not
just mechanical; there is an art to it, as well -- especially when
conditions are tough. You may be able to perform the mechanical part of it
after reading a set of guidelines just once. But acquiring the proficiency
necessary to properly pass traffic under challenging circumstances requires
another "P" word: practice. These days there are many vehicles available to
newcomers to traffic for acquiring and practicing message-handling
techniques; some you can utilize on your own, some are available on the
internet (ARRL's own NTS training materials, for instance), and some by
actually getting on the air and checking into a Section, Local, or other
training net.
Accuracy. Many aspects of amateur radio are rightly seen as a hobby. But
other aspects are more than just a hobby -- they're a public service.
Third-party message handling falls into that category. When we volunteer to
relay or deliver traffic headed for someone other than ourselves, we
automatically assume a responsibility for seeing that we "do no harm" to the
messages we're handling for others. It is not just important, it's
imperative, that what we pass on to the next person -- whether it's another
relaying operator or the actual recipient -- is exactly what we received. To
be blunt: Don't guess at characters you may have missed because of QRM, a
QRN crash, slower code speed, or any other distraction. It's no crime to ask
for repeats or to send "PSE QRS" on CW.
If there is an obvious error in either the preamble or the body of the
message, attach an "OpNote" at the end of the message, but (except for
adding a corrected Check, as in "CK 17/18" on CW) do not alter the message
itself. Of course, if you believe something about the message is illegal,
against FCC rules, international regulations, or your own moral code, don't
relay or deliver the message. Instead, send a "service message" back to the
originator, explaining why you did that. But don't alter the message --
either deliberately or through careless operating techniques!
Reliability. If you agree to take traffic headed for other people, you have
made a commitment to serve the public by expeditiously passing those
so-called "third-party" messages according to established routing
guidelines. If you agree to serve as a representative ("rep") between nets,
there is an implied commitment -- not just to originator and addressee, but
to at least two net managers and two net control stations as well -- to
accept whatever traffic is coming your way during that assignment, and to
properly move that traffic. If you accept a weekly assignment for NTS, you
have a commitment to show up for that sked every week. For those weeks when
you can't, it's your obligation to find a qualified alternate and/or notify
the net manager in advance.
Note that "reliability" refers to both you and your station. For the latter,
I find it helpful to think of the "R" in "reliability" as also standing for
"redundancy": Work toward having total redundancy for everything you need
when handling traffic. For instance, I have two separate antennas and feed
systems for both HF and VHF/UHF. I can use my mobile transceiver in place of
my primary rig if the latter fails. I have multiple headphones, cables,
keyers, paddles, and microphones, and my laptop can substitute for my
desktop computer. I have a backup generator to replace my utility company's
power, if necessary. I copy all voice or CW message traffic by hand, and I
have more than adequate quantities of paper and pens on hand!
Timeliness. When you take traffic and then fail to pass it on at the
earliest opportunity ("My plans changed;" "There was a great show on TV I
wanted to see;" etc.), you are harming not just the originators and
addressees of the traffic you accepted, you're harming the entire System and
the image of amateur radio itself. If you choose not to forward or "service"
a message in your possession, you are thumbing your nose at one of the
cornerstones of our shared access to highly sought frequency spectrum --
namely, part 97.1(a).
Yes, "stuff happens" -- to all of us at one time or another. And yes, the
Radio Amateur's Code (https://www.arrl.org/amateur-code) tells us to strike
a balance in our lives. So there are judgment calls involved. But if you
find yourself invoking those judgment calls frequently, perhaps you need to
examine your motivation for accepting traffic and then rejecting it, or
reevaluate your ability to hold that specific assignment.
The Bottom Line: Ultimately, a key component of amateur radio's ability to
provide emergency communications in primary or backup roles for government
agencies, non-government organizations, or directly to the public depends on
our ability to handle third-party communications proficiently, accurately,
reliably, and in a timely fashion. So get on and do your PART! -- Bud
Hippisley, W2RU
Treasure Hunt Update
Hello, treasure hunters! Twenty stations participated in the March NTS
Treasure Hunt. The following stations successfully completed all three rounds:
03/07/24 2355Z KE4RS Stan
03/08/24 1557Z KY2D Jim
03/08/24 1502Z KC3QVF Chris
03/13/24 1447Z W2QMI Susan
03/14/24 2250Z WB8RGE Al
03/16/24 1447Z W2OOD Carl
03/18/24 1431Z KE8HKA Matthew
03/19/24 2023Z N1CVO Shawn
03/22/24 1414Z W4BZM Michael
03/22/24 1440Z AB3WG Chris
03/26/24 1450Z W1OTW Dave
03/31/24 1450Z K9JAJ Jeff
The first-place finisher in this, the May Treasure Hunt, as well as in
future Treasure Hunts, will be awarded a specially designed mug courtesy of
the NTS 2.0 Planning Committee. The second- and third-place finishers will
receive a certificate courtesy of the NTS 2.0 Treasure Hunt committee.
If you missed the official Treasure Hunt announcement in the December 2023
issue of The NTS Letter, here is a recap: This is a fun, on-air, multi-step
competition in which you will respond to a "judge" with your answer to an
initial clue or question via radiogram. The judge will reply via radiogram
with the identity of the next judge, along with the next question or clue in
the hunt.
We had quite a few responses to our survey, and we will be trying to address
those issues. Thanks for the feedback. One common response was, "I never
received a reply." I would suggest you try using the "HXC" handling
instruction. This will ask the station delivering your message to send you a
message with the date and time they delivered your message to the addressee.
Are you ready? Here's this month's first question: What does QTC mean?
Send your answer via NTS radiogram to Dan Rinaman, AC8NP, Tiffin, OH 44883.
ARRL Field Day and NTS
As we look forward to summer, the thoughts of many amateur radio operators
turn toward ARRL Field Day, one of the highlights of the year, which will
occur this year on June 22-23. Many clubs have already begun making plans
for this big event, and because ARRL awards points for handling NTS
messages, this would be a good time for traffic handlers to work with their
respective club leadership to promote formal message handling and to help
them get those extra points. This could include training club members in the
formatting and transmission of NTS messages. Many are not aware of the
radiogram format, and generally even those with some knowledge do not know
how to get messages into the network. They may need guidance on where and
when traffic nets meet and how to introduce a message into a net. This is a
great opportunity to show the value of NTS, not only for getting messages
from origination to destination, but also the training that it provides. You
can check out the new page on the NTS2 website at
https://nts2.arrl.org/promo/ for some suggestions for Field Day, as well as
some videos on basic traffic handling.
If your club invites the public to observe Field Day proceedings, you might
make copies of the flyer noted on the above promo page, adding information
for your area. You might also direct visitors to the web-based Radiogram
Portal where any member of the public can send a message via amateur radio
to family and friends. While it may be a novelty now, it could someday help
save lives or notify loved ones of one's welfare in times of emergencies. To
learn more about the Radiogram Portal, visit
Spotlight: Missouri Section Traffic Manager Bill Schrock, N0ET
In recognition of leaders in the NTS, this month I am highlighting Missouri
Section Traffic Manager Bill Schrock, N0ET.
Bill Schrock, N0ET [Photo]
Not only has Bill served as Missouri STM, but he has also been an active
participant and contributor with the NTS 2.0 working groups.
As a young kid, Bill says he used to enjoy taking things apart, much to his
siblings' chagrin, as he often failed to put them back together. He got
interested in electronics at the age of 11 when his father gave him a book
on repairing old tube radios. He went to work in a TV repair shop while a
senior in high school. He got his first amateur radio novice license in the
early 1970s, but failed to upgrade, and the license expired.
Later, marriage, two kids, and work in the oil fields of Kansas occupied
most of his time, until the early 1990s when he got back into amateur radio
and obtained a General-class license. At that time, Bill began checking into
traffic nets. He became interested in the NTS and later went on to become a
Section Traffic Manager.
We appreciate the leadership responsibilities that Bill and others like him
have assumed, and the work they have done to promote NTS and keep the
traffic flowing. We wish to thank them all for their much-appreciated efforts.
NTS Resources
The National Traffic System© (NTS) is a network of amateur radio operators
who move information during disasters and other emergencies. General
messages offering well wishes also move through the NTS to help test the
system and to help amateur radio operators build traffic handling skills.
While the NTS is primarily set up to serve the United States and Canada, it
is possible to move traffic internationally through the NTS through various
local, regional, area, and international network connections.
NTS 2.0
NTS Manual
NTS Methods and Practices Guidelines Table of Contents
Handling Instructions
Numbered Texts
Form Encoding Rules for Form
Sign up to Receive The NTS Letter
The NTS Letter is published monthly and is free of charge to ARRL members.
Subscribe: arrl.org/opt-in-out
Editor: Marcia Forde, KW1U, Section Traffic Manager -- Eastern
Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts, and Rhode Island
ARRL Director of Emergency Management: Josh Johnston, KE5MHV
Support NTS: Join ARRL
NTS is a program of ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio©. No
other organization works harder than ARRL to promote and protect amateur
radio! ARRL members enjoy many benefits and services including digital
magazines, e-newsletters, online learning (learn.arrl.org), and technical
support. Membership also supports programs for radio clubs, on-air contests,
Logbook of The World©, ARRL Field Day, and the all-volunteer ARRL Field
Join ARRL or renew today! arrl.org/join
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Copyright ¸ 2024 American Radio Relay League, Incorporated. Use and
distribution of this publication, or any portion thereof, is permitted for
non-commercial or educational purposes, with attribution. All other purposes
require written permission.
* Distributed on the packet network by *
* CX2SA <> 1978-2024 <> Salto, Uruguay *
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