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G4TNU  > NEWS     22.09.24 09:03l 276 Lines 13781 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 62491G4TNU
Subj: RSGB Main News - 22 Sep 2024
Sent: 240922/0326Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO $:62491G4TNU

T:From: G4TNU@GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO <>
T:Message-Id: <>

GB2RS Main News for Sunday the 22nd of September

The news headlines:

* The RSGB Convention is just three weeks away
* The RSGB has announced that routine bookings for paper exams 
will cease
* Take advantage of group activity opportunities at the RSGB 
National Radio Centre

The RSGB Convention is just three weeks away and there is a fantastic 
programme planned. Whatever your amateur radio interests or 
experience there will be something for you. In addition to the 
presentations, you could take part in a workshop to learn more about 
microcontroller programming – spaces are limited so make sure you 
book soon if you want to be part of that event. There will also be an 
EMF and EMC Clinic, contest forums and a chance to find out more 
about a wide range of amateur radio special interest groups. The 
social side of the Convention is important too, whether you're 
catching up with friends over coffee or enjoying the Gala Dinner on 
Saturday evening. Day or weekend tickets for the Convention are still 
cheaper if you buy in advance rather than on the door, and the 
deadline for advance tickets is Monday the 7th of October. To find 
out more about the programme, the speakers and to book your tickets, 
go to the RSGB Convention web pages at

The RSGB has announced that from the 29th of November it will stop 
taking routine bookings for paper exams. Currently 97% of amateur 
radio licence examinations are taken online using the TestReach 
platform, either at home under remote supervision or in a club 
setting. Following the implementation of Syllabus v1.6 on the 1st of 
September 2024, the new examination question bank will only be 
maintained online. Generating paper exams will involve significant 
additional work for the RSGB Examinations Department, with the 
associated costs. You will be able to apply for a paper exam on the 
grounds of special educational needs in the same way that you can 
currently request special requirements such as extra time or a 
reader. To do that you need to email the Exams Department via 
exams<at>  To read the full details of the changes, 
including the three important dates you need to know, please go to 
the RSGB website at  and search for ‘Exam Announcements'.

Do you work with young people at a school, or perhaps with a youth 
group such as the Scouts, Guides or Cadets? Are you looking for an 
activity that provides hands-on learning opportunities for them? The 
RSGB National Radio Centre currently has availability for two private 
evening visits in December as part of the Society's activities for 
Youngsters on the Air month, or YOTA month as it is often called. 
Sessions typically last two hours and include an introduction to 
amateur radio, before the youngsters are split into smaller groups to 
complete a variety of activities. These can include Morse code, VHF 
communication using handhelds, shortwave radio communication and 
satellite communication. The group size is limited to a maximum of 
12, and there must be one adult accompanying every four students. If 
you'd like to find out more about this unique learning opportunity, 
email the RSGB National Radio Centre Coordinator Martyn Baker, G0GMB 

The next Bletchley Park 1940s weekend is taking place at the moment. 
If you are visiting for the event, make sure you drop into the RSGB 
National Radio Centre where you'll be able to see a number of World 
War Two receivers on display. Don't forget that RSGB members can get 
free entry to Bletchley Park, which also includes admission to the 
RSGB National Radio Centre. You can access this fantastic offer by 
logging into the RSGB membership portal via  and 
selecting ‘Visit Bletchley Park'.

Don't forget that National Hamfest 2024 is coming up on the 27th and 
28th of September and promises to be an unforgettable celebration of 
all things amateur radio. As always, the traders and manufacturers 
are lining up to bring you the best in amateur radio equipment and 
accessories. Many exhibitors will be offering exclusive deals, making 
it the perfect time to upgrade your gear or add new items to your 
shack. For more information and to purchase your tickets, visit  

Railways on the Air weekend usually takes place on the weekend 
closest to the 27th of September. This date celebrates the 
anniversary of the first steam-powered passenger railway journey 
which took place on the 27th of September 1825. The first passenger 
train ran on a line in the North East of England from Darlington to 
Stockton. Bishop Auckland Amateur Radio Club coordinates the event 
and this year it will take place over the weekend of the 28th and 
29th of September. For more information visit

The next event in the popular 145 Alive series takes place on Sunday 
the 29th of September. The event will run from 1pm to 4pm and there 
will be nets operating in most Maidenhead Squares across England, 
Scotland, Wales and Ireland. To take part in the event, which is 
designed to promote FM activity on the 2m band, all you need to do is 
call in and make contact with others. The organisers are looking for 
more net controllers. For more information contact Mark Savage, M0XIC 
via the 145 Alive Facebook page. 

On Monday the 7th of October the RSGB's Tonight<at>8 live webinar 
will be with Ian White, GM3SEK who will give a presentation entitled 
‘Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide'. Aircraft scatter is 
about bouncing VHF and UHF radio signals off high-flying aircraft – 
effectively ‘hitching a ride' with someone else's plane to extend 
your everyday working range up to 800km. For example, if you are one 
of the hundreds who get involved in the monthly UK Activity Contests 
on the 2m, 70cm and 23cm bands, you will already be using aircraft 
scatter routinely and it will be responsible for some of your best 
QSOs. So how does aircraft scatter work? And if it's so useful, why 
haven't we heard more about it? Join the webinar live at 8pm on the 
RSGB YouTube channel or special BATC channel. Find out more about 
this and other webinars on the RSGB website via
Please send details of all your news and events to 
radcom<at>  The deadline for submissions is 10am on 
Thursdays before the Sunday broadcast each week

And now for details of rallies and events

Weston super Mare Radio Society Radio and Electronics Rally is taking 
place today, the 22nd. The venue is The Campus Community Centre, 
Worle, Weston super Mare, BS24 7DX. For further information and to 
book a table email westonradiosociety<at>

On Saturday the 5th of October Carmarthen Amateur Radio Society is 
holding a surplus equipment sale in aid of club funds. The venue will 
be Cwmduad [COME-DO-ADD] Community Centre, Cwmduad, Carmarthenshire, 
SA33 6XN. The doors are open for traders from 8am, and for visitors 
from 10am. Disabled access will be available from 9.30am. The 
entrance fee for visitors will be GBP 2. For more information, or to 
book a table, email G0JLX<at>

The 49th Welsh Radio Rally will take place on Sunday the 6th of 
October at Llanwern High School, Hartridge Farm Road, Newport, 
NP18 2YE. Traders can gain access from 7am and the doors will be open 
for visitors from 9.30am. The entrance fee is GBP 3 per person and 
free parking will be available. For more information email Mike 
Rackham, GW4JKV via welshradiorally<at> or phone 
07976 368 250.

Now the Special Event news

Today, the 22nd, Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club is active with the 
callsign GI5LOW from Blacks Farm in Tandragee to celebrate the G-QRP 
Club's 50th anniversary. The callsign will be active from around 9am 
and the station is operating using all modes on the HF bands and FM 
on the 2m and 70cm bands. Also, from 2pm, Philip, MI0MSO will be 
giving a talk on, and practical demonstration of, programming a LoRa 
board as a tracking unit on 433MHz.

During the annual Railways on the Air weekend on the 28th and 29th of 
September the British Railways Amateur Radio Society will be 
operating using the callsign GB1FRT on behalf of the Furness Railway 
Trust in Preston. Activity will be on the 40m band using SSB. QSL via 
the Bureau. To read more about the station visit  and

Now the DX news

Today, the 22nd, is the last chance to work Harald, DF2WO who is 
active as XT2AW from Burkina Faso. He is QRV on the 80 to 10m bands 
using SSB and FT4. You might also be able to catch him via the QO-100 
satellite. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS and Logbook of the World.

Listen out for members of Guisborough and District Amateur Radio Club 
who are active from the Isle of Lewis using their Club callsign 
MS0NYM. The station will be active from today, the 22nd, to Saturday 
the 28th of September. Operators will be available on a variety of 
bands using CW, FT8 and phone.

Now the contest news

Today, the 22nd, the Practical Wireless 70MHz Contest runs from 1200 
to 1600UTC. Using all modes on the 4m band, the exchange is signal 
report, serial number and locator.

On Tuesday the 24th, the SHF UK Activity Contest runs from 1830 to 
2130UTC. Using all modes on 2.3 to 10GHz frequencies, the exchange is 
signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday the 25th, the UK and Ireland Contest Club 80m Contest 
runs from 2000 to 2100UTC. Using CW on the 80m band, the exchange is 
your six-character locator.

On Thursday the 26th, the Autumn Series Data Contest runs from 1900 
to 2030UTC. Using RTTY and PSK63 on the 80m band, the exchange is 
signal report and serial number.

The CQ World Wide DX RTTY Contest starts at 0000UTC on Saturday the 
28th and ends at 2359UTC on Sunday the 29th of September. Using RTTY 
on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is 
signal report and CQ Zone. The UK is in Zone 14.

On Sunday the 29th, the UK Microwave Group 5.7 and 10GHz Contest runs 
from 0600 to 1800UTC. Using all modes on 5.7 and 10GHz frequencies, 
the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA, and G4BAO 
on Thursday the 19th of September 2024

It was a topsy-turvy time for HF propagation last week with a 
declining solar flux index and geomagnetic disturbances thanks to 
coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, from the Sun.

The solar flux index declined to the mid-160s, and the Kp index had a 
couple of excursions to more than 7. These were due to CMEs and the 
second, which occurred on Tuesday the 17th, was associated with the 
X4.5 solar flare on Saturday the 14th.

Luckily, it was 0300UTC when the CME hit the Earth, so only die-hard 
UK DXers were affected. With a G4 geomagnetic storm raging, the 
maximum useable frequency over a 3,000km path fell to less than 6MHz, 
but did manage to recover to 8.45MHz by dawn.

The rest of Tuesday was subdued with the maximum useable frequency 
never really getting above 21MHz. This is why the advice is often to 
avoid DXing when the Kp index climbs high, as the upper HF bands will 
likely be closed.

By comparison, on Thursday the 19th the Kp index was 2.67 and the 
maximum useable frequency over 3,000km was above 28MHz again.

NOAA puts the risk of another X-class flare at 10%, and an M-class 
event at 55%. So, we are not out of the woods yet.

Next week, the Space Weather Prediction Centre says the solar flux 
index may decline slightly but could then rise to be in the 232 to 
240 range. Geomagnetic storming is predicted for the 26th to the 
29th, when the Kp index could rise to 5.

Meanwhile, autumnal HF conditions should soon be kicking in with 
better propagation to North America. If the solar flux stays high, we 
can expect excellent 28MHz propagation, perhaps to the mid-west and 
Pacific states. 

North-South HF paths, such as the UK to South Africa and South 
America, should also be good around the equinox period.

And now the VHF and up propagation news from G3YLA and G4BAO

The last week of Tropo gave us good conditions across the North Sea 
and up and down the country on the VHF and UHF bands.  

It is very likely that there will be a big change of weather type 
over this weekend, ending today the 22nd, to a much more unsettled 
pattern with low pressure dominating during the coming week.

In fact, there will be a sequence of lows, fronts and showery 
interludes to set the template for next week. This means that rain 
scatter is a good candidate for propagation on the GHz bands, which 
could be useful on the evening of Tuesday the 24th during the SHF UK 
Activity Contest. Meanwhile, tropo takes a back seat for a while. 
The solar activity continues to be of interest and, again, the 
message is to monitor the Kp index to keep one step ahead of events 
in case any aurora spring up. 

Meteor scatter is mainly down to random activity, although the 
daytime Sextantids peaks on Friday the 27th of September, but with a 
low zenith hourly rate of 5.

For EME operators, Moon declination is positive and rising, reaching 
+29 degrees next Tuesday, so Moon visibility windows will continue to 
lengthen. Path losses are increasing as we passed perigee last week. 
144MHz sky noise is moderate, dropping back to low next Thursday.

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  radcom<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

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