I3XTY > TUTTI 04.03.20 11:37l 720 Lines 19849 Bytes #999 (0) @ ITA
BID : 43UI3XTY_00E
Subj: Ogni tanto il vento soffia e... giu' tutti per terra
Sent: 200304/1133z @:I3XTY.TV.IVEN.ITA.EU [Paese, Veneto] OBcm1.07b11
From: I3XTY @ I3XTY.TV.IVEN.ITA.EU (Luigi)
X-Info: Sent with login password
Buona giornata ai pochissimi rimasti (per fare confu e insultare?),
ho trovato un documento interessante e lo voglio riproporre.
Se n'e' parlato e sparlato e alla fine gli SP non arrivano o non vanno a
destinazione se non ci si mette un po' di grano di sale.
Ora, per quel che mi riguarda, invecchiando ho perso un po' di RAM e quindi non
mi ricordo il ragionamento che facevo a quel tempo.
Risolvere le formule dettate dalla nota legge di Kirchhoff era una vera
impresa. A quel tempo risolvevo... oggi non ci penso nemmeno. Conosco le mie
potenzialita' e ma anche a chi mi serve risolvere il principio dei nodi e delle
Come quando, a 16/19 anni, facevo il salto in alto. Oggi faccio il salto in
BASSO. Beh, sono felici lo stesso importante e' solo e solo NON FARSI MALE.
L'Altro anno caddi da una scala a libro. E' di legno pesante e mi cadde addosso
colpendomi la fronte.
Non ho sentito dolore ma il colpo mi, solo, impressiono'.
Mi son detto: kax che testa dura che ho...
E cosi' mi tranquillizzai.
Ma ecco il file:
BBS Hierarchical Addressing Protocol
Dave Wolf, WO5H
Barry Buelow, WA0RJT
Roy Engehausen, AA4RE
Hank Oredson, W0RLI
Greg Jones, WD5IVD
August 30th, 1994
Adopted by TAPR:
March 3rd, 1995
Send Updates to Attached Tables to:
Barry Buelow, WA0RJT, TAPR BBS SIG Chair
Packet: wa0rjt@wa0rjt.ia.usa.noam
Internet: barry@ia.net
The TAPR BBS Special Interest Group recommends the adoption of the x.3.4
hierarchical address protocol.
After discussion of previous articles on hierarchical addressing
standards (1,2) and taking into account international issues of
regional/state name sizes, the TAPR BBS Special Interest Group recommends
the adoption of the x.3.4 standard on an international basis. x is defined
as 2, 3, or 4 letter region names as defined by the country.
Examples of x.3.4:
Regional identifiers may be duplicated in different countries (i.e. AK,
Alaska, USA, could be used in another country as a regional identifier);
however, Country and Continental identifiers SHOULD NOT be used as regional
It is important to note that there is a distinct and significant
Hierarchical address elements are common to all messages (bulletins, P and T
types) and are the foundation of the digital forwarding system. Flood
designators are used for routing and filtering bulletins. Geographical
flood designators are likely based upon hierarchical address elements. It
is therefore important that any attempt to establish standards concentrate
first on hierarchical address elements. Standards for flood designators can
It is the purpose of this document to generate a changing recommendation
that reflects current hierarchical routing. Reference Tables at the end
will be changed as necessary to reflect current configurations within the
international BBS network. These tables will need to be changed and updated
in order to meet future needs of user and sysops.
Hierarchical Routing Syntax Summary
This summary uses a modified Backus-Naur form to summarize the syntax for
hierarchical addressing. [] = optional
valid callsign as defined by local communications authority
area as defined by the local region
See Table 4 for list of current area identifiers
2,3, or 4 character region identifier as defined by the country.
See Table 3 for list of region identifiers
3 character country identifier as defined by ANSI X.12 and EDIFACT.
Published in ISO 3166-1981(E/F).
See Table 2 for country identifiers
4 character continental identifier.
See Table 1 for continental identifiers.
1. Jenkins, Lew (N6VV), Dave Toth (VE3GYQ), and Hank Oredson (W0RLI).
International Routing Designators. Proceedings of the ARRL 7th Computer
Networking Conference. Columbia Maryland. October 1, 1988. pp. 91-93.
2. Clark, Tom (W3IWI). Some comments on the `H`ierarchical Continent
Address Designator. Proceedings of the ARRL 9th Computer Networking
Conference. London, Ontario Canada. September 22, 1990. pp. 278-279.
TABLE 1: Continent Identifiers
EURO -- Europe
MEDR -- Mediterranean
INDI -- Indian Ocean including the Indian subcontinent
MDLE -- Middle East
SEAS -- South-East Asia
ASIA -- The Orient
NOAM -- North America (Canada, USA, Mexico)
CEAM -- Central America
CARB -- Caribbean
SOAM -- South America
AUNZ -- Australia/New Zealand
EPAC -- Eastern Pacific
NPAC -- Northern Pacific
SPAC -- Southern Pacific
WPAC -- Western Pacific
NAFR -- Northern Africa
CAFR -- Central Africa
SAFR -- Southern Africa
ANTR -- Antarctica
TABLE 2: Country Identifiers
Country Code
------- ----
Afghanistan AFG
Albania ALB
Algeria DZA
American Samoa ASM
Andorra AND
Angola AGO
Antarctica ATA
Antigua ATG
Argentina ARG
Australia AUS
Austria AUT
Bahamas BHS
Bahrain BHR
Bangladesh BGD
Barbados BRB
Belgium BEL
Belize BLZ
Benin BEN
Bermuda BMU
Bhutan BTN
Bolivia BOL
Botswana BWA
Bouvet Is. BVT
Brazil BRA
British Indian Ocean IOT
British Virgin Is. VGB
Brunei BRN
Bulgaria BGR
Burma BUR
Burundi BDI
Byelorussian SSR BYS
Cameroon CMR
Canada CAN
Canton and Enderbury Is. CTE
Cape Verde CPV
Cayman Is. CYM
Central African Republic CAF
Chad TCD
Chile CHL
China CHN
Christmas Is. CXR
Cocos Is. CCK
Columbia COL
Comoros COM
Congo COG
Cook Is. COK
Costa Rica CRI
Cuba CUB
Cyprus CYP
Czechoslovakia CSK
Denmark DMK
Djibouti DJI
Dominica DMA
Dominican republic DOM
Dronning maud land ATN
East timor TMP
Ecuador ECU
Egypt EGY
El salvador SLV
Equatorial guinea GNQ
Ethiopia ETH
Faeroe Is. FRO
Falkland Is. FLK
Fiji FJI
Finland FIN
France FRA
French Guiana GUF
French Polynesia PYF
Gabon GAB
Gambia GMB
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Gibraltar GIB
Greece GRC
Greenland GRL
Grenada GRD
Guadeloupe GLP
Guam GUM
Guatemala GTM
Guinea GIN
Guinea-bisseu GNB
Guyana GUY
Haiti HTI
Heard and Mc Donald Is. HMD
Honduras HND
Hong kong HKG
Hungary HUN
Iceland ISL
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Iran IRN
Iraq IRQ
Ireland IRL
Israel ISR
Italy ITA
Ivory coast CIV
Jamaica JAM
Japan JPN
Johnston Is. JTN
Jordan JOR
Kampuchea KHM
Kenya KEN
Kiribati KIR
North Korea PRK
South Korea KOR
Kuwait KWT
Laos LAO
Lebanon LBN
Lesotho LSO
Liberia LBR
Libyan LBY
Liechtenstein LIE
Luxembourg LUX
Macau MAC
Madagascar MDG
Malawi MWI
Malaysia MYS
Maldives MDV
Mali MLI
Malta MLT
Martinique MTQ
Mauritania MRT
Mauritius MUS
Mexico MEX
Midway Is. MID
Monaco MCO
Mongolia MNG
Montserrat MSR
Morocco MAR
Mozambique MOZ
Namibia NAM
Nauru NRU
Nepal NPL
Netherlands NLD
Netherlands Antilles ANT
New Caledonia NCL
New Zealand NZL
Nicaragua NIC
Niger NER
Nigeria NGA
Niue NIU
Norfolk Is. NFK
Norway NOR
Oman OMN
Pacific Is. PCI
Pakistan PAK
Panama PAN
Papua New Guinea PNG
Paraguay PRY
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Pitcairn Is. PCN
Poland POL
Portugal PRT
Puerto Rico PRI
Qatar QAT
Reunion REU
Romania ROM
Rwanda RWA
St. Helena SHN
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla KNA
Saint Lucia LCA
St. Pierre and Miquelon SPM
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT
Samoa WSM
San Marino SMR
Sao Tome and Principe STP
Saudi Arabia SAU
Senegal SEN
Seychelles SYC
Sierra Leone SLE
Singapore SGP
Solomon Is. SLB
Somalia SOM
South Africa ZAF
Spain ESP
Sri lLnka LKA
Sudan SDN
Suriname SUR
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Is. SJM
Swaziland SWZ
Sweden SWE
Switzerland CHE
Syria SYR
Taiwan TWN
Tanzania TZA
Thailand THA
Taiwan TWN
Togo TGO
Tokelau TKL
Tonga TON
Trinidad and Tobago TTO
Tunisia TUN
Turkey TUR
Turks and Caicos Is. TCA
Tuvalu TUV
Uganda UGA
Ukrainian SSR UKR
United Arab Emirates ARE
United Kingdom GBR
United States USA
US Misc. Pacific Is. PUS
US Virgin Is. VIR
Upper Volta HVO
Uruguay URY
Ussr SUN
Vanuatu VUT
Vatican City State VAT
Venezuela VEN
Vietnam VNM
Wake Is. WAK
Wallis and Futuma Is. WLF
Western Sahara ESH
Yemen YEM
Democratic Yemen YMD
Yugoslavia YUG
Zaire ZAR
Zambia ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE
TABLE 3: Region Identifiers organized by Country Codes.
ARG -- Argentina
BA -- ??
CF -- ??
AUS -- Australia
AUT -- Austria
BEL -- Belgium
HT -- ??
LG -- ??
OVN -- ??
WVL -- ??
BMU -- Bermuda
BOL -- Bolivia
BRA -- Brazil
RS -- ??
SP -- ??
BRN -- Brunei
BGR -- Bulgaria
CAN -- Canada
NF -- Newfoundland
AB -- Alberta
BC -- British Columbia
MB -- Manitoba
NB -- New Brunswick
NS -- Nova Scotia
NW -- Northwest Territories
ON -- Ontario
PQ -- Province du Quebec
SK -- Saskatchewan
YK -- Yukon
CHL -- Chile
CHN -- China
COL -- Colombia
CRI -- Costa Rica
CUB -- Cuba
DNK -- Denmark
DOM -- Dominican Republic
ECU -- Ecuador
EGY -- Egypt
SLV -- El Salvador
FIN -- Finland
FRA -- France
FCEN -- ??
FRPA -- ??
FCAL -- ??
FPDL -- ??
FMLR -- ??
FNOR -- ??
FCOR -- ??
FPOC -- ??
FAQI -- ??
PYF -- French Polynesia
DEU -- Germany
BY -- ??
GRC -- Greece
GRL -- Greenland
GTM -- Guatemala
HTI -- Haiti
HND -- Honduras
HKG -- Hong Kong
HUN -- Hungary
ISL -- Iceland
IND -- India
IDN -- Indonesia
IRL -- Ireland
ISR -- Israel
ITA -- Italy
IEMR -- ??
IFVG -- ??
ILOM -- ??
IPIE -- ??
IPUG -- ??
ISAR -- ??
ISIC -- ??
ITAA -- ??
IVEN -- ??
MO -- ??
JPN -- Japan
PRK -- Korea, North
KOR -- Korea, South
LBN -- Lebanon
LIE -- Liechtenstein
LUX -- Luxembourg
MYS -- Malaysia
MEX -- Mexico
MCO -- Monaco
MAR -- Morocco
NLD -- Netherlands
NZL -- New Zealand
NIC -- Nicaragua
NOR -- Norway
PAK -- Pakistan
PAN -- Panama
PRY -- Paraguay
PER -- Peru
PHL -- Phillipines
POL -- Poland
PRT -- Portugal
CTPT -- ??
ROM -- Romania
SAU -- Saudi Arabia
SGP -- Singapore
ZAF -- South Africa
ESP -- Spain
EAA -- Alicante
EAAB -- Albacete
EAAL -- Almeria
EAAV -- Avila
EAB -- Barcelona
EABA -- Badajoz
EABI -- Vizcaya (Bilbao)
EABU -- Burgos
EAC -- Coruna
EACA -- Cadiz
EACC -- Caceres
EACE -- Ceuta
EACO -- Cordoba
EACR -- Ciudad Real
EACS -- Castellon
EACU -- Cuenca
EAGC -- Gran Canaria
EAGI -- Gerona
EAGR -- Granada
EAGU -- Guadalajara
EAH -- Huelva
EAHU -- Huesca
EAJ -- Jaen
EAL -- Lerida
EALE -- Leon
EALO -- Logrono
EALU -- Lugo
EAM -- Madrid
EAMA -- Malaga
EAML -- Melilla
EAMU -- Murcia
EANA -- Navarra (Pamplona)
EAO -- Oviedo
EAOR -- Orense
EAP -- Palencia
EAPM -- Baleares (Palma de Mallorca)
EAPO -- Pontevedra
EAS -- Santander
EASA -- Salamanca
EASE -- Sevilla
EASG -- Segovia
EASO -- Soria
EASS -- Guipuzcoa (San Sebastian)
EAT -- Tarragona
EATE -- Teruel
EATF -- Tenerife
EATO -- Toledo
EAV -- Valencia
EAVA -- Valladolid
EAVI -- Alava (Vitoria)
EAZ -- Zaragoza
EAZA -- Zamora
SWE -- Sweden
AC -- ??
CHE -- Switzerland
SYR -- Syria
TWN -- Taiwan
THA -- Thailand
TUR -- Turkey
GBR -- United Kingdom (need a list of routing numbers by county)
#1 -- ??
#2 -- ??
# ...-- ??
USA -- United States
AK -- Alaska
AL -- Alabama
AR -- Arkansas
AZ -- Arizona
CA -- California
CO -- Colorado
CT -- Connecticut
DE -- Delaware
FL -- Florida
GA -- Georgia
HI -- Hawaii
IA -- Iowa
ID -- Idaho
IL -- Illinois
IN -- Indiana
KS -- Kansas
KY -- Kentucky
LA -- Louisiana
MA -- Massachusetts
MD -- Maryland
ME -- Maine
MI -- Michigan
MI -- Mississippi
MN -- Minnesota
MO -- Missouri
MT -- Montana
NC -- North Carolina
ND -- North Dakota
NE -- Nebraska
NH -- New Hampshire
NJ -- New Jersey
NM -- New Mexico
NV -- Nevada
NY -- New York
OH -- Ohio
OK -- Oklahoma
OR -- Oregon
PA -- Pennsylvania
RI -- Rhode Island
SC -- South Carolina
SD -- South Dakota
TN -- Tennessee
TX -- Texas
UT -- Utah
VA -- Virginia
VT -- Vermont
WA -- Washington
WI -- Wisconsin
WV -- West Virginia
WY -- Wyoming
URY -- Uruguay
MVD -- ??
SUN -- USSR ??? (Document needs latest defintions)
VEN -- Venezuela
YUG -- Yugoslavia
SRB -- ??
Table 4: Area Defintions
This table to be defined during the comment period.
All readers are suggested to submit their regional area defintions for
inclusion in the table. Be sure to include the region and country.
Example: #DFW.TX.USA -- Dallas/Ft Worth Texas Area
would be an entry in this table.
#EPA.PA.USA -- East PA
#WPA.PA.USA -- Western PA
---- END -----
Con i miei piu' cordiali 73
de Luigi i3xty
e' in inglese ma vedo che lo sapete tutti tranne alcuni ignoranti tra cui io
Ormai e' tutto in inglese a che serve parlare in italiano..?
Forse il cinese... sarebbe piu' utile e a morte l'italiano.
Oggi poi c'e' un reject... degli italiani.
Famo come un tempo: cambiavano casacca alla bisogna. Un di' neri, un altro di'
rossi. Poi bianchi e insomma banderuole al vento.
Dai, allegria....
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