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EI2GYB > ASTRO    02.09.21 12:22l 300 Lines 15541 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 14013_EI2GYB
Subj: Sky This Month: September 2021
Sent: 210902/1115Z 14013@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO BPQ6.0.22

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Sky This Month: September 2021

Neptune's turn at opposition.

Six major planets are in view before midnight during September, offering a 
full range of binocular and telescopic sights. 
Mercury and Venus hug the western horizon soon after sunset, while Jupiter 
and Saturn provide a dazzling spectacle in the southeast. 
Both planets are well placed all evening. 
Uranus and Neptune are best viewed in binoculars or a telescope.

Elusive Mercury tries to hide from us, but dedicated observers should 
successfully find it in evening twilight. 
Mercury is not particularly well placed for Northern Hemisphere observers 
as it reaches its greatest elongation east of the Sun (27) Sept. 13. 
This is because the ecliptic forms a very shallow angle to the horizon. 
The planet shines at magnitude 0.2 on the 13th and then slowly dims, 
reaching 0.7 by the 27th.

Look for Mercury 30 minutes after local sunset. On the 1st, it stands 3.5 
high in the western sky. By Sept. 7, Mercury stands slightly south of due west. 
A one-day-old Moon lies closer to due west but sets within 50 minutes of the 
Sun, so a clear western horizon and transparent skies are needed to see it. 
Try the more favorable evening of the 8th, when a fatter crescent Moon 
stands 5 nearly due north of Mercury 30 minutes after sunset. 
Look for the Moon in binoculars, then scan downward to find Mercury. 
The planet outshines Spica (magnitude 1), which appears between Venus, 
the brightest planet in the sky, and Mercury.

By Sept. 9, the waxing crescent Moon stands just under 4 north of Venus, 
a stunning pair in the celestial blue of twilight. 
Look with binoculars about 5 directly below the Moon to find Spica. 
Use the Moon and Venus to aid in finding Mercury, still close to the 
horizon and 13 to the lower right of the Moon. Thirty minutes after sunset, 
Mercury is less than 3.5 high.

Mercury and Spica stand 1.5 apart on Sept. 21, with Mercury about a half 
magnitude brighter than its stellar companion. Begin searching shortly 
after sunset, because you know by now that Mercury sets quickly. 
After this date, the planet dips even lower, becoming harder to find.

Venus is easier to spot, even though it's low in the sky. 
This is due to its brilliance: It shines at magnitude -4. 
Early in the month, Venus sets half an hour after Mercury and stands 11 
high in the southwest 30 minutes after sunset. 
Spy Venus through binoculars on Sept. 4; as the sky darkens, see if you can 
spot Spica less than 2 due south of the dazzling planet.

As we've mentioned, the Moon and Venus stand close on the 9th, while Venus 
coasts across the backdrop of southern Virgo. 
By the end of September, Venus sets nearly two hours after the Sun, although 
it hugs the horizon all month. With a telescope, you can watch the planet 
inflate from 15" to 19" in apparent diameter and change from 73 percent to 
62 percent lit throughout the month.

Across the sky, two bright planets are well placed in the southeast for viewing. 
Saturn is first, shining at magnitude 0.3 in western Capricornus. 
It stands 14 high at sunset. 
Jupiter follows Saturn across the sky, located 18 farther east in Capricornus. 
At magnitude -2.9, the giant planet clearly outshines Saturn. 
Both planets are past opposition, which they reached in August, and are 
best viewed from 10 P.M. local time onward, when they stand high in the 
southern sky.

Saturn is a stunning object in any telescope, revealing its magnificent 
ring system encircling the 18"-wide planetary disk. The rings are tilted 19 
to our line of sight, with their northern face on view. Over the next few 
years, the rings will become narrower, revealing more of the planet's 
southern hemisphere. 
The outer dusky Ring A is separated from the brighter Ring B by the 
Cassini division. If you can easily make out the division, your seeing 
conditions are good. 
The planet shines with a yellowish hue and rarely reveals significant 
features unless a storm erupts, visible as an obvious white spot.

Titan is Saturn's brightest moon, shining at magnitude 8.5. 
It orbits Saturn every couple of weeks and appears north of the planet 
Sept. 3 and 19, and south of the planet Sept. 11 and 27.

Rarely, a field star of similar magnitude enters the field of view, as 
on Sept. 12 and 13. On the 12th, the two are near each other southwest of 
Saturn; on the 13th, Titan remains southwest and the slightly brighter 
field star is southeast of the planet at a similar distance.

Magnitude 12 Enceladus tours around Saturn a few arcseconds from the bright 
edge of the rings, which make it hard to spot. 
A collection of brighter 10th-magnitude moons - Tethys, Dione, and 
Rhea - orbit a bit farther out with periods ranging from two to five days.

Iapetus is at inferior conjunction with Saturn on the last day of August. 
As September opens, it lies 1.5' southwest of the planet and glows near 
11th magnitude. 
The moon brightens throughout the month, reaching a peak around magnitude 
10 at western elongation Sept. 20, when it stands 9' due west of Saturn. 
The change occurs as its brighter trailing hemisphere becomes more visible 
from Earth at western elongation.

Jupiter's retrograde loop carries it deeper into western Capricornus, 
passing 1.5 north of 3rd-magnitude Deneb Algedi on Sept. 12. The planet is 
due south at roughly 35 altitude at local midnight (depending on your local 
latitude). This is a few degrees better than last fall. 

Higher elevation means less interference from our own turbulent 
atmosphere, producing a brighter planet for those capturing video.

Observing Jupiter is always a thrill. 
The planet exhibits two thick dark equatorial belts on a broad 48"-wide disk. 
Brighter zones to either side of these dark belts are replete with both 
subtle and not-so-subtle cloud features, which the planet carries along 
with its rapid rotation period of less than 10 hours. Occasionally, the 
Great Red Spot makes an appearance. 
Such features move visibly within 10 minutes, making the planet a hit with 
all observers.

Close pass
Io and Ganymede pass within 6" of each other Sept. 12, as Europa and its 
shadow are traversing Jupiter's disk. Callisto lies farther east.

Jupiter is joined by four bright moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. 
Collectively, these Galilean moons, so called because Galileo first 
reported them, change relative positions as they orbit with periods ranging 
from less than two days to 14 days.

The moons regularly undergo eclipses, transits, and shadow transits, 
sometimes two at a time. On Sept. 5, East Coast observers see Europa and 
its shadow crossing the planet's face just as Ganymede begins a transit at 
8:59 P.M. EDT. Ganymede begins at the eastern limb, while Europa leaves 
the western limb one minute later. 
Europa's shadow leaves Jupiter 51 minutes after that, at 9:51 P.M. EDT. 

As darkness falls across the midwestern U.S., Ganymede's transit is well underway.
At 10:45 P.M. EDT, Ganymede's huge shadow falls on the jovian cloud tops.

Illustrating the wonderful synchronous orbital periods of these two moons, 
this event repeats itself on Sept. 12/13. Europa begins a transit across 
Jupiter at 8:26 P.M. EDT. Its shadow transit starts 9:37 P.M. EDT. Look east 
of Jupiter to find Io and Ganymede moving in opposite directions. 
They are closest - less than 6" apart - at 10:20 P.M. EDT. Ganymede heads 
to a 12:20 A.M. EDT (on Sept. 13) transit, followed by its shadow at 
2:47 A.M. EDT. The huge, jet-black spot is clearly visible in any telescope.

There are many other transits and occultations of individual moons with Jupiter. 
On Sept. 3, Io and Europa disappear behind Jupiter's western limb 72 
minutes apart, with Io vanishing at 10:30 P.M. EDT. 
A good place to check for other events is the Royal Astronomical Society of 
Canada's 2021 Observer's Handbook.

Neptune's slow slide
Neptune reaches opposition this month. It spends September in Aquarius, near a 
triangle of three 6th-magnitude field stars.

Neptune reaches opposition Sept. 14 and remains visible all night. 
At its distance of nearly 2.7 billion miles, Neptune musters a span of 2" 
and a magnitude of 7.7, rendering it visible in binoculars. 
High magnification in a telescope and steady seeing is needed to see its 
bluish-green disk. Neptune stands 6 north of the Sept. 19 Full Moon.

You can track Neptune's motion against the background of stars in eastern 
Aquarius using binoculars. 
The planet is located nearly 5 east of 4th-magnitude Phi (?) Aquarii, and 
the gap reduces to less than 4 as the month progresses. 
Look for a triangle of 6th-magnitude field stars roughly 6.5 south of the 
Circlet in Pisces - Neptune is near this grouping all month. 
In fact, on Sept. 23, the planet makes a particularly close pass (1.5') of 
the westernmost star in the triangle. 
You'll need a telescope to see this close appulse.

Uranus rises around 10 P.M. local time on Sept. 1, and two hours earlier by 
Sept. 30. At midmonth, it is 20 high in the eastern sky by 11 P.M. local time. 
The magnitude 5.7 planet is an easy target for binoculars, although it remains 
challenging to spot in a dim part of southern Aries. 
A telescope shows a delightful pale bluish disk spanning 4".

To find Uranus, begin by searching for a triangle of stars formed by 
Omicron (?), Sigma (s), and Pi (?) Arietis. This trio of 5th-magnitude stars 
stands 6 due north of Mu () Ceti. Uranus starts the month in the lower 
middle of this triangle, equidistant from Omicron and Sigma. 
It then wanders westward toward Omicron as the month progresses. 
By Sept. 30, Uranus stands within 25' of this star. Note the gibbous Moon 
in the vicinity Sept. 24, with Uranus 5.5 northeast of our natural 
satellite shortly after rising.

Mars is too close to the Sun to observe it during September. 
The Red Planet returns to the morning sky in December.

Sept. 22 marks the autumnal equinox (3:21 P.M. EDT), the time of year when 
the Sun appears on the celestial equator, moving southward.
Rising Moon: Snaking across the Sea of Serenity

One of the most striking sights on Mare Serenitatis is the wrinkle ridge 
Dorsa Smirnov, but the time must be right. When the Sun is low in the lunar 
sky, the modestly lifted terrain casts shadows across the hardened plains of lava. 
The prominently paired dark and sunlit faces disappear under a higher Sun.

Since most amateurs are evening observers, we normally focus on features 
just after lunar sunrise, when the Moon is waxing from crescent to Full. 
Thankfully, the Harvest Moon effect allows us to observe the waning gibbous 
Moon before midnight. On Sept. 24th and 25th, the Sun begins to set over the 
Sea of Serenity in what some call reverse lighting. 
Classic lighting of the Serpentine ridge occurs during the Moon's evening 
crescent phase, on the 11th of this month and next.

Also called the Serpentine Ridge, Dorsa Smirnov's 200-mile-long complex of 

wrinkles formed when the regions just under the plains of lava slowly pushed 
into each other, causing the surface to buckle gently upward. 
The shapes can remind us of the delicate strands of the Veil Nebula, 
although the source of those compression forces was a supernova explosion, 
unlike the much weaker tectonic activity responsible for Luna's features.

Don't miss the fantastic crater Posidonius just to the northeast - it's a 
joy getting lost in the wonderful detail here. For starters, there are 
small craters, bumps, rilles, and a second wall. 
Farther south, the trio of Theophilus, Cyrillus, and Catharina are simply 

Meteor Watch: Catch the false dawn

After the flurry of major showers in August, meteor rates die down 
significantly in September. 
The sporadic or background rate of meteors reaches an average of seven 
meteors per hour, although the occasional fireball not associated with 
any shower can illuminate the night sky, so watch out for those events.

Meanwhile, in early September's moonless predawn sky, look out for a 
delta-shaped brightening stretching from Cancer into Gemini along the 
steeply inclined ecliptic before the onset of twilight. 
It's the zodiacal light, best observed from very dark locations far from 
any streetlights. 
The glow is from trillions of meteoritic dust particles left over from 
eons of comets cruising through the inner solar system, dumping fine 
material as the Sun heats their surface.

Comet Search: Rubbernecking encouraged

Seven years ago, the Rosetta spacecraft surveyed Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 
by dropping the Philae probe onto the surface, later finishing the adventure 
with its own soft landing.

The comet rises before midnight along with the Pleiades in the northeast, 
but you'll want to wait until the wee hours of the morning for it to get 
above the thickest part of our atmosphere. Our two-week Moon-free window 
closes midmonth. 
Glowing feebly at magnitude 10 to 11, Churyumov-Gerasimenko requires an 
8- to 10-inch scope from a dark site.

At high power, the rubber duck-shaped nucleus of a couple of miles across 
will be cloaked in a literal flurry of ice and dust - there's even a movie 
of that! The east (Sun-facing) flank is well defined, the solar wind pushing 
the dust into a diffuse, stubby fan to the west. Prep your scope and eyepieces 
to ward off the formation of dew, which is common in September.

Identified in 1969, Churyumov-Gerasimenko is a modestly recent discovery. 
It returns every 6.4 years to a spot just inside Mars' orbit before looping 
out to Jupiter's vicinity. In the distant future, giant Jove's gravity will 
fling Churyumov-Gerasimenko off on a new adventure.

Locating Asteroids: Backward motion

Speedier Earth overtakes the main-belt asteroid 89 Julia, causing it to go 
retrograde, or appear to move westward, through the constellation Aquarius. 
You'll find it straight south of Pegasus' nose star, magnitude 2.4 Enif 
(Epsilon [e] Pegasi).

The bright globular cluster M2, visible in a 4-inch scope from the suburbs as 
an unresolved cotton ball, serves as a jumping-off point to magnitude 9 Julia. 
Avoid the nights leading up to the Full Moon, when there is extra light in the sky. 
Hiding in plain sight, Julia's gradual shift from night to night gives it away. 
Keep a sketch of the three or four brightest stars in the field where the 
chart indicates, and you'll pick out the one that moved. 
That's how douard Stephan found it in 1866, by meticulously comparing the 
real sky against charts. Later, through recording the variations in 
brightness as Julia spins, astronomers deduced the asteroid is a 90-mile-wide 
crumpled-looking ball.

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                     Packet: EI2GYB@EI2GYB.DGL.IRL.EURO
                           Email: EI2GYB@GMAIL.COM

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