G8MNY > TECH 03.07.18 09:32l 142 Lines 6850 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 27481_GB7CIP
Subj: Lafayete 57 Range Multimeter
Sent: 180703/0826Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:27481 [Caterham Surrey GBR]
By G8MNY (Corrections Jan 16)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)
Model 99-5076
³³~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~³³ DC Volts 0.25 2.5 10 50 250 1000 @ 25k/V
³³ ³³ 0.125 1.25 5 25 125 500 @ 50k/V
³³³³~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~³³³³ DC Amps 50uA 5mA 50mA 500mA 10A @ Normal
³³³³ ³³³³ 25uA 2,5mA 25mA 240mA 5A @ 2x
³Æµ³ . ³Æµ³
ÀÙ³³ '. ³³ÀÙ AC Volts 3 10 50 250 1000 @ 2.5k/V
Ú¿³³ '. . ³³Ú¿ 1.5 5 25 125 500 @ 5k/V
³³³³ '. :'\': ³³³³
³Æµ³ '. 'ú.ú' ³Æµ³ 10x dB scales & DC isolated AC.
ÀÙ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄijÀÙ Ohms «FSD 13ê 65ê 650ê 6k5ê 65kê
³ o- +o ³ (|) ³ o o ³
³ ³ ³ ³ Accurancy DC 2%, AC 3%
³ [± ]rev ³_________³ «[ ±] ³
DC VOLTS 1000 100 10 1 Volts
To get a meter of just one Ú10MÄÂÄ1MÄÂ100kÂÄÄÄ11k1ÄÄÄÄ>+
sensitivity to do many o o o o
ranges voltage multiplier /³\
resistors are used. Here +³
the voltage drop across /~~~\
the meter is ignored, but ³Meter³
it will affect the lowest 90uA\___/
Series resistors are used
to protect the switch more Sensitivity is 11k1/V
from high voltages.
DC CURRENT 100uA 1mA 10mA 100mA
For current ranges shunts +ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ>+
are put across the meter. /~~~\ \³/
Here the meter resistance ³Meter³ o o o o
is 100ê so it has 10mV drop 100uA\___/ ³ ³ ³
@ 100uA. The 1mA shunt here 10mV ³ 11ê 1ê 0.1ê
is corrected for the 100ê ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÁÄÄ>-
meter load.
For AC a rectifier diode is
used, & normally this alters 1000 100 10 Volts
the sensitivity, so a different Ú4M5ÂÄ450kÂÄÄÄÄ45kÄÄÄÄ>~
multiplier arm the DC is used. o o o
In this circuit only half the /³\
current goes through the meter +ÚÄÄÄ´<ÃÄÄ´
& the 1.1 AC sine wave form /~~~\ D1 _³_D2
factor means that 2.2x meter ³Meter³ /_\
current must flow. Only a 100uA\___/ ³100uA
100mV is lost in the germanium ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ>~
diode D1, so the low voltage
range can take this into account
on the scale. D2 can be any type Sensitivity is 4k5/V.
& protects the low voltage D1.
Here a voltage source is put
in series with the meter & a
known resistance that set the
half scale resistance & includes (actually -ve!)
the meter load resistance. ÚÄÄCal Zero RÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ>+
The higher the battery +³ \³/
voltage the higher resistance /~~~\ o o o o
that can be measured, but ³Meter³ Ú10Á100Á1kÁ10kÙ
becomes a danger for 100uA\___/ ³
sensitive electronics. ³ ³ ³+
The Cal zero R sets the meter ÀÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÛÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ>-
sensitive to give full scale ³ (actually +ve!)
ZERO reading on shorting the
probes depending the battery state.
Note that the battery internal resistance is added to the unknown resistance,
& this affects the low range scale calibration! Also the probe polarity is
revesed to that indicated & it is different than for digital meters!
³ I
³Ú========================= =============== ================ =========== =¿
\/ ÀÄ20kÄÄ80kÄ¿ ³ ³ ³
/\ /³\ ³ ³ ³Com + 10A O/P³
³ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ o o o o ³
³ /15uA\ ³ ICal ³ ³ 13 ³ Low ³ 13k ÚÄ)ÄÄ)ÄÄÁ´Ã)ÄÄÙ ³
³ Ú´ Meterô ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ)Ä)Ä¿ ³ 46k Ú4k7´<ô ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ \____/ ³12.5k ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ oNor³ 3k3 ³ ³ ³ À0.025´ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ o o ³ ³ ³Ú> ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ÃÄÄ´>ÃÄÄÄ´ ÀoNor Ú> X <Ù ³ ³³ o« ³ 5kHi³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ÃÄ´<ÃÄÄÄÄ´ <ÄÄÄ´ o o ³ ³³ À4k7Á´>ÃÁÄÄÙ ³ ³ 0.475 ³
³ ÃÄÄVCalÄÄÙ ÚoVA/2³Rev Nor ³ ³³ Low ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³³ ³³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ³ ³
ÀÄÂ56k25Â197k5Â1MÂ5MÂ18M75¿³Ã47Â650Â6k54¿Ú´³Ú1M87ÂM5ÂM1Â17k5´ Ã4.53Â45.3Å24k9´
o o o o o o³o o o o³o³o o o o o´ o o o o
³ I ³ ³ ³
=========================Ù=============Ù À================ÃÄ================
I ³
0.25 2.5 10 50 250 1k R/5 R 10 100 1k 1k 250 50 10 3 500 50 5 50u
\________DC_VOLTS_________/ \_____OHMS____/ \___AC_VOLTS___/ \____DC_mA____/
& dB Scales
The configuration switching between modes & all the ranges is all done on just
1 large rotary switch with 3 bridging contacts (I) 5 wipers of 2 circuits.
Only 4 probe sockets are used, 2 extra for the high current (10A) & the DC
isolated AC measurement.
Extra switches provide a meter reverse feature & a double sensitivity that
doubles the number of meter ranges. (has no meaning on ohms!)
This meter's movement is a extremely sensitive @ 15uA for FSD, but not very
accurate, so it is calibrated with an ICal & VCal presets at manufacture.
The AC ranges are calibrated with select on test resistors 2x "4k7 Low" & the
"5k Hi" that accurately allows for the diode forward resistance loss & leakage.
Most of the resistors are special values made for the meter, & of course they
are very accurate & stable 0.5% types.
See my tech buls on "Meter Movement Types", "Maplin Mains Meter 2000MU-UK",
"Edgcume Peebles Megger & Low R", "Edgcume Peebles Earth Loop Z", "Car Dwell
Angle & RPM Meter", & "Kelvin Varley Voltage Divider".
Why don't U send an interesting bul?
73 De John, G8MNY @ GB7CIP
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