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Subj: [ANS] ANS-290 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
Sent: 211017/1336z @:I0OJJ.ITA.EU [Rome] $:25776KD4IZ



The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and information
service of AMSAT, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news
related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a
worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in
designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital
Amateur Radio satellites.

The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in
Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.

Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor [at]

You can sign up for free e-mail delivery of the AMSAT News Service Bulletins
via the ANS List; to join this list see:

In this edition:

* Virtual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting - October 30, 2021

* AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium to be held on Zoom 24 Oct 2021

* New APRS Satellites are now functioning

* PSAT2 (NO-104) enabled for APRS-2-Voice

* Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution as of October 14, 2021

* ARISS News

* Upcoming Satellite Operations

* Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events

* Satellite Shorts From All Over

ANS-290 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins


From: Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation

712 H Street NE, Suite 1653

Washington, DC 20002

DATE 2021 Oct 17

Virtual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting - October 30, 2021

Due to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, AMSAT has changed
plans for its 39th Annual Symposium and General Meeting from an in-person
event to a virtual event.

This is a chance for "Amateur Radio in Space" enthusiasts from all corners of
the globe to learn more about AMSAT's Strategic Plan, GOLF program, CubeSat
Simulator and other exciting developments taking place in the amateur
satellite world.

AMSAT will host its 2021 AMSAT Virtual Space Symposium and Annual General
Meeting on Zoom for its members on Saturday, October 30th from 9:00am CDT –
5:00pm CDT (UTC-5). The event will be a combination of pre-recorded video
segments along with live question and answer sessions.

Registration for members is required and is available on AMSAT's Member
Portal,  Registration is free and registered attendees will
receive a digital copy of the AMSAT Symposium Proceedings, entered into the
Symposium prize drawings, and be able to participate in discussions during
each question and answer session.

The 2021 AMSAT Virtual Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting will be
available to the general public on AMSAT's YouTube channel, at no cost.

Final papers for the Symposium Proceedings must be submitted by October 18,
2021 to Dan Schultz, N8FGV, n8fgv at usa dot net.  Symposium presentations
should be limited to 15 minutes of pre- recorded video. Video presentations
must be submitted by October 18, 2021 to Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, n8hm at arrl
dot net. We ask that presenters be available to take questions via Zoom
following the airing of their pre-recorded video.

Tentative Schedule

9:00am CDT - Opening Remarks

9:15am CDT – 2:00 pm CDT - General Presentations 

2:00pm CDT – 3:00 pm CDT - AMSAT Education / CubeSat Simulator 

3:00pm CDT – 4:00 pm CDT - AMSAT Engineering 

4:00pm CDT – 5:00 pm CDT - 2020 AMSAT Annual General Meeting

Questions regarding the Symposium can be directed to info at amsat dot org.

[ANS thanks the Symposium organizers for the above information]


                   Join the 2021 President's Club!

          Score your 2" 4-Color Accent Commemorative Coin.

                 This gold finished coin comes with

Full Color Certificate and Embroidered "Remove Before Flight" Key Tag

                           Donate today at


                       You won't want to miss it!


The AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium will be held as an online Zoom
Webinar on the 24th October 2021

The Colloquium will run from 09.45 UTC	to approximately 15.00 UTC.   A full
programme of the event is available at  You
dont have to be a member of AMSAT-UK to attend, and the event is free of

This years colloquium will be in the form of a Zoom Webinar. Its easy
to use, simply register at the address below, and follow the instructions
which will arrive by email. 

Please register before the 24th , or join live at

The 2021 colloquium will also be streamed via YouTube.

Our channel is at

The event will be hosted by members of AMSAT-UK and formally opened by our
Chairman, Martin Sweeting, G3YJO.

Each presentation will be followed by a 5 minute Q+A session, which will
allow those viewing via Zoom, to pose questions to the speakers.

The 2021 colloquium will be followed by the AMSAT-UK AGM and after a short
break there will be an informal evening discussion session on ‘All things

[ANS thanks David Bowman G0MRF - AMSAT-UK for the above information]


     Need new satellite antennas? Purchase Arrows, Alaskan Arrows,

    and M2 LEO-Packs from the AMSAT Store. When you purchase through

           AMSAT, a portion of the proceeds goes towards

                  Keeping Amateur Radio in Space.



New APRS Satellites are now functioning:

KE4AZZ McKinley Henson reports a new APRS satellite was heard on 145.825.
BEACON: DX4MYA To APTT4 Via WIDE1-1:Mabuhay! This is the APRS-DP of Maya-4.
But it appears to use DX3MYA callsign substitution when digipeating because
on the next pass he sent a few beacons with wide1-1. He was digid several
times but the following made it into the network.


>121508z[224] KE4AZZ EL87


=2702.06N/08209.93W`KE4AZZ EL87

Robert MacHale, KE6BLR comments on the two new APRS satellites added to the
APRS constellation: "They are in an approximate ISS orbit from which they
were deployed a week or so ago.  They also use the alias of ARISS making
operations easy."

Christy Hunter KB8LTY reports:

"I got 6 beacons digi'd thru MAYA-3 today (10/13/21). (never heard  MAYA-4
beacons although heard it yesterday) I used 2 separate paths, ARISS, and
DX3MYA, both were successful.I used TLEs (named from SatNOgs using


 1 49273U 98067SS  21285.96953269  .00027554  00000-0  48953-3 0 9997

 2 49273  51.6413 120.2941 0005565 120.1632 239.9909 15.49963282 1115


 1 49274U 98067ST  21286.09863284  .00026959  00000-0  47967-3 0 9992

 2 49274  51.6413 119.6562 0005462 119.5971 240.5562 15.49933665 1138

See all APRS sats on

(ANS thanks Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, Robert MacHale, KE6BLR, and Christy Hunter,
KB6LTY for the above information.


AMSAT's GOLF Program is about getting back to higher orbits, and it all

begins with GOLF-TEE – a technology demonstrator for deployable solar

panels, propulsion, and attitude control, now manifested for launch on

NASA's ELaNa 46 mission. Come along for the ride. The journey will be

worth it!



PSAT2 (NO-104) enabled for APRS-2-Voice

Bob Bruninga reports: "We are enabling PSAT2 for users (including

"Here is how to use it (The status bits should show 01001110)

1) Use 145.825 for digipeater (along with other APRS satellites)

2) For digipeating use one of these paths: APRSAT, ARISS, etc

3) For APRS2voice send an APRS message to PSAT-SAY

4) Begin the first 10 chars of the message with "CCCCCC sez ..."

5) Followed by the text to be spoken.(no quotes)

6) CCCCCC is your callsign right-padded to 6 with spaces."

"The satellite should ACK the packet uplink and then speak the
text.APRS-to-Voice is enabled if the status bit is enabled: 01001110. showing

Reserved bit always on (01xxxxxx)

PDK31 is disabled (xxxx1xxx) 

Digipeater is enabled (xxxxx1xx

APRS2voice is enabled (xxxxxx1x)

PSAT2 Voltage telemetry has failed so we will turn the PSAT2 user modes on as
long as they work. Live telemetry on"

[ANS thanks Bob Bruninga, WB4APR for the above information]


Changes to AMSAT-NA TLE Distribution as of October 14, 2021

The following two cubesats (added last week) have been identified and the
names have changed as follows: 

Maya-3 - NORAD Cat ID 49273 (was listed as OBJECT SS).

Maya-4 - NORAD Cat ID 49274 (was listed as OBJECT ST).

Thanks to Christy, KB6LTY for the identifications.

The following satellite has been added to this weeks AMSAT TLE

IT-SPINS  – NORAD Cat ID 49017

Thanks to David Klumpar,KD7MFJ for requesting this addition

[ANS thanks Ray Hoad, WA5QGD, AMSAT Orbital Elements Manager for the above


    Want to fly the colors on your own grid expedition?

            Get your AMSAT car flag and other neat stuff

                    from our Zazzle store!

        25% of the purchase price of each product goes

            towards Keeping Amateur Radio in Space




Amateurs and others around the world may listen in on contacts between
amateurs operating in schools and allowing students to interact with
astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station. The
downlink frequency on which to listen is 145.800 MHz worldwide.

Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule as of 2021-09-15 15:30 UTC


Quick list of scheduled contacts and events:

Jean Alloitteau School, Vinça, France, direct via F1MOJ. The ISS callsign is
presently scheduled to be FXØISS. The downlink frequency is presently
scheduled to be 145.800 MHz. The latest information on the operation mode can
be found at The
scheduled astronaut is Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG. Contact is go for: Mon
2021-10-18 08:06:12 UTC 38 deg 

Next mode changes as of 12 October:

​Columbus Module radios:

+IORS (Kenwood D710GA) – STATUS - Configured. Supporting packet operation
(145.825 MHz up & down). Next planned mode change is to cross band repeater
(145.990 MHz up {PL 67} & 437.800 MHz down) around first part of

+Power down for upcoming Soyuz undocking on Oct. 17. Turning OFF Oct. 16
about 15:20 UTC. Back ON Oct. 18 about 07:55 UTC

+Power down for upcoming Progress relocate on Oct. 21-22. Turning OFF Oct. 20
about 18:00 UTC. Back ON Oct. 22 about 17:55 UTC.

+Power down for upcoming Progress docking on Oct. 30. 

+Supporting USOS scheduled voice contacts, packet and voice repeater ops. 

Service Module radios:

Kenwood D710E – STATUS - Radio usually off.​ ​​

+Power down for upcoming Soyuz undocking on Oct. 17. Turning OFF Oct. 17
about 15:20 UTC.

+Power down for upcoming Progress relocate on Oct. 21-22. Turning OFF Oct. 20
about 18:00 UTC. 

+Power down for upcoming Progress docking on Oct. 30. 

+Supporting ROS scheduled voice contacts and SSTV.


The latest information on the operation mode can be found at

The latest list of frequencies in use can be found at 

[ANS thanks Charlie Sufana, AJ9N, one of the ARISS operation team mentors for
the above information]


    AMSAT, along with our ARISS partners, is developing an Amateur

    Radio package, including two-way communication capability, to

            be carried on-board Gateway in lunar orbit.

   Support AMSAT's projects today at


Upcoming Satellite Operations

Quick Hits:

WA8ZID: I hope to get some passes in OCT 14-18 on FM birds for the 60th
Anniversary of the West Valley ARC in DM33.  Not a rare grid but it is a rare
call. We will be on HF as well but I do want to get some satellite stations
for the 5 days we are authorized with W7V callsign.  A certificate is
available for those who are interested.

Major Roves:

Galapagos Islands: HD8, GALAPAGOS ISLANDS. Members of the Tifariti Gang/DX
Friends will be active as HD8R from Galapagos Islands (SA-004) between
October 26th and November 7th. Operators mentioned are Toni/EA5RM (Team
Leader), Alberto/EA1SA, Gen/EA5EL, Raul/EA5KA, Javier/EA5KM, Manuel/EA7R,
Jose Ramón/EA7X, Flo/F5CWU, Jean Jacques/F5NKX, Tony/F8ATS, Fausto/HC5VF,
Faber/HK6F, Simone/IK5RUN and Fabrizio/IN3ZNR. The pilot station will be
Tony, EC7ZK. Activity will be on 160-6 meters, including 60m, using CW, SSB,
the Digital modes and low orbit satellites, with at least 4 stations that
include Spiderbeams, verticals, Inverted “Ls” and beverages. Check with
K9JKM for details.

NA-008. (Zone 2) After being silent for 18 months, operators Alex/VE1RUS and
Pierre/VE3TKB will once again be active as  VY0ERC from the Eureka Weather
station this October. This station is operated by the Eureka Amateur Radio
Club [probably the most northerly located amateur radio club in the world]
from Eureka, Nunavut. The VY0ERC team (VE1RUS and VE3KTB) is now in
preparation to be active from the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research
Laboratory between October 12th and November 22nd, (time and weather
conditions permitting). They plan to participate in CQWW DX SSB and the ARRL
Sweepstakes Contests. Outside of the contests, the suggested bands are 40 and
20 meters (possibly 80m), as well as FM satellites (from ER60, EQ79) using
SSB, the Digital modes (FT8 and RTTY) and very slow CW. Activity will be
limited to their spare time. QSL via M0OXO, OQRS or direct. For updates,

[ANS thanks Paul Overn, KE0PBR, AMSAT rover page manager, for the above


Hamfests, Conventions, Maker Faires, and Other Events

AMSAT will host its 2021 AMSAT Dr. Tom Clark, K3IO, Memorial Space Symposium
and Annual General Meeting on Zoom for its members on Saturday, October 30th
from 9:00am CDT – 5:00pm CDT (UTC-5). The event will be a combination of
pre-recorded video segments along with live question and answer sessions.
Registration for members is required and is available on AMSATs Member
Portal for the 39th AMSAT Virtual Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting.
Go to: You will need to log in to access the
registration page.

Updates may be found at:

AMSAT Ambassadors provide presentations, demonstrate communicating through
amateur satellites, and host information tables at club meetings, hamfests,
conventions, maker faires, and other events.

>From Clint Bradford,K6CLS, AMSAT Ambassador:

"Pulled off a doubleheader last Monday: I performed two satellite shows
back-to-back - one in Ohio and one in Portland.

Found out ARRL Director Dale WA8EFK was going to be in attendance in Ohio. Oh
my gosh -  should I take off my crazy Buzz Aldrin Collection shirt and get
something more conservative on?

Naw ... (grin)

We each had prepared a "salute" to the club for winning a prestigious award
for their outstanding club newsletter. And I received this the next day in my
In Box -


Hi Clint, 

Your presentation was a real hoot! It was fun being your "target" and I think
we all enjoyed it. I really like your presentation style, it is so relaxed,
personal and really moves along.

Oh, and one thing more, I learned a lot!

Thanks  73,

Dale R. Williams WA8EFK


Great Lakes Division

AMSAT Ambassador Clint Bradford, K6LCS, makes online presentations to Amateur
Radio clubs and other interested organizations. Contact Clint at or by phone at 909-999-SATS (7287) to arrange a

[ANS thanks Paul Overn, KE0PBR, AMSAT Events page manager, and Clint
Bradford, K6CLS for the above information]


Satellite Shorts From All Over

+ The latest AMSAT Rover Award goes to Richard Nolet, VA3VGR. Richard is
awardee #61. The AMSAT Rover award is earned by those who acheive a score of
25 points by meeting the crieteria that is described on the AMSAT Rover Award
page: (ANS thanks Bruce KK5DO, AMSAT
Director of Contests & Awards for the above information.)

+ Using IC-705 with SDR-Console v3 for satellite QSOs: Lars Thunberg, SM0TGU
has posted some additional "how to" information for IC-705 users: "I have
made a small update for my guide about using the IC-705 for satellite QSO
with the SDR-Console as control software and receiver.
73, Lars SM0TGU" Lars has posted a number of good "how-to" blogs on the
AMSAT-SM website. (ANS thanks Lars Thunberg, SM0TGU, Webmaster, AMSAT-SM for
the above information.)

+ UVSQ-SAT: Transponder active on October 17, 2021 from 12 p.m. UTC to 11
p.m. UTC. The LATMOS team has programmed the UVSQ-SAT satellite to go into
transponder mode on Sunday, October 17, 2021 from 12 p.m. UTC. The
transponder will be active for 11 consecutive hours. From October 16 at 12:00
UTC, an ASCII message will be broadcast to announce that transponder mode
will be activated. More information on the satellite: UVSQsat
( thanks Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, for the above information.)

+ Adapter structure with 10 CubeSats installed on top of Artemis moon rocket.
Workers at NASAs Kennedy Space Center have lifted the Orion Stage Adapter
on top of the Space Launch System moon rocket, adding the structure housing
10 CubeSat rideshare payloads heading into deep space on the Artemis 1
mission. But three of the CubeSat missions missed their opportunity to fly on
the first SLS mission.

NASA has not announced a target launch date for the mission, known as Artemis
1, but it is expected to fly some time in early 2022. The test flight will
pave the way for the next SLS/Orion mission, Artemis 2, to carry four
astronauts to lunar orbit as soon as 2023. More information available at : (ANS thanks Stephen Clark of Spaceflight Now for the
above information.)

+ Orbiting between Mars and Jupiter lies a large asteroid, averaging 225 km
in diameter (and shaped like a potato! ) and made largely (30-60%) of
metalits size and composition make it unique in our solar system. This is
Psyche, a mysterious world full of questions. How was it created? What is the
connection between it and the other planets? What does a metal-rich surface
look like? Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton at Arizona State University, principal
investigator of the Psyche mission, leads a team thats aiming to solve the
mystery of how Psyche was created. Scientists suspect that Psyche is a
stripped core of a planetesimal: a metal core left floating in space after
collisions stripped at least some of the rocky mantle surrounding it. The
Psyche mission was selected along with its sister mission Lucy as the 14th
mission in NASAs Discovery program. The Psyche spacecraft is jointly
built; its body, the Solar Electric Propulsion chassis, comes from Maxar
Technologies, but its brains, the main computer and software, come from
NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory. More at (ANS
thanks The Orbital Index for the above information.)

+ AMSAT-EA is already working on the mission of what will be the first
satellite of URE (Spain's national amateur radio society), URESAT-1. The
URESAT satellite are based on the experience of the previous GENESIS
missions, with the GENESIS-N and GENESIS-L satellites (which were lost due to
rocket failure in September), and EASAT-2 and Hades, which are scheduled to
launch with SpaceX on January 10 from Cape Canaveral. It is expected that
said satellite will incorporate an FM voice repeater, FSK transmissions and
some type of on-board experiment, which could be a camera with SSDV
transmissions or some type of propellant. (ANS thanks Southgate ARC and Union
Radioaficionados Espanoles for the above information)

+ The astronauts who will ride SpaceXs newest Dragon spaceship into orbit
later this month have named their spacecraft “Endurance” as a tribute to
the human spirit and a historic sailing vessel used by Antarctic explorer
Ernest Shackleton. The new spacecraft, previously known by serial number
“Capsule 210,” is scheduled to launch to the ISS on Oct. 30 carrying Raja
Chari, KI5LIU, Tom Marshburn, KE5HOC, Matthias Maurer, KI5KFH, and Kayla
Barron, KI5LAL. SpaceXs first two crew-rated Dragon spaceships were named
"Endeavour" and "Resilience" by the astronauts who first flew on them. (ANS
thanks Spaceflight Now for the above information)


Join AMSAT today at

In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership to:

* Societies (a recognized group, clubs or organization).

* Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at
one-half the standard yearly rate.

* Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall
be eligible for the student rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in
this status.

* Memberships are available for annual and lifetime terms.

Contact info [at] for additional membership information.

73 and remember to help Keep Amateur Radio in Space!

This week's ANS Editor, Jack Spitznagel, KD4IZ

kd4iz at frawg dot org

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