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G8MNY  > TECHNI   26.01.17 16:17l 262 Lines 13508 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 32755_GB7CIP
Subj: Spectrum Analyser mods 88-89/1
Sent: 170126/1501Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:32755 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

By G8MNY                                 (Updated Mar 15)
(8 Bit ASCII graphics use code page 437 or 850, Terminal Font)

Here are 22 modifications I have done to the popular scope adaptor design that
was first published in the RSGB's Radcom Technical Topics Apr 1988.

This design used just 3 ICs, 4 regulators & 1 transistor. A MC3356 is the 1st
osc mixer & log IF (most of the 94 transistors in the IC are not used), a MC602
(NE602) 2nd osc mixer, a TL084 quad op amp to do the sweep, & ñ12V 1A, +5 & +6V
100mA regs. (in 1989 a similar mark 2 design & PCB kit was published, with
bells & whistles, very complex with loads of 741s & calibrated switches).

³ÚÙMainsÀ¿  ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿  Mains    ³Box         My one was very neatly UGLY
³³Transf-³  ³  PSU  ³           ³            constructed (not by me) with
³À¿ormerÚÙ  ³_______³ inner box ³            double sided PCB made box &
³ ÚÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³            aluminium folded U top cover.
³ ³³  ÚÄ¿ r2 ÚÄÄ¿ ³ Op ÚÄ¿   ³³ ³
³ ³³  ³M³    ³()³ ³Amps³ ³   ³³ ³ r1=78L06   Then again with the RF bits
³ ³³  ³C³    ³()³ ³    ÀÄÙ   ³³ ³ r2=78L05   in a 2nd bolted in PCB
³ ³³  ÀÄÙL2  ³()³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³ ³            box with individual screen
³ ³³ L       ÀÄÄÙ ³  ÚÄ¿ r1  ³³ ³            partitions & RF feed through
³ ³ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ IF1   ³  ÀÄÙ()2nd³³ ³            caps for lines in & out,
³ ³³L1    ³IFamp  ³IF2  Mix  ³³ ³            an RF tight fitting fingered
³ ÀÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÙ ³            aluminium lid.
³ ________    ____    Sweep     ³
³ ³ Attn ³   ³Pot ³   ÚÄÄ¿  ÚÄ¿ ³
  RF       X   ÀÙ   Y  ÀÙ  on/off

   Input   LPF  Protect  HF  Trim  Mixer 1st IF  Mixer  2nd IF  IF   Filter
   Atten   0-90   Clip   EQ  Bias   1     145     2     10.7    Amp   10.7
o)Ä´ ³ ÃÄÄ´~~\ÃÄÄ´ ^vÃÄÄ´-Ä'ÃÄÄÁÄÄ´< >ÃÄÄ´_Û_ÃÄÄ´< >ÃÄÄ´_³_ÃÄÄ´³> ÃÄÄ´_³_ÃÄ¿
     ÚÄÄÄ¿  ³                     ÚÄÁÄ¿  1.5MHz ÚÄÁÄ¿   50kHz        50kHz ³
/oÄÄÄ´ÁÁÁÃÄ>Ù              145-235³OSC³         ³OSC³ terminated for shape ³
     ÀÄÄÄÙMarkers             MHz ÀÄÂÄÙ         ÀÄÄÄÙ                      ³
  Vernier            ÚÄÄÄ¿          ³Sweep     134.3MHz                    ³
Frequency<ÄÄÄÂÄÄ>ÄÂÄÄ´³> ÃÄÄÂÄÄÄ>ÄÄÄÙ                                     \³/
      Pot    ³    ³  ÀÄÄÄÙ  ³                                              ³
             ³    ³  ÚÄÄÄ¿  ³Corrected                                     ³
    ÚÄÄRamp  ³    ÀÄÄ´_./ÃÄÄÙSweep                                         ³
    ³ Sweep<ÄÙ       ÀÄÄÄÙNFB                                      Filter  ³
    ³   Pot                                   Log Amp & Detector   10.7    ³
X o)´  ÚÄÄÄ¿  ÚÄÄÄÄ¿        ÚÄÄÄ¿   Â          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿   ÚÄÄÄ¿   ³
 S  ÀÄÄ´ <³ÃÄÄ´ <³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´³> ÃÄ´<  Sync     ³Ú<ÃÂ<ÃÂ<ÃÂ<ÃÂ<³ÃÄÄÄ´_º_ÃÄÄÄÙ
 C     ÀÄÄÄÙ  ³RampÃÄÄ<50Hz ÀÄÄÄÙ   ³ clamp    ³  5 Detectors  ³   ÀÄÄÄÙ
 O    Buffer  ³Osc ÃÄ´ÃÄ¿   Flyback ³          ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ   300kHz
 P            ÀÄÄÄÄÙ    Á    Amp    ³          10kHz   ³sum       Spurious
 E     ÚÄÄÄ¿1kHz                    ³  ÚÄÄÄ¿   ÚÄÄÄ¿   ³         Wall Filter
   o\  ÀÄÂÄÙLP                         ÀÄÄÄÙ   ÀÄÄÄÙ  Y Cal
 LPF ÀÄÄÄÙVideo                    Detector S   Video  Á
 Switch   Filter                   Correction   Filter

After modifications here is the upgraded Specification:-

Frequency Range 200kHz-90MHz
Level flatness 200kHz-70MHz -3dB, 80 -6dB, 90-16dB

BNC 50ê input @ up to +20dBm (0.5W Max with all atten in),
70dB of input Attenuators 10, 20, & 40dB.
IF bandwidth 50kHz @ -20dB
Video Bandwidth 10kHz or 1kHz @ -3dB
Sensitivity +20dBuV (10uV) for 10dB/Noise
1st IC protected by clipper (not attenuator)

70dB of vertical Y log scale. (ñ2dB)
60dB mixer dynamic range before onset of mixer overload
BNC Y Scope output calibrated to 100mV/10dB, with negative flyback syncs.

Sweep rate 50Hz flyback locked to supply (ñ1Hz)
BNC X scope Ramp Output 20V P-P
5MHz RF Markers up to 90MHz
Vernier Dial Frequency readout, Accuracy ó 1MHz
No display of lower image sideband (below 0Hz)
210-254V 50-60Hz Mains Operation 10W.

1/ There are 3 attenuators, the 10 & 20dB are accurately achievable with 1
double pole changeover switches separated by PCB screens. But the 40dB one is
not so easy, & needs some attention to detail, & an additional screening plate
between the connections to achieve it over the frequency range.
Note the 2k4 & 51ê are E24 series, but 2k2 & pairs of 100ê (* or 3x 150) work
quite well & may give higher dissipation if 500mW is put in. All Rs small types
& NOT WIRE WOUND! Very short leads are used on the 3 small switches.
      ³ ÚÄÄÄÄ2k4ÄÄÄÄ¿ ³               ³               ³
      ³ ³  oÄÄÄÄÄo  ³ ³   oÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄo  ³   oÄÄÄÄÄÄÄo   ³__ 50ê Coax
BNC  o)ÄÁo/   |   \oÁÄÄÄo/          \oÄÄo/         \oÄ)__ to filter
Input ³    o¿ | Úo    ³   oÂÄ270êÄÂo  ³   oÂÄ68êÄÂo   ³
 50ê  ³ * 51ê | 51ê   ³   68ê    68ê  ³  100ê   100ê  ³
             40dB            20dB            10dB

I found that the losses reduced by the odd dB at higher frequencies, this is
due to.. switch crosstalk capacitance, series R capacitance or low ê R
inductance, earth inductance etc.

2/ At the input to the low pass filter, add a 5MHz marker clock oscillator IC
mounted right beside the filter L. The output is loosely coupled by stray
capacitance with its short 1 cm lead for accurate frequency markers.
(The mk 2 SA has a marker already). The L1 is 5 turns wide spaced 5mm dia.
DC is via a push button.
Markers          14ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿9   stray pick up   protection
 Äo\ÄÂÄ470êÄÂÄÄÄÂÄÄ´ 5MHzÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ L1    clipper        HF lift    Pin 20
+12V ³      ³   ³  ³ OSC ³  from >ÂÄ(((()ÄÂÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÂÄÄ´ÃÄÄ(((()ÄÄÂÄÄ> MC3356
    ===    _³_ === ³  IC ³ atten  ÃÄÄ´ÃÄÄÄ´  _³_ _³_  ³ 10n  8turns ³/\  250ê
   u1³   5V/_\' ³u1ÀÂÄÄÄÂÙ       === 15p === \_/ /_\ 62ê      6mm  ===   I/P Z
     ³      ³   ³   ³7 1³     56p ³    56p³   ³   ³   ³            /³ 20p
                  CLOCK IC           LPF    2x1N4148  Term

3/ Change the low pass filter termination to 62ê as it is in parallel with 250ê
IC input Z. My filter is 3dB down @ 90MHz with about 30dB rejection above that.

4/ Add RF clipping diodes across termination R to protect IC1. These do not
conduct at all, for on screen signal levels. But do stop you blowing up the IC
with silly signals (e.g. from a handheld), but the input attenuator is

5/ The conditioned signals from the attenuator & VHF wall filter is fed through
an L & C trimmer for best HF level @ 70MHz into the 250ê input Z of the mixer
IC1 (1st « of MC3356 IC). The IC is not designed for the Local Osc @ so high
frequency, so there is some drop off @ 80MHz sensitivity without this tweak.

1st MIXER in MC3356.
A 2:1 step up ferrite transformer & no termination resistor will give 6dB more
gain, but no transformer is flat over 0.5 - 90MHz range so this is not used.
The mixer has a gain of about 5dB.

The osc provides 2 out of phase outputs (one with no RF!) that are buffered to
drive the Gilbert mixer cell (unbalanced), which has one RF input & 1 output.

     Tuned cct        OSC      BUFFERS      MIXER  CELL
   ===    ) L2          ³     ³/    ³   ³           ³          ³ 4.3uH )
10n_³_    ÃÄÄÄÄÄ 3oÄÂÄÄÄ)Ä10kÄ´     ³   ³           ³  IF      ³    L3 )  1n
      ÚÄÄÄ´          \³ ³     ³\e ³/    ³   ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄ)Äo5 ÄÄÄÁÄ´ÃÄ>
     ===  ³           ÃÄÁÄ10kÄÄÄ)Ä´     ³   ³       ³   ³      ³      to 145MHz
     /_\ === 2p2    e/³         ³ ³\e ³/     \³   ³/     \³   50k     IF Filter
Sweep ³   ÃÄÄÄÄÄ 2oÄ´           ³   ÃÄ´       ÃÄÂÄ´       ÃÄ¿  ³
>Ä10kÄ´   ³         ³           ³   ³ ³\e   e/³ ³ ³\e   e/³ ³  ³
      ³   ³         ³           ³   ³   ÀÄÄÂÙ   ³   ÀÂÄÄÙ   ³  ³
      ³  === 5p     ³           ÃÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÙ    ³      ³  ³
  1n ===  ³         ³           ³   ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ  ³
      ³   ³   RF in ³           ³   ³    ³/           \³       ³
LPF   ³   ³  ³      ³           ³   ³  ³ ³\e         e/³ ³     ³
      ³   ³  ³      ³           ³   ³  ³   ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´   ³     ³
      ³   ³  ³      ³           ³   ³  ÀÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄ)Ä10kÄ´
      ³   ³  ³      ³           ³   ³      ³         ³   ³    _³_
      ³   ³ 1M     50k         50k 50k   330ê      330ê ===   \_/
      ³   ³ Preset  ³           ³   ³      ³         ³   ³20p _³_
      ³   ³  ³      ³           ³   ³      ³         ³   ³    \_/

L2 is a spread out coil 5 turns 5mm dia. The 12V is well decoupled with 10n @
L3. The original Varicap was a MV209.

N.B. never accidentally put a earth on pin 2, as this will destroy the OSC NPN!

6/ To get the last drop of balance out the 1st mixer, I found a 1M preset from
RF input to ground could give a slight improvement in balance & reduce a 2nd
harmonic of a pure RF signal by 2dB.

 dB  0Hz
+60´³        .Fo                    If the balance is the other
+50´³   ^    ³                      way, try the pot to +12V.
+40´³   |    ³   Adjust 1M
+30´º ~60dB  ³    for Min           Use a well filtered Osc (2-30MHz)
+20´º   |    º      \|/             so the 2nd harmonic > -60dBc
+10´º   v    º      2Fo    Noise

7/ The varicap tuned first local VHF oscillator's range has extended to tune
from 145MHz to 235MHz by adding further UHF Varicaps across the initial one &
stretching/reducing the osc L2. This may depend on the varicap used & stray C.

8/ The local oscillator coil is adjusted to give 0Hz line (e.g. osc = 145MHz)
when the FREQUENCY control vernier is set to 0 (mechanically near the -12V end
of the pot, so that tuning sweep voltage after the amp is near to +12V). This
also stops the unwanted image side of the 0Hz from being displayed & causing
confusion. The 22uF bipolar cap removes any scratchyness in the freq pot.

            FREQ<ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄ>Tuning         ³       0Hz
           10k POT       ³      DC          ³        ³
              ³         ===22u              ³  No    ³     5MHz
           80MHz CAL     ³Bipolar           ³Inverted³   ³ Markers
           5k PRESET    _³_                 ³Display º | ³   ³
-12VÄÄÄ´<ÃÄÄÄÄÙ                             ³  \³/   º ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
     Thermal                                ³________º_³_³_³_³_³_
    compensation. (See 21/ & 22/)

9/ Mine used a standard 50ê 2M three pole TOKO 144-146MHz filter, (the original
article said to build your own). The TOKO one can be modified from a bandwidth
of about 3MHz (-10dB) with 3 peaks, to a single peak 1.5MHz wide, by adding 2
small metal shielding strips (6mm x 8mm) to cover the 2 apertures between the 3
coil sections, BUT this is fiddly to do!

Underside view                   After mod
 ³( ) ( ) ( )³                  ³( )³( )³( )³

To see the 1st IF response on its own on the display, to tune it up, temporally
remove connections to the 2nd IF filter & bypass it with a bridging 1nF cap &
feed a carrier in (marker). 
        _   _   _                        ..
³      / \./ \./ \            ³         /  \
³     |           |           ³        |    |
³    ³             ³          ³       ³      ³
³   |               |         ³      |        |
³_./       3MHz      \._      ³____./  1.5MHz  \.__

Once the 1st IF's bandwidth is reduced then the number of signals reaching the
2nd mixer is greatly reduced & hence this reduces the amount of unwanted
distortions & close in mixing products being displayed.

2nd MIXER.
This uses a NE602 osc & a balanced Gilbert cell mixer (used unbalanced) with
similar internal circuit to that of the MC3356 RF part, it runs on its own +6V
regulator & RF decoupled. Mixer gain is about 17dB.

   ===   8t ³,/\       ³       *³    === 10n
 1n_³_  5mm (|         ³8     430ê   _³_
           /(|   6ÚÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄ¿   ³
    134.3MHzÃÄÄÄÄÄ´         ³4  ³       to 10.7MHz
       3p9 ===   7³    NE   ÃÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄ>ceramic
145MHz      ÃÄÄÄÄÄ´   602   ³           filter
IF >ÄÄÄ´ÃÄÄÄ)ÄÄÄÄÄ´         ³                    N.B. as with 1st
      1n    ³    1ÀÂÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÂÙ                    osc, an accidental
           ===     ³2  ³3  ³5                    earth on pin 7 will
        6p8 ³   1n===  ³  ===1n                  destroy the osc NPN.

10/ The VHF oscillator in the 602 should be run on a lower frequency (core "in"
position) to the 1st IF, this is to reduce spurious images. e.g. 10.7MHz 2nd
IF needs 134.3MHz, (or a 6MHz IF needs 139MHz). Due to the ferrite core this
osc is susceptible to changes in magnetic fields, so mains transformer flux can
be a problem for "zoomed in" stability!

See part 2
Why don't U send an interesting bul?

73 de John G8MNY @ GB7CIP

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