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G4APL  > NEWS     08.12.24 10:38l 301 Lines 14416 Bytes #999 (0) @ EU
BID : 21411_GB7CIP
Subj: RSGB Main News -   8 Dec 2024
Sent: 241208/0531Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:21411 [Caterham Surrey GBR]

GB2RS Main News for Sunday the 8th of December

The news headlines:

* Take part in the RSGB Construction Competition
* New edition of RadCom Basics has been published
* A busy week with GB24YOTA hosted by many groups for YOTA Month

During November, the RSGB used its Photo Friday feature on social 
media to highlight construction and practical skills. Photos included 
everything from Construction Clubs for newcomers to ground satellite 
repairs at university clubs. If these have left you feeling inspired 
and wanting to get creative, why not submit an entry to the Society's 
2025 Construction Competition? There are six categories, including a 
new Outreach category that gives entrants the opportunity to create a 
project that can be reproduced in a school or public environment. 
Whether you are a seasoned constructor, used to building your own 
projects or a beginner looking to take your first steps in amateur 
radio construction, the RSGB would love to hear from you. Visit the 
RSGB website at  for full details 
of the competition and how to enter. For further inspiration, pick up 
a copy of the June Edition of RadCom and turn to page 36 to view last 
year's entries. 

The November 2024 issue of RadCom Basics is now available on the RSGB 
website for members to read. The publication is aimed at new 
licensees or anyone who enjoys reading about the fundamental 
principles behind the many facets of amateur radio. This issue 
includes part one of how to get on 40m with a small suburban garden, 
as well as articles on home construction and using repeaters. If you 
aren't one of the thousands of members who have done so already, you 
can subscribe to receive notifications about RadCom Basics via the 
RSGB Membership Portal. Log in and choose the "Manage preferences" 
tab. To read the latest edition go to

The RSGB would like to congratulate everyone who operated GB24YOTA 
last week. There was some brilliant activity on the air, including 
Wick High School Radio Club who had 12 student operators involved and 
inspired some to take their Foundation licence. If you missed talking 
to the group, you've got another chance to make a QSO with them 
today, Sunday the 8th of December. Taking over tomorrow, Monday the 
9th of December, is Hilderstone Radio Society, which will be 
operating between 9am and 5pm. Cray Valley Radio Society will host 
the callsign after 5pm. The RSGB's National Radio Centre station 
GB3RS, will be on the air with GB24YOTA for the duration of Tuesday 
the 10th of December. NRC volunteers will also host youngsters from 
the 6th Bletchley Guides from 6pm on that day, so do listen out and 
get on the air to make a QSO with this group. On Wednesday the 11th 
of December, Hilderstone Radio Society will be back on the air with 
the callsign for a second day. Bromsgrove & District Amateur Radio 
Club will operate as GB24YOTA from 6pm on Friday the 13th of 
December. To finish the week, the RSGB's National Radio Centre 
station GB3RS will once again be on the air as it hosts the callsign 
over the weekend of the 14th and 15th of December. There are still 
operating spaces left if you'd like to get involved, but don't delay 
as GB24YOTA is only operational until the end of this month. Go to  to find out more.

The RSGB Contest Club recently announced that it is looking for 
volunteers to take part in the second World Wide Award event taking 
place in January 2025. To be part of the team you will need to be an 
RSGB member and hold a Full Licence. QSOs can be made using SSB, CW 
and digital modes. Foundation or Intermediate licensees can join in 
under supervision or take part in WWA as award chasers. To be part of 
the operating team email contestclub<at>  to register your 
interest. To find out more about the event search ‘RSGB Contest 
Club' on the RSGB website and scroll down to the section titled World 
Wide Award 2025. 

Poldhu Amateur Radio Club is celebrating the 123rd anniversary of the 
first radio transmission across the Atlantic in 1901. Visitors are 
invited to join members of the Club at The Marconi Centre in Cornwall 
between 9am and 4pm on Thursday the 12th of December to learn how the 
location played a crucial part in the history of wireless 
communication. As part of the celebrations, radio amateurs will be 
operating on various radio bands throughout the day. If you would 
like to operate as part of the event email secretary<at>  
You can find full details on the anniversary celebrations on the Club 
website via

Please send details of all your news and events to 
radcom<at>  The deadline for submissions is 10am on 
Thursdays before the Sunday broadcast each week.

And now for details of rallies and events

The Mid-Devon Amateur Radio and Electronics Fair is taking place 
today, Sunday the 8th of December, at Winkleigh Sports and Recreation 
Centre. Doors are open from 9am to 1pm. Entry is GBP 3 per person and 
there is no charge for partners and under 16s. Free parking and Wi-Fi 
is available, as well as hot food and refreshments. The cost for 
traders is GBP 5 per 6ft frontage with tables supplied. Booking in 
advance is recommended. Mains electricity is also available on 
request. Traders are asked to pre-book as soon as possible. Please 
contact Phil, G6DLJ via 07990 563147 or email wrg2024<at>

The Sparkford Radio Rally is on Sunday the 29th of December at Davis 
Hall, Howell Hill, West Camel, near Yeovil. Doors are open to traders 
from 7.30am and from 9.30am to the public. Admission is GBP 2. 
Refreshments and free parking will be available. For more 
information, please contact Luke via 07870 168197 or email 

Looking ahead to events coming up next year, the Lincoln Shortwave 
Club Winter Radio Rally is taking place on the 26th of January at The 
Festival Hall, Caistor Road in Market Rasen. Doors open at 10am, and 
admission is GBP 3. Hot refreshments and ample free car parking will 
be available. The cost for tables is GBP 10. To book please contact 
Steve Burke, M5ZZZ via 07777 699069 or email m5zzz<at>

Now the Special Event news

Ian Astley, M0IAA will be operating as GB1WH on Wednesday the 11th of 
December. The special event station is being run to support and 
promote the excellent work done by Wakefield Hospice. To make a 
donation to the hospice or to hear more from Ian, visit

The Humber Fortress DX Amateur Radio Club is once again running the 
special callsign GB0MC until Thursday the 26th of December. The 
‘MC' in the callsign stands for Merry Christmas. The Club would 
like to invite everyone to call in and give them a hearty "HoHoHo" 
and tell them what radio equipment you would like from Santa this 
year. The Club will also be livestreaming on its YouTube Channel. 

Special callsign HB50VC is active until the 31st of December to 
celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Swissair Amateur Radio Club, 
HB9VC. QSOs will be uploaded to Logbook of the World. QSL cards will 
not be provided. You can download a certificate for working this 
special event station from

Now the DX news

Carl, 2E0HPI, is in London from Monday the 9th of December until 
Thursday the 12th of December and will be operating from a number of 
Parks on the Air locations each day. He will be active on 10m SSB. 
eQSL is preferred or alternatively direct to the address on

The T46W team is active from Cuba until Tuesday the 10th of December. 
They will be active on the 160m to 6m bands. Parks on the Air 
activity is also expected from references CU0292 and CU0298. QSL via 
CO6QK or Logbook of the World.

The TO9W team is active from Saint Martin Island until the 13th of 
December. The IOTA reference is NA-105. The members will operate on 
the 160m to 10m bands, with a focus on the 40, 80 and 160m bands. QSL 
via W9ILY, Logbook of the World or ClubLog OQRS.

Mike, V47NH is active from St Kitts and Nevis [NEEVIS] until the 17th 
of December. The IOTA reference is NA-104. He will operate on the 40 
to 10m bands and SSB. QSL via KC1NGS or Logbook of the World.

The VP2VMM team is active from Anegada Island in The British Virgin 
Islands. They will be QRV in the 2024 ARRL 10m Contest.  Outside of 
the contest, between Monday the 9th of December and Tuesday the 17th 
of December they will be QRV holiday style using VP2V/homecall. QSL 
via Logbook of the World, Bureau, OQRS or direct to KU9C. Full 
details via

Now the contest news

The UK Six Metre Group Winter Marathon started at 0000UTC on Sunday 
the 1st of December and ends at 2359UTC on Friday the 31st of January 
2025. Using all modes on the 6m band, the exchange is signal report 
and locator.

The ARRL 160m Contest started on Friday the 6th of December and ends 
at 1600UTC today, Sunday the 8th of December. Using CW on the 160m 
band, the exchange is signal report for UK stations. US and Canadian 
stations will also send their ARRL or RAC section number.

Also taking place today, Sunday the 8th of December, the RSGB 144MHz 
AFS Contest runs from 1000 to 1400UTC. Using all modes on the 2m 
band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Tuesday, the 10th of December, the RSGB 432MHz FM Activity Contest 
runs from 1900 to 1955UTC. Using FM on the 70cm band, the exchange is 
signal report, serial number and locator.

Also on Tuesday, the 10th of December, the RSGB 432MHz UK Activity 
Contest runs from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the 70cm band, 
the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Wednesday, the 11th of December, the RSGB 432MHz FT8 Activity 
four-hour contest runs from 1700 to 2100UTC. Using FT8 on the 70cm 
band, the exchange is report and four-character locator. 

Also on Wednesday the 11th of December, the RSGB 432MHz FT8 Activity 
two-hour contest runs from 1900 to 2100UTC. Using FT8 on the 70cm 
band, the exchange is report and four-character locator. Stations 
entering the four-hour contest may also enter the two-hour contest.

On Thursday, the 12th of December, the RSGB 50MHz UK Activity Contest 
runs from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes on the 6m band, the 
exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

The ARRL 10m Contest starts at 0000UTC on Saturday the 14th of 
December and ends at 2359UTC on Sunday the 15th of December. Using CW 
and phone on the 10m band, the exchange is signal report and serial 
number. US, Canadian and Mexican stations will also send their State 
or Province code.

Now the radio propagation report, compiled by G0KYA, G3YLA and G4BAO 
on Thursday the 5th of December 2024.

We had another week of high solar activity but limited geomagnetic 
disturbances. This meant that the upper HF bands were playing ball 
all week.

The Kp index only exceeded four on one occasion, on the 30th of 
November when it hit 4.67, but otherwise it has been low.

And with a solar flux index mainly in the 180s this allowed the upper 
HF bands to shine. The maximum usable frequency or MUF over a 3,000km 
path has been consistently over 35MHz during daylight hours. 
The MUF over 100km has also been more than 14MHz around midday, 
making 20 metres almost a local band at times thanks to near vertical 
incidence skywave signals! If you have worked anyone in the UK on 20 
metres let us know.

An approaching active region just off the east limb of the sun was 
responsible for an M2.3 solar flare on the 4th of December, so 
perhaps increased solar activity is on the horizon.

Next week NOAA predicts the week will start with the solar flux index 
starting in the 180s, perhaps then increasing to 200 as the week 

An increased geomagnetic disturbance is forecast for the period of 
the 10th to the 13th of December, when the Kp index could increase to 

If this does come to fruition, we can expect MUFs to drop until the 
storming has passed. As always keep an eye on for 
near-real-time MUF figures and for Kp indices.

And now the VHF and up propagation news from G3YLA and G4BAO.

Meteor scatter is top of the list this coming week, with the big 
Geminids shower lasting throughout the month and peaking on Thursday 
the 14th of December. 

With a peak zenith hourly rate (ZHR) of 150 it's one of the most 
active and reliable of the annual showers. Other lesser meteor 
streams are also in play, so check the meteor scatter frequencies on 
144, 50 and 70MHz where digimodes MSK144 and FSK441 will dominate 

We have another period of primarily unsettled weather for the lead 
into this weekend, with deep lows bringing heavy rain, and perhaps 
some snow over northern hills. 

Watch out for very strong winds with potentially damaging gales in 
places. By the time many of you hear this on Sunday the 8th of 
December, we will be mid-way through the main event but hopefully 
your antennas have survived. 

The better news is that the first half of the week is dominated by 
high pressure, so this brings a chance to repair antennas and get 
some Tropo time before a slow drift back to unsettled conditions in 
the second half of the week.

For other modes, GigaHertz band rain and snow scatter will be worth 
considering especially over the weekend and again later in the week. 
Last Friday afternoon saw another big 50MHz F2 opening to North 
America, so continue to be vigilant if you're in the shack after 
lunch and the Kp index is below two. 

The solar conditions mean that there is still a chance of Aurora, 
although the Sun has been a bit quieter recently. Some days the f0Es 
trace on Propquest shows that weak Sporadic-E is still occurring. 
The Moon's declination is rising again and going positive on Monday. 
With falling path losses as we approach perigee on Thursday it's a 
good week for EME. 144MHz sky noise is low all week. 

And that's all from the propagation team this week.

And that's the end of the main news for this week prepared by the
Radio Society of Great Britain.  Items for inclusion in subsequent
bulletins can be emailed to  radcom<at> to arrive by
10:00 on the Thursday before transmission.

Our thanks to Andy G4TNU for providing this RSGB feed.
-- g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro

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