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DJ6UX  > AGCW     23.12.20 22:22l 294 Lines 15428 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
Subj: [EuCW] Bulletin 2020 Dec
Sent: 201223/1954z @:DB0HB.#HH.DEU.EU [HH-AIRPORT] DP6.00 $:QLT5X1_DB0HB
From: DJ6UX @ DB0HB.#HH.DEU.EU (Eddi)
To:   AGCW @ EU 
X-Info: Upload without password authentication

EuCW Chairman

EuCW Bulletin No 2020/02

1) Covid-19
Dear members, we all had very difficult moments owing to this pandemic
period; I hope you and your families are in health and safe. Now, we will
“see the light” at the end of the tunnel, hoping all things shall pass in
some months. In the meanwhile, I hope to hear from you on the bands and you
can take part to the initiatives of the Club, especially to our Snakes &
Ladders (see below).  

2) Merry X-Mas and Happy NewYear
Id like to wish you and your families Merry X-Mas and a very, very Happy
New Year (better than 2020, hi). I hope to hear from you on the air more

3) EUCW actions in defenceof CW frequencies
However, it is our task to defend the interests of the Morse code community
in case of band-plan abuse at the expense of dedicated CW-only frequencies.
Occasionally, I do this by sending out a letter. Usually, inviting the
involved parties to respect the recommendations of the band-plan. So, please,
if you are a DXer, check first DXpeditions announcing CW frequencies for
digital modes. If you detect them, please let the organizers know that the
IARU band plan should be respected by us all; a friend of mine said, many
many years ago, that … “legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus”
(“We are slaves of the law, so that we may be able to be free.” Cicero).

4) IARU Region1 General Conference
The Novi Sad virtual IARU conference (10–16 October 2020) was attended by
more than 40 Member Societies of IARU Region 1. Among the other, these
Morse Code related topics were discussed (documents can be found at

a)  Morse code, an intangible cultural heritage
IARU Region1 recommends to continue the initiative launched in 2011 and
confirmed in 2017 to get Morse Code on various national lists of UNESCOs
national intangible cultural heritages. The establishment of an action group
for coordination and the direct intervention of IARU are recommended.

b)  CW Operating Procedures
It is recalled the recommendation approved in 2014 Varna-Albena conference
regarding the booklet “Ethics and Procedures for the Radio Amateur" by ON4UN
and ON4WW, endorsed by IARU. The Recommendation (VA14_C3_REC_21) says:
The recommended CW (and digital mode) operating procedure involves the

a) "K" is aninvitation to transmit at the end of transmission.
b) A station ending the transmission with "AR" alone is not inviting callers.
c) "K" is also the most common ending of a general "CQ" call.

Procedures introduced in the booklet are alternatives. The new recommendation
is that previous Recommendation VA14_C3_REC_21 should accompany the book
when publicised by the IARU and its member-societies, until the book has
been revised.

(Paper NS20_C4_14_V3)

c)  CW for Beginners: Problem with Farnsworth?
Paper NS20_C4_10 is a request for a discussion about methods foelearning CW.
Here is the text:

”Introduction and Background
You can listen to it again and again on the bands: There are some Morse
novices who have difficulties with the speed of their counterpart. A “PSE
QRS” could remedy this. But that is only an apparent possibility. Those who
have learnt according to the Farnsworth method, who are used to the fact
that the distances between the individual Morse characters are increased,
will also have their difficulties with a slower tempo. Their sound image
of Morse code according to the Farnsworth method would still differ.

Keypoints and Proposal
The "Farnsworth Method" consists of sending characters forming words, also
at high Speed and vary the spacing so you have time to interpret what you
heard. Then reducing the space until it is the correct spacing for the
preferred speed. It is meant to get you used to the sound of word rather
than letters, thereby being able to listen to and interpret words at the high
speed that you want to achieve.

It is contrary to those who have learnt Morse code by using the “Koch
Method”: This method consist of learning each individual letter at a fairly
high speed, then adding 1 or 2 moreletters, then alternating the sending and
mixing the letters up. When you have achieved a copying success rate of say
90% or so then add 1 or 2 more letters, or perhaps a number or two. Once you
get this far you can then switch to listen to words to get used to the sound
of a word rather than the sound of letters, which the most believe is the
only way to high speed copying, coupled with reading without the assistance
of a pencil and paper (in your head like xregular speech).

“Farnsworth” vs “Koch” -what would be the solution?  Should IARU officially
recommend a method?  Or should we introduce a shortcut in order to communicate
to your counterpart: Please give “Farnsworth”?

The goal should be not to frustrate or lose a beginner in telegraphy on the
bands during the first attempts at walking. Any ideas?“

d)  Band Plan Philosophy and Challenges

In this paper it is explained the IARU philosophy of segmenting HF bands into
segments with a different maximum of occupied bandwidth for the specific
modes: segments with max. 200Hz, 500Hz, 2700Hz, and in the 10m band
additionally, with max. 6000Hz bandwidth. Up to the maximum bandwidth
all modes should get access to the specified segments with equal rights.
Max. bandwidth of 200Hz are assigned to CW and “Narrow band modes”. It states,
too: “But: For traditional reasons only telegraphy is named as mode in some
segments with a max. bandwidth of 200Hz. And it is strongly recommended to
use this segments for CW only.” Final recommendation is that “as of now”
IARU Region1 sticks to bandwidth philosophy as well as to the naming
of CW in several 200Hz segments, but examines the possibilities of additional
areas for wide digital modes, since the amateur radio service is an
experimental radio service.

(Paper NS20_C4_07)

5) Snakes &  Ladders
The Snakes & Ladders has a new life: we had many, many new OM taking part to
the Snakes and that is really fun. Please remember that EuCW is on the air
24h a day to promote friendship among OM, all over the world; no contests, no
pile-ups, no 599/73, just friendly QSO on the air.

Our activity is called SNAKES and LADDERS. However, the game has plenty of
other names such as Змеи и летницы = Ormar och Stegar = Cobras e Escadas =
Kígyók és létrák = Serpientes y escalas = Wże idrabiny = Serpents et
Echelles = Змії і Сходи = Gioco dell'Oca =Ganzenbord = Leiterspiel = Hadi a
žebíky = Serpentoj kaj ŝtupetaroj = Змии и кали = Käärmeet ja tikkaat =
Snakes og stiger = Slanger og stiger = Φίδια και σκάλες = Serps i escales =
סנקס און לאַדדערס.

While Snakes and Ladders is the only activity hosted by us, some of our Clubs
dedicate their own activites to us such as the 160m ON5ME contest of UFT, the
summer issue of SCAG's Straight Key Day, and the AGCW QRS week formerly hosted

Please help our Club to promote more and more the Snakes. How we can do
that? Simply helping other OM xto write down the ADIF log and to send it to
the manager. Here you can find an xexample of letter you can use to promote
the Snakes. You can also write articles on your national Club reviews,
explaining in your own languages the rules of the Snakes & Ladders. E.g.:
“Dear OM, I would be delighted if you could participate in the “Snakes &
Ladders”, a monthly activity organized by EuCW ( We
are trying to make sure that there is a large group of OM taking part in it.
It is not a contest: There is no need to make many QSO, also because the
assignment of the monthly points is largely random, depending on the drawing
of a "locator / bonus" which exponentially increases the points; even those
who make few QSO can then go at the top of the standings.

You do not need to be a member of any club to participate in the Snakes. It is
not necessary to pass progressive numbers, zone, etc., or do anything in
particular. Participation is completely free and you can take part in the
Snake when you prefer (not every month).

Just make your normal QSO and, at the end of the month, save all the QSOxs of
the month in an ADIF file.

At least the following information must be inserted into the log (and then
exported into .ADI file): 1) call of the other station;2) QSO date; 3) QSO
start-time; 4) QSO end-time; 5) QTH of the other station; 6) exact QRG; 7)
QTH locator square of the other station (just check “Grid Square”on;
if the call is not listed on QRZ, just look for it on the web; there are many
software that automatically calculate the exact locator starting from the QTH
you find on Then, within the first three–four days of the month,
send the file as an email attachment to the address: Robert
(DM4RW), our Snake manager is in charge of collecting all the logs and drawing
up the monthly list of participants, which will later be published through the
official channels of the EuCW.

Which QSO are valid for European Stations?  Just QSO with European stations
with at least 5 minutes duration; if you do QSOs in the upper part of the
bands (excluding 60 m. and 4 m.), each QSO gives you 3 points.


160m:   1.828-  1.838 MHz;
 80m:   3.560-  3.570 MHz;
 40m:   7.030-  7.040 MHz;
 30m:  10.120- 10.130 MHz;
 20m:  14.060- 14.070 MHz;
 17m:  18.085- 18.095 MHz;
 15m:  21.060- 21.070 MHz;
 12m:  24.905- 24.915 MHz;
 10m:  28.060- 28.070 MHz;
  6m:  50.090- 50.100 MHz;
  2m: 144.100-144.110 MHz.

So, please, lets try! I am available for any request: call me at … [EMAIL]
if you need some help and Ill be glad to help you. Best73 de ... [CALL]”.
Please help us in this.

6) ARI Loano –Marconi Club activity on the air
I inform you all that A.R.I Loano is promoting the MARCONI CLUB A.R.I.
LOANO, founded on May 8th 1988 by Libero Meriggi I1YXN, strongly motivated by
the famous DXpeditioner Baldur DJ6SI, and is organizing a day to introduce
the new generations to the Club, and bring together all those who truly love
in the art of radio telegraphy and Morse code. So, they ask us to spend a few
hours on the key. Date: 16/01/2021. Time: from 08:00UTC–22:00 UTC.
Band: 20m - 40m - 80m - Exchange: “CQ MCD” - RST report and the membership
number. Non members: RST report + progressive number
xLogs: – manager: IK1QAD Walter

7) Discussingabout the EuCW – proposals to improve EuCW activities
As Ive already written, Id like to open a dialogue with all the interested
EuCW officers and ECM: We need new proposals, and we think it could be a good
way to meet new friends. If you are interested, just give mea call via skype
at: account.

8) Do you know? The EuCW award
This very attractive award can be requested by all licensed OM and SWL
anywhere in the world; only QSO made on or after 27.04.1991, (the 200th
anniversary of the birth of Samuel Morse) are valid; applicants should submit
a list of QSO confirmed. The list must be certified by a licensed amateur
who is a member of an EuCW club, who should state the name of his/her Club
and membership number. The list must include date of contact, call sign of
station worked or heard; band; name of operator; QTH; EuCW club; and club
membership number. A little fee is required to obtain the award (EUR 6 or
US$ 8), for post costs; applications for the award should be sent to the
Award Manager (see our web site for more info).

9) On-air andon-line CW Course.

In these Covid-19 we are seeing an increasing interestin CW courses. Here a
sample list: On line basic Morse international school / practice by IK2YRT

A small group of telegraphy enthusiasts is trying to organize an online cw
course. The main idea is to propose frontal lessons via web meeting,
structured in levels, basic and advanced, offering to the participants both
listening exercises both transmission techniques, supervised directly by the
teachers during the lessons and with homeworks in order to consolidate what
you have learned in class and thus verify your personal progress. Mario
IK2YRT, an over-30-years-experienced OM is the main instructor (lessons are
starting in 2021, jan., each Monday, from 2000-2200UTC.
Write to

Morse Basic School (

Weekly lessons on Tuesdays 144.0695 MHz and on Thursdays 3569.5 kHz 2015z de
ik2tkx JN45SK

Basic CW Course by I7PHH (info Telegram

Monday-Friday 7037 kHz 1530z 3558 kHz 2000z

Intermediate CW Course on Wednesdays and Thursdays invideo meeting (info:

Corso ARILucca (

A beginner course entirely in Telegram chat held by IZ5OVP

10) R2NN/Bnews
The EuCW efforts have been awarded: R2DNN was contacted by Oleg, RX3G. Vlad
has agreed to dismantle the beacon on 14.060 Khz and QSY. We want to thank
our friends Oleg and Vlad for their decision.

11) DF5JL proposal: Morse code as an intangible UNESCO heritage

This is DF5JL proposal requested to the Novi Sad IARUConference (thank you
Tom): “Remember Recommendation LA17_C3_Rec_28: It is recommended to continue
the initiative within IARU Region 1 to get Morse Codeon different national
lists of heritage. Furthermore, IARU is asked to request UNESCO to establish
Morse Code as an intangible heritage. At the IARU Region1 General Conference
2011 in Sun City it was decided that each member society would try to get
Morsecode placed on the list of national intangible cultural heritages.
This decision, as proposed in paper SC11_C3_32, was approved unanimously. As
well as LA17_C3_Rec_28. This project is a formal commitment (C3 agreement)
for each MS to take it further in their countries. Key points and proposal

Becoming an Intangible Heritage would be an adequate honour for Morse code
and could gain the popularity even in modern times. Up to now, only a few
member societies have succeeded in getting Morse code on the national list of
intangible cultural heritage. To this end it is proposed that a significant
majority of IARU-Region 1 member societies starts or continues negotiations
on a national level. But we need an action group for coordination. Otherwise
nobody will feel really responsible for the implementation of the decision
and it will come to nothing. It is recommended to continue the initiative
within IARU-Region 1 to get Morse code on different national lists of
heritage and to build an action group. Furthermore, it is highly
recommended in tasking IARU to request UNESCO for establishing Morse code as
an intangible heritage. If this proposal does not receive a majority, it is
recommended that the decision LA17_C3_Rec_28 be formally withdrawn. The EuCW
thinks that each National Society and each EuCW member Club should be active
to promote any initiatives to make it possible. Could we try to create an
EuCW board to study a coordinate programme about it?

I wish you all the best and stay safe!


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