I0OJJ > TECH 19.10.19 18:47l 39 Lines 1245 Bytes #999 (30) @ WW
BID : N9TI0OJJ_005
Subj: Re: Which FOSS AX25 stacks are in use?
Sent: 190923/1509z @:I0OJJ.ITA.EU [Rome] obcm1.08-3-g9b42 LT:030
From: I0OJJ @ I0OJJ.ITA.EU (Gustavo)
X-Info: Sent with login password
Hi Adrian,
I'm not an expert for addressing your questions with my ideas :(
However your and every efforts are very welcome!
I remember about the N0ARY and the LBBS... but they remained in
1996 date, not beyond of their basic develop, so your new energy
is very welcome. Have a good job.
73, gustavo i0ojj
>Hi! I'm Adrian, new to packet radio but not new to networking.
>What packet radio stacks are in use these days? I remember running
>KA9Q in the deep distant past to use as an IP gateway long before
>I ever got my amateur radio licence.
>I've finally setup a port of KA9Q to Unix and am fixing bugs in the
>packet scheduling / transmission side of things so frames aren't
>spammed out all the time.
>So it got me wondering - what /are/ the AX25 stacks that are currently
>in use these days? I know about JNOS and linBPQ32; I also am working
>on the n0ary bbs and ka9q ports that KE6JJJ is currently working on.
>(And yes, I know about the Linux ax25 stack.)
>But what else is out there? Is there any other active development going
>on with AX25 protocol stacks these days? Or did I just miss the boat?
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